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1. Universality
● It appeals to everyone regardless of
LITERATURE culture, race, sex, and time which are
● The word literature is derived from the latin considered significant.
word “litera” which means letter or words. 2. Permanence
● total of preserved writings/spoken words ● It endures across time and draws out
belonging to a given language or people. the time factor: timeliness (occurring
● interprets the meanings of nature and life at a particular time) and timelessness
(thoughts, emotions/feelings) in words of (remaining invariably throughout time)
charm and power, touched with the 3. Artistry
personality of the author, in artistic forms of ● It has an aesthetic appeal to
permanent interests. everyone and thus possesses a sense
of beauty.
4. Intellectual Value
● Literature can generally be divided into two
● It stimulates critical thinking that
enriches the mental processes of
○ based on structure
abstract and reasoning, making man
○ based on content
realizes the fundamental truths of life
● BASED ON STRUCTURE and its nature
○ Prose 5. Suggestiveness
■ Novels ● It unravels and conjures man’s
■ Short Story emotional power to define symbolism,
■ Plays nuances, implied meanings, images
■ Legends
and message, giving and evoking
■ Fables
visions above and beyond the plane
■ Anecdotes
■ Essay
of ordinary life and experiences.
■ Biography 6. Spiritual Value
■ News ● It elevates the spirit and the soul and
■ Oration thus has the power to motivate and
○ Non-prose (poetry) inspire, drawn from the suggested
■ Narrative Poetry morals or lessons of the different
■ Epic literary genres.
■ Metrical Tale 7. Style
■ Ballads
● It presents peculiar ways on how man
○ Lyric Poetry
sees life as evidenced by the
■ Folk Songs
formation of his ideas, forms,
■ Sonnets
■ Elegy
structures, and expressions which are
■ Ode marked by their memorable
■ Psalms substance.
■ Awit
■ Corridos
● refers to the typical structures used by writers
○ Dramatic Poetry
in their works to convey his or her message(s)
● BASED ON CONTENT in a simple manner to his or her readers.
○ Fiction or “literature of power” ● Two aspects of Literary Devices
■ Myths ○ Literary Elements
■ Poems ○ Literary Techniques
■ short stories
■ Novels
■ Plays
● have an inherent existence in literary pieces
○ Non-fiction or “literature of
and are extensively employed by writers to
■ Biographies
develop a literary piece.
■ News

○ Plot - It is the logical sequence of that they appeal to our different
events that develops a story. senses
○ Setting - It refers to the time and place ■ TASTE (gustatory imagery)
in which a story takes place. ■ SIGHT (visual imagery)
○ Protagonist - “good guy” or the main ■ SMELL (olfactory imagery)
character of story, novel or a play ■ TOUCH (tactile imagery)
○ Antagonist - “bad guy” or the ■ HEAR (aural imagery)
character in conflict with the ○ SIMILE AND METAPHOR - Both
Protagonist compare two distinct objects and
○ Point of View - The person or entity draw similarity between them. The
through whom the reader difference is that Simile uses “as” or
experiences the story. “like” and Metaphor does not.
○ Conflict - It is an issue in a narrative ○ PERSONIFICATION - attribution of
around which the whole story human qualities to something that is
revolves. non-human like objects and animals.
○ Mood - A general atmosphere of a ○ HYPERBOLE - It is deliberate
narrative. exaggeration of actions and ideas for
○ Tone - The “attitude” of the speaker, the sake of emphasis.
narrator as conveyed through the
language of the piece.
○ Theme - It is central idea or concept
of a story
○ often associated with literary pieces
written by women that deal with
women in society.
● are structures usually words or phrases in
○ involves characters which chide the
literary texts that writers employ to achieve
common gender norms dominated
not merely artistic ends but also readers a
with masculinity.
greater understanding and appreciation of
○ gives an impact to the voice of
their literary works.
○ SYMBOLISM - It refers to using an
○ deals with the cultural context during
object or action that means
writing of the piece of literature.
something more than its literal
○ interprets literature for its meaning or
idea in a particular socio-historical
○ FLASHBACK - tells an interjected scene
of the story that takes it back in time
from the current point in the story and
○ The formalists’ interpretation of work
often used to tell the events that
of art is formulated by the information
happened before another important
and details of the piece itself.
