Amann, 2003

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Increased Endothelial Cell Density in the

Paracentral and Peripheral Regions

of the Human Cornea


● PURPOSE: To systematically investigate the central, increase in ECD. These data on normal endothelial cell
paracentral, and peripheral endothelial cell density distribution in the human cornea are especially signifi-
(ECD) in normal human corneas. cant as they relate to new surgical techniques and
● DESIGN: Observational case series and experimental endothelial wound repair. (Am J Ophthalmol 2003;
study. 135:584 –590. © 2003 by Elsevier Inc. All rights
● METHODS: Noncontact specular microscopy was un- reserved.)
dertaken to determine the ECD of the central, paracen-

tral (2.7 ⴞ 0.2 mm from center) and peripheral (4.7 ⴞ PECULAR BIOMICROSCOPIC REFLECTION OF THE COR-
0.2 mm from center) regions of the cornea of 48 normal neal endothelium was introduced by Vogt1 in 1920.
eyes. The ECDs of central and peripheral regions were Since the 1970s, several contact and noncontact
also determined with contact specular microscopy in 21 clinical specular microscopes have enabled in vivo pho-
normal eyes and a group of 30 Optisol-GS eye bank tography of the human corneal endothelium. Qualitative
corneas were evaluated with alizarin red stain. Histologic and quantitative analyses of endothelial photographs have
ECD of 13 Optisol-GS stored corneas were also deter- provided information regarding changes in cell size (poly-
mined. megethism), cell shape (pleomorphism), and cell density
● RESULTS: Paracentral and peripheral ECD measured with aging,2 contact lens wear,3–5 cataract surgery,6 corneal
with the noncontact specular microscope were 5.8% preservation, and corneal transplantation.7 All of these
(P < .01) and 9.6% (P < .001) increased compared with studies depend on the assumption that the endothelial
central ECD. Superior peripheral ECD was increased cells of the central cornea mirror, to some extent, the cell
compared with the other three peripheral quadrants (P < populations of the cornea as a whole. However, a system-
.05) and was 15.9% higher than central ECD. Contact atic study of the paracentral and peripheral endothelial cell
specular microscopy showed an increase of 8.9% in the density (ECD) distribution in the normal human corneal
peripheral ECD from the center. Alizarin red stained endothelium has not been undertaken. There have been a
corneas confirmed the specular microscopy numbers with number of reports in the literature providing ECD for
a 9.2% increase in the paracentral region, and a 17.2% paracentral and peripheral regions of the cornea, and these
increase in the peripheral region. Histological cross studies have shown mixed results. The reports using
sections of human corneas also showed a 22.9% increase contact specular microscopy8 –10 differ from the histological
in peripheral ECD compared with the central region. studies that count cells or cell nuclei on fixed and unfixed
● CONCLUSIONS: The human cornea has an increased tissue preparations.11–15 Besides the use of various methods
ECD in the paracentral and peripheral regions of cornea to determine ECD, there is also a difference in the location
compared with the central region. The superior periph- where the ECD was measured. From the published studies,
eral region of the corneal endothelium has the largest a definitive conclusion about cell densities in the different
regions of the normal human cornea has been difficult to
Accepted for publication Dec 4, 2002. determine. However, Schimmelpfenning11 and Daus and
Internet Advance publication at March 20, 2003. colleagues14,15 have reported a significant increase in the
From the Emory University Eye Center, Atlanta, Georgia.
This study was supported in part by NEI Grants ROI-EY00933 and peripheral ECD compared with the central ECD.
P30-EY006360, and an unrestricted grant from Research to Prevent With recent developments in keratorefractive surgery,
Blindness, New York, New York. such as the intrastromal ring, hyperopic photorefractive
Inquiries to Henry F. Edelhauser, Emory University Eye Center,
1365-B Clifton Rd NE, Atlanta, GA 30322; fax: (404) 778-4143; e-mail: keratectomy, and phakic intraocular lens implantation, it has become important to understand the corneal endothe-

