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1. Never engage in a negotiation without a lawyer.

Therefore, even if it is a straightforward negotiation, such as the

purchase of a house, a high-value electronic item, a car, a piece of
land, even if there are not substantial sums or very high values
Why is it so important to have a trusted legal professional to involved, it is essential to always seek legal counsel to accompany
handle negotiations? The first point I will highlight, regarding the your negotiation. Most errors, emotional stress, and problems that
paramount importance of having a trusted professional for we see today, leading to litigation through a legal process, could
negotiations, lies in the fact that this professional is have been avoided with the guidance of a competent legal
knowledgeable about the legislation. It is crucial that the professional.
professional accompanying you understands the clauses,
examines legal provisions, and focuses on your specific needs.
Currently, we observe that the Judiciary is overwhelmed with
cases. But why is that? In the past, there was a saying: "A man is
This approach makes a significant difference because it worth his word, a man is worth the handshake."
effectively prevents future losses. The lawyer should not only
resolve existing conflicts but, more importantly, act preventively
with all necessary precautions to ensure that errors in project Back then, when someone gave their word or shook hands, it was
execution do not lead to future conflicts. considered law. However, nowadays, even with spoken promises
and written contracts, people sometimes fail to fulfill their
agreements. What happens then? The dispute ends up in the
The second crucial point to always consider in a negotiation is Judiciary.
not to be in a hurry. I emphasize that it should not be so slow as
to miss opportunities, but also not so hasty as to show
desperation, emotions without reason, revealing that if the Something that draws my attention is the significant backlog of
negotiation doesn't close, you will be dissatisfied, offended, cases in the Judiciary, leading to delays where the active lawyer
upset, or discouraged. The best negotiations are conducted may not always be responsible for the lack of progress in a
calmly, with caution, examining each point, discussing the particular case. The interest in concluding the case is not only that
contract, thinking and projecting—not too slowly, but also not of the client; the professional accompanying the case also shares
too quickly. Even in this, we observe the importance of balance. this interest. If the client's case concludes more swiftly, the client
will be satisfied, likely recommend the professional to others, and,
consequently, if the outcome was favorable for the client, the
And the third fundamental point is even an important biblical professional will also receive a percentage of the successful action
verse: "In the multitude of counselors there is wisdom." These and have one less case to manage.
three factors underscore the importance of always hiring a
lawyer, a prepared professional to assist you in negotiations.
Through these professionals, individuals gain a precise vision and We, legal professionals, share the same interest as our clients in
a more secure understanding of what they are trying to resolve. ensuring that the legal process progresses as much as the client
desires. So, what happens? We have a principle called the
"reasonable duration of the process," referring to the basic time phone number. Calling to inquire about the process and requesting
for the processing and delay of a judicial demand. It asserts that expedited processing can be done by anyone. While some offices
the process needs to have a reasonable duration but does not may direct clients to their lawyers, persistence in seeking
specify a deadline or date. information often pays off. It is also possible to research emails
from the office and send messages requesting expedited
With 13 years of experience as a lawyer and an additional 5
years as an intern, totaling 18 years on the same JOURNEY and
FOCUSED ON THE SAME PATH. 4th Point: Something more serious that can be done is to go to the
ombudsman of each court and also file a complaint, a
representation against the judge for the delay of that process with
I once followed a probate process that, instead of lasting one the National Council of Justice. In this case, the judge will have to
year, dragged on for 29 years. Today, extrajudicial probate is respond to an administrative process, which is more complex.
done in a notary office and can take from 30 to 60 days. For this
reason, we must always seek strategies, and in my professional
view, the most important strategy for lawyers can be In our office, we carry out these procedures, even for other
summarized in 4 points: lawyers or individuals who are not clients but have hired the office
for specific purposes, such as filing a representation request to
expedite the process. I always emphasize that this procedure
1st Point: Do not let the process run without daily monitoring, should be considered as a last resort.
do not let the process "run loose," meaning it progresses
unattended, without being monitored. The lawyer should always
observe and keep the client informed about the progress of the What brings about the most positive results when dealing with a
case. lengthy legal process? There's a parable that catches my attention
in the Bible, mentioning an unjust judge. It goes:

2nd Point: The lawyer should conduct diligences. What are

diligences? They are conversations and inquiries made by the "And he told them (Jesus) a parable to the effect that they ought
lawyer or their interns with court clerks, judges, and assessors to always to pray and not lose heart. He said, 'In a certain city, there
prevent the process from stagnating in the office, to ensure it was a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. And there
does not remain forgotten, awaiting a solution without any was a widow in that city who kept coming to him and saying, 'Give
attempt to expedite it. me justice against my adversary.' For a while, he refused, but
afterward, he said to himself, 'Though I neither fear God nor
respect man, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will
3rd Point: Support from the client and those involved. Not only give her justice so that she will not beat me down by her continual
can the lawyer carry out diligences, but anyone can conduct a coming.'"
simple online search for the name of the notary office and its
In other words, the ideal approach is to ask your lawyer to go in Can you explain how the freeze works in more detail?
person and try to expedite the process, assisting you in whatever
The judge, using their system login, issues an order to search and
way possible.
freeze. In the case of bank accounts, they become frozen, and you
can no longer make any transactions in your bank accounts. It is
truly a significant distress because this system called SisbaJUD has
3. Instances of Financial Accounts
a feature known as the "persistent" (teimosinha), which searches
Blocked by the Judiciary for values every day for a period of up to 30 days, with the
possibility of renewal for new periods.

Let's now delve into the topic of online blocks carried out
through judicial systems. In the past, this system used to freeze an account for only one day,
and for the rest of the days, normal account transactions were
The Judiciary has various online blocking systems, and there are allowed. The money was held for one day, and on other days, the
three common ways these online blocks occur. account could be used normally.
But what is online blocking? Online blocking is a procedure
carried out by the judge, formerly known as BacenJUD and now
referred to as SisbaJUD (Judiciary Asset Search System). Through With the current "persistent" feature, the same freeze occurs
this system, the judge searches for CPF (Brazilian ID number) or every day during the period determined by the judge. There are
CNPJ (National Register of Legal Entities) to locate funds in three scenarios where people are often surprised to find their
accounts such as checking accounts, investment accounts, accounts blocked:
savings accounts, term deposit accounts, and various assets
under the administration and custody of participating
institutions. 1. **Frequent Occurrence in Companies:** Companies often have
their accounts blocked, mainly due to labor lawsuits that were not
properly monitored. Judges may request piercing the corporate
Many people are caught off guard because they have lawsuits in veil, reaching not only the company's assets but also the personal
their name and do not seek a professional to issue procedural assets of individuals who are company shareholders. It's also
certificates monthly. In other words, they are not notified and common for judges to accept the theory of a hidden partner or a
are unaware of the legal process, sometimes due to a change of "frontman," known colloquially as a "laranja," and block the
address or other related reasons. account of that person.

In practice, the legal process progresses with complete

unawareness on the part of the individual being mentioned,
This blockage can be a significant shock, especially when a
continuing even after the judgment and final decision, thereby
person has all their money in that bank and no financial reserves.
blocking funds in the account.
They are truly left helpless.
2. **Enforcement of Alimony Payments:** The SisbaJUD can be 1st scenario: It frequently happens that companies have their
used to search and block the bank account of a debtor in arrears accounts blocked, mainly due to labor lawsuits that were not
of alimony payments, whether it's a father or a grandfather. adequately monitored. It is common for the judge to request the
disregard of the legal entity's personality, affecting not only the
company's assets but also the assets of individuals who are
3. **Due to Any Debt:** This could be due to any debt, such as shareholders. It is also common for the judge to accept a theory,
unpaid taxes, a judgment in a civil case that proceeded in for example, of a hidden or "dummy" partner, popularly known as
default, or the execution of an extrajudicial title. I emphasize "laranja" (orange), or that someone (other than the account
that those who are proactive, govern their affairs, and monitor holder) is moving money, leading to the blocking of that person's
situations can often avoid these issues, especially if a company account. This freeze can be a significant shock, especially when a
or individual has quality legal assistance. person has all their money in that bank and has no financial
reserves. They truly become helpless.

2nd scenario: It is the enforcement of alimony when the father is

In practice, the legal process progresses with complete in arrears with these payments, or the grandfather, etc. SisbaJUD
unawareness on the part of the mentioned party, continuing can be used to search for and freeze the debtor's bank account.
even after the judgment and final decision, thus blocking funds
in the account.