○ Formalists focus is on rhetorical and
○ FLASH FORWARD - tells a scene that
logical connections within the writing.
takes the narrative to a future time
from the current point of the story
○ CLIFFHANGER - tells and abrupt
ending which places the main
characters in a perilous situation with
no resolution
○ FORESHADOWING - important hints
that an author drops to prepare the
reader for what is to come, and help
the reader anticipate the outcome .
○ IMAGERY - It is the use of figurative
language to create visual
representations of actions, objects
and ideas in our mind in such a way
SUMMARY OF “SI MABUTI” ● Folk Literature - Oral literature
● Writer: Genoveva Edroza-Matute ● Written Literature - Includes kanji
○ One of her masterpieces is “Kwento ni ● “chu Nom” (Nom letters) and “chu Quoc
Mabuti” which won the Palanca ngu” (national language) literature.
Award for Short Story in Filipino in 1951.
● Title Background: about the life of a teacher “chu Quoc ngu” (National Language)
named Mabuti and how she handles the ● From early 20th century, “chu Quoc ngu”
problem as a teacher and mother to her (national language) was widespread
child. nationwide
● Characters: ● With the development of printing technology,
○ Mabuti – an ordinary public school together with the exposure of Western and
teacher who is trying to make her Eastern literature, literature in Vietnam
students realize the importance of witnessed a great number of new literary
studying. genres
○ Fe – student of Mabuti. ● 1930s - New Poetry movement
● Type of Conflict: ○ Changes in literary life appeared with
○ MAN VS. HERSELF the advent of the in the 1930s.
■ The main character is hiding ○ This was a modern movement to
her emotions towards the liberate Vietnamese poetry from
circumstances. restrictive rules of classical Chinese
SUMMARY OF “TATA SELO” ● “Tu Luc Van Doan” group (influenced by the
● Writer: Rogelio Sicat/“Rogelio Sikat” West)
○ a prolific Filipino novelist, ○ created modern Vietnam novel
playwright and short story ○ Vietnam literature from this period set
writer. a presence of many movements
○ One of his masterpieces is the ■ Romanticism
story of “Tata Selo” which won ■ Realism
the second prize in the Carlos ■ politics
Palanca Award for 1963.
● Title Background: story of a male 3 MAIN TYPES OF VIETNAMESE LITERATURE
farmer named Tata Selo. Primarily, it is ● TRUYEN - traditional oral literature
based on the real-life land reform ● HAN VIET - Chinese-Vietnamese literature
issues and recurring political cruelties ● QUOC AM - modern literature, or anything
in the Philippines. written in the romanticized quoc ngu
● Type of Conflict: alphabet
■ Tata Selo, fought with TONE RULE
other people around ● are among the most important elements in
him so that he could most of Vietnamese verse forms
defend himself in the ● are divided based on their falling and rising
case he faced nature into two categories:
regarding the hacking ○ BẰNG (flat) Bằng category comprises
and accidental death two tones:
of Kabesang Tano. ■ ngang
■ huyền.
○ TRẮC (sharp or non-flat). Trắc
category comprises four tones:
■ sắc,
■ hỏi,
■ ngã,
■ nặng.
RHYME SCHEME RULE ■ and when the end word of
● There are two kinds of rhymes in Vietnamese second line is sharp,
poetry. ■ the 4th word in the line must
○ VẦN GIÀU (rich rhymes): be flat.
■ when two words have the ○ The elements of the Tho Bay Chu are:
same final sound and their ■ stanzaic, written in any
tones come from the same number of quatrains.
category. ■ measured by number of
○ VẦN NGHÈO (poor rhymes): words, 7 words per line.
■ when two words have nearly ■ Rhymed
similar final sound and their ● Tho Tam Chu or Eight Word Poetry
tones come from the same ○ It appears to be more flexible in
category. stanza length as well as tonal and end
DIFFERENT POETIC FORMS OF VIETNAM ○ The elements of the Tho Tam Chu are:
● Tho Bon Chu or Four Word Verse ■ stanzaic, written in any
○ It is written as its name implies, number of either tercets,
measuring the number of words per quatrains or septets.
line rather than syllables. ■ measured by the number of
○ The elements of the Tho Bon Chu are: words in the line, 8 words per
■ stanzaic, written in a series of line.
couplets ■ Rhymed
■ measured by the number of
words in the line, each line has
○ Example: BRUNEI
■ Sounds normal to shout ● known to be trading with and paying tribute
with children at home. to China in the 6th century CE.
