Rosenblat2015 Disfunción Inmune Bipolar

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Acta Psychiatr Scand 2015: 1–12 © 2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S.

2015 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
DOI: 10.1111/acps.12414

Clinical overview

Are medical comorbid conditions of bipolar

disorder due to immune dysfunction?
Rosenblat JD, McIntyre RS. Are medical comorbid conditions of J. D. Rosenblat1,2
bipolar disorder due to immune dysfunction? R. S. McIntyre1,2
Department of Psychiatry and Pharmacology, University
Objective: Epidemiological data have shown a clear association of Toronto, and 2Mood Disorder Psychopharmacology
between bipolar disorder (BD) and medical comorbidities. The aim of Unit, University Health Network, Toronto, ON, Canada
this article was to assess the evidence of immune dysfunction as a key
mediator of this observed association.
Method: For this narrative clinical overview, the MEDLINE/PubMed,
EMBASE, Google Scholar, and databases were
searched for relevant articles.
Results: Bipolar disorder has been shown to have an increased
prevalence in patients with autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular
disease, and metabolic dysfunction. Further, an elevation in
proinflammatory cytokines in BD has been repeatedly demonstrated.
Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain the effect of immune
dysfunction on mood and cognition. Anti-inflammatory agents
including TNF-a inhibitors, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), minocycline and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
(O3PUFA) are being investigated for their use as novel treatment of BD Key words: bipolar disorder; inflammation; autoimmune
in patients with immune dysfunction. disease; cardiovascular disease; diabetes; obesity
Conclusion: Immune dysfunction appears to be an important mediator Roger S. McIntyre, Head, Mood Disorders
of the association observed between BD and medical comorbidities. It Psychopharmacology Unit, University Health Network,
therefore serves as a potential novel target for treatment of BD. 399 Bathurst Street, MP 9-325, Toronto, ON M5T 2S8,
Canada. E-mail:
Further, the observed bidirectional interaction merits screening for
psychiatric disorders in patients with immune dysfunction and vice
versa to allow for early detection and treatment of this at risk
population. Accepted for publication February 24, 2015

Clinical recommendations
• Epidemiological studies reveal a strong association between BD and several medical comorbidities
including autoimmune diseases, obesity, type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and cardiovascular dis-
• Immune dysfunction appears to be a key pathoetiologic factor facilitating the bidirectional interac-
tion between BD and medical comorbidities.
• Several anti-inflammatory agents show promise in the treatment of BD; however, there is insufficient
evidence to recommend any of these agents for clinical use as of yet.

Additional comments
• While inflammation presents one important nexus mediating the connections between BD and medi-
cal comorbidities, several other pathways may be mediating this pathway and may also present novel
• Screening for medical comorbidities in patients with BD and vice versa may lead to early detection,
treatment, and improved clinical outcomes.