584 © 2003 BY ELSEVIER INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0002-9394/03/$30.00

FIGURE 1. (a) Photograph of the cornea where noncontact Robo specular micrographs were taken; small white boxes show the
nine areas and the mean ⴞ SD of the paracentral and peripheral distances from center. (b) Photograph of cornea where contact
specular micrographs were taken; small white boxes show the central and peripheral regions. (c) Diagram of corneal flat mount;
small black boxes shows areas where photographs were taken and endothelial cell density analyzed. The distance from center is listed
below diagram. (d) Diagram of corneal cross section; small boxes show the central and peripheral areas where endothelial cell nuclei
were counted. Peripheral distance is listed below the Figure.

lial cell density in the paracentral and peripheral corneal consent was obtained from all subjects participating in the
endothelial regions. As the clinical use of these new study. All images and photographs of the endothelial cells
surgical techniques is ongoing, the possibility of endothe- were analyzed by a masked reader to prevent bias.
lial cell damage during and after surgery is of concern. The The study group consisted of 24 patients with no history
purpose of this study was to systematically investigate the of eye disease or trauma. Of the 24 patients, 14 patients
central, paracentral, and peripheral endothelial cell den- were female and 10 patients were male. The mean ⫾ SD
sity in normal human corneas using a noncontact and a age was 29.3 ⫾ 7.1 years with a range of 19 to 50 years.
contact specular microscope and to compare the results Ten of the investigated patients had a history of contact
with histological studies on human donor corneas. lens wear. Endothelial images were obtained by using the
Konan Noncon Robo SP-8000 noncontact specular micro-
scope (Konan, Fairlawn, New Jersey, USA). We recorded
METHODS one central, four paracentral, and four peripheral images of
the corneal endothelium in the four different quadrants
THE STUDY WAS PERFORMED AFTER INSTITUTIONAL RE- (Figure 1a). The ECD for the paracentral and peripheral
view Board approval from the human investigation com- area of the corneas were calculated by taking the average
mittee at Emory University School of Medicine. Informed of the four ECDs illustrated in Figure 1a. The mean ⫾ SD

