Part 3 Examination Form Patna University, Patna.

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Money Receipt (2022-23)

Receipt No. : 26188 Dat e: 04-04-2023 15:39:23
Fee for: Part-III Exam St ude nt 's Copy
Name: ANJALI KARN Re gist ra t ion No.: 203202101421
Course: Bachelor of Science (Honours)
1 Exam Fee 350

2 Local Levy 200

3 Marks Sheet 100

4 Original Degree 700

5 Practical/Viva Voce 0

6 Provisional Certificate 100

7 Total 1450

Amount in Words : One Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Only

Transaction Nos : 11000159608370 & 309485631951

This is a comput er generat ed receipt hence no signat ure is required

Date: 04-04-2023 Regular Form No: 6342

Registration No:
Course : Bachelor of Science (Honours)
College Name: Magadh Mahila
ExamRollNo.: To be allotted
Previous ExamRoll : P-I:21567
Mot her's Name : GANGA KARN
Fat her's Name : SANJIVA KUMAR
Dat e of Birt h : 18-09-2003
Gender : Female
Cat egory/Communit y : GEN
St udent 's
Religion : Hindu
Phot ograph
Nat ionalit y : Indian
Mobile : 9472801388

Aadhar Number : 484669975171


Address :
St udent 's Signat ure

Details of subjects
Subject Paper Appearing

Mat hemat ics 5 

Mat hemat ics 6 

Mat hemat ics 7 

Mat hemat ics 8 

General Environment al Science General Environment al Science 

1. Before entry to the Examination Hall The examinees will be frisked for any notes, chits, papers and books etc. 9. Any attempt by a candidate to render the identification of his answer paper impossible
they are not supposed to carry anything in the examination Hall except their admit cards, pens, pencils. No or difficult by giving false Roll Number or by intentionally omitting to state his Roll
calculators or any other electronic gadget will be allowed except if specifically permitted. Examinees must report to Number and Registration number as required in the preceeding Rule, will subject to his
the Examination Centre at least one hour before commencement of each examination. expulsion from the Examination.
2. If any examinee is caught using unfair means like copying from notes, chits book, other answer books, 10. Candidate are forbidden to written answer or anything else on the question paper or
cassettes, programmed computer or talking with fellow examinees, leaving identification marks on the answer blotting paper.
books creating disturbance to the Examination Hall, threatening or assaulting on invigilator or any person 11. No candidate will be allowed to leave the room until an hour has elapsed from the
associated with the conduct of examination he/she will be expelled from the examination and debarred from time when the papers are given, a question paper will in no case be given to any
appearing at any Examination for a period ranging from one to four years. candidate. Who is more than half-an-hour late.
3. There is no provision of re-examination in case of walkout or stay out. If there is any complaint regarding 12. No candidate will be allowed to re-enter the examination room during the hours of
question paper, the candidates are required to appear in examination peacefully and submit an application Examination after once quitting it. In case of urgent necessity, a candidate may with the
regarding their problem to the Centre Superintendent only after the examination is over. special permission of the Hall-in-charge, temporarily leave the Examination room but
4. Duplicate admit card will be issued on application with a fine Rs. 150/- to the Registrar, P.U . along with an during his stay outside he must be under the surveillance of a person to be deputed by the
affidavit sworn in the Court of Magistrate First Class. Centre superintendent fot that purpose.
5. A seat, with a number corresponding to that on the Admit Card he has received. Will be allotted to each 13. A candidate having completed his paper must handover to the superintendent before
candidate and a book in which to write his answers will be found on his desk. Candidate will be required to find leaving the Examination Hall.
out and occupy their allotted seats. 14. Precisely five minutes before the time fixed for giving out the question papers a
6. The order in which the candidates are seated will be forwarded to the Examiners. Any candidate detected in warning bell will be rung as assign for all candidates to take their seats. After the
helping another or attempting to obtain unfair assistance will be struck of from the list of candidates. No warning bell has been rung any outside found loitering in the Hall or near the entrance to
communication whatever between candidates while under Examination will be allowed. the building where an Examination is to be held will be liable to expulsion as being guilty
7. No candidate, without the permission of the Examination Hall in-charge is to leave his seat or the Examination of tresspass.
Hall until the end of the Examination. 15. In any case, not provided for in these rules, as in case when a candidate is more or
8. Each candidate will write on the outside of his answer book his Roll No. and registration number but not his less disabled but still able to take the Examination, reference should be made to the
name of the name of his College, Candidates are warned that no answer paper will be valued unless the superintendent of the examination and the decision of U niversity will be considered final
candidates Roll Number and Registration number are clearly written on it. in all such cases.

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