Rosenblat and McIntyre

A common and simple method for the evalua-

tion of immune dysfunction is the measurement of
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a severe mental illness inflammatory markers and cytokines. Serum levels
associated with high levels of morbidity and mor- of inflammatory markers are commonly used clini-
tality (1, 2). Epidemiological data have long sup- cally in the evaluation of patients with inflamma-
ported a strong correlation between BD and a tory disorders to aid with diagnosis and
number of medical comorbidities (2–9). The rele- prognostication (17). In research settings, blood
vance of this particular epidemiological correlation serum or cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) levels of
is further emphasized through the observed inflammatory cytokines have been increasingly
increased rate of mortality and resultant shortened used in the setting of psychiatric patients to deter-
life span secondary to the increased prevalence of mine a correlation between inflammatory cytokine
cardiovascular disease (2, 3, 8, 10) and metabolic profiles and psychiatric symptomatology (14, 20).
dysfunction (most specifically, insulin resistance Of particular interest has been the effect of inflam-
and obesity) (4, 5, 11–13) in BD patients. matory cytokines on mood and cognition, com-
The nature of the connection between BD and monly affected features of both major depressive
various medical comorbidities is yet to be fully disorder (MDD) and BD (20, 21).
understood (2). While the pathophysiological
mechanisms underlying the link between BD and
Aims of the study
medical comorbidities is likely to be multifactorial,
immune dysfunction has recently been proposed as The aim of this article was to assess the evidence of
a key nexus between BD and medical comorbidity immune dysfunction as a mediator of the interac-
(14–16). tion between BD and medical comorbidity. Fur-
The inflammatory response is an essential part ther, the clinical implication of such an interaction
of human physiology that has evolved to protect will be discussed as it relates to screening, preven-
the host from potential pathogens (17). As such, tion, and treatment of BD.
the immune system has developed to detect patho-
gens and initiate a systemic response through the
Material and methods
release of proinflammatory cytokines (17). This
systemic inflammatory response is counterbal- For this narrative clinical overview, the MED-
anced by the release of anti-inflammatory cyto- LINE/PubMed, EMBASE, Google Scholar, and
kines to prevent an exaggerated systemic response databases were searched from
that may lead to host tissue damage (16). With inception through October 2014 for published
appropriate immune function, this process allows reviews, meta-analyses, and primary studies of the
for clearance of pathogenic organisms and materi- relationship between BD, medical comorbidities,
als with minimal damage to host tissue. However, and immune dysfunction. Also, randomized con-
in several disease processes, immune dysfunction is trolled trials, open-label trials, meta-analyses, and
noted where host tissue is inappropriately dam- systematic reviews of anti-inflammatory agents for
aged. Autoimmune disorders are one such example the treatment of BD were searched for. Searches
where the immune system misrecognizes host tissue terms included various combinations of the follow-
as pathogenic, thus leading to host tissue destruc- ing terms: bipolar disorder (BD), novel targets,
tion (17). inflammation, immune dysfunction, infliximab,
Several other disease processes have been noted cytokines, interleukin (IL), IL-1B, IL-6, tumor
to involve immune dysfunction in their pathoetiol- necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a), anti-TNF-a, non-
ogy where anti-inflammatory cytokines are inade- steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),
quately counterbalancing an inflammatory celecoxib, acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), omega-3
response or where the immune system is chroni- polyunsaturated fatty acid (O3PUFA), curcumin,
cally in a low-grade inflammatory state. Cardio- oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species (ROS),
vascular disease (18) and metabolic dysfunction hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis, corti-
(19) have both been shown to be associated with sol, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, cardiovascular
immune dysfunction with chronic low-grade disease, autoimmune disease, systemic lupus eryth-
inflammation. More recently, mood disorders have ematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), psori-
also been shown to be associated with chronic low- asis, Guillain–Barre syndrome (GBS), Chron’s
grade inflammation (20, 21). Several authors have disease, ulcerative colitis (UC), and inflammatory
thus queried immune dysfunction as a potential bowel disease (IBD). Reference lists from included
link between mood disorders and medical comor- papers were also manually searched for additional
bidities (15, 16, 21). pertinent references.

Inflammation, BD and medical comorbidity

Results depressive episode, BD patients have elevated lev-

els of sTNFR1 and CXCL10 (14, 22); however,
Immune dysfunction in bipolar disorder
much fewer studies have been conducted evaluat-
Systemic inflammation may be assessed by measur- ing cytokine profiles of BD patients during depres-
ing serum levels of cytokines, chemokines, cell sive episodes. Conversely, several studies have
adhesion molecules, and acute phase reactants, as been conducted for patients with MDD during
previously discussed (17). In the context of BD, depressive episodes, consistently demonstrating
several studies have repeatedly shown elevated lev- elevated levels of TNF-a, IL-6, and IL-1b (20, 26–
els of proinflammatory cytokines indicative of a 28). Taken together, serum cytokine profiles indi-
chronic low-grade inflammatory state (14, 22). cate that BD patients have chronic low-grade
Machado-Vieira et al. recently conducted a inflammation with increased levels of inflammation
detailed systematic review, extensively reviewing during mood episodes (14) as hypothetically
the cytokine changes observed in BD patients (22). depicted in Fig. 1.
In brief, there is robust evidence of increased Central cytokine levels as measured through
serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-4, sampling cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) have also been
TNF-a, sIL-2R, IL-1b, IL-6, and soluble receptor of interest as a more direct measure of central neur-
of TNF-alpha type 1 (STNFR1, the circulating oinflammation. While CSF cytokine profiles are
form of TNFR1, which is responsible for the undoubtedly a more direct indicator of neuroin-
majority of the action of TNF-alpha and is often flammation, the invasive nature of a lumbar punc-
used to determine the overall production of TNF- ture (LP) compared to a venipuncture limits study
alpha) in BD patients compared to healthy con- implementation. Only one study has directly evalu-
trols (22). Among these identified cytokines, ated CSF cytokine levels in BD showing elevation
STNFR1 was most consistently shown to be ele- of IL-1b in BD type I (n = 15) and type II (n = 15)
vated in BD (22). during euthymic periods compared to healthy
Of great interest have also been cytokine levels controls (29). In another study, evaluating CSF of
depending on mood state (i.e., cytokine variability suicide attempters (with variable diagnoses includ-
during mania, depression, and euthymia for a ing BD), IL-6 was found to be elevated and corre-
given BD patient). At baseline, during a euthymic lated with symptom severity (30). In a separate
period, sTNFR1 is still consistently elevated indi- study, kynurenic acid, an end metabolite of trypto-
cating a mild proinflammatory state at baseline phan degradation (associated with inflammation),
(22–24). During a manic episode, the level of was found to be elevated in the CSF of BD patients
inflammation is increased with increased serum after having a manic episode (31). In addition, BD
levels of IL-6, TNF-a, sTNFR1, IL-ra, CXCL10, patients with a history of psychotic features
CXCL11, and IL-4 (14, 22, 23, 25). During a were found to have elevated CSF kynurenic acid

