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( Dentsply/Equipment Division Instruction Manual Dentsply’/Cavitron’ MODEL 3000" Ultrasonic Unit 57-04-42 | Specifications ELECTRICAL Vole: 100V Model G-1103 SV Modes G-10, Grioc ZV Mode G-1108 24OV Mode! 6-110, Current O amps at 1OOV and 115v (4 amps at 230V and 240V Frequency: Sad) Hertz WATER Pressure: 25-60 psig. im Be Pe pects poten fae oie serwowaoit in Acmme wee Rene ‘CAUTION US. FEDERAL LAW RESTRICTS THIS DEVICE TO SALE BY OR ON THE ORDER OF A DENTAL PROFESSIONAL. ‘The Dentspiy® /Cavitrog® Model 3000 is designed for use in Prophylaxs treatments, periodontia, and other areas of operative ——_—_—__— nore Because the water is heated in the handpiece, adjustment of the water flow rate controls water temperature. The greater the water flow, the lower the water temperature; the lesser the war flow, the higher the water temperature. WANDPIECE x ‘TaRU.FLOW INSERT case. HANDPIECE ASSEMBLY ‘The handpiece asembly consists ofa handpiece, which the hous- ing for the interchangeable nse, a a cable. “The open end of the handpice acepts Denisply/Caviron Thns ow Sk rs ih wrt shaped ‘out one and snap it another ing cetan tha the ew ist uly sete. Holding the handpiece in an upright poston, activate the insert to positon, bleed any bubbles that might be trapped inside the handpiece. ‘The handpiece, with insert in lace, converts ceria power s9- plied by the generator into small strokes which ac- livate the insert tp. A continuous low of water i to keep the handpiece cool. This same water, watmid within the handpioe, is then delivered through the inert and sprayed from the activated Each inert made up ofthe flowing components: 1) ert 2) Wate ott to eter pected water tthe asa tp. 3) Pht rp. 4) Ong, hich 5 water sel when he ners place nto theopen end ofthe hands, 9) Comes x, ih sts moo fom teas othe 6) Magnecostrictve stack, which converts electrical power supplied to the handpiece into mechanical oselations used to activate the Insert tp FOOT CONTROL ‘The foot control is actuated to contr the functions ofthe hand= pie as follows: With the foot held down on the foot control, the handpiece i activated and water flows. ‘With the foot control released, both handpiace and water flow are shut off Operation —_—__—_cavrion—________ ‘The Dentsply/Cavitron Unit should not be used for restorative den- tal procedures involving the condensation of amalgam. DAILY START-UP ‘When staring the unit atthe beginning of the day: 1) Open the water supply shutoff valve. 2) Actuate the ON/OFF pushbutton to light the ON indicator. 3) Set the Power Adjustment Knob beyond the smallest dot as ——____—_ note ‘Always fush old water from the nit before use each day (Step 4) DAILY SHUT-DOWN ‘Actuate the ON/OFF pushbutton to tum off the unit. ‘Ghose the shutoff valve in the waterline to the unit Operating Techniques TUNING “The Model 3000 incorporates automatic phase-lock tuning. When ‘preparing f6 treat a patent: ‘© Actuate the ON/OFF pushbutton to ight the ON indicator. + Select the insert with tp of appropriate shape and place it into the handpiece unt it is fully seated. Set the Power Adjustment Knob at the recommended power level for the insert. Refer to the descriptions ofthe inserts in the back of this manual for recommended! power settings. Place the insert tip into the ‘contralto activate the handprece and water low. Depending on the patient's general sensitivity, the gentleness of the operators touch, and the nature of the are being treated it ‘may be advisable to tum the power down. NOTE Prior to use on each patient itis recommended that the handpiece tip be fished by holding it over a suitable drain and activating the foot control for 2~ 3 seconds. PATIENT POSITIONING + Upatient sensitivity is noted: ‘Be certain thatthe insert ip is at a 13° angle to the tooth surface *Flnseae the sped of movement of the ise in hypersen- ** Change the motion of teaser tip fom vert to horiaon- or viceversa, ‘s* Move from the sensitive tooth to another and then return, "Lighten finger pressure on the handpiece as you would on a ‘hand instrument, especially on exposed dentin, ‘s+ If sensitivity persists, decrease power setting. INSERTS ‘Tie Model 30 is wualy packaged withthe standard inser: 33,3010 and SOKEWPES Exyeriad operator poet ‘ahable time sive by flowing ins sas {se the 30K 3 mer ogy remove lca epost spn ay the upper and ber ach Then we the 3010 inset for subgingival and iterproxinal renal i the upper and bet acct The probe | H i f % i i tse vertical overlapping ery light pressure with the inset at a 13* angle tothe tooth. Work wih the tip of the inset. When using insert 30K-3 on labial, use vertical strokes and very light pressure; work with the tip ofthe msc, not the sides or face POWER SETTING: High darge doo) For removing, supragingival and subgingival calculus from buccal = and tingual of biewpids and Removing , calculus, from ppostriors with insert . Hi Use vertical overlapping strokes, £ ‘very light pressure. Work with the tip of the insert. ia | INSERT 307 POWER SETTING: ‘igh (arge dor) For removing supragingival ‘acuhis from very text Use insert 30K7 for Engul to interproximal depots. Work wih the ip ofthe inser. from labial and ingval Surfaces of antes. This pis ined to permit an adequate low of water he i (On labial surfaces, work initially with vertical, overlapping strokes. Then, finish the surface with orizontal, overlapping strokes. a i EE He i iE agg! iH } j i 30K-KIC KIS inserts, specifically developed for

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