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Philip Kotler: “… marketing is managing profitable customer relationship. The aim of

marketing is to create value for customers in order to capture value from customers in
return”. (Kotler & Armstrong, 2014)

- Was Marketing always about relationships and focused on the customer? YES
“The permanent analysis of the demand on one hand and on the other hand,
the development and usage of the means to satisfy this demand in condition of
having a profit” (Denner, 1971)
“Marketing is a process of exchange between individuals and/or organizations
which is concluded to the mutual benefit and satisfaction of the parties”
(Baker, 1987)

Evolution of Marketing

Marketing 1.0 (Product centric) – Coca-cola

Marketing 2.0 (Customer centric) – Sephora
Marketing 3.0 (Human centric) - Apple
Marketing 4.0 (Digital centric) – Amazon


Evolution in the main marketing channels:

1.Queensboro Corporation
2.Bulova Watches
3.TV advertising
5.TV as a mass media
6.Email, Internet and beginning of SPAM
7.Search Engine Marketing
8.Internet portals

Marketing 4.0

Where is my customer? How does he/she arrive? What is he/she looking for? How to
make him/her stay? Why to make him/her stay?

Digital around the world (2019) The main important things that top brands are using in
their disruptive strategies:
1.Mobile users -Communities, clubs and connect with the customers
2.Internet users -Extended products
3.Active social media users -Differentiation through activities and experiences
4.Mobile social media users
Current strategies

What are they doing?

Nike à Runner’s community, Nike+ Run Club, Nike+ Training Club…
Apple à Activities: Photography, Coding, Teaching, Learning, Video/Audio Editing.
Starbucks à Mobile App/Rewards Program, Personalized Marketing, New store
locations, Menu optimization…

Marketing in 2020

Differentiation through:
- Experience
- Values
- Extended product
- Connection with the brand

Point of sale communication à the most cost-effective investment. It’s important to

consider the moment of your investment and the importance you give to your
purchasing decision and the innovation involved in order to gain: sales, information,
purchase intention and spontaneous awareness.

The fastest route to a

customer’s heart is
through his emotions.
The customer has to be
impacted by the brand
in a unique way to
make it unforgettable.

Once a customer has been impacted by the brand in a unique way, it is unforgettable.
The are some levels of “experience” – points of impact

Conventions and offices tours (visits to offices): make the experience unique and the
customer is your guest and should feel welcomed.
Pop-up stores (physical stores): great way to get new eyes. Works for everyday
experiences or out-of-this-world ones.
Fairs: make a statement, showcase your strengths, involve the audience (VR/AR).

Brands need to go from Awareness to Relevance.

Customer Funnel
“A brand is relevant when it connects with the desires, needs, and aspirations of the
audience it addresses. Making their lives easier and by surprising them continuously.”
Less transactions and more relationships.

The adaptation of new technologies in Marketing.

Digital & Traditional Marketing

Customer Journey
Love brands

If you see someone with an apple product, it could be difficult to say that this person
doesn’t belong to this community.

Customer Path
Getting back to the conversion funnel
Door knob à you need to increase curiosity and commitment.
Goldfish à you have to optimize curiosity (people more interested about your
product), also increase the commitment and the affinity
Trumpet à you need to increase the commitment
Funnel à focus more on the affinity

Connect with an audience using any medium available through a story that has some
meaning to them.

It is important to know that we have to consider: language, words, images,

impressions, videos and audio.

Evolution of storytelling

Spoken à Visual à Written à Audiovisual à Interactive

What does all great stories have in common?

Setting, Characters, Plot, Conflict, Theme, Narrative arc

The Hero’s journey by Joseph Campbell

How to start with storytelling?

1.Define to whom we want to connect to

You must know the target audience, how they think, what are their interests,
concerns, fears, desires, aspirations, and needs at the specific moment the message is

2.Ideas and values the brands want to convey

3.Emotions to be conveyed

The brand can empathize through a concern felt by the target audience, a need, a fear,
an emotion or a feeling. In the end, you should consider a resolution on history so that
the perception and association of the brand with history is positive.
4.Definition of the narrative structure

5.Character’s definition

Something must happen to the character (positive or negative) so that the public can
relate to him/her.