BD mood level
Mania Mood level of control
Inflammatory markers of BD paent
Inflammatory markers of control
Mood level

Fig. 1. Hypothetical* inflammatory

and mood levels for BD patients with
comorbid immune dysfunction. As
depicted, BD patients may have low-
grade chronic inflammation with
inflammatory cytokine levels above Depression
Inflammaon level

control levels, even during euthymic

periods. During mood episodes (mania
or depression), proinflammatory
cytokines may be further elevated
compared to euthymic periods. *Note:
Graph is purely hypothetical based on
evidence discussed in the text (14, 22)
and is not based on a patient data set. Time

Rosenblat and McIntyre

levels during euthymic periods (31). Postmortem TNF-a, can induce indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase
studies have also evaluated central cytokine levels (IDO) leading to the breakdown of tryptophan to
in BD patients. Notably, two studies have shown tryptophan catabolites (TRYCATs), molecules
increased levels of inflammatory markers (IL-1b, known to have depressogenic and anxiogenic prop-
NF-jB, and microglial markers) in the frontal cor- erties (35). Further, the depletion of tryptophan
tex of BD patients postmortem (32, 33). leads to decreased production of serotonin (as
Taken together, a strong correlation between shown in Fig. 2), a well-established feature of
inflammation (as measured by central and periph- mood disorder pathophysiology (45). This alter-
eral proinflammatory cytokine levels) and BD has ation in neurotransmitter levels may provide one
been identified. Moreover, further studies have mechanism whereby immune dysfunction facili-
suggested bidirectional causality for this correla- tates mood and cognitive symptoms of BD.
tion (i.e., inflammation may induce BD symp- Increased inflammatory cytokines also lead to
toms, and BD may lead to a proinflammatory HPA overactivation (37, 46, 47). This HPA over-
state) (14). Indeed, several studies have shown in activation leads to hypercortisolemia, which has
preclinical and clinical models that induction of a several detrimental downstream effects such as
proinflammatory state causes ‘sickness behavior’ decreased serotonin levels, impaired mood, insom-
resembling a depressive episode with sleep alter- nia, insulin resistance, and obesity (46, 48, 49).
ation, appetite changes, anhedonia, depressed Elevated systemic TNF-a also induces the acti-
mood, cognitive dysfunction, and psychomotor vation of microglia (44, 50, 51). Microglia are the
changes (20, 26, 34). In human testing, a proin- macrophages of the central nervous system (50).
flammatory state has been induced using vaccina- They serve a key role in protecting against infec-
tions, endotoxins, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), tion and provide neuronal pruning of unused neu-
interferon (IFN), and IL-2 (35–38). The induction ronal connection (50). While playing a vital role
of inflammation in these studies was confirmed by when appropriately activated, microglia may also
measuring increased levels of proinflammatory have detrimental effects on neuronal connectivity
cytokines, namely TNF-a, IL-6, IL-1Ra, and IL- via overpruning when they are inappropriately
10 (35–38). For example, in healthy individuals activated (50–52). Stertz et al. (44) recently
injected with Salmonella abortus equi endotoxin reviewed pathological activation of microglia as a
intravenously, an increase of TNF-a, IL-6, and potential mechanism subserving BD neuroprogres-
cortisol was observed (36). The subjects subse- sion. In brief, microglia overactivation may be
quently had appetite changes, increased anxiety, induced by systemic proinflammatory cytokines
depressed mood, and decreased cognitive function leading to overpruning of important neuronal cir-
(specifically decreased memory performance) (36). cuits for mood and cognition (44). With each
Similar results were found with healthy volunteers mood episode, microglia are activated and neuro-
vaccinated with Salmonella typhi vaccine. A dose nal circuitry becomes increasing poorly, leading to
response was also shown with variable levels of impaired neuroplasticity and impaired function in
LPS, showing a dose-dependent increase in IL-6, the affected brain areas, notably the amygdala,
IL-10, TNF-a, and cortisol with a dose-dependent hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex affecting affec-
increase in anxiety and decrease in mood and cog- tive and cognitive function (50–52). The bulk of
nition (38). the evidence supporting the microglial hypothesis
Also of interest have been naturalistic studies of is through postmortem investigations showing
mood changes postadministration of IFN in the altered levels of glia nuclei in the aforementioned
treatment of hepatitis C. Interferon is a potent pro- brain regions (32, 33).
inflammatory cytokine that has been shown to be Taken together, a large amount of evidence sup-
extremely depressogenic with a major depressive ports the presence of immune dysfunction and a
episode being induced in 25–80% of patients on proinflammatory state during mood episodes. Sev-
IFN therapy in a dose-dependent manner (39–41). eral mechanisms have been proposed to explain
Similarly, with cancer patients receiving immune immune dysfunction as an etiologic factor for
boosting IL-2 and/or IFN therapy, early depres- impaired mood and cognition. Of note, potential
sive symptoms have been consistently demon- mechanisms are further reviewed elsewhere (20, 21,
strated (27, 35, 42, 43). 44, 53).
Several mechanisms that facilitate the inflamma-
tory-mood axis have been elucidated in recent
Autoimmune disorders and bipolar disorder
years (20, 21, 44). Alteration in neurotransmitter
levels is one key mechanism involved. Elevated The clearest examples of immune dysfunction are
inflammatory cytokines, notably IFN, IL-2, and autoimmune disorders. By definition, autoimmune