Can you explain how the freeze works in more detail? 3rd scenario: It could be due to any debt, such as a tax debt, a
judgment in a civil case that proceeded in default, or the execution
The judge, through their system registration, issues the search of an extrajudicial title. I reiterate that those who anticipate,
and freeze order. In the case of bank accounts, they become govern, and monitor situations, which can mostly be avoided,
frozen, and no transactions can be made in any of the bank especially if the company or individual has quality legal assistance
accounts. It's truly a significant distress because this system from a Legal Department.
called SisbaJUD has a feature called "teimosinha," which
searches for values every day for a period of up to 30 days,
renewable for additional periods.

In the past, this system would freeze an account for just one day,
and the rest of the days allowed normal account transactions.
The money was retained, but on other days, the account could
be used normally.

With the current "teimosinha," the same freeze occurs every day
during the period determined by the judge.
It is crucial to have legal assistance because a trusted lawyer will
There are three common scenarios where people are surprised
check your name through your CPF in all systems nationwide,
by having their accounts frozen:
issuing certificates in all of them. This ensures that you will never
be caught off guard by any legal process. Of course, there are If you are not married, or if both parents do not live together with
cases that run under judicial secrecy, making it genuinely the child, it is important to officially define who will have custody
impossible to detect. When accounts are frozen, we need to of the child. We know that hindering one parent's access to the
present legal remedies, among which the most common is the child can also be characterized as parental alienation. The lack of
so-called "Embargos à Execução" (objections to execution). definition of custody, the right to cohabitation, and visitation
However, there is also the possibility of an "exceção de pré- through the assistance of a lawyer makes it difficult to quickly
executividade" (pre-execution exception), which is another type resolve issues involving the exercise of parental authority
of measure that does not depend on the court's guarantee. concerning the child.
Depending on the specific case, we also have what is called
"embargos de terceiro" (third-party objections). This occurs
when a third party, who is not part of the process where the There is a need for the regulation of visitation rights to be legally
order of attachment originated, and has no idea what is protected. If a parent refuses to return the child, making it difficult
happening, is simply caught off guard by the attachment of their to share the child's life and decisions, you will be legally protected.
assets. For all these measures, which involve a specific case, it is So, what can be done? An action called "search and seizure of the
necessary to evaluate the process itself in a unique and detailed minor" can be filed, making it easier to obtain a court order. If
manner because each case is unique. possible, resorting to law enforcement to retrieve the child.

4. The Importance of Child Custody. What to Do When the For those experiencing this situation without a legally defined
Parent Hinders Access to the Child? custody, they will have to file an action to discuss who will have
custody of the child. They will need to show what happened and
provide evidence, such as WhatsApp conversations, email
In this topic, we will discuss some aspects of the importance of conversations, and photos.
taking legal action for custody for those who have a child but do
not live together with the other parent. I received an interesting
case in the office that caught my attention: a father took the However, legal procedures are meant to be quick, but when it
child for an outing and simply did not return them. When the comes to legal processes, delays are expected. What is my big tip
mother sought guidance from the Child Protective Services, she today? For cases of separated parents or those who have never
couldn't resolve the issue. But why? lived together, my recommendation is to file a custody and child
support action through a trusted lawyer, with the local Public
Defender's Office, or seek a legal practice center at a university for
Here's what they said: "Since you don't have a defined custody free services. Obtain the necessary guidance to define the rights
arrangement, no official agreement in writing or any document and duties of both parents of the child.
to that effect, he is also a parent like you, the mother. The one
who needs to resolve this issue is the Judiciary."
It is necessary to quickly restore a consensus between the The attention goes to the technological advancements that make it
parties to safeguard your rights, avoiding pain and future possible to perform a procedural act that usually takes weeks or
problems on the subject. even months when the person's address is unknown.

**3rd step:** Importantly, you can ask the judge to request

information from the Electoral Justice, the power company (such
Is it necessary to have information about a person and their
as Coelba in Bahia), or even cellphone companies to obtain the last
location to initiate legal proceedings against them? We know
known address of the person.
that there are various cases in which we don't have the
defendant's location; there are even cases where we only know
the defendant's nickname or their first name, and others where
You have thousands of ways to obtain the location of that
we have no information about the person at all.
defendant or person you want to sue. Let's analyze a hypothetical

For example, if someone damages your car and you have the
license plate number but not the address, you can state in the
If someone borrowed money from me, and I trusted their word
lawsuit that the address and name of the person are unknown.
without any written documentation or personal information
In this case, you should request from the Judiciary the
recorded, and now they've disappeared, can I initiate legal
information through various systems like InfoJUD, allowing the
proceedings against them?
judge to locate the person.

The answer is yes, it is entirely possible nowadays through the use

**1st step:** The most important thing to do when processing
of location technologies.
someone whose information is unknown is to seek specialized
help from an experienced Civil Procedure lawyer. 4th Step: Registering even WhatsApp conversations in a notary's
office to enhance the quality of evidence, providing public faith
through the notarized document. This highlights how interesting it
There are judicial and extrajudicial means of location. Lawyers is to realize that there's always a way to achieve what many
who focus on technology can use various location systems that consider impossible.
often allow locating a person with just their phone number.

The person going through this situation should seek a specialist in

**2nd step:** You can use social networks. There are cases in their region, the public defender's office, or even a legal
Brazil, for example, where someone was served a legal notice department at a university to get guidance on obtaining such data.
through their social media exposure. You'll be amazed at how judicial technology is used by lawyers: this
tool has advanced extraordinarily to facilitate the procedural
aspects of legal processes.
There's a Latin principle that says "Verba volant, scripta manent,"
which, translated literally, means: "spoken words fly away, written
Did you know that your CPF (Brazilian taxpayer registry
words remain" or "spoken words fly, writings remain."
identification) may be used by criminals and scammers to open
prepaid phone lines? Through this, they can register these lines
and the physical SIM card in a cellphone, gaining access to bank
Even today, people, including business owners, tend to engage in
accounts and services.
everyday transactions without proper documentation. Some may
only record things on WhatsApp, while others may not even do
that and fail to seek prior advice on those contracts. And what
Anatel regulates telecommunications issues in Brazil in
partnership with some companies such as Oi, Claro, Tim, and
Vivo. They have opened a website called:
www.cadastropre.com.br. The person experiencing this fraud
As the popular saying goes, "They do everything by word of
can check their CPF and see if it is linked to any line or number
mouth." In the past, there wasn't as much reliance on written
they simply don't recognize. When your CPF is linked, the
contracts, and everything was done based on verbal agreements.
website will notify you. The service performs updates usually
Over time, issues arise due to the lack of an official record, and
every 30 days.
individuals need to turn to the Judiciary to recognize or even
defend themselves against the problems that arise.

By conducting a simple check through the website, the affected

person can prevent falling victim to the chip scam, avoiding
I recall a saying people often share: "I give my word." The spoken
headaches. We have observed that criminals gain access to
word had so much force that to demonstrate a commitment to
banks, confidential information, email accounts, and all these
keeping a promise, one would pledge their word, often symbolized
details by using the CPF linked to a chip, posing as the real
by the fio do bigode (whisker). Nowadays, even with contracts
owner of the CPF.
signed by the parties involved, people tend not to honor their
word. This underscores the importance of formalizing a document
that ensures the fulfillment of agreements between parties.
This fact is of utmost importance, and obviously, you need to
stay vigilant. With a simple search of the information, you can
avoid significant problems.
While there are basic transactions that can be conducted without
The main reason why legal actions are brought before the professional guidance, it is generally not advisable to engage in
Judiciary is a simple one, and I believe you've encountered it as significant transactions without the assistance and guidance of a
well. While there are countless reasons why individuals may legal professional who can advise on the proper procedures.
need to utilize the Judiciary, we can't possibly list them all here.

There is another form of contract formulation known as a

"contrato de gaveta." In this scenario, people create contracts,
don't register them, don't verify what is valid or not, and can the case? The judge receives the action and can grant an injunction
potentially bring problems upon themselves. for the immediate removal of the person's name from the default
registry. If the company fails to comply with the injunction, the
judge may impose a fine. I've witnessed daily fines of 20 thousand
Some problems are trials, deserts, and opportunities for reais. Imagine someone needing emergency hospitalization, and
learning. However, others are caused by individuals themselves, either the health plan or the public health system lacks available
often due to misinformation, as no one is granted the right to be space or the proper regulation for admission. You urgently need
unaware of the law. that approved treatment from the health plan. What's the
solution? File a legal action and a request for a preliminary
injunction. This is essentially a request for an injunction.

