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Week w/c Activities (what have you What went well?

nt well? What challenges have you What do you need to

done?) faced? prepare for the next
1. 4/9/23 Went to see a show (2:22 The show was good Getting started back in the Both Contemporary and
a ghost story) I enjoyed meeting the routine Shakespeare monologues
Met with the first years first years Disorganisation from the A good timetable
Recapped Shakespear college
Given overview of the
2. 11/9/23 Monday: Started the I think the mock auditions Disorganisation of Read Midsummer night's
Shakespeare project by went well and I had good timetable dream
looking at different ways feedback. Theory work I got anxious with the Use the feedback for
to interpret Shakespeare went well as I had already amount of work we were mock auditions well
and did the mock completed it during the faced with Theory work should be
auditions summer holidays without completed
Tuesday: Was introduced knowing
to the speech analysis
Wednesday: Started FDF,
History of theatre, did
some voice lessons with
Thursday: Mock audition
feedback, Headshots,
Ensemble movement
3. 18/9/23 Monday: Shakeslam I performed my Confusion over UCAS Bring in a poem for
project by reworking A Shakespeare monologue application, getting Shakeslam, complete
Midsummer Night's well and got really good stressed over what we’re Character Analysis,
Dream, working on feedback from it. I was supposed to do with them. prepare contemporary
solidifiying our able to find a suitable Still no guidance on the monologue
contemporary contemporary Personal Statement.
monologues monologue, Noises Off
Tuesday: Was introduced was fun when we saw it, I
to character analysis really enjoyed learning
having to write an analysis choreography to The
for the character. Did Odyssey
Maths and English test,
saw Noises Off
Wednesday: Powerpoint
for FDF, Artaud working on
physical theatre in Theatre
Studies, worked on
Shakespeare monologues
got feedback,
Thursday: Movement skills
was very fun, did
choreography from The
4. 25/9/23 Monday: Shakeslam Finding out our Medical problems, three Contemporary and
project, working on Shakeslam theme of back-to-back seizures due Shakespeare monologues
rhythm in Iambic Liberation and solidifying to stress so I was off on Duologue for Shakeslam.
Pentameter using Claudios what we were doing. Tuesday which was
monologue. Solidified Performing contemporary stressful.
what we are doing for monologues and getting
Shakeslam I am doing a tips for how to improve
duologue with Freya. them. I enjoyed the
Went home before Theatre of Cruelty I love
Contemporary performing Physical
monologues Theatre.
Tuesday: Was off but
called my friend for UCAS
Wednesday: Sound
Production, discussing
what it does and the tips
for doing well in it. Theory
we learned Artaud and
Theatre of Cruelty through
the fairytale Hansel and
Gretel. My group decided
to have everyone close
their eyes at a certain
point and whisper things
in people ears. FDF
Presentation, check in
with Kris.
Thursday: Contemporary
monologues going through
and solidifying
monologues and choices.
5. 2/10/23 Monday: Shakeslam I enjoyed working on Theory work was pointless Learn Shakeslam lines,
preparations, we sorted Shakeslam and blocking don’t know why I even learn monologues.
out everything that we are everything together, I came in. Everything was
doing for the project. Me enjoyed the movement kind of boring. Hate the
and Freya put in lines that session we did because organisation everything is
we thought could fit the we could make messy and difficult, and it's
scene and then we choreography, and got unnecessary and
blocked out the scene and everything seemed very stressful.
learnt lines. Then we ran fluid. It was a very unique
through our contemporary way we did it putting the
monologues with our movement to the words
Tuesday: We had a chill
session of just catching up
on work that needs doing
and going on the website.
It was fine, nothing
outstanding to report
Wednesday: We went
through Shakespeare
monologues with Alice
Barclay and went through
obstacles it was helpful
because I could apply it in
my monologue and help
with getting a better
Thursday: We did
movement with Molly
Fitzgerald it was a lot of
fun and I liked it
6. 9/10/23 It was really the same as I enjoyed the self-tapes. I can’t remember much of Preparation for Shakeslam
every other week. Learning how to do an this week it’s all a blur. The like costumes lines learnt.
Shakeslam we were ident and using the right only exciting thing was
working on out piece and lighting was an incredibly Self-tapes.
contemporary useful skill to learn for
monologues we future jobs.
performed them and got
feedback from Emma
Callander. We were
introduced to the
contemporary homework.
On Wednesday we went
through Shakespeare
monologues in front of the
class in a circle. On
Thursday we went through
how to do self-tapes which
was fun I learnt how to do