Inflammation, BD and medical comorbidity

Stress AA Cytokines HPA

Mood disorders Inflammaon cPLA2 O3PUFA
COX-1/2 (TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1B) axis TDO
Autoimmune NSAIDs PGE2
Transport via acve transport
Blood brain barrier and through leaky regions


Microglial acvaon
Neurotoxicity Cytokines
Glutamate modulaon Minocycline

Kynerenic acid
5-HT Tryptophan Kynerenine
Quinolonic acid
Decreased serotonin

Fig. 2. Potential mechanisms of immune dysfunction in mood disorders with potential novel drug targets. Several triggers (infection,
stress, cardiovascular disease (CVD), metabolic syndrome (MeS), autoimmune disorders) may induce an inflammatory state whereby
arachidonic acid (AA) is converted to prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), which induces the release of proinflammatory cytokines. Inflamma-
tory cytokines activate microglial cells and the HPA axis and induce IDO. Induction of IDO converts tryptophan to kynurenine
which is broken down to kynurenic acid and quinolonic acid, which are known to be depressogenic. Further, depletion of tryptophan
decreases central levels of serotonin (5-HT). A similar effect is noted with induction of hepatic TDO with HPA activation. Microglial
activation also leads to neurotoxicity, decreased neuroplasticity, decreased brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glutamate
modulation, and production of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS and RNS). (green arrows = promoting, red
arrows = inhibition, gray cell is presynaptic neuron, orange cell is a microglial cell).

disorders have dysfunctional immune systems that arthritis (RA) was found to increase the relative
episodically or continually misrecognize host tissue risk of BD as summarized in Table 1 (54). In a sep-
as pathogenic, thus aberrantly attacking host tis- arate study, SLE was also found to increase the
sue, leading to tissue destruction and a systemic prevalence of BD by four-fold (55). In addition,
inflammatory response (17). Therefore, under the autoimmune thyroiditis was found to increase the
previous understanding of inflammation as an etio- relative risk of BD (56). In a study of 226 BD
logic and perpetuating factor of BD as previously patients, 252 healthy controls and 3190 psychiatric
discussed, one may expect patients with autoim- in-patients of any diagnosis, the prevalence of
mune disorders to have increased rates of BD and thyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO-Abs) was higher
vice versa. Indeed, this correlation is observed with in BD patients (28%) compared to health controls
several autoimmune disorders as summarized in and psychiatric in-patients (3–18%) (56). Notably,
Table 1 (7, 54–59). Further the effect may be bidi- the presence of TPO-Abs in BD patients was not
rectional; in a study of 347 BD patients, 48% were associated with lithium exposure (56). Psoriasis
found to have autoimmune or allergic disorders, has also been found to increase the relative risk of
indicating that the occurrence of BD may increase BD by two-fold; however, the interpretation of this
the relative risk of having an autoimmune disorder association is unclear as lithium is associated with
(7). a variety of cutaneous side-effects including psori-
Several epidemiological studies have found an asis (60, 61).
increased rate of BD in patients with various auto- Taken together, epidemiological data from sev-
immune disorders (7, 54–56). In a large popula- eral large-scale studies strongly suggest an associa-
tion-based study of all people born in Denmark tion between autoimmune disorders and BD. The
between 1945 and 1996 (3.57 million people), the effect appears to be bidirectional in nature as
relative risk for patients with any form of autoim- depicted in Fig. 3. These observations along with
mune disease having concurrent BD was 1.7 (54). the previously described immune-mood mecha-
More specifically, a diagnosis of GBS, inflamma- nisms further support immune dysfunction as a
tory bowel disease (Chron’s or UC), autoimmune facilitator of the association between BD and co-
hepatitis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and rheumatoid morbid medical conditions.

