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1. JOINT family system/ nessery or need

2. Is media is responsible for moral degradatiom in new generation
3. wealth is more important or respect
4. fashion in pakistan
5. advantages and disadvantages in pk
6. missuss of authority
7. shortcut in increasing thr literacy in pk
8. should we bring western culture in pk
9. use of social media by youth media making stressed young generation
11. CORRUPTION is top to bottom or bottom to top
12. reasons of stress in youth
13. who is more respnsible man or woman
14. is corruption is in the veins of nation
15. bribery is only done by low income peoples
16. love marruage or arrange marriage
17. half belief is half success
18. life without ambition is waste of time
19.hindi movies should be ban in pak
20. gender equality
21. respectable profession or highly paid profession
22. effects of indian movies on youth
23. reasons of increase in divorce cases co education effects on society
25. advantages and disadvantages of co education
26. open book exams should be held
27. influence of technology in future
28. men are more corrupt then women how to control
29. pubs should be made for foreign tourist
30. dramas and movies spreading vulgarity
31. how to control sexual harrasement
32. should parents be strict towards the children
33. Kidness cannot Unreward.
34. Pakistan Should Economic Power or Atomic.
35. Success of Youth.
36. Co education and its Effects.
37. Economy of Pakistan.
38. Pakistan's Problems and its Solutions.
39. Lack of Tolerance in Youth.
40. Smart Phones and its Effects.
41. Globalization.
42. Brain Drain and Its Effects.
43. Is women rights are Protected in pakistan.
44. What are the Problems of Society.
45. Women Empowerment and its Impacts.
46. Books are our Best Friends
47. Significance of CPEC on our Economy and Culture.
48. Coeducation is Better or Seperate Education.
49. Negative Effect of Technology.
50. Islam vs Western Religion.
51. How to Stop Corruption from kur Country
52. Justice late is Justice denied.
53. Why Family is more important than country?
54. Heart or Brain
55. Media should be controlled by state or not.
56. Democracy is a Culture Rather than a Process.
57. Cause of Increasing Rape cases in Pakistan.
58. Single Circullum.
59. How to establish Good Tax system in Pakistan?
60. Lie has become a necessary part of life.
61. Co education is the cause of evil.
62. Solution of kashmir issue.
63. Electronic Voting Machine
64. Gender Equality.
65. Failure is the key to Success.
66. Role of youth in Media.
67. Tourism in Pakistan.
68. How Social media Influencing Peoples mind?
69. Benefits of CPEC.
70. What are the Rights of Women?
71. Why Parents just wants their childern to do MBBS and Engineering?
72. Causes of Corruption in Pakistan
73. Causes of Increasing Crimes in Pakistan.
74. Should we accept Israel?
75. Smoking is Injuriuos to Health
76. Advantage and Disadvantage of Joint Family System
77. Is Co eduaction is a Buissness?
78. Islamic Culture vs Western Culture.
79. Effect of Modern Education on Society.
80. How can our Government Control Corruption?
81. Cause of Honor Killings in Pakistan.
82. Government Institutions vs Private Institutions.
Touseef Insights

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