The brand should only be shown as part of the story’s context, not the main character.
The main character or characters will showcase the values of the brand.
The more valuable the character seems, the closer it will be felt.
People establish a stronger emotional connection with anonymous characters that
struggle and whose concerns make them seem authentic and vulnerable around issues
such as love, hope, fear, adventure, effort, etc.
Types of stories (or applied storytelling)

Fiction à this type of storytelling are not real, the setting is based on fictional
characters or made-up situations
Historical à years of experience, brand reputation and recognized product or service.
It usually aims to Evoque nostalgic moments.
Real life situation (for products/services) à although it is not always 100% accurate
about the use cases of the product, the idea is that the users reflect themselves in
Based on brand values à the key is to reflect the values of the brand in the message.
The audience must link the brand with the personality of the characters, managing to
highlight these values strongly.
Who am I? àIt is an introductory story, told with aspects of the history behind the
brand or the characters offering a connection point with the audience.

Telling a story without telling it.

Impact of technology on the relationship between brands and customers

Technology & Communication

Producer + Consumer = Prosumer

Active listening

Marketing teams must listen to what their customers are saying.

What makes this possible?

Social Media (Expression)

- What does users share? Opinions, Experiences, Thoughts, Reflections and Ideas
- Key features? Low cost, Large Audience, High engagement rate, and Customer-

Social Media (Collaboration)

Social Media Classification

Vertical social networks à connect people who have very specific interests or
passions. The focus of that group must be a specific niche.
Horizontal social networks à people connected to each other in face-to-face events,
or social media, share a common interest (sport, art…), or a common background.

Private social networks à a platform where members can connect, collaborate and
share information within a social forum managed by an organization. It gives more
value. It could be defined as a small world and next-door.

Mobile Apps
Mobile time by activity

Mobile activities

E-commerce & M-commerce

Old and New Marketing Rules

Communication between people à email, phone, IM

Communication in groups à forums, mailing lists, online communities

Transmedia (Sync between media)

Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get

dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a
unified and coordinated entertainment experience.
Ideally, each medium makes its own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.

1.Story unfolds on different places at the same time.

2.Can be followed along disregarding the platform.
3.It is not necessary to consumer every piece of content on other platforms to
understand the story.

Consumers create and share content (UGC)

Users have:
- Access to broad audiences
- Tools to create entertaining content
- Unique perspective on the relationship with the brand

The new 4-P’s of Marketing

Personalization à listen to customers, freedom to choose, relevance to their

Participation à create the right environment, create communities and reward
Peer-to-peer à make the message “social”, gain trust, make sharing easy
Predictive modelling à learn from experience, adapt to customer preferences and
respect for customer’s privacy.
Customer’s values


Customers should want you. Not for what you say but for what you do.

We live in a globalized world

Political paradox à political landscape is still national

Economic paradox à wealth generation-distribution issues
Social paradox à global citizens with local roots.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Customers connect with issues that matter to them and with the brand that support
those causes.

Cultural brands

Brands that make the customers feel in-sync through related values.

Push vs. Pull approach

Brands need to keep up to the ever-changing business landscape.

The importance of adaptation:

1.Leading product

2.Customer care
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Closeness to customer
Exceeding expectations

3.Excellence in service
Improving and optimizing every step of the supply chain
Reducing operating costs
Benefiting customers
Reducing errors

The real value of things

Is not what it costs, is it about what we as customers give up in order to get it à cost
of opportunity.

Nowadays customers are more demanding, and they are much more informed than in
the past.
Brands need to create experiences rather than products.
Nespresso – the failure

Nespresso – the solution

Market behaviour
The road to omnichannel – CUSTOMER JOURNEY

Single channel à at this stage, there was only one channel that was the retail (brick &
mortar) point of sale; the customer had to make all their interactions through that
single channel.
Multichannel à new technologies and channels emerged. We happen to have
multiple channels, but not without being interconnected with each other. The same
client may be interacting through different channels at the same time, and the
company saw it as different clients.

Cross-channel à there is significant change: the client becomes the centre of the
scene, and we begin to understand it better. We know that the same client interacts
with us through different channels, so we begin to integrate these channels into a
marketing strategy. We start to take into account the Customer Journey – The life
cycles of prospects or customers.

Omnichannel à in this final stage, the seams between the different channels are
completely demolished, the physical and the digital world are integrated, no matter
where a customer begins and his shopping experience, if he jumps to another channel.
The background should be kept as one, without showing cracks of any kind.