Rosenblat and McIntyre

Table 1. Medical comorbidities with immune dysfunction shown to be correlated with BD

Medical comorbidity Relationship to bipolar disorder*

GBS In a large population-based study of all people born in Denmark between 1945 and 1996 (3.57 million people), the relative risk of developing bipolar
disorder after an episode of GBS was 2.4 (54).
Chron’s Relative risk of developing bipolar disorder after or during an episode of IBD (Chron’s or UC) was 1.9 (54).
Autoimmune Relative risk of developing bipolar disorder after the development of autoimmune hepatitis was 3.0. (54).
MS Relative risk of developing bipolar disorder during an episode of MS was 2.0 (54). Also, in a prospective study of 658 MS patients, a 30-fold increase in
BD compared to healthy controls was found (58).
Rheumatoid arthritis Relative risk of developing concurrent bipolar disorder with RA was 1.8 (54). In addition, in a nationwide population-based study in Taiwan, the
(RA) incidence of bipolar disorder was found to be elevated compared to healthy controls [incidence rate ratio = 2.13, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.12
–4.24, P = 0.013] and was higher among patients with RA than among control patients (57).
Lupus (SLE) An increase in several mood and anxiety disorders was found in female patients with SLE with 4-fold increase in prevalence of BD (55).
Psoriasis A two-fold increase in the prevalence of BD in patients with moderate to severe psoriasis in a retrospective, matched case–control study, with 7971
patients with psoriasis and 39 855 control adults (61).
Autoimmune In a study of 226 BD patients, 252 healthy controls and 3190 psychiatric in-patients of any diagnosis, the prevalence of hyroperoxidase antibodies (TPO-
thyroiditis Abs) was more prevalent in bipolar patients (28%) than population and psychiatric controls (3–18%). The presence of TPO-Abs in bipolar patients
notably was not associated with lithium exposure (56).
Obesity Rates of obesity in BD patients have been shown in several studies to be 2- to 4-fold higher than the general population (11, 12, 59).
T2DM Numerous studies have repeatedly shown up to a three-fold increase of T2DM in BD patients (5, 64, 65).
Cardiovascular All patients with a hospital diagnosis of BD (n = 15 386) or MDD (n = 39 182) in Sweden from 1973 to 1995 were identified from the in-patient
disease register and linked with the national cause-of-death register to determine the date and cause of death. Patient with BD had a 2.3-fold increased rate
of mortality secondary to cardiovascular disease (6).

*Studies listed are not an exhaustive list.

prognostic indicator for poorer outcomes (62). On

Immune a molecular level, atherosclerosis has been shown
dysfuncon to be an immune-mediated process (18). Obesity
and type II diabetes mellitus (T2DM) increase
inflammation through increasing levels of adipo-
kines (proinflammatory cytokines produced
mainly by adipose tissues), increasing mitochon-
drial dysfunction, and increasing the production of
reactive oxygen species (ROS), leading to oxidative
stress and an inflammatory response (19).
Cardiovascular disease has long been recognized
Medical Bipolar as an important and prevalent medical comorbidi-
comorbidity disorder ty of BD. The risk of death secondary to cardio-
vascular disease is 2.3-fold greater for BD patients
Fig. 3. Multidirectional interactions between BD, immune compared to the rest of the population (6). This
dysfunction, and medical comorbidity. Immune dysfunction staggering increase in mortality further emphasizes
may induce and perpetuate BD and medical comorbidity. the importance of understanding what is mediating
Medical comorbidity and BD have a bidirectional interaction the association between BD and cardiovascular
with each other, and immune dysfunction as both BD and
medical comorbidity can both promote and be promoted by disease (6). As previously discussed, immune dys-
immune dysfunction. function is one potential link as both BD and car-
diovascular disease involve a chronic low-grade
Cardiovascular disease, metabolic dysfunction, and bipolar inflammatory state, which may further perpetuate
disorder both disease processes. From therapeutic and pre-
ventative perspectives, the inflammatory pathway
In recent years, immune dysfunction has been may be important to target to potentially ‘break
shown to be an integral part of cardiovascular dis- the cycle’ of both BD and cardiovascular disease
ease, obesity, and insulin resistance as a chronic increasing inflammation and further worsening BD
low-grade inflammatory state has also been associ- and cardiovascular disease progression.
ated with these diseases (18, 19). Increased levels of In terms of causality, BD is often diagnosed at a
proinflammatory cytokines have been consistently young age, while cardiovascular disease manifests
shown for both cardiovascular disease and meta- later in life. This temporal relationship may sug-
bolic dysfunction (18, 19). Further, increased levels gest that the increase level of inflammation associ-
of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive ated with BD increases the risk of immune
protein (CRP) have been used clinically as a strong dysfunction leading to atherosclerosis and

