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Chapter Three- Advertising

1. The first step in the advertising decision process is

A. Set the budget C. Identify the target audience
B. Specify the objectives of the advertising D. Select the appeal
2. What two major communication channels do marketers use to convey their product to consumers?

A. Word-of-mouth and commercials B. Personal and non-personal channels

C. Message source and feedback D. Print media and events

3. Advertising agencies were first developed for, and still serve, the purpose of

A. Increasing the amount of research and decision-making clients need to do

B. Mystifying ad purchasing so that clients do not attempt it on their own

C. Pushing clients to make rapid decisions

D. Simplifying and speeding the purchasing of ads for their clients

4. Awareness, __________, ___________, preference, ___________ and purchase are the stages
consumers move through in terms of buyer-readiness.
A. Post-purchase, knowledge, liking C. Knowledge, liking, conviction
B. Liking, attitude, conviction D. Knowledge, liking, attitude
5. Which type of advertising objective is the most important for mature products?
A. Informative advertising C. Persuasive advertising
B. Comparison advertising D. Reminder advertising
6. Which type of promotional tool is non-public, immediate, customized, and interactive?
A. Segmented advertising C. Brand contacts
B. Direct marketing D. Public relations
7. ________ define the task that advertising must do with a specific target audience during a specific
period of time.
A. Advertising strategies C. Advertising campaigns
B. Message decisions D. Advertising objectives
8. Which one of the following is not a constituent of ‘internal public’ of any organization?
A. Management cadre of the organization
B. Workers’ representatives of the organization
C. Secretarial/clerical personnel of the organization
D. Consumers and consumer groups
9. The first thing a reader notices in a printed advertising is the:
A. Headline C. Copy
B. Illustration D. Format
10. U. S. P.(Unique Selling Proposition) means:
A. A product that can sell
B. A feature similar to that of the competitor’s product/band
C. A feature present only in one product/brand
D. A feature that cannot be altered
11. The manufacturer, government body or organization which wishes to have advertisements crated and
A. Internal publics C. Consumer
B. Advertiser D. Accounts
12. The following is not a function of advertising
A. Information B. Brand image Building
C. Persuasion D. Pricing
13. By default advertising is done on a

a. Limited scale c. Corporate Level only

b. Mass Scale d. Societal Level only

14. The following is the biggest limitation of advertising.

A. It forces the consumer to buy the things he does not need
B. It sells gloss and dreams too and dreams to prospective buyers
C. It tells consumers about the arrival of new products in the market
D. All of the above
15. The last step in the process followed under the AIDA model is.
A. Intention
B. Attention
C. Desire
D. None of the above
16. Brand switching is one of the objectives of
A. Management
B. Marketing
C. Advertising
D. Publicity
17. Which one of the following is not a media vehicle?
A. Leaflet
C. Conference Hall
D. Internet
18. Which one of the following media would opt for promoting FMCG?
A. Industry-oriented magazines
C. Internet
D. Presentations during trade fairs
19. Advertising budget emanates from
A. Advertising Tenets
B. Advertising objectives
C. Market plans:
D. Firm’s overall objective
20. If we launch a new product, we combine advertising with
A. Publicity
B. Sales promotion
C. Personal selling
D. None of the above
21. Who is responsible for the overall output, viz production, quality, manufacturing, etc. of an
A. Copywriter
B. Artist
C. Cameraman
D. Creative Director
22. Which one of the following is not a media-related term?
A. Reach
B. Frequency
C. Depth
D. Footprint
23. Magazines are ___ and ___ media that also build the brand image of a product or business firm
A. Colourful, informative
B. Informative, powerful
C. Creative, colourful
D. Powerful, Mass
24. ___ writes the text of an advertisement whereas a director designs the advertisement
A. Writer, Intuitive
B. Copywriter, outsider
C. Copywriter, art
D. Copy-composer, editorial
25. The three basic ingredients of any advertising copy are ___ style and ___.
A. Content, clarity
B. Clarity, Presentation
C. Presentation, content
D. Content, colours
Chapter Four: Personal Selling and Direct marketing