distance of the four paracentral regions from the center was research. Two groups of 15 corneas were investigated. In
2.7 ⫾ 0.2 mm and for the peripheral regions from the group 1 (mean donor age, 40.6 years; range, 14 –72) a
center was 4.7 ⫾ 0.2 mm. The distance from center was corneal button excised with a 10 mm trephine was pre-
determined each time by printing out the image location pared and stained with alizarin red. This enabled us to
box and measuring how far the image box was from the evaluate the ECD in the paracentral region. In group 2
center using an internal calibration scale. Images of endo- (mean donor age, 55.3 years; range, 17–71), excised
thelial cells were recorded by using the HAI ISR/CL 3.33 corneas with a scleral rim were stained with alizarin red,
image management software (HAI Labs, Arlington, Mas- and provided a corneal flat mount with complete periph-
sachusetts, USA). The cells were analyzed with the Konan eral endothelial cells. All specimens were flattened on a
computer-assisted analysis program using the center (dot) slide by radial incisions after staining. The supravital dye of
method. This method is semiautomatic and the operator alizarin red was dissolved in isotonic saline (0.2 g/100 ml)
has to hand-digitize the center of each cell in a contiguous and applied to the cornea with the scleral rim for 5 to 7
group of cells (150 –200 cells). The computer algorithm minutes using the method described by Taylor and Hunt.18
calculates the endothelial cell density, mean cell area, The corneas were then rinsed with phosphate-buffered
coefficient of variation of cell area (polymegethism), and saline and photomicrographs were obtained through a
percentage of hexagonal cells (pleomorphism). For the Zeiss light microscope at a magnification of ⫻100. In group
central and paracentral images the patient has to look at a 1, two central and four paracentral (2.4 to 3.3 mm from
fixation light in the specular microscope. To get peripheral center) photomicrographs were taken. In group 2, two
images, the patient is instructed to look well beyond the central and four peripheral (4.4 to 5.3 mm from the center)
fixation light at a prepositioned black circle fixed on the photomicrographs were taken. The pictures were printed
eyepiece of the Robo SP 8000 at the opposite side of where to a final magnification of ⫻290. Contiguous endothelial
the endothelial specular photograph is taken. cells (100 –150) were traced and digitized by touching cell
We examined the endothelium by using the Keeler- apices (corner method) with a Hewlett Packard 9111A
Konan SP-1 contact specular microscope. Topical anes- graphics tablet pen (Hewlett-Packard, Brookfield, Wiscon-
thetic drops of 0.5% proparacaine were instilled in both sin, USA). The analysis of the data was performed with the
eyes. Specular photographs were taken of the central and same software as for the contact specular microscopy
the peripheral corneal endothelium of 21 eyes from 11 photographs.17
subjects (mean age, 30.9 ⫾ 4.1 years, range, 21–50). For Optisol GS stored human corneas (n ⫽ 13; mean donor
the peripheral photographs, the patient was asked to look age, 45.5 years; range, 17–72) from the Georgia Eye Bank
at a fixation light temporal to the opposite side that the were fixed in a 4% buffered formaldehyde solution, rou-
specular photographs were taken. The contact objective tinely processed, embedded in paraffin, sectioned (7 ␮m),
lens (after wetting with balanced salt solution [BSS]) was and stained with hematoxylin-eosin for histologic evalua-
placed on the temporal limbus of the examined eye and tion. The endothelial cell counts were determined by
then moved toward the center of the cornea until the first counting the nuclei of central and peripheral cells across
endothelial cells were observed. At that point, a photo- the diameter of a ⫻40 objective field using a standard light
graph of the peripheral endothelium was taken. Based on microscope. The mean of five different cross-sectional
the position of the contact objective lens, we estimated endothelial cell counts in the center and in the periphery
that the photographs were taken 4.2 to 5.0 mm from the were calculated. Endothelial cell density was determined
center of the cornea. The best negatives of the four from a previously described nomogram,19 which correlates
photographs were printed and enlarged to ⫻400 magnifi- the number of endothelial cells per high power field to cell
cation. The magnification of the photographs was cali- density. The histological ECDs were determined in a
brated using a micrometer scale. Individual cells on the masked fashion by Hans E. Grossniklaus, MD, ophthalmic
endothelial photographs were subjected to a computer- pathologist.
assisted morphometry of the area and shape as described Statistical analysis of the data was performed using an
previously.16 Contiguous endothelial cells (100 –150) were analysis of variance (ANOVA) and unpaired t test. Find-
traced and digitized by touching cell apices (corner ings with an error probability less than 0.05 were consid-
method) with a Hewlett Packard 9111A graphics tablet ered to be statistically significant.
pen (Hewlett-Packard, Brookfield, Wisconsin, USA). The
entered cell coordinates were analyzed by endothelial
analysis software as previously described.17 RESULTS
A total of 30 human corneas from donors ranging in age
from 14 to 72 years were obtained from the Georgia Eye THE RESULTS OF THE NONCONTACT SPECULAR MICROS-
Bank, Atlanta. It was difficult to age match the corneas copy are summarized in Table 1. We found a mean ⫾ SD
obtained from the Eye Bank to the corneas in the clinical of 2,730 ⫾ 224 cells/mm2 in the center of the cornea,
specular microscopy study because typically the younger 2,887 ⫾ 213 cells/mm2 in the paracentral region (2.7 ⫾
corneas are used for keratoplasty and are not sent to 0.2 mm from the center), and 2,993 ⫾ 229 cells/mm2 in


TABLE 1. Central, Paracentral, and Peripheral Endothelial Cell Density*

No. of Increase in ECD Hexagonal Coefficient of

Corneal Region Corneas ECD Cells/mm2 From Center (%) Cells (%) Variation

Central 48 2,730 ⫾ 224†‡ — 63 ⫾ 6 0.32 ⫾ 0.04

Paracentral 48 2,887 ⫾ 213† 5.80 65 ⫾ 4 0.31 ⫾ 0.03
Peripheral 48 2,993 ⫾ 229‡ 9.60 65 ⫾ 5 0.31 ⫾ 0.03

ECD ⫽ endothelial cell density.