What concerns me are the uncertainties people have regarding There are various methodologies and forms of injunction decisions
urgent protection orders or injunctions. that compel the other party to comply with them under penalty of
a fine. The judge may oblige the other party to grant that right
quickly, within 5, 6, 8, 24 hours, or 2 or 3 days, depending on the
An injunction represents the opportunity for the person filing a specific case.
legal proceeding to bring forth a decision at the beginning of the
process that would typically only come at the end. For instance,
if someone failed a public job competition and needs to move on I wouldn't know how to work without preliminary injunctions
to another test. because processes sometimes tend to take a bit longer, and if we
don't have an early decision, a decision requesting a document, a
trip abroad, that person loses that right because the injunction
They file a writ of mandamus, request an injunction, without wasn't requested.
notifying the other party, who would be the respondent in the
mandamus. The judge grants the injunction while the process
proceeds regularly. An interesting detail is that the injunction It's important to note that you should always check if an injunction
decision can be issued within two to three days, sometimes even is applicable in the case you filed, if an early decision is applicable.
within a few hours, as seen in certain cases, allowing the person
to move on to the next phase of the competition.
Another important fact is that if the judge denies your right at the
beginning, you can also file an appeal called an "instrumental
Another example is when someone is wrongly listed on credit appeal" in the common judiciary, and if it's in small claims court,
bureaus like SPC or Serasa. The person has had no dealings with you can file a writ of mandamus for the second-degree judge to
company "y," and yet, this company is reporting them as a reconsider the injunction request denied by the first-degree judge.
defaulter when they don't even have a debt. What action should
the person take to avoid waiting for the end of the process,
which could take 3 months, 6 months, or a year, depending on
Another example: when filing for child support. Ideally, the From my experience in Law, dealing with judicial processes—over
judge should grant that injunction in 3 or 5 days because the 3,000 cases in 12 years, not counting the 5 years as an intern—I've
adolescent or child, the person receiving the child support, even noticed a fundamental element lacking in the practice of law. I'm
the ex-spouse, needs to eat and cannot wait for the process to not talking about a specific lawyer, but generally about all lawyers
finish after years and months for the decision to be issued. with whom I converse. The name of this element is focus.

Another case that frequently occurs, for example, is the loss of Where you focus, it expands. You need focus for absolutely
an account on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, everything. I always advise the lawyers in my office, the ones I
or email. The person will file an injunction and request, through train, that it is necessary and elementary to have focus on the
this application, the immediate restoration of the account. The client's demand.
process can continue, and there's no issue in also discussing
moral damages, among other things.
Focus on the client's demand doesn't mean letting them talk for 5
hours without direction, just absorbing a lot of information and
Another option is asset freezing. For example, the person who not getting anywhere. Or even going in circles that lead to no
defrauded you is depleting their assets. You can then request a solution. Focus is preparing to serve that client, putting all your
judicial decision to freeze that person's property, freeze their strength, all your determination, and everything you've learned to
bank account, freeze the car's sale, to safeguard your future build the story and the project of that client, giving them direction.
reimbursement right, which should not be lost due to process
Of course, not all clients will accept all your directions, but the
most important thing is to always present to your client the legal
People ask if there's an injunction for compensation money. position, what the law says, with a lot of focus, good faith,
Does it exist? I've seen some absurd things, like once when a transparency, honesty, and solidarity, putting yourself in the
judge seized 200 thousand reais in a client's account, issued the client's shoes, practicing empathy.
order, and transferred it to another party... But that's an
exception, not the rule. As a rule, the judge won't grant an
injunction for the freezing and release of money. They may Sometimes I see lawyers attending to clients haphazardly, worrying
safeguard the right, such as in the case of a car financing review about processing the case and then leaving it aside. If you act like
when someone wants to pay smaller installments while still this, it's better not to take on a case. I reaffirm that it's better to
using the car without repossession. What can you do? Request take on a case, a single client, and do something extremely well
an injunction to continue possessing the car and request to than to advise 10,000 clients and not handle any of them well, not
make the deposit. even the one for whom you could do a noticeably more qualified
Law requires, to a certain extent, as I mentioned earlier, focus, What's essential to emphasize? Inheritance is worse than
and this focus must be on the quality of the business. The lawyer marriage. Marriage starts with "my love" and eventually becomes
must outline their strategy, ask the client what they think, "my possessions." What catches my attention, and is highly
engage in a dialogue with the client, understand their important to note, is that people tend to linger in disorder and
perspective, inquire about witnesses, other documents, teach informality. My advice is not to stay in informality; document the
them how to use prevention in their case and others, and create disposition of assets because, with the request for probate,
a strategy together with the client. whether judicial or extrajudicial, you will bring order and direction
to the inheritance situation.

Remember: haste is the enemy of perfection. You can't be too

slow and lose the feel for the legal business, but you also can't You will effectively record the state of the assets left behind,
be too fast, to the point of overlooking values and ethics— preventing future conflicts. Probate can be carried out in two
important factors in the lawyer-client relationship. Because I ways: extrajudicial, documented in a notary's office, which
always say that the values for the action, perhaps not life values, typically takes two, three, four, or a maximum of five months; or it
but values for the legal process and business, they need to be can be done judicially. What's the situation? In cases, especially
similar, like partners in a company. You have to act with when there's a minor child and disputes, it must be done in the
sincerity, truth, transparency. judicial form.

The extrajudicial method is more straightforward when there is a

consensus among the heirs, and the assets are already defined.
Through probate, we'll list the assets, preventing them from being
leased by just one heir. We'll also investigate if there are values
beyond physical assets, such as cars, houses, or lands. We'll look
for any values in bank accounts, pensions, something we couldn't
achieve without the Judge's Office.

In probate, there is a tax called ITCMD (Tax on Transmission

"Causa Mortis" and Donation), which is the tax imposed on the
non-onerous transfer of assets or rights, as occurs in inheritance or

In this discussion, we're going to delve into a crucial subject,

which is inheritance, particularly when siblings find themselves It's crucial to note that the State Secretariat sets the tax payment
in a true conflict over the assets left by deceased parents. rates.
Conducting probate is essential because, right after its
completion and filing, the judge will appoint an inventory
Imagine the turmoil that this entails! So, anyone in a relationship
administrator. Who is the inventory administrator? This is the
should start by doing what is right. I believe the person you are
person responsible for gathering all the information for
dating will not be upset with your decision, especially if it's made
everyone's access and will be accountable for sharing this
with a pure heart and in complete good faith. This decision
information alongside the attorney.
protects and helps everyone.

As for common-law marriage, even if the couple lives together and

A person says the following: "I was dating a guy, and when we builds a life together, even if there's no official written
broke up, he requested the recognition of a common-law documentation of this union, one can simply file a request for the
marriage. What's the solution?" recognition of a common-law marriage. This will officially register
that relationship. If there's no specified regime, whether total
universal community property or complete separation of property,
1st Point: The preventive solution when dating, considering the one is entitled to half of the assets held by that person.
enormous number of common-law marriage requests arising
nowadays. When you spend nights at each other's homes, spend
days together, and have this suspicion, the most interesting During the joint building of assets while cohabiting with a partner,
thing to do, even as a precaution to avoid future problems, is to one has the right to half of the assets. They should seek this right
create a dating contract, which can consist of one or two and also the right to alimony through the judiciary.
clauses. This way, you specify that the parties are only dating
and that there is no establishment of a common-law marriage
and, consequently, no right to the division of assets and other It's crucial to gather photos, create a notarial record at the registry
rights related to the cohabitation situation. to validate WhatsApp conversations, collect emails, bills arriving at
the shared residence, correspondence, three witnesses. All these
documents are valid for filing a recognition of common-law
This will prevent the other person from filing a lawsuit seeking to marriage. If the regime of the common-law marriage is not
recognize the common-law marriage. Why? When they are in a specified, the partial property regime will apply, meaning half of
cohabitation situation and live together, it allows the person, the assets will belong to him, and half will belong to her, provided
upon separation, to file a lawsuit and claim alimony. they acquired that wealth during the course of their relationship.