1. Which of the following elements of the promotion mix involves making personal connections with
customers for the purpose of making sales?
A. Personal Selling
B. Advertising
C. E-Commerce
D. Publicity
E. Public Relations
2. A ________ is an individual acting on behalf of a company who performs one or more of the
following activities: prospecting, communicating, servicing, and information gathering.
A. Press Agent
B. Sales Assistant
C. Salesperson
D. Publicist
3. ________ involves two-way, personal communication between salespeople and individual
customers, either in person, by telephone, or through Web conferences.
A. Advertising
B. Public relations
C. Personal selling
D. Telemarketing
4. A company can unite its marketing and sales functions through all of the following activities
EXCEPT ________.
A. Assigning a telemarketer the task of visiting a customer
B. Arranging joint meetings to clarify all aspects of communication
C. Appointing a chief customer officer to oversee both departments
D. Having a salesperson preview ads and sales-promotion campaigns
5. When a company sets out to analyse, plan, implement, and control sales force activities, the
company is undertaking ________.
A. Sales Design
B. Sales Force Management
C. Group Sales Efforts
D. Promotional Objectives
6. Of the three typical types of sales force structures, which one is often supported by many levels of
sales management positions in specific geographical areas?
A. Territorial C. Customer
B. Product D. A And B
7. Which of the following is NOT a disadvantage of a product sales force structure?
A. extra selling costs involved with multiple sales visits from separate divisions
B. overlapping use of resources with big customers
C. salespeople spending time to see the same customer's purchasing agents
D. increased customer delivery time
8. Companies that use a customer sales force structure organize their salespeople by ________.
A. Product
B. Territory
C. Industry
D. Demand
9. What do many companies use to determine sales force size?
A. The Workload Approach
B. Product Availability
C. Demographic Characteristics Of The Sales Force
D. The Outside Sales Force Method
10. To reduce time demands on their outside sales forces, many companies have increased the size of
their inside sales forces, which include technical support people, sales assistants, and ____.
A) Retail Supervisors
B) Sales Managers
C) Telemarketers
D) Accountants
11. Ask for order, review points of agreement, help in writing up the order, ask which model the customer
wants, note that customer will lose out if not ordered now; offer incentives to buy now – lower price,
larger quantity for same price are several techniques of ______________________.
A. Approach
B. Pre-approach
C. Follow-up
D. Closing
E. Relationship marketing
12. What is the next step after “negotiation” in personal selling process?
A. The opening
B. Need and problem identification
C. Closing the sale
D. Dealing with objectives
13. A person acting for company by performing ___________________ activity for the company.
A. prospecting
B. communicating
C. servicing
D. information gathering
E. All of the above
14. A sale forces organization that assigns each salesperson to a geographical territory in which that
salespersons have to sell the company's full line is
A. Product sales force
B. Customer sales force
C. Complex structure
D. Territorial sales force
15. During the hiring process, companies that test sales applicants typically measure all of the following
abilities EXCEPT ________.
A. Sales Aptitude
B. Organizational Skills
C. Accounting Skills
D. Analytical Skills
16. Reduce buyer concerns that might have arisen after the sale, reveal problems, assure buyer of
salesperson's interest, ensure customer satisfaction and repeat business is called
A. Approach
B. Follow- up
C. Closing
D. Pre-approach
E. Relationship-marketing
17. What are the key concepts of personal selling?
A. Needs analysis
B. Demonstration
C. Sale presentation
D. Trial close
E. All of these
18. The growing trend of using a group of people from sales, marketing, engineering, finance, technical
support, and even upper management to service large, complex accounts is known as ________
A. Department C. Team
B. Multiple D. Personal
19. What is the term used to identify the individuals in a company who travel to call on customers in the
A. Product sales force C. Inside sales force
B. Outside sales force D. Complex sales force
20. Members of a company's ________ conduct business from their offices using telephones, e-mails, or
visits from prospective buyers to generate sales.
A. Outside Sales Force C. Complex Sales Force
B. Inside Sales Force D. Customer Sales Force
21. A sales assistant working for an outside sales force will most likely have all of the following duties
EXCEPT ________.
A. Answering Customer's Questions When A Salesperson Is Unavailable
B. Providing Administrative Backup
C. Confirming Appointments
D. Following Up On Deliveries
E. Determining Price Points
22. Direct marketing is a form of marketing that attempts to send its messages directly to consumers,
_______ media.
A. Without Intervening C. With Advertising Media
B. With Mass Media D. With Print Media
23. Direct Marketing plays a broader role, that of building _______with the customer by communicating
with them regularly.
A. Short Term C. Long Term Relationship
B. Occasionally D. Generally