Inflammation, BD and medical comorbidity

ultimately cardiovascular disease. However, the linking BD with these medical comorbidities is
relationship is likely multifactorial as behavioral likely multifactorial, immune dysfunction appears
(smoking, overeating, decreased activity), environ- to be an extremely important pathophysiologic
mental (decreased access to health care, lower factor mediating the progression and interaction of
socioeconomic status, early childhood adversity) BD, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic dys-
and iatrogenic factors (metabolic and cardiac side- function.
effects of mood stabilizer and second-generation
antipsychotics) are undoubtedly also contributory
Implications for treatment and prevention
Metabolic dysfunction, most notably obesity Psychopharmacologic therapies for BD are cur-
and T2DM, has also been strongly linked to BD. rently suboptimal with high levels of treatment
Numerous studies have repeatedly shown that the refractoriness and mood episode recurrence and
prevalence of T2DM and obesity is greatly poor side-effect profiles that often worsen medical
increased (by two to four-fold) in the BD popula- comorbidities (for example, second-generation an-
tion (5, 11, 12, 64, 65). Further, comorbid obesity tipsychotics worsening obesity, insulin resistance,
is believed to have a synergistic neurotoxic effect and cardiovascular disease) (10, 73, 74). The focus
with BD, as it is associated with poorer prognosis of treatment has always been symptom manage-
with greater recurrence of depressive episodes, cog- ment. That is to say, there are no ‘disease-modify-
nitive dysfunction, and increased suicidality (12). ing’ treatments currently available for BD.
The interaction between metabolic dysfunction Patients with BD are usually placed on lifelong
and BD is complicated and is still being elucidated. pharmacotherapy. Often if patients stop taking
From an inflammatory perspective, both BD and medications, their symptoms quickly resume indic-
metabolic dysfunction may further perpetuate a ative of the underlying disease process prevailing
proinflammatory state, leading to neuroprogres- throughout treatment (74). In other fields of
sion of BD and worsening of metabolic function medicine, such as rheumatology, a new class of dis-
through the previously described mechanisms (mi- ease-modifying agents have evolved that target
croglial activation, oxidative stress, etc.) (5, 13, 66, underlying disease processes instead of only pre-
67). Further, the proinflammatory state increases senting symptoms (75). The basic idea is to target a
HPA activity, leading to hypercortisolemia, which different area of the pathophysiology (for example,
directly increases the risk of insulin resistance, target the upstream cause of the pain, such as
obesity, and impaired mood and cognition (5, 13, inflammation, instead of the neuronal perception
66, 67). Therefore, targeting the inflammatory of the pain, the primary target of acetaminophen)
pathway may serve to dampen this damaging pro- to actually induce disease modification. With
cess. regard to mood disorders, no disease-modifying
Of note, the interaction between BD and meta- agents are currently available; however, immune
bolic dysfunction is also clearly multifactorial as modulators have been proposed as a potential
discussed for cardiovascular disease. The insulin therapeutic class that may mechanistically be tar-
pathway has been another mechanism of interest geting the cause of the symptoms more than the
in this interaction and has been reviewed exten- symptoms themselves and may therefore have dis-
sively elsewhere (68, 69). Also of particular impor- ease-modifying potential (20).
tance is the impact of psychotropic medications Given the demonstrated importance of immune
used in BD on metabolic function (68–70). Most dysfunction in the pathophysiology of several co-
notably, the profound effect of many second-gen- morbid medical conditions and BD, immunomod-
eration antipsychotics on weight gain and develop- ulation has been investigated as a potential
ment of metabolic syndrome is an important effect treatment avenue (15). Given the hypothesis that
to consider (71). Nevertheless, immune dysfunc- the neuroprogression of BD may be facilitated by
tion appears to also play a key causal role of the a proinflammatory state, anti-inflammatory agents
observed association between BD and metabolic may be theoretically repurposed to treat and pre-
dysfunction, independent of metabolic side-effects vent progression of BD in patients with immune
of medications (15, 72). dysfunction (15, 16). Therefore, several anti-
In summary, cardiovascular disease and meta- inflammatory agents are currently being investi-
bolic dysfunction (obesity and insulin resistance) gated for treatment of mood disorders.
have been strongly linked to BD. This association Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSA-
is a particularly relevant one, as it is believed to be IDs) have become of interest for the treatment of
the primary cause of decreased life expectancy of mood disorders. Celecoxib, a cyclooxygenase-2
patients with BD (1, 6). While the mechanism (COX-2)-specific inhibitor, has been of particular