Imagine dating someone, as was the case with this girl, and
cohabiting with this guy. The guy now claims the right to half of
the wealth she earned, that she built while they were together,
and requests alimony. There's a natural human anxiety about what happens after the
client signs the contract. Clients often ask about notarization,
whether digital signatures are valid, and more. We know digital The joy from a favorable judgment might be short-lived, though.
signatures are valid; you can use a reputable app to sign or print Appeals, called appeals in the lower courts, can be filed by either
the contract or power of attorney. You can even take a photo, as the winning or losing party. The client often asks about covering
these virtual signatures hold full value. Therefore, as lawyers, appeal costs. In small claims court, the first phase is typically free,
notarization isn't necessary. and we usually request and are granted fee waivers for appeals.
However, in regular court, fee waivers need to be requested from
the outset.
After the client makes the payment, urgency is crucial, and we
swiftly start sending documents and reports to begin drafting
petitions. Early in my 18-year career, I witnessed lawyers taking For prime clients, such as business owners or celebrities, they
months to file, causing my dismay. The lack of infrastructure usually cover the process costs, directing any recovery to the case
back then compared to the current setup with GB (Greater rather than the attorney. After the appellate decision, there's still
Bureau) is evident. GB provides a larger structure, better room for further appeal through Special Appeal, often heading to
organization, and efficient administrative and production the Supreme Federal Court.

The most crucial factor is diligence. While the case is in court, we

I introduced a clause in our contract stating that we file within continually send emails, make calls, schedule meetings, and, if
10 days. However, with GB, we've achieved record times of 24 needed, visit personally. This constant follow-up is essential as
hours. Even for complex petitions, we often manage to draft and clients may not understand the delays inherent in the process. This
file in as little as 3 hours. delay occurs because there's a specific procedure to follow.

Once, a client's daughter urgently needed hospitalization. The In summary, this is the procedural flow, and diligence is key. No
client paid at 7 PM, and we filed the injunction by 9 PM, one wants to hire a lawyer for a process that lasts 20 years. We
obtaining it in 3 to 4 hours. Typically, this is where client anxiety remain vigilant throughout the proceedings, ensuring clients see
begins, eager to know the protocol in the system. resolutions rather than just starting a process and never witnessing
its conclusion.

The initial petition, which we produce, is sent to the client for

review, accompanied by relevant documents, before filing it in I recall my time as a law student interning at the public defender's
the system. In consumer courts, things tend to proceed more office, where a significant project I undertook involved researching
smoothly. The conciliation hearing and, often, the instruction Air Ambulance Intensive Care Units (UTI Aérea).
occur in one go. Here, witnesses testify, and parties explore
settlement possibilities. If an agreement is reached, the judge
reviews and approves it, concluding the process. Individuals in public hospitals, more often than not, lack health
insurance, and even if they have it, it may not cover certain needs.
When a person requires treatment only available in another The entrepreneur can also take a step further and establish a Legal
state, the state, through conventional legal channels, typically Department within his company, relying on a lawyer who
hesitates to facilitate the transfer via a helicopter equipped with accompanies him day by day, over the years. It will be that
a UTI, as they are reluctant to bear the costs of such structured legal department that will provide daily assistance. And
transportation. nothing prevents, in fact, the Legal Department within your
company from hiring lawyers outside the company who, together
with those lawyers within the company, will perform the legal
We managed to address this issue through an injunction. In work, bringing greater security and transparency to this legal
other words, the right to health is guaranteed by the 1988 advisory.
Constitution. As a specified and enumerated right in the
Constitution, the state is obligated to promote health and
ensure its quality. The main benefit of an integrated legal service, connected to your
company, is the focus and quality of the work delivered by
professionals because when we often hire external law firms,
We were able to secure nearly all types of treatments in Brazil obviously, that external firm has many demands. In contrast, the
through an injunction. Clients can approach the Public legal department within your company, even when working on
Defender's Office in their city, seek assistance from their trusted external tasks, is exclusive to your company.
attorney, or even visit a private institution to obtain the required
We observe that there is notably greater focus, and, of course, if
there is greater focus, there is also a concentration of ideas and
And you will get the treatment. This injunction for obtaining efforts. For the structural causes of the company, we will
medical treatment via Air Ambulance ensures that the state undoubtedly have better service quality, discipline, constancy, and
transfers the patient to the state where the necessary treatment focus. Detail: often when cases are worked on together, they are
is available. In such cases, the state itself, as seen in Bahia and driven by talent. There are talented individuals, but they do not
São Paulo, covers the expenses for the needed treatment. This is focus on the business, and by not paying attention to the business,
crucial because it has the potential to save many lives. not focusing on that demand, failing to put all their potential and
knowledge into daily challenges, they end up not giving their best.

Thus, one of the most important and fundamental things in our

Existem lawyers hired to accompany the company with a specific work is focus, focusing with all strength on that business. Note this
purpose, whether in the purchase and sale contract of a phrase: "Whatever comes into your hands, do it well, as if not for
property, in structuring its employees, or in monitoring and men, but for God himself." Hence the importance of focusing and
supervising its service providers. putting all effort and dedication into that specific case.
New, young lawyers at the beginning of their career in law often debit card, criminals have the ability to use it in an ATM and track
do not have this possibility and end up focusing on various all your transactions and types of investments. There are gangs
subjects at the same time, criminal, family, tax, labor, handling a that can even request credit that is already pre-approved. The
series of demands, obviously because they are at the beginning perpetrator can move money from your account at an ATM,
of their career and cannot, obviously, choose one or two sometimes even threatening the customer in person, making them
demands to act more directedly. take out a loan and allowing access to their banking applications.

On the other hand, lawyers with a larger structure gathered With a credit card, it's different because even if the scammer goes
throughout their professional journey direct their work and to the ATM, they can't access your investments. They will have
know that nothing happens overnight: career structuring takes access to a specific limit available on the card. So, don't go out
time, it is a long period. Planting is not fast, the fruits blossom with many cards because you may even lose them, leading to
point by point. another problem. Some people carry 10, 15, or 20 cards in their
wallet or purse, making their own lives more difficult.

Lawyers with a better structure can dedicate more time to those

demands and qualify them better. Another fundamental point in I notice some mistakes that every law student makes in the early
addition to focus, quality, and dedication is professional loyalty, moments of their career. For this reason, I list below 3 important
that is, the client being with a professional who can walk with points of care that need to be observed:
him day by day, experiencing what is happening, accompanying
the dreams and basic needs of his company. With this daily
follow-up, business vulnerability is reduced, and notably, the 1st point: Humility. Remember that you are always learning, and
results are greater, reducing risks and accumulating this sum of no one knows something so well that they cannot learn more.
professional factors that seem simple but are not.

2nd point: Respect. Treating people with respect is fundamental.

By accumulating all this professional sum, the entrepreneur People often confuse being submissive to rules with bureaucracy.
achieves better quality in his work activities, with fewer Even though this happens, you must treat people with respect and
problems, higher profit, and a more satisfactory journey in the always take a stand on your work. Take a stand as a law student,
company, offering his products better. take a stand as a practicing lawyer, take a stand as a Bachelor of
Law. Always, as a servant of justice, take a stand.

3rd point: Focus. Always put a lot of focus on your task. If you are
For safety, I always advise people not to carry many cards in
going to do a diligence at 8 in the morning, wake up earlier, study,
their wallet: if you know you won't make large purchases, don't
focus on that diligence, prepare yourself, take a notebook for
take many cards. And if you have to take a card, take only one,
those diligences, in short, always have a lot of focus on that task.
preferably a credit card because, sometimes, with the theft of a
The term "concluso" in legal proceedings is one of the most
common sources of confusion regarding nomenclature.
In summary, the first point: always be humble to learn. The
second point: treat the person next to you, in need of justice,
with respect. And the third point: act with focus and dedication.
But what does the conclusion of the process mean? It means that
your case has likely moved from one stage and, through a clerk or
some court official, has been forwarded and delivered to a judge.
In the "conclusão" stage, it signifies that the case is now in the
I always tell people who own properties but don't use them that hands of a judge or magistrate, awaiting a decision.
the property needs to fulfill the social function of ownership; it
cannot remain vacant. And if it stays vacant, there should always
be someone to supervise, observe who is there, and prevent, So, when the court's tracking system indicates "conclusão no
including, the entry of that person into that property. It is processo," it doesn't imply that you've won or lost. Instead, it
essential to note that it is necessary to have what we call signifies that the case is in the queue for the judge's decision. After
"usucapião domiciliar" (home usucaption). That is, if you stay the "conclusão" stage, you may observe entries such as "decisão"
away from a particular property for two years, it is indeed (decision) or "despacho" (order), which are additional terms and
possible for someone to file a home usucaption lawsuit and terminologies that should be studied.
notably gain access to that property.