*Percent hexagonal cells and coefficient of variation (mean ⫾ SD) measured with Robo noncontact specular microscope (age 29.4 ⫾ 7.1

P ⬍ .01.

P ⬍ .001.

2,907 ⫾ 306 cells/mm2 in the center of the cornea versus

TABLE 2. Endothelial Cell Density (ECD) in Peripheral
3,165 ⫾ 323 cells/mm2 in the temporal peripheral region
(4.2 to 5.0 mm from the center) of the cornea (P ⬍ .05).
Corneal Region No. of Increase in ECD
These results showed an increase of 8.9%.
n ⫽ 47 Corneas ECD Cells/mm2 From Center (%) In both groups of corneas there was an increase in
endothelial cell density in the paracentral and peripheral
Central 48 2,730 ⫾ 224 —
regions as compared with the central region. In group 1,
Superior 48 3,166 ⫾ 272† 15.9
Nasal 48 2,944 ⫾ 292† 7.8
we found a 9.2% increase in the paracentral region (2.4 to
Inferior 48 2,912 ⫾ 276† 6.7 3.3 mm from the center) with an average paracentral cell
Temporal 48 2,992 ⫾ 226† 9.6 density of 2,717 ⫾ 390 cells/mm2 vs central 2,488 ⫾ 375
cells/mm2. In group 2, the increase was 17.2% in the
*Density 4.7 ⫾ 0.2 mm from center of the human cornea peripheral region (4.4 –5.3 mm from the center) with an
(mean ⫾ SD) measured with the Robo noncontact specular average peripheral cell density of 2,992 ⫾ 511 cells/mm2 vs
microscope. 2553 ⫾ 343 cells/mm2 in the center (P ⬍ .05; Table 4).

P ⬍ .001 from central ECD. With the use of a histological endothelial cell nomo-
gram,19 the cell density was calculated from histologic cross
sections of Optisol-GS eye bank corneas. The endothelial
the peripheral region (4.7 ⫾ 0.2 mm from the center). The cell density for the central region was 1,982 ⫾ 205
differences between the central and paracentral, as well as cells/mm2 vs 2,436 ⫾ 351 cells/mm2 for the peripheral
between the central and peripheral regions, were statisti- region, which represented a difference of 22.9% (P ⬍ .05;
cally significant (P ⬍ .01 and P ⬍ .001, respectively). Table 5).
Paracentral and peripheral endothelial cell density were
increased 5.8% and 9.6% compared with the central
endothelial cell density. These percentages were calculated DISCUSSION
by subtracting the central ECD from the respective para-
central or peripheral ECD and dividing the difference by THIS STUDY INVESTIGATED THE PERIPHERAL CORNEAL EN-
the central ECD. All percent increases in the four methods dothelial cell density in a systematic way using four
of ECD analysis were determined in this way. The highest different methods; two histologic methods, and two in vivo
endothelial cell density was found in the superior region of specular microscopy methods (contact and noncontact).
the peripheral cornea with an average of 3,166 ⫾ 272 In this study, we found an increase in endothelial cell
cells/mm2, a 15.9% increase (P ⬍ .001) compared with the density in the paracentral and the peripheral region of the
central region (Table 2). The percentage of hexagonal cornea compared with the central region. All four methods
cells was not significantly different between the three used to determine ECD yielded similar values leading us to
different areas of the cornea (central 63% ⫾ 6%, paracen- believe that the results were accurate. Additionally, all
tral 65% ⫾ 4%, and peripheral 65% ⫾ 5%). The coeffi- observed increases in endothelial cell density, except for
cient of variation of cell area (0.32 ⫾ 0.04 for the central, the paracentral versus central measurements in the alizarin
0.31 ⫾ 0.03 for the paracentral, and 0.31 ⫾ 0.03 for the red stained corneas, were statistically significant. Because
peripheral cornea) also showed no significant difference of the differing ages in the clinical study (younger patients)
(Table 1). and eye bank donors (older patients), the absolute average
The ECDs determined by contact specular microscopy ECD may be slightly changed when comparing the ECDs
are summarized in Table 3. We found an average of by decade. This study also shows that the peripheral ECD