■ To shout in office ○ It then came under Hindu influence
is not my suggestion. for a time through allegiance to the
● Tho Sau Chu or Six-Word Verse Majapahit empire, based in Java.
○ It is measured by word count and uses ● duly gained independence on January 1,
either alternate or envelope rhyme. 1984, and an Islamic sultanate was
○ It can be written in quatrains or proclaimed.
octaves. ● Legislative Council
○ When written in octaves it is called ○ which had become an entirely
Six-Eight Poetry appointed body by decree of the
○ The elements of the Tho Sau Chu are: sultan in 1970, was suspended
■ stanzaic, written in any ○ a ministerial form of government was
number of quatrains. It can introduced.
also be written in any number
of octaves. ● Brunei-Malay English Dictionary
■ measured by word count, 6 ○ Saya/Aku = I/me
words per line. ○ Awak/Kau = You
■ rhymed, either alternate, ○ Kami = We/us
abab cdcd etc. ○ Si Awang = That Boy
○ Si Dayang = That Girl
● Tho Bay Chu or Seven Word Poetry ○ Lelaki/Laki-laki = Guys/Boys/Men
○ It is written with a seemingly more ○ Perempuan/Bini-bini = Girls/women
flexible tonal pattern than most Viet ○ Budiman = Gentlemen
verses with the exception of ○ Kebawah Duli = his majesty
■ when an end word in the first ○ Makan = eat
line is flat, ○ Cinta = love
■ the 3rd word must be sharp ○ Suka = Like
○ Terima Kasih = thank you
○ Brunei Malay (Bahasa Melayu Brunei) ● The Kindergarten Teacher
or Kedayan (Kedaian) ○ Written by Aung Thinn
■ sometimes conflated as
■ the national language of THAILAND LITERATURE
Brunei and a lingua franca in
parts of East Malaysia. LANGUAGE
○ Standard Malay - official language of ● Thai language is the official language of
Brunei. Thailand
○ Arabic - is the language of the Quran ○ English is its unofficial second
and is used by Islamic scholars in language.
Brunei. ● The Thai language features five tones:
○ Islam - official religion ○ high, mid, low, rising, and falling, each
○ The Chinese minority of Brunei speak of which changes the meaning of
a number of Chinese varieties. particular ‘words’
■ Hainanese, Hoisan and ● Written Thai is based on an alphabet
Fuchow - other Chinese adopted from the Khmers of Cambodia
languages that are actively in ○ became standardized during the
use in Brunei. reign of King Ramkhamhaeng during
○ English - used as business and official the Sukhothai period
language and it is spoken by a
majority of the population in Brunei.
● Language and Literature Bureau ● The traditional thai greeting the “wai” is
○ promotes the development of generally offered first by the younger of the
literature and folklore and two people meeting
publishes textbooks in Malay ○ with their hands pressed together,
and English for use in primary fingertips pointing upwards as the
and secondary schools. head is bowed to touch face to
● Sajak - form of poetry popular to fingertips
school children ○ coinciding with the spoken words
● Sya’ir Awang Simawn – epic poem, “sawatdi khrap” for male speakers,
most famous work of traditional and “sawatdi kha” for females
literature which recounts the exploits
of the culture hero. LITERATURE
● The Oilfield Laborers ● Thai Literature was traditionally heavily
influenced by Indian culture
● Ramakien - Thailand’s national epic which is
MYANMAR a version of the Ramayana
● Language ● Sunthorn Phu - most important poet in Thai
○ Burmese - the mother tongue of the literature who is best known for his romantic
Bamar and official language of adventure story Phra Aphai Mani and nine
Myanmar. travel pieces called Nirats
■ It is written in a script consisting ● Boatman’s Love Song
of circular and semicircular
letters, which comes from the
Mon script.
○ Mon script - The Mon language is a
recognized indigenous language in
Myanmar as well as a recognized
indigenous language of Thailand.
○ Palm-leaf and Folded Paper

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