24. Communications sent to invite cus-tomers to respond - by mail, telephone, Internet, redeemable retail
vouchers, etc. is known as _______.
A. Direct Response C. Public Relations
B. Maintaining Database D. Advertising
25. A _____is an item that is built or produced to satisfy the needs of a certain group of people, it can be
tangible or intangible.
A. Process C. Packaging
B. Physical Evidence D. Product
26. E-marketing and online marketing is an example of _____ type of marketing.
A. Traditional Media C. Promotion
B. Non-Traditional Media D. Direct Marketing
27. ______could be regarded as the “ultimate" Direct marketing approach. As this approach employ no
other means to manage the relationship with their customers.
A. Stand-Alone C. Mass Marketing
B. Peripheral D. Traditional Marketing
28. One of the _______of direct marketing is effective only when all information about the individual
customer is available.
A. Disadvantage C. Strategies
B. Advantage D. Mass Marketing
29. Direct Marketing is more ______ as compared to other marketing methods.
A. Cost Effective C. Not Useful
B. Expensive D. Aggressive
30. Which of the following aspects are of one to one marketing?
A. Customer Profile C. Mass Distribution
B. Mass Production D. One Way Communication
31. Which of the following aspects are of Mass marketing?
A. Two Way Communication C. Standard Products
B. Customer Profile D. Customised Market Offerings
32. The goal of the direct marketer is to:
A. Eliminate Brand Marketing
B. Interact With The Customer On A One-To-One Basis
C. Do Everything Inexpensively
D. Use As Few Channels As Possible To Get The Message Out
33. Which of the following transactions is not an example of direct marketing?
A. Going to a retail store to purchase an item seen in their festival catalogue that you received
by mail
B. Purchasing clothing from a Land’s End catalogue, given to you by a friend
C. Selecting a new set of tires at a Firestone neighbourhood store
D. Ordering a vacuum cleaner by mail from a Sears sales catalogue
34. ________ is a database-driven interactive process of directly communicating with targeted customers
or prospects using any medium to obtain a measurable response or transaction via one or multiple
A. Database Marketing C. Mass Marketing
B. Direct Marketing D. Affiliate Marketing
35. Direct marketing objectives do not include _____.
A. Selling Merchandise For A Company
B. Enhancing A Company’s Image
C. Getting People To Visit A Store
D. Getting People To Inquire About A Specific Product Or Service
36. Brand marketing and direct marketing are converging because of:
A. Cost C. The Digital Revolution
B. The Regulatory Environment D. The Cost Of Paper
37. Direct marketing is known for having its historical roots in _____ and _____.
A. Measurability And Accountability C. Internet Mail And On-Line
B. Direct Mail And Mail Order Selling Catalogues
D. Offers And Promotions
38. Direct marketing is characterized by _____.
A. Ongoing Relationships and Affinity With Customers
B. Measurement Of Results And Accountability For Costs
C. Multichannel Fulfilment And Distribution
D. All Of The Above
39. Which of the following are not factors that have affected the growth of direct marketing?
A. More Banking Options C. Dissatisfaction With Retail Outlets
B. Improved Printing Techniques D. Increasing Use Of Credit Cards
40. Which of the following is not a basic characteristic of direct marketing?
A. Measurement Of Results C. Discounts
B. Accountability For Costs D. Customer/Prospect Database
41. _____ allows customers to select the media or channels they prefer when shopping for products and
A. Multichannel Distribution C. Electronic Media
B. Internet Marketing D. Response Marketing
42. The goal of the direct marketer is to:
A. Eliminate Brand Marketing
B. Interact With The Customer On A One-To-One Basis
C. Do Everything Inexpensively
D. Use As Few Channels As Possible To Get The Message Out
43. Modern direct marketers rely heavily on database technologies and the internet, while early direct
marketers primarily used direct mailers, telemarketing, and ________.
A. door to door salespeople C. Promotions
B. catalogues D. email
44. All of the following are benefits of direct marketing for seller’s ________.
A) Efficiency in reaching markets C) Mass reach and frequency
B) Price and program flexibility D) Lower cost per contact
45. Psychographics data in a customer database used by direct marketers includes information regarding
a customer’s ________ and ________.
A. Interests income C. Age, buying preferences
B. Activities opinions D. Opinions age
46. A customer database is an organized collection of geographic, demographic, psychographic, and
________ data about individual customers or prospects.

A) Ethical B) cultural C) medical D) Behavioural

47. Information about a customer’s age, income, and family makeup is in the ________ category of a
customer database.
A) Demographic B) Psychographic C) Geographic D) Behavioural
48., eBay, and: employ ________ as the only method of doing business with customers.

A) Mass marketing B) sales promotion C) direct marketing D) public relations

49. Direct marketing is continuing to become more ________ oriented.

A) Television B) mail C) Web D) telephone

50. All of the following are benefits of direct marketing for buyer’s ________.

A) Access to numerous products C) Guaranteed low prices

B) Access to product reviews D) Convenience

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