The "concluso" stage is one of the frequent sources of confusion in

When it comes to usucaption related to a family, we have the legal terminology.
concept of home usucaption, related to a period of two years. If
But what does the conclusion of the process mean? It means that
you file for divorce, there is no problem at all. The issues I am
your case likely moved from one stage to another and, through a
addressing arise when you don't file any type of action, don't
clerk or some court official, was directed and handed over to a
notify through a competent professional, and simply reappear
judge. In the "concluso" stage, it signifies that it's in the hands of a
two years later.
judge or appellate judge for a decision.

Therefore, when the court tracking system indicates "concluso" in

If you have a property on the coast or any other place, a the process, it doesn't imply that you've won or lost; rather, it
property you don't use, and someone has invaded it, then you indicates that the case is in the queue awaiting the judge's
will face what is known as home usucaption. But beware: the decision. Following the conclusion, you may notice the terms
problem is not remaining vacant; it is someone invading and "decision" or "ruling," which are other phrases and terminologies
staying. If this invader stays for five years, they may also face the worth studying.
issue of usucaption.
Many refer to it as the "peça vestibular," that petition which is
one of the most crucial in the legal process because it marks the
WhatsApp can be used as a means of proof, but you must adopt
beginning of the proceedings. This petition should be drafted
other criteria for that. Talk to your lawyer about when WhatsApp
with care and attention by lawyers and interns.
can be used as evidence. This information is crucial. For example, if
you want to collect unpaid rent from a tenant, they will receive the
notice by mail, and it will be written, for instance: "John received
The petition should be sent to the client for their review and
the notification on September 1, 2023." The date will be specified,
observation. While the legal issues might be challenging for the
and it will be an indisputable proof of this delivery. When you
client to identify and comprehend, the historical aspects are best
submit this evidence in the legal process, the notified party cannot
articulated by the client themselves to confirm if the events
claim ignorance, and it will also demonstrate that you were trying
unfolded as described. In the initial petition, you'll find the
to reach an agreement, to resolve the issue without resorting to
addressing of the judge, the details of the plaintiff, known details
the judiciary, even before filing a formal legal claim. Judges highly
of the defendant, the facts of the case, the legal basis, and the
value people who, before resorting to the judiciary, seek to reach
requests. For this reason, this document is so important and
an agreement.

This is because the judiciary is overloaded with cases and cannot

handle so many demands. It was not designed for such a volume of
This notification is not a summons, as we observed in the legal cases, so it's natural that judges appreciate your initiative to try to
process, but merely a tool used to inform a person about a reach an agreement. It's a proactive approach that protects you
request, make a communication, or attempt to resolve a conflict. from any situation in the future. Stay vigilant.
In fact, it's an action that you can even do without a lawyer, but I
never advise you to take the risk without a lawyer. I always
recommend going with a trusted professional because you'll There is validity in verbal contracts made face to face, without
have the assurance of creating accurate information that can be being formalized in writing. The most challenging aspect in such
used later in the legal process. cases often arises when it becomes necessary to initiate a debt
collection action. You will need a variety of means and stronger
evidence to prove the existence of that debt and the specifics of
Notification serves this informative purpose, which is why, when that debt. So, if someone asks you for a loan but refuses to
sending it by mail, after addressing it to the person, you should formalize a contract or provide a promissory note as security, my
request the acknowledgment of receipt (AR) to your email or recommendation is always: don't lend.
contact number. This way, it will be indisputable that the person
actually received that notification, and after being informed,
they cannot claim ignorance of the facts. Note: this is not the I believe it's better to give or donate than to lend. But if someone
same as sending a message via WhatsApp; they are completely owes you money, and you don't trust that person, know that if
different methods. they don't sign a check, a promissory note, a document, or a
contract, and if this person has a questionable character when it
comes to repaying debts, you may need to resort to the judicial The most interesting thing to note is that the law states the judge
system to recover these amounts, and it might not be a quick has 30 days to deliver the verdict. Article 226 states: "The judge
and straightforward process. shall pronounce, i.e., the judge will make, the judge will give, the
judge will write the verdict within 30 days." The 30 days are not
counted from when you filed the case or when you'll have the
I'm talking about legal collections, not abusive or violent result in the legal process. According to the legislation, the judge,
methods that are not in accordance with the law. If you cannot after all these procedures of hearings, citation, serving the
prove this loan, you will face difficulties in recovering the defendant, has 30 days to issue the verdict. That's the theory. In
amounts through the judicial process, primarily because the practice, it's entirely different. There are cases in some states'
legal process is likely to be lengthy. So, what's my suggestion? courts that have been ongoing for 40 years.

If you're lending to someone you trust, create a contract, ask I graduated at 23 and took on a case that had been in process
them to sign it, make a declaration, issue a promissory note, a longer than my age at the time... so, that's common. Some cases
negotiable instrument, or a check. Only then will you be more face enormous difficulties even in serving the defendant, and
protected, and things will be more transparent and clear. sometimes it takes 6 months, 8 months, a year for the defendant
to become aware, causing frustration. The legal process also
One of the questions asked with absurd frequency anywhere in
Brazil is about the deadline judges have to render a verdict, why
legal proceedings take so long, and how long it will take to
receive what was won in the lawsuit or for the judgment to be

These and other questions are outlined in the Brazilian Civil

Procedure Code, which is the instrument that standardizes all
legal proceedings in Brazil. For instance, the judge will have to
One of the questions asked absurdly frequently all over Brazil is
process the case, and the defendant will present a defense.
about the deadline for a judge to deliver the verdict, or why legal
Subsequently, there may be a conciliation hearing or an
proceedings take so long, or after the verdict, how long it will take
evidentiary hearing. But what is that? It involves listening to
to receive what was won in the lawsuit or how long it will take to
witnesses, questioning the parties, and, following the
be enforced.
evidentiary hearing, there may be the act of expertise when
questions are posed to the expert. The next step, the act of
judgment, involves the term "concluso."
These and other questions are outlined in the Brazilian Civil
Procedure Code, the instrument that regulates all legal
proceedings in Brazil. For instance, the judge will have to process
the case, and the defendant will present a defense. Following is complex. The first thing, the first step, is not to pound on the
this, there might be a conciliation hearing or an instructional counter but to have a professional you trust by your side, someone
hearing. But what is that? Witnesses will be heard, parties will who can fight for you, who can stand up for you. This professional
be questioned in a straightforward manner. After the will be able to fight for you, go to the court where the case is and
instructional hearing, there may be the act of expertise, where do what we call "processing the case," which is to force, request
some questions are posed to the expert. Following that, the act the act we call "auricular embargoes," which is to be there every
of the verdict involves the term "concluso." day knocking on the door, in the ear of the clerks, to process that