TABLE 3. Central and Peripheral Endothelial Cell Density*

No. of Increase in ECD Hexagonal Coefficient of

Corneal Region Corneas ECD Cells/mm2 From Center (%) Cells (%) Variation

Central 21 2,907 ⫾ 306 — 62 ⫾ 8 0.31 ⫾ 0.05

Peripheral (temporal) 21 3,165 ⫾ 323† 8.9 63 ⫾ 7 0.29 ⫾ 0.05

ECD ⫽ endothelial cell density.

*Percent hexagonal cells and coefficient of variation (mean ⫾ SD) measured with Keeler-Konan contact specular microscope (age 30.9 ⫾
4.1 years).

P ⬍ .05.

TABLE 4. Central and Paracentral Endothelial Cell Density*

No. of Increase Cells/mm2 Hexagonal Coefficient of

Corneal Region Corneas ECD From Center (%) Cells (%) Variations

Group 1
Central 15 2,488 ⫾ 375 — 63 ⫾ 8 0.30 ⫾ 0.05
Paracentral 15 2,717 ⫾ 390 9.2 59 ⫾ 11 0.33 ⫾ 0.06
Group 2
Central 15 2,553 ⫾ 343 — 62 ⫾ 7 0.32 ⫾ 0.06
Peripheral 15 2,992 ⫾ 511† 17.2 55 ⫾ 10 0.35 ⫾ 0.07

ECD ⫽ endothelial cell density.

*Percent hexagonal cells and coefficient of variation (mean ⫾ SD) measured on alizarin red stained corneas (group 1, a 10 mm corneal
button, age 40.6 ⫾ 36 years; group 2, whole cornea with 1 to 2 mm scleral rim, age 55.3 ⫾ 16.1 years).

P ⬍ .05.

8000 Specular microscope. When the internal calibration

TABLE 5. Central and Peripheral Endothelial Cell Density
is used (which is not an X and Y calibration, but a single
X or Y calibration) the cell density result is generally 6%
No. of Increase in ECD less than the result given using the contact specular
Central Region Corneas ECD† Cells/mm2 From Center (%) microscope (corners method). Ohno and colleagues20 re-
ported on the 6% difference and that only by bringing in
Central 13 1,982 ⫾ 205 —
Peripheral 13 2,436 ⫾ 351‡ 22.90
an external calibration with appropriate software would
the result for the contact and the Robo noncontact
ECD ⫽ endothelial cell density. microscopes be essentially the same. The present study was
*Mean ⫾ SD determined from histological cross-sections (age primarily interested in the difference between the ECDs in
45.5 ⫾ 19.2 years). the three regions (the percent difference) as measured with

ECD determined from nomogram in Williams and cowork- the instrument in use. The basis of this report is a
systematic evaluation of ECD using four distinct methods.