Rosenblat and McIntyre

interest for the treatment of BD. Through the inhi- fourteen well-designed randomized controlled
bition of COX-2, there is decreased production of trials were identified (89). The pooled results
prostaglandins and therefore decreased production (n = 6262) indicated a positive effect on depressive
of proinflammatory cytokines (76). Animal models symptoms without risk of increased adverse events
have suggested improved mood and cognition with (89). The inflammatory-mood axis is believed to be
the treatment of COX-2 inhibitors (77). Further, in ubiquitous among mood disorders, and as such,
a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, the promising results of immune-based therapies
add-on study, Nery et al. found the addition of cel- for treatment of MDD may possibly be translated
ecoxib to standard treatment was associated with a into therapies for BD (21).
faster improvement of depressive symptoms com- Of particular interest for the treatment of MDD
pared to standard therapy alone for BD patients in have been TNF-a inhibitors. In theory, blocking
a depressive or mixed episode (78). Another TNF-a would decrease microglial activation,
NSAID of interest has been aspirin (ASA), which decrease ROS production, and prevent inflamma-
is currently being investigated for its effect as an tion-induced neurotransmitter-level changes (20).
adjunct to the treatment of BD ( In a proof-of-concept clinical trial, Miller & Rai-
NCT01429272, NCT01797575). son used infliximab, a TNF-a inhibitor, as an add-
Minocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic with anti- on therapy for treatment-resistant MDD (90). The
inflammatory, antioxidant, antiglutamatergic, and trial was negative as the overall difference in remis-
neuroprotective effects (79, 80), has also become of sion was not statistically significant. However,
interest for treating both MDD and BD. The when analyzing the subgroup of patients with ele-
mechanism of action and preclinical data were vated CRP levels (indicative of an inflammatory
recently reviewed by Soczynska et al. (80). In brief, state), a statistically significant increase in remis-
the potent anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective sion rates was noted for patients treated with
effects show great promise for treating underlying adjunctive infliximab vs. standard therapy alone
molecular mechanisms subserving BD pathogene- (90). This key study suggested that anti-inflamma-
sis (80). While no clinical trials have yet to be com- tory agents might only be applicable to a subpopu-
pleted, multiple trials are currently underway lation of mood disorder patients, namely those
evaluating minocycline as an adjunct in the treat- with immune dysfunction. Therefore, in the design
ment of BD (NCT01429272, NCT01514422, and interpretation of clinical trials moving for-
NCT01403662) and MDD (NCT01574742). ward, selecting an appropriate sample population
Also of interest have been omega-3 polyunsatu- may allow for more meaningful results, subtracting
rated fatty acids (O3PUFA), a dietary fatty acid the added ‘noise’ in the data set caused by mood
that cannot be endogenously produced. Omega-3 disorder patients with normal immune function.
polyunsaturated fatty acids exhibit an anti-inflam- Aside from pharmacological treatments for
matory effect by competing with arachidonic acid patients with BD with medical comorbidity, the
(AA) for COX enzymes, thereby decreasing pros- data discussed would also suggest that improved
taglandin E2 (PGE2) levels and thus decreasing screening practices for BD in patients with medical
proinflammatory cytokine production (81). conditions (particularly conditions with known
Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids with >60% immune dysfunction, such as autoimmune, cardio-
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) content have shown vascular, and metabolic disorders) and vice versa
the greatest promise with several trials and meta- would be beneficial. Identifying patients with BD
analyses showing a significant antidepressant effect in general medical clinics may allow for early treat-
with a benign side-effect profile when used as an ment and prevention of neuroprogression and ulti-
adjunct to SSRI therapy in the treatment of MDD mately improved outcomes. Similarly, identifying
(20, 82–84) and BD (85–87). Of note, O3PUFAs immune dysfunction and medical comorbidity in
have also been shown to exhibit some cardio-pro- the BD population may also allow for early detec-
tective effects, decreasing the formation and propa- tion and treatment and thus improved outcomes
gation of atherosclerotic plaques (88). Therefore, and potentially even improved life expectancy for
O3PUFAs may potentially be used as an adjunct these patients (20).
to simultaneously improve outcomes BD and car-
diovascular disease.
Currently, clinical trials of immune-based thera-
pies for BD are limited, and much more studies In summary, BD has a strong association with sev-
have been conducted for immunomodulation as a eral medical comorbidities including many autoim-
treatment for MDD (20). In a recent meta-analysis mune disorders, cardiovascular disease, obesity,
of the effect of anti-inflammatory agents on MDD, and T2DM, all of which are associated with a