The most interesting thing to note is that the law stipulates that
the judge has 30 days to deliver the verdict. Article 226 states: The National Council of Justice (CNJ) has created various
"The judge will render, that is, the judge will make, the judge will methodologies for cases to be judged according to what we, along
give, the judge will write the verdict within 30 days." These 30 with the Civil Procedure Code, call the chronological order of
days are not counted from when you filed the case or when you cases, meaning a case that started 2 years ago theoretically should
will receive the result in the legal proceedings. According to the not take longer than a case in progress, depending on the date of
legislation, the judge, after all these steps of hearings, citation, the verdict, for 10 years.
serving notice to the defendant, has 30 days to issue the verdict.
That's the theory. In practice, it is entirely different. There are
cases in courts in some states that have been ongoing for 40 In theory, all of this works... but in practice, there are still various
years. unforeseen events, various situations that simultaneously make it
impossible for this structure set up in the legislation to actually
happen. What would then be the best way to ensure that the
I graduated at 23 and took on a case that had been in process deadlines are met in 30 days according to the law? Perhaps not 30
longer than my age at the time... so, this is common. Some cases days, but maybe 60, maybe 3 months, maybe 4 months, but how
face enormous difficulties, even to serve notice to the to make it possible for your verdict to come out quickly? Have a
defendant, and sometimes it takes 6 months, 8 months, a year competent professional to promote the diligence of the case.
for the defendant to become aware, and the person might get
discouraged. The legal process also carries with it an emotion.
The emotion of initiating the process, deciding on a course of This is a classic question that everyone is always asking at some
action, filing a lawsuit, and often that excitement, that start, point in life, usually because of a close person, a relative, or a
fades away, and people get discouraged from continuing the family member who passes away and has debts. There's even a
action due to the significant delay in seeing results in the short saying: "The dead don't pay debts." But is this true? No, the
and medium terms. deceased may not pay the debts, but the probate, which is the
mirror, the inheritance left behind, their assets will need to be sold
to cover the expenses and debts, if any.
People say: oh, then let's go to the ombudsman, let's go to the
judiciary. I say not to do that initially because the judicial system
However, if there's a person who has passed away and owes, notice that these scammers can mirror, observe password
let's say, 1 million reais in taxes, and they left behind a child who changes, and once you've granted access, they can empty your
will handle the probate, having assets, it's not the child who bank accounts without you realizing it, hence the name "ghost
pays. The deceased's assets will deduct this amount, and only hand."
after this payment will the remainder be distributed among the
The immediate solution for the victim would be, obviously, not to
download the application, not to share their data. In case of doubt
So, the notion that the dead don't pay debts is not accurate about the legitimacy of the transaction, the victim should go to
because even though the deceased cannot pay, especially in the their bank branch but never believe in calls instructing them to
judicial process, the heirs will need to pay to access those assets. download the application. Once installed, it is necessary to request
immediate removal to stop the scammers from mirroring.
Additionally, change passwords, implement any type of blocking,
When the person doesn't have assets, then it's okay; that's when and modify limits, i.e., set a lower limit until the issue is resolved.
the saying "the dead don't pay debts" applies because, without
assets, usually, there's no need to go through a probate process.
Afterward, you can seek administrative solutions, such as going to
the police station to file a police report and report the incident.
In summary, the deceased left an inheritance but also left debts, However, this is a more extensive process and will require more
not only tax-related but any kind of debt. The set of assets time from you. Therefore, it is crucial to act swiftly.
forming their estate will be used to settle these debts. It's
important for the heir to consult a professional they trust so that
they can assess the situation and determine the exact terms for Every small piece of terminology should be examined within the
conducting the probate process and what results can be context of the entire legal process. So, for example, if it's written in
obtained from it. a motion you've researched in the proceedings, "motion sent back
to the original court," it means that the case was in the appellate
Certainly, this is merely an illustrative name for a new scam that
stage. It was either sent for review by the appellate judges in the
has been occurring, where a gang with access to your
Court of Justice or the justices in the Superior Court of Justice, or
registration data calls you to confirm some details, making you
the justices in the Supreme Federal Court (STF). It was sent down
believe that the call is from your bank. The gang provides you
and returned.
with all the details and states that you need to download an
application with a code.

In other words, it was judged in the appellate stage and then sent
back to the trial court, to the initial judge, for the case to proceed.
When you share this code, you are authorizing the gang to
Therefore, each terminology used should be investigated
mirror your phone, your banking application along with its
according to the specific case.
system, and this leads to what we have seen in many news
reports. If you examine these reports throughout Brazil, you'll
Criminals set up a sales booth in front of a particular piece of individuals end up losing their money, and even in legal
land, an isolated property, or a construction site, and this booth proceedings, the criminals have orchestrated things so well that
is fake. They create a cooperative, not a legitimate one, but a even if you win the case, you may not be able to recover the
fake cooperative, essentially a scheme to deceive those relevant amounts paid by that person.
interested in a property. They prepare a PowerPoint
presentation that looks genuine, crafting the entire plan. They
provide a piece of paper designating you as the owner, with Be very cautious! Never let emotions override the documentary
inviting and modest installments. The advice is always the same: part, which is usually the most critical phase in any negotiation.
there's no such thing as a free lunch.

When the offer seems too good, one should be suspicious that
something isn't right from a realistic perspective, and it's crucial The car is registered under a legal entity. For whom, then, does the
to investigate and examine. It's important to have your trusted fine, the violation go to? And what is the penalty for each case?
professional to evaluate the documents. Sometimes, the dream
of owning an apartment exists only in the booth, in the
PowerPoint presentation. Someone might recommend it to you, Well, contrary to what people think, a legal entity can also own a
seemingly trying to help, but that property simply doesn't exist. car, meaning it's an asset of the company with a CNPJ (National
Registry of Legal Entities). It's not only individuals who can own a
car. But in this situation, what happens? Speeding violations, radar
Exercise extreme caution when the offer seems too good. offenses, where the offender cannot be identified—obviously, the
People may get carried away by enticing offers, wanting to close owner will be notified to, within the legal timeframe, provide
the deal quickly because they lack guidance and the support of a information about who was driving the vehicle.
professional. Motivated by the dream of owning a home and
making a "good" deal, they may not seek legal details,
registration, and documentation of the incorporation: who the If, by any chance, they don't provide information about the driver,
presidents are, how that construction company operates, what the Brazilian Traffic Code states that in these cases, it's not the
evaluations the company has, and what types of demands it owner who will lose points on their driving license, as would
faces. They decide to make the purchase based on dreams, happen in the case of an individual. In these cases, double the fine
passion, desire, and emotion. They enter into the worst is imposed for failing to provide information about the driver.
disappointment of their lives because they can't secure credit
from a traditional bank to finance the property and their own
home. So, if a legal entity's car is stopped at a checkpoint, and the driver
of the violation can be identified, a fine and the loss of points for
that driver caught in the checkpoint will be issued. However, if it
Scammers set low installments, and once paid, they continually was an incident captured by a radar, an annotation, or a car
stall in completing and constructing the property. These parked in a prohibited place, in these cases, the company will be
notified to provide information.
This fact is extremely important because many times people are
protecting themselves and are so afraid that they do not tell the
This is what Article 257, Paragraph 8 of the Brazilian Traffic Code
truth to the lawyer, or they might even lie, and the professional
says: "After the period of Paragraph 7, which is 30 days, if the
cannot formulate that perfect defense.
offender is not identified and the vehicle is owned by a legal
entity, a new fine will be issued to the owner, maintaining the
one originated from the violation, which will be twice the value
It is essential that you talk to a professional you trust and ask
of the original fine, thus guaranteeing the right to a prior
about confidentiality issues. They will surely emphasize all the
points involving this topic, making themselves available to address
all your doubts about it.

In other words, the legislator intended to hit the company's

pocket to ensure it provides information about who was driving
the vehicle. And if the company doesn't do so, it will pay the
fines, although no points from the violation will be deducted Did you know that your name could be on the SCR? What does
from the driving license. that mean? Nothing more than the Credit Information System.
Banks enter this data monthly; they feed this system, which is not
like the SPC and Serasa systems, it's something different. Banks do
You should never lie to your lawyer, and this is a fundamental it internally, and many people are unaware that they can access
rule. There's a meme that says: "Take good care of your lawyer this system.
because when you're at the bottom, they and your mother will
be the only ones defending you." Of course, this is a meme, a
slogan, a popular saying spread on the internet. However, it's You can visit the Central Bank's website and perform a search to
important to note that you should not lie to your lawyer but tell check your record. But what does this record mean? It compiles
them the whole truth. information about the debts you've had and paid, and whether
there was any damage to these banks. You can even, once you've
paid the debt, file lawsuits and request the removal of your name
Why should you tell your lawyer the whole truth? The first from this listing. Legal precedents and decisions have, in fact,
reason is that they need the elements of truth to formulate your understood that just the fact that banks put a person's name, a
defense. The second and significant reason is that you should consumer, on the SCR, and that the person often doesn't know
trust them completely because they operate under attorney- about this fact (possibly continuing to suffer the consequences
client privilege. In many business contracts, it is natural to have even after paying the debt), already provides the basis for the
confidentiality clauses. However, a lawyer, like a psychologist, person to file a lawsuit and request the removal of their name
doesn't need such a clause. It is implicit in the duty of from the SCR through legal means.
professional ethics that they cannot disclose to anyone the facts
you have shared.
This fact is important for you, whether you are an individual or a
business owner, who needs credit for your transactions. Even with
a clean slate, as they say, not appearing on the SPC and Serasa Why? Because when we file a lawsuit, we do it together with a
lists and not owing anything, perhaps due to a debt from a few request for free legal assistance.
years ago that has already been settled, the bank illicitly did not
remove your name or your company's name from this listing.
You might not even be aware of this. In the request for free legal assistance, we state that the person
cannot afford to pay substantial fees in case they lose the lawsuit.
We also state that they cannot afford sucumbência, the costs in
Always check your SCR and see how your name and the case they lose the lawsuit.
historical record of all the banks, all the PIX keys you've had, are
mentioned. All this information will be registered in this system.
We enter a request in the records, usually for people earning less
than 5 thousand reais, earning less than 20 thousand, 30
thousand, but with an important detail: people who already have
high costs with other essential expenses such as health and
Now, I'm going to address an important question for those
housing won't have to pay judicial costs or sucumbência if they
involved in legal proceedings or considering entering one: the
lose the lawsuit.
issue of judicial costs. How do judicial costs work? What does
the Civil Procedure Code say? The Civil Procedure Code reveals
that we have fees, monuments, to allow the legal process to
There are various documents you can use to prove the need for
progress in the judiciary.
legal aid. For example, you can prove your financial inability to
cover the costs by presenting an unsigned work card. You can
prove that you cannot pay sucumbência by requesting the last
But the good news is that these fees are not always charged in
three pay stubs from the person to see how much they earned.
all situations. For example, in Law 9099/95 from 1995, which
You can also request the company's statements, which frequently
regulates small claims courts, it states: "No fees will be charged
in the first instance, in the first degree, until an appeal is filed."