What is the customer journey?

The path that a client travels along with the different points of contact and interaction
with organizations. “Who is it?”; “How does it behave?”; “What is their actual need?”…
Competition is tough nowadays

- Huge variety of brands/products to choose from.

- Brands must offer the possibility of living a rewarding experience, which can be
a virtual, real or even a mix of both.
- Technology helps us to accompany our customers throughout the various
distinct moments of their relationship with the brand.

“Personalization is key to secure an overall great experience throughout the customer


Customer Journey Map

It is a Design Thinking tool that makes it possible to map each of the stages that a
person goes through; since a need comes to them until they become a customer of a
- Considers the emotions and feelings of the customer.
- Must be adapted to each stage and to as many realities as possible.
- It must identify the drop-off points.
- It must unify the external and internal vision of the brand.

Customer Identification

- Each brand will have a differentiated ideal customer, sometimes, several ones.
- B2B and B2C nature will define the path and touchpoints.
- Creating a buyer persona is a safe way to have a clear idea of the behaviour of
our customers.
Stages of the relationship with the brand

Need recognition à Information search à Evaluation of alternatives à Purchase

decision à Post-purchase behaviour

Identification of motivation à Understanding the touchpoints à Analysing key

moments à Take care of each opportunity

¿GOAL? Have an incredible customer experience that keeps customers engaged.

Getting clients online

When a company has some experience in the network, it not only relies on its website
to capture traffic but also displays its content on a network of digital media that make
up a system specifically designed to attract users and convert them into customers.

Lead generation
Customer Loyalty Online

Most of the “loyalty” programs are just point programs = not loyalty.
They are small “bribes” that fail to make a lasting relationship.
Customers who stay because of pricing leave for the same reason.
To build customer loyalty first you must know them.

Benefits of online strategies

Allow personalizing the message, not only by demographic data but by behaviour.
We must consider it as an essential objective to retain the client from the first

Newsletter’s strategy

Tools for avoiding being classified as SPAM à bring virtual experiences to the real

Bring virtual experiences to the real world.

The final goal here is to have an incredible customer experience that keeps customers
Mobile Marketing à set of practices that enables organizations to communicate and
engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner through and with
any mobile device or network.

Search for things:

- Practical
- Fast

Each search:
- Creates a reaction
- Conversations

28% of conversations:
- Store visits
- Calls

Part of the purchase process:

- 45% of the cases

Timeframe from interaction to action:

- 63% less than one hour after
- 83% less than five hours after

The evolution of mobile marketing

Now a multi-billion industry and having surpassed desktop in usage, mobile has
become a lucrative industry and a key channel by which brands can target receptive
users with more engaging ad formats, facilitating user acquisition and engagement.
First telephone à 1876
First mobile à 1973
Texting à 1992 (text message sent from a computer to a mobile device)
Mobile-to-mobile à 1993 (first text message from mobile to mobile)
SMS commercialized à 2003
SMS campaigns à 2005
Smartphones à 2007
QR codes à 2010
Technology à 2013
Mobile ad spends à 2016

Definition Mobile Marketing à A set of practices that enables organizations to

communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant manner
through and with any mobile device or network.

Benefits of Mobile Marketing

Personalization; Better segmentation; Immediate marketing response; Interactivity
and Engaging.
The black box paradox à Convergence of media in a single device. The content
cannot be contained in a single piece of hardware. ¿Example? HBO, Netflix…

Mobile segmentation

OS; Mobile device; Screen size; Features; Location and Enriched data.


Clicks/Taps; Geolocation; SMS/IM; App interaction and Cross-site tracking (refers to

companies collecting browsing data across multiple websites/platforms).

What is an App useful for?

Loyalty tool
Distribution channel
Source of revenue
Brand positioning à top of mind
Differentiation à additional features
Controlled environment à away from external sources of influence
Two-way communication à opportunity to gather data from customers
App Store Optimization (ASO)
Internet of Things (IoT)


SEO à Search Engine Optimization is the practice of increasing the quantity and
quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

Does SEO work on any search engine?

Indeed, but all search engines are created equal.

How do Search Engines work? How do they get to list every website in the world?

1.External links.
2.Google Search Console.