idents and how to perform
to a camera.
7. 16/10/23 Monday: Shakeslam I enjoyed the movement Shakeslam was pretty Half term. Prepare
preparation, we had a session I think it was stressful. I wasn’t in on Contemporary
morning of independent useful working as a Tuesday because I had to monologue, final
rehearsal where we ran chorus and sound scaping recover both physically reflection.
through it once and using breathe could be and mentally. Most of the
worked on our pieces on really impactful. I enjoyed obstacles were my
our own. Then we had a performing my Artaud anxieties and stress about
tech rehearsal where we piece because it was so Uni’s and theory work.
did a stagger through of out of the box and surreal Learning lines was a
our piece while working it was a genuine pleasure struggle.
out lighting. We then met to perform and watch.
up with the other group
and did a dress run in
front of the first years. I
think it went well I
enjoyed performing it.
Later that night we then
performed it for real. I
think it went well I did
forget a couple of lines,
but I covered it up well. I
enjoyed watching the
other groups pieces.
Tuesday: I wasn’t there
Wednesday: PDF things
where we went through
an I am future ready
program which didn’t
really affect anything. We
performed our Artaud
pieces; they were weird
but that’s what I enjoyed
about it. We performed
our Shakespeare
monologues for an
assessment, and I think it
went well, I am very
confident on my
Shakespeare monologue.
Thursday: We did another
movement session with
Milly Fitzgerald it was a lot
of fun we did a lot of work
on breath control, and we
did some work on sound
8. 30/10/23 Monday: We had a R+D I enjoyed doing the An obstacle I faced was Hand in Final Reflection
session with Eli Lower. We Contemporary working on my reflection
worked on rehearsal assessment because I was because I struggle to
techniques like the seven confident in myself even remember things, so I
stages of tension and when I messed up, I could really had to concentrate
walking like the building. pull it back confidently. I on what I’m saying.
We then had our enjoyed studying the
contemporary monologue Ancient Greeks because
assessment where I I’m always interested in
performed India’s learning about that time.
monologue from
electricity. I enjoyed
performing it, I did mess
up a couple of lines, but I
don’t think they noticed
because I pulled it back on
track relatively smoothly. I
had some difficult
questions like ‘what do
you bring to the world of
theatre’ which was
incredibly hard to answer
but I think I did well and
answered the question
Tuesday: We had a session
where we finished off our
work and that was that
Wednesday: We studied
the Ancient Greeks in
Theatre Studies and in
Movement we worked
with Ania and we played
some focus games and
walked around the room
improvising using
stopping, speeds, reaches
and pulls. We worked on
shoaling and at the end of
the session we pieced to
two together.
9. 6/11/23 Monday: We discussed I enjoyed learning about Some obstacles were when We need to come up with
our USP’s (Unique Selling the independent project we had to come up with 2-3 project ideas
Points) we made 5 pros because having so much our USP’s because I
and 5 cons about us as freedom in a project struggle to identify myself
Theatre Makers. We then really excited me and I in the view of others.
thought about who we can’t wait to realise my
attract and repel. We then ideas.
warmed up using free
movement where we
worked through the
escalation of a tic within
the body to open up. In
our second session we
used improv to improve
our confidence and wrote
things about a made-up
Tuesday: We were
introduced to our
independent project
Wednesday: We watched
two different plays and
discussed the differences
we then had our first PDF
session where we
discussed roles in what we
want to do in the piece
Thursday: we had a
movement session where
we walked around the
room indirectly and
directly and then got into
partners and did the same.
10. 13/11/23 Monday: We worked on I enjoyed the movement The practitioner on Action Plan
our script and had a play part. Monday Anna was a little
with it. Playing with the bit harsh which made it
dynamics of you and your harder to be confident. I
partner. Afterwards we am also confused on why I
worked with a Theatre need to do an action plan
Company helping them since it doesn’t help me
with devising their piece.
We talked about the
future and how it will
affect us
Tuesday: We worked on
our action plan and I got
confused because I don’t
get the point of it
Wednesday: We warmed
up and stretched our
bodies and then we got
into pairs and lead each
other with one person
having their eyes closed.
We then switched
partners and found
different ways to move by
tapping different parts of
the body.
11. 20/11/23
12. 27/11/23
13. 4/12/23
14. 1/1/2024
15. 8/1/2024
16. 15/1/2024
17. 22/1/2024
18. 29/1/2024
19. 5/2/2024

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