In conclusion, you have various ways to request the non-payment

So, lawyers can work in small claims courts without fear of fees
of sucumbência. Sometimes people don't have a work card or
and without concern about what we call "sucumbência" (losing
these documents to show that they are exempt from costs. In this
party's payment). But then, what is sucumbência?
case, an address proof that they live in a middle-class, simple, or
humble neighborhood can even help in subjective matters. For
example, a woman living with her millionaire husband in Alphaville
Sucumbência is the payment made by the losing party. If you file can claim that the money belongs to the husband, and vice versa,
a lawsuit, the judge will determine that you pay the opposing creating a hypothetical example.
party's attorney fees. However, the good news is that this rarely
happens, as it occurs more frequently with large companies.
Both can argue that they cannot afford the costs because she But how should you do it? Let me share a great tip: In your college
was dependent, or he was dependent on that person. In all presentation, you'll need to express yourself with clarity and
cases, we request this data when we see it's possible to guide composure. Practice – instead of chatting on WhatsApp, grab your
the client toward free legal assistance. phone. Put your presentation in front of the camera and record

Some clients here at GB Associates, whom we call prime clients,

entrepreneurs, nationally renowned artists, are people who Let's say someone says, "But I don't have a phone, I don't know
genuinely cannot qualify for free legal assistance. In these cases, how to use the device," call someone, a friend, or a neighbor.
we request sucumbência. I remember a client of mine, a judge, Practice, speak one, two, three, four, five times, resulting in the
whose average net salary was 29 thousand, and he earned 30 confidence to discuss any topic with anyone.
thousand reais. However, he had a son who relied on
mechanical circulation for breathing, and he spent a lot on
medical care. Considering expenses with health insurance, I remember when I presented my final college project, called TCC
caregivers, and a special vehicle, he spent a fortune for his son's (Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso), I trained so much, studied so
well-being. We managed to obtain the exemption, not only for much, crafted that thesis, read it so many times that I felt
him but also for others with health problems and high expenses. confident to answer any questions. There was a professor on the
panel, a federal judge, who asked me many challenging questions
that no one had thought of, and I answered with clarity and
It's interesting to clarify because in Brazil, there's confusion firmness. I looked him in the eyes because it was genuinely my
about whether the attorney's fees from sucumbência go to the work. I practiced.
lawyer. These fees are established and stipulated so that the
winner of the lawsuit receives the amount from the party that
triggered the legal action. When you practice with dedication, your demeanor becomes
completely different.

How to deliver a perfect presentation? To put it bluntly, I can say

that to deliver a perfect presentation, you need to practice. I One of the most complex processes in a person's life is called
always say, hard practice, easy performance; easy practice, divorce or dissolution of a common-law marriage. First: do you
tough performance. What does this mean? The more you know the difference between the two? What is a common-law
repeat, the more you exert yourself, the more you train, the marriage? What is divorce?
more you commit – ask one, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight times – obviously, you'll achieve much better results than
someone who practiced only once. That's why it's crucial to Divorce is connected to the formal role of marriage, the official
practice consistently. document indicating the existence of a marriage, while a common-
law marriage is associated with individuals who live together. A
common-law marriage can be formalized in writing or verbally.
make an informed decision, considering all legal and documentary
aspects to maintain your best interest.
In a common-law marriage, even without anything in writing,
you will have evidence to support your case. You will file an
action and request what is rightfully yours. Since there is no
How to Avoid Kidnapping: A Cautionary Tale
official written agreement, the regime that will be considered is
usually the partial community property, meaning that everything
built during the common-law marriage should be divided
between both parties. Issues such as alimony and child custody I once assisted an individual whose experience left a lasting
may also be discussed. impression on me. This person had arranged a meeting through a
dating app at a discreet location and ended up being kidnapped.
The assailants forced them to make monetary transfers, surrender
personal items like watches and phones, highlighting the need for
In contrast, divorce involves a formal marriage with documents,
extreme caution when arranging meetings through online dating
and you must file an action known as a divorce lawsuit. There is
platforms. What precautions should you take?
also the option of extrajudicial divorce.

The first and foremost precaution is always to inform someone you

Be very cautious when handling documents because my
trust about your whereabouts, sending them your real-time
experience shows that people change over time. Hence, it's
important to establish, in writing, the property regime,
understanding how it works—whether it's total community
property, where there is a sharing of all present and future
assets, or complete separation of assets, where each person The second precaution is to inform a trusted person that you've
builds their own wealth. met someone online and plan to meet them.

This distinction is crucial, and even if you are already married, The third precaution is to arrange to meet the person in a public
it's not a problem. You can discuss and establish a change in the and visible location, one that discourages any foul play or
marriage regime with your partner. Even after marriage or in the deception.
case of a common-law marriage, you can modify the marriage
regime as long as the formalities are met. This helps avoid what
my grandmother used to say: "First my love, and then my The news is replete with stories of kidnappings facilitated through
assets," considering that the person may no longer be your dating sites and apps. Often, individuals become so enamored and
beloved. deeply involved that they overlook essential safety measures when
arranging face-to-face meetings.

Therefore, be careful: consult a trusted professional to guide

you. The key is to have a professional guide you so that you can
Are these precautions sufficient to prevent a kidnapping? While 2. **Watch for unusual signal disruptions:** If you notice a sudden
they may not guarantee prevention, they significantly increase loss of signal without a clear reason, it might indicate that
the chances of someone knowing your location, noticing your scammers have successfully transferred your number to another
absence, or realizing that you sent a different distress signal. This network.
can prompt a quick response, potentially preventing your life
from being in serious jeopardy. It's a simple step that can ward
off many potential dangers. 3. **Enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on WhatsApp:** By
setting up a PIN code, you add an extra layer of security, making it
challenging for fraudsters to access your WhatsApp quickly.

4. **Use a separate email for digital authentication:** Avoid using

the same email linked to your phone number for digital
authentication. Having a distinct email for this purpose
complicates scammers' attempts to gain unauthorized access to
Preventing Online Portability Scams: Safeguarding Your Digital your social media accounts.

5. **Diversify your authentication methods:** Incorporate

The internet has seen an unprecedented rise in scams, multiple emails and phone numbers for two-factor authentication
particularly through online portability. How can one avoid falling on different platforms. This way, even if one gets compromised,
victim to these schemes? others remain secure.

Online portability poses a significant risk, as traditional 6. **Implement Google Authenticator or similar apps:**
telecommunications providers often authorize these transfers, Downloading an authentication app like Google Authenticator
leaving users vulnerable. This vulnerability becomes even more provides an additional level of security. Scammers would need a
pronounced if there is internal collusion or fraud within the specific code generated by the app on your device, decoupled
company. Here are some crucial tips to protect yourself: from your phone number.

1. **Be cautious during phone calls:** Scammers may By following these tips, you can create a robust defense against
impersonate you by calling the telecom provider, providing basic online portability scams and safeguard your digital identity from
details, and claiming to initiate portability to another company. fraudulent activities.
Avoiding Online Portability Scams: A Writer's Perspective asking if they received an SMS on their phone. So, portability is
easily carried out through fraud.