RankBrain (Google)

Machine learning à clicks, avg. time on page and bounce rate

Search Intent and opportunity: why do we choose to look on the pages, what do we

SERP Feature (Search Engine Result Page)

Informational (multiple answers)

Informational (closed answers)

Location-focused search

Relevance à how relevant the business is related to what you are looking for
Distance à how prominent that result is

Keywords for SEO

Related to product/service or content

Optimized according to the search volume (more generic or specific)
Do not overuse them
Long tail vs Fat Head vs Chunky Middle

Google Keyword Planner

Google Trends
Answer the Public
SEM Rush

On-Site Optimization

Internal links
Images Optimization
Black Hat SEO

Technical SEO

Web Domain Hosting

HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Structured Data
Canonical URLs
Responsive Design
AMP (Accelerated Mobile Page)

Link building

EAT (Expert, authoritative and trustworthy)

Follow and no follow links
Inbound links
Anchor Text (No Spam)
Qualified traffic
Content: How to make the most out of it?

Blog à Crosslink, Time on page, Shares, Comments and Reviews

Tracking & KPIs

Tools à Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Google PageSpeed Insights,
GTMetrix, SEMRush, AHREFs, Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica.

SEO strategy

Digital Advertising
SEM à Search Engine Marketing

Combination (SEM + SEO)

Ad Account Structures (Google ads)

-Ad rank

Ad rank = CPC Bid x Quality Score

Campaign (Process)

Search – Ad Extensions
Sem – TIPS:
a. Content optimization
- Focused on conversion
- Keyword use
b. User Experience
- Mobile first
- Ergonomics
- Ease of use
c. Regular updates
- Blog
- News
- Fresh content

GOOGLE ADS: Process (fotos power)


- Integrated formats: These are those that have a standard size and location on
most websites. It is difficult to determine the most effective because its results
vary according to websites, advertisers, seasonality, products, etc.
- Banners: Trap Banners (Clickbait, impulsive banners and retention banners.
Banner’s performance:
- Mega banners:
Social networks à LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
- Sponsorships: allows us to link a brand or product with a recognized
organization (website, social media account, blogger, etc.).
Full Page:
- Takes up the entire screen
- Allows the user to close it by clicking on a button
- It annoys the users
- Not penalized by search engines
Expandable Banners:

Videos Ads (YouTube/Google Ads) à Skippable and Non-skippable

A. Discovery ads. What you look at

B. Bumper ads. Videos before you watch another one
C. Outstream ads. Videos in the middle of any web site you are at.

Programmatic advertising:
- AdRoll
- Adobe Marketing Cloud
- Double Click
- Rubicon Project
- Ad Ready
- Choozle

Real Time Bidding

- Reduces costs
- Provides guidance for the strategy
- Protects the brand
- Brings different channels together à mobile, video, social, etc.
- Maintains control over the budget execution
- Improves targeting

Real Time bidding campaigns

a. Prospecting
b. Targeting
c. Retargeting
Programmatic advertising Pros & Cons:

Remarketing – Retargeting:

a. Display Ads:
- Personalized messages
- Appearing all over the internet
b. Social Media Ads:
- Following the customer on the social networks where they are.
c. Email marketing:
- Personalized content based on previous interactions

- Engagement with the audience
- Interaction in social networks
- Reach within the online world
- Popularity
- Gives dynamism and freshness to the brand
- The video summarizes the written content
- Users can become potential customers
- SEO positioning help
- They give personality and audio-visual identity to the brand
- If you do it right, users will become addicted to videos
- You need a strategy, but creativity matters more
- Generate emotions
- Empathy

- It takes longer than any other resources
- If you don’t have a work team, it will be harder to do it alone
- You need to have knowledge in the audio-visual area if you want to do it
- It can be expensive, depending on your goal.

Why doing Video Marketing?

a. Audience size
b. Easy to consume
c. Share-worthy
d. Improves conversion rate
e. Encourages engagement
f. Contributes to SEO
g. It is becoming the “mainstream” media
h. It does not have to be expensive

Personal branding
The conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an
individual by positioning them as an authority in their industry, elevating their
credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition, to ultimately advance
their career, increase their circle of influence, and have a larger impact.

