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You have recently started work in a new company.

Write a letter to an English-speaking friend. In your letter

 explain why you changed jobs

 describe your new job
 tell him/her your other news

Dear Mary

How's it going. Hope all good things come to you.

I am sorry for not replying for such a long time. You know, recently I have been
busy with my new jobs.

In your letter, you asked me about work in a new company. Therefore, today I
write this letter to tell you about it. I recently changed jobs because my old job
made me feel stressed. At my old company I had to work far away and do a lot of
work.The new company is near my home and the working environment is also
very good. The new job suits me better. As you know, my strength is in marketing
and I am focusing on developing it in the new company. My boss assigned me
good projects, so I was very happy. Colleagues here are also very happy and
sociable with me.Recently I went to see a movie alone for fun and discovered it
was also very interesting. I think may be I'll go see movies alone many more times.
I think that is all things I want to tell you.I’m looking forward to you soon.
Best wish

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Write about the following topic:

In order to solve traffic problems, government should tax private car

owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a solution?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own
experience or knowledge

In recent years, it is widely believed that In order to solve traffic problems,

government should tax private car owners heavily and use the money to improve
public transportation has become a heated debate in our society.
A significant portion of population has a strong belief that this brings many
benefits restrict notification status protocol. However, others think that it causes
more pain than gain. This essay will discuss both merits and demerits of this in my
point of view
On the one hand, In order to solve traffic problems, government should tax private
car owners heavily and use the money to improve public transportation brings a
huge profit for people’s lives. A very important point to consider is that reduces
traffic congestion. This means that By imposing heavy taxes on private car owners,
car buyers will decrease, leading to a decrease in the number of cars and will help
improve traffic congestion. Another crucial benefit to consider is reduce
environmental pollution. This is due to that Cars generate a large amount of
exhaust gas, so if the number of cars is small, the environment will be less polluted
On the other hand, there are some drawbacks of this matter. In fact, people think
this matter leads to relate to everyone's safety. This is because cars help protect
people from the sun, rain and protect them from collisions better. Another negative
impact that needs to be mentioned here is that it can reduce the economy of
society. This means that. When taxes are too high, people cannot afford to buy,
they will no longer have the motivation to work to earn money to buy a car and the
government will also lose a part of the tax from there.
In conclusion, the mentioned facts have created a dilemma when people evaluate
positive and negative effects of this issue. People had better take advantage of the
pros and minimize the cons of this phenomenon. I extremely believe that human
beings can deal with this situation better.
1.How far is your hometown from here?
My hometown is quite far from here, about 170km
2.Do you like living there?
I really like living there because it is very peaceful and fresh
3.What interesting places can people visit in your hometown?
My hometown has many beautiful tourist destinations such as Sam Son beach, Hai
Tien beach, Ho Dynasty citadel, Lam Kinh historical site. You can visit these
places when you come to my hometown


1.Can you tell me something about your job?
I'm doing marketing for a home appliance company
2.What do you like most about it? What do you dislike most about it?
I enjoy the experience and experience it gives me the most. It helps me learn how
to handle situations faster and be able to communicate with others better. but it also
puts me under pressure because of kpi
3.Do you plan to work for a long time? Why/why not?
I think I will do that job for a long time because it suits my abilities and interests.
The environment and colleagues are also very comfortable.


Situation: your sister has been stressed since she started her new job. Here are
some suggestions for her: looking for another job, taking some days off work, and
talking about the problem with her boss. Which do you think is the best idea?
My Situation that my sister has been stressed since she started her new job. Here
are some suggestions for her: looking for another job, taking some days off work,
and talking about the problem with her boss. I think talking about the problem
with her boss is the best idea.
In my opinion, because the boss is the one who directly assigns tasks to my sister,
he will be the one who clearly understands the reasons why my sister feels the
most pressure. So, when she talk to her boss, my sister will know the cause and
fix it. The boss will also know how much pressure my sister has been under and
will give her some work to give her more time remaining. If she choose to find
another job, it's also a good idea, but she can't be sure that the new job will be
more suitable and less stressful than her current job. And now that the economy is
difficult, finding a new job is very difficult. If my sister takes a few days off
work, she will no longer be interested and enthusiastic about work, so I think that
opinion is also inappropriate.


TOPIC : Tourist development has some disadvantages
I’m Huong. I’m a student in Ha Noi. Today I have a curial Enghish test. My topic
is tourist development has some disadvantages. Nowadays, as people's economic
life is improving, the need for intellectual entertainment is also increasing.
Therefore, the tourism industry is developing strongly with an increasing number
of customers. However, tourism development is still facing problems that I think
will need to be resolved if this industry is to develop in the long term.
The first reason is ugly hotel complexes. Nowadays, when traveling, in addition to
paying attention to culinary experiences, tourists are also very interested in quiet
rest. However, the quality of the current hotel is not really guaranteed. On the edge
of good hotels, there are still many very friendly quality hotels, the service attitude
of the staff is not good, the accompanying services are friendly and the prices are
not public or tight.
Secondly, another important point to consider is destruction of natural habitat.
Tourism is increasingly increasing to explore living environments when many
ecological zones and parks are opened, hoping tourists can experience natural
beauty at the expense of the habitat of many plant and animal species. Change the
natural lifestyle of animals when bringing them to the zoo for visitors to see
firsthand. Many camping activities take place causing pollution and fires, reducing
the habitat of animals and plants.
Furthemore, Destroyed traditional ways of life is also an crurial reason point.
Traditional lifestyle is a beautiful and precious culture that needs to be passed
down and promoted. However, nowadays, when many people go to many places
around the world to travel and many people from other places come to their
country to travel, the cultures of other countries influence people's thoughts and
lifestyles, so that's why. gradually losing the beautiful traditional lifestyle.

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