Inflammation, BD and medical comorbidity

dysfunction as hypothetically depicted in Fig. 4.

Therefore, immune-based therapies are unlikely to
be helpful for all BD patients (i.e., anti-inflamma-
A Immune tory therapies may only be beneficial to BD
dysfuncon patients with immune dysfunction). Further, strati-
fying patients based on immune dysfunction may
aid in design of clinical trials that may yield more
relevant data, potentially preventing false-negative
trials of agents that may actually be therapeutically
beneficial to a subgroup of BD patients.
Bipolar Medical Also of interest in future studies would be to
disorder comorbidity understand the mechanisms that subserve resil-
ience in patients with BD who do not have comor-
bid immune dysfunction and/or medical
comorbidity. As depicted in the Venn diagram in
Fig. 4, there are individuals who have BD who do
not develop medical comorbidity. The process pre-
C venting the development of comorbidity in BD
patients would thus be of great interest. Con-
versely, patients with immune dysfunction and/or
Fig. 4. Venn diagram depicting overlap of BD, immune dys-
function, and medical comorbidity. (a) Patients with BD and medical conditions who never develop psychiatric
immune dysfunction may be candidates for immune-based disorders would be a population of interest.
therapies. For this subgroup that has immune dysfunction Understanding the mechanisms which prevent
without medical comorbidity, the underlying reason for this these individuals from developing mood disorders
resilience would be of interest. (b) Patients with immune dys-
function and medical comorbidity with no psychiatric disor- may allow for insight into potential preventative
ders would be of interest in studying mechanisms of resilience, mechanisms that may be used to decrease the prev-
which prevent the development of psychiatric disorders in this alence of psychiatric comorbidity in patients with
at risk population. (c) Patients with BD, medical comorbidity, general medical conditions.
and immune dysfunction likely may respond to immune-based
therapies to potentially simultaneously improve outcomes of Given the high co-prevalence of BD with inflam-
their BD and medical comorbidity. For this subgroup, immune matory diseases, regular screening for mood symp-
dysfunction is likely facilitating the co-occurrence of BD and toms in patients with known inflammatory disease
medical comorbidity.
is recommended. In addition, for patients with
BD, screening for medical comorbidity and
chronic inflammatory state. Immune dysfunction immune dysfunction at initial presentation and fol-
has significant molecular, cellular, physiological, low-up visits would be extremely important. Fur-
structural, and functional effects centrally leading ther, with the development of medical
to impaired mood and cognition as seen in BD. comorbidities, practitioners must consider modifi-
The interaction between BD and medical comor- cation of current therapies to prevent further
bidities is multifactorial; however, immune dys- development of medical comorbidities.
function presents as an important factor mediating
the epidemiologic observation of increased medical
comorbidity in BD patients.
Therefore, immune dysfunction serves as a This article was not directly supported by any grants or schol-
potential novel target in the treatment of BD arships. JDR and RSM contributed equally to this paper.
patients with inflammatory medical comorbidities.
Indeed, several agents discussed show promise to be Declaration of interest
used as adjuncts for the treatment of BD in patients
JDR has no conflict of interests to declare. RSM declares that
with immune dysfunction, however; with the cur- he has been on advisory boards and/or received honoraria for
rent evidence presented, none of the agents dis- educational activities and/or research grants from AstraZene-
cussed have enough evidence as of yet to support ca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Janssen-Ortho, Eli Lily, Forest,
their use in the treatment of BD as further clinical Lundbeck, Pfizer, Shire, Merck, Sepracor, and Otsuk.
studies are required to support or refute their use.
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