P ⬍ .05.
It is important to note that the two methodologies (Robo
noncontact vs Keeler-Konan contact specular microscope)
yielded a similar percentage difference when comparing
in the older alizarin red stained and histological corneas central to peripheral ECDs. The peripheral ECD was 8.9%
were age dependent and there was a greater difference in and 9.6% increased compared with central for the contact
cell number between the central and peripheral regions and noncontact methods, respectively.
compared with the younger specular microscopy corneas. In previous studies using histological methods to inves-
The central and peripheral cell densities in the Keeler- tigate the cell density distribution,11,12,14,18 the central cell
Konan contact group were approximately 6% higher than density was found to be between 10% and 15% decreased
in the Robo noncontact group (6.4% for central and 5.7% compared with the periphery. However, Binder and asso-
peripheral) with similarly aged patients. This difference is ciates13 using scanning electron microscopy on cadaver
attributable to the internal calibration that is used in the eyes found that the central corneal endothelial cell density
center dot method analysis provided with the Robo SP- was 10% higher than in the periphery. This variation may


be explained by the fact that different areas in the adjacent to the Schwalbe line, and lack of activity in the
peripheral cornea may have been evaluated. Most reported central corneal endothelial cells (DR Whikehart, unpub-
studies do not give exact locations where the peripheral lished data, Association for Research in Vision and Oph-
cell density was measured. The area of highest cell density thalmology poster 2002). As only cancer cells, white blood
in the periphery appears to be a small ring of endothelial cells, and stem cells have telomerase activity these findings
cells close to the Schwalbe line. Schimmelpfennig11 has suggest that corneal endothelial cells from the peripheral
previously reported a 23% increase in ECD in this area. area may contain progenitor (stem) cells that have the
Using noncontact and contact specular microscopy, we ability to divide. The peripheral regenerative zone may
also found an increased endothelial cell density in the provide a slow continuous population of cells used to
paracentral and peripheral areas of the cornea. In previous maintain the central ECD. Over a lifetime, it has been
investigations, the endothelial cell densities determined by reported that there is a loss of central endothelial cells at
contact specular microscopy varied markedly, and some a rate of 0.5% to 0.6% per year,2 which is a small decline
published reports found no significant difference between and amounts to a loss of approximately 100 to 200 cells per
the central and the peripheral endothelial cell density.8,21 year from the central corneal endothelium. Therefore, the
In a recent study using a contact specular microscope, endothelium adjacent to the Schwalbe line may be the
Wiffen and colleagues10 reported a significantly higher area of continual cellular supply used to maintain the
endothelial cell density in the central region of the cornea central corneal endothelial cell density at a relatively
compared with the peripheral region of normal subjects. constant level during one’s lifetime. The increased ECD in
The results of a study by Cheung and Cho22 show an the periphery is very important in the wound healing
increased ECD in the peripheral corneal versus the central response of the corneal endothelium because the periph-
area. However; the purpose of that study was to evaluate eral cells provide a physiologic reserve and storage region
the performance of the TOPCON SP-2000P and IM-
of endothelial cells.
AGEnet system, and the authors did not emphasize the
In summary, this study establishes that there is an
increase in the peripheral distribution of the corneal
increase in ECD in both the paracentral and peripheral
endothelial cells.
corneal endothelium. With careful use of the noncontact
In another study, Bourne and Enoch23 demonstrated
and contact specular microscope an increase in ECD can
that the magnification effect of the specular microscope
easily be measured and monitored in patients after refrac-
may cause the corneal ECD to vary less than 1% over the
tive and intraocular surgical procedures. Peripheral ECD
range of corneal thickness. Although the difference in
will also be of interest after phakic intraocular lens
ECD may be small, the authors state that one should
correct for the magnification effect of the specular micro- implantation and in glaucoma patients after drainage filters
scope. In this study, differences between the central and with mitomycin C and tube shunts.
the peripheral corneal endothelial cell density are much
larger than the 1% magnification effect.
Our data on ECD confirm the findings of Schim- A special thanks to Hans E. Grossniklaus, MD, for deter-
melpfennig11 and Daus and colleagues14,15 with both aliza- mining the high-power endothelial cell counts.
rin red stained corneas and in vivo specular microscopy.
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