Never before have we seen so many scams repeatedly occurring

on the internet. What can be done to thwart these online Hence, the importance of setting up a code on your WhatsApp.
portability scams? When you set up a code, the person who took your chip elsewhere
will need an additional six days to access your WhatsApp on the
new number. With the PIN code, you gain some time. Of course,
Online portability is a significant misstep by telecom operators. you'll face challenges resolving this issue, but you'll buy time,
Why? Because they permit you to initiate this portability. preventing the crook from using your line or WhatsApp to extort
Nowadays, everything on the internet is linked to an email and a money from people who know and care about you.
phone number, and unfortunately, people are at the mercy of
those traditional operators.
Another crucial tip is to use a different email, an email for digital
authentication on social media. Because most times, the email a
What happens? Sometimes, if someone within the company is person has is linked to the number involved in the portability
colluding to commit portability fraud or something similar, it scam, making it easier for the thief, the criminal, the fraudulent
becomes even more challenging for you to protect yourself. actor to also access social media.
Here are some important tips:

Why can't the person take it back? This is the risk of having only
A crook calls your telecom operator via phone, armed with your one or two emails linked to social media. It's essential to always
date of birth and minimal complex data. They pretend to be you have another number for two-factor authentication.
and simply state that you are transferring your number to
another company.
Use a different email to receive these confirmations, this
authentication, because obviously, if the person takes your
Let's assume a company "X," and in this other company "X," they number, that number they acquired is not the security
pull your number from your phone's SIM card and issue a new authentication of the email linked to your social media. The
chip with your number. What happens? You, often experiencing fraudster won't know this, and you already impede them
a lack of signal from the operator, find it strange but don't significantly.
realize that the criminals are already using your line on another
Another thing is to download a Google authentication app, the
most well-known of all, which is the Authenticator. You download
What's the major flaw of the operators? In some states, it on your phone, and the person will need a specific code from
operators don't send an SMS confirmation to the line's owner, your device, not linked to the number, to access this data.

1st Edition

1st Printing – February 2024 I dedicate this book to the God of the Bible, who places within us
both the desire and the means to accomplish it. He accompanies
me throughout the long journey that begins with this work, with
Fontenele Publicações the certainty that the best is yet to come.


Tânia Cotrim


José dos Reis


Daniele Ramos

Cover Design:

Ingo Bertelli

Index for systematic catalog

1. Law – Popular works. I. Title

The publisher is not responsible, either individually or jointly, for

the concepts and opinions in the content of this book.

All rights reserved to the author. Total or partial publication by

any means of communication is prohibited without the prior
authorization of the author.
16. Why It's Better to Use a Credit Card Instead of Debit? 44

17. Mistakes We All Make at the Beginning of Our Careers 45

18. Can I Lose My House? I Abandoned Home 46

**Table of Contents** 19. Conclusive Process 47

1. Introduction 9 20. Initial Petition 48

2. Never Negotiate Without a Lawyer 10 21. Extrajudicial Notification 49

3. Extremely Lengthy Legal Process? 12 22. I'm Owed Money, But I Have No Written Proof 51

4. Scenarios of Financial Accounts Blocked by the Judiciary 23. What Is the Deadline for the Judge to Render a Judgment? 52
24. Someone Died and Left Debts. Am I Required to Pay? 55
5. Importance of Child Custody. What to Do When a Parent
25. The Ghost Hand Scam 56
Hinders Access to the Child? 18
26. The Fake Apartment Scam 59
6. Can You Sue Someone Without Knowing Their Name and
Address? 20 27. Company Car! Who Receives the Fine and Points on the Driving
Record? 61
7. Your CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) May Be Used by
Scammers 22 28. Lying to My Lawyer. Can I Harm My Case? 62
8. Avoid Hassles – Record Your Agreements 23 29. You Might Be on the Banks' Internal List Even If You're Not on
SPC and Serasa 64
9. What Is a Preliminary Injunction in Legal Proceedings? What Is
Its Purpose? When Do We Use It? Which Cases? 25 30. Legal Costs! Free Justice and Succumbing 65
10. Why It's Important to Focus on Each Legal Demand 29 31. How to Make a Perfect Presentation? 68
11. Judicial and Extrajudicial Inventory, Inheritance Tax, and 32. Divorce and Dissolution of Common-Law Marriage? First, My
Deceased's Account Balances 31 Well-being, and Then, My Assets 70
12. Dating Agreement and Common-Law Union 33 33. Be Careful on Dates. Avoid a Kidnapping 72
13. Step-by-Step of a Legal Process 35 34. Unauthorized Number Portability Scam 73
14. Air Ambulance 40

15. Importance of Having a Legal Department in a Company


Introduction 9

1. Never negotiate without a lawyer 10

2. Is the process extremely time-consuming? 12

3. Scenarios of financial accounts frozen by the Justice 15

4. The importance of child custody. What to do when the

parent hinders access to the child? 18

5. Suing someone without knowing their name and address.

Is it possible? 20

6. Your CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) may be used by

scammers 22

7. Avoid troubles - Register your agreements 23

8. What is an injunction in a legal process? What is its

purpose? When do we use it? In which cases? 25

9. Why is it important to focus on each legal demand? 29

10. Judicial and Extrajudicial Inventory, ITCMD tax, and values

in the deceased's accounts 31

11. Dating and stable union contract 33

12. Step-by-step of a judicial process 35

13. Air Ambulance 40

14. What’s the importance of having a Legal Department in

the company? 41

15. Why is it better to use a credit card instead of debit? 44

16. Mistakes we all make at the beginning of our career 45

17. Can I lose my house? I left home 46

18. Concluded Process 47

19. Initial Petition 48

20. Extrajudicial Notification 49

21. Owe me money, but I have no written proof 51

22. What is the deadline for the judge to give the sentence?

23. Someone died and left debts. Am I obliged to pay?


24. The phantom hand scam 56

25. Process returned to the origin. Understand the

nomenclature once and for all 58

26. The fake apartment scam 59

27. Company car! Who receives fines and points for the
traffic violation on the driving record? 61

28. Lying to my lawyer. Can I harm my case? 62

29. You may be on the internal list of banks even if you are
not in SPC and Serasa 64

30. Court costs! Free justice and succumbence 65

31. How to make a perfect presentation? 68

32. Divorce and dissolution of stable union? First my well- Table of Contents
being, and then, my assets 70

33. Be cautious in meetings. Avoid kidnapping 72 Introduction ……………………………………………....9

34. Unauthorized number portability scam 73 1. Never engage in a negotiation without a lawyer……….10

2. Is the process extremely time-consuming …………….12

3. Scenarios of financial accounts frozen by the justice………15

4. The importance of child custody. What to do written proof…………………………………………………. 51

when the parent obstructs access to the child?...................18 22. What is the deadline for the judge to give the sentence?...... 52

5. Suing someone without knowing their name and address. 23. Someone died and left debts. Am I

Is it possible?.................................................................... 20 obliged to pay?.......................................................................... 55

6. Your CPF may be used by scammers …………………22 24. The phantom hand scam…………………………………. 56

7. Avoid troubles - Register your agreements ………………23 25. Process returned to the origin. Understand the nomenclature
once and for all……………………………………………….. 58
8. What is a preliminary injunction in a lawsuit? What is its
purpose? When do we use it? In Which cases?....................... 25 26. The fake apartment scam………………………………….. 59

9. Why is it important to focus on each legal demand?....... 29 27. Company car! Who receives the fine and the

10. Judicial and Extrajudicial Inheritance, ITCMD tax, points on the driver's license?..................................................... 61

and values in the deceased's account ………………………….31 28. Lying to my lawyer. Can I

11. Dating contract and common-law marriage …………...33 harm my case?............................................................................ 62

12. Step-by-step of a judicial process……………………… 35 29. You may be on the internal bank list

13. Air Ambulance…………………………………………. 40 even if not in SPC and Serasa………………………………… 64

14. The importance of having a Legal Department in the 30. Legal costs! Free justice and succumbence………………. 65
company……………………………………………………. 41
31. How to make a perfect presentation?.................................... 68

32. Divorce and dissolution of stable union?

15. Why is it better to use a credit card
First my well-being, and then my belongings……………………………. 70
instead of a debit one?...................................................... ….44
33. Be cautious in meetings. Avoid kidnapping………………… 72
16. Mistakes we all make at the beginning of our careers……45
34. Unauthorized number portability scam …………………….73
17. Can I lose my house? I left home………………. ……….46

18. Concluded Process……………………………………… 47

19. Initial Petition……………………………………………. 48

20. Extrajudicial Notification ……………………………….49

21. Owe me money, but I have no

At 23, I became a lawyer and also a professor of Civil Procedure. During
my internship and studies, I received an Honorable Mention from the
Public Defender's Office of Bahia and lectured on Law at the
headquarters of the Attorney General's Office in Brasília. I taught Law at
the university level in 56 classes in Salvador/Bahia. I served as Director
of the Law School – IAB. I founded the law firm GB ADVOGADOS,
headquartered in Salvador with a branch in São Paulo. I became known
for handling several cases of both regional and national significance.
Today, I dedicate my life to simplifying and explaining the law, making
it accessible to people.

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