Personal brand à a widely recognized and largely uniform perception or impression of

an individual based on their experience, expertise, competencies, actions and/or
achievements within a community, industry, or the market place at large.
Those brands try to make you
remember a unique experience.
When you see another person
with an apple product, it makes
you think that you belong to a

Personal branding:
What do we look for? - Market yourself
- Presence - Convey a message
- Positioning - Differentiate from the rest
- Credibility
- Visibility

Job hunting

- Direction à Your mission, vision and values.

- Persona à Your motivation, believes and everything that leaves a footprint
about ourselves.
- Market à Your audience, competitors, followers. These are defined by your
- Product à Defines your core business. It’s the responsible for the benefits of
your USP (Unique Selling Proposition).
- Assets à Make an inventory of your know-how, experiences, abilities and
- Brand à Define the attributes that set you apart from the competition.
- Marketing à Create the most appropriate messages to get to your target
- Image à A good package will always attract more potential customers.
- Communication à From social media to public speaking
- Selling à Defining the “how” you perform your sale it’s key.
- Logistics à Time and money are usually your most precious goods.
- Operations à Managing your action plan and solving issues that pop up along
the way will become usual.
“the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions”.
“… the cultivation of productive relationships for employment or business.” (2019)
“…networking remains the No.1 cause of job attainment…” Lancaster. (2015)

What is your goal?

- Personal
Where does one end and where does the other begin?
- Professional

Elevator Speech/Pitch
- Write everything that comes to mind. Who are you?
- Simplify your sentences. Make strong statements. What do you do?
- Connect phrases and keywords. How do you do it?
- Memorize and practice. What do you need?
- Think about possible follow-up questions. How can they keep in touch?
- Create different versions depending on your audience.

Things to keep in mind

- Patience
- Planning
- Responsibility
- Perseverance
- Passion

The values of personal branding

Values à
- Trust
- Honesty
- Courage
- Fairness
- Respect
- Caring
Personality à

Attraction marketing à
Online Reputation Management à

- What they say?

- How they say it?
- Where they say it?
- Who is saying it?
- What’s the intention?

7 capital sins of personal branding

- Falsehood
- Demotivation
- Inconsistency
- Selfishness
- Vanity
- Staggering
- Reckless Ambition

What is Advergaming?

Advertising + Entertainment = Advergaming

Casual games

Video games

Massively multiplayer online and role-playing games

Basic terminology

- Avatar
- Community
- Currency
- Emoticons
- Grid
- Latency
- Universe

Game marketing

- Positive experiences
- Response to basic needs
- Engagement
- Freedom of choice
- Competition
- Meaning
- Progress

The flow states

What can we achieve with games?

- Raise brand awareness

- Notoriety
- Teaching element
- Dynamize brand’s digital strategy

Jane McGonigal (TED Talk)à

- Playing is positive
- Saving the world
- We are better

Inbound marketing

“It is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and
experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience
with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms connections they’re looking
for and solves problems they already have”.
- Content creation
- Whitepapers
- E-books
- Templates
- Demos
- Freebies

- Forms
- Newsletters
- Landing pages

- Lead management
- Emails

- Personalized offers
- Smart content

Lifecycle of a lead

Lead generation à Lead qualification à Lead nurturing à Dynamic scoring à Lead

distribution à Customer relationship management
Lead magnets

What could be interesting for my audience?

- E-books
- Free samples
- Product/Service demo
- Promotions/Discounts
- How-to’s and tutorials
- Course

Creating a “gated content” that responds to the needs of my potential clients or

current clients that can only be obtained after giving away information to nourish the
customer’ profile.

Lead qualification
Lead nurturing

- Email
- Website
- Social media
- Events
- Videos
- Blog
- E-books
- Freebies

Dynamic scoring

- Demographic information
- Company information
- Online behaviour
- Engagement via email
- Social engagement
Explicit scoring à considers observable or directly shared information by the
prospect. It can be collected via contacts forms, registration, etc.
- Job position
- Income
- Location
- Gender
- Age

Implicit scoring à it consists of monitoring the behaviour (online and offline) of the
lead to know the level of interest it has for our products and the stage in which it is on
our customer journey.
- Opened mails
- Link’s clicks on emails
- Filled forms
- Information requests
- Calls made
- Participation in contests
Lead distribution

Customer Relationship Management: Customer outreach

Content marketing
- Blogs
- E-books
- Templates
- Reports
- Infographics
- Slide decks
- Case studies

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