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Template for Developing a School

Counseling Program Goal

in SMART-Goal Format
Any student whose success rate was lower than 15% in
June 1st, 2023 the previous school year (2021-2022)
By ,
End Date Targeted Group

increase achievement
Increase/decrease something related to achievement, attendance or behavior

6 percent 13.7% 19.7%

by from to
Measure of change Baseline data Target data

TN Department of Education School Report Cards

Data Source:

Identify outcome data (achievement, attendance or behavior) supporting need for this goal:

The overall success rate of our school is 17.1% compared to 28.4% at the district level. When looking at success rate by
race and ethnicity, minority students have a lower success rate than white students by about 6%, with white students’
success rate at 19.5% and minority students’ success rate at 13.7%.The achievement score of B.B.S.K. is 2.

Identify supporting contextual (perception) data (from relevant stakeholders) to further understand this goal:
School counselors have noticed implicit bias from some teachers towards minority students, having lower expectations for these students and not believing they
will perform as well as other students academically. Teachers report it being challenging to connect with minority students. Administrators find that more minority
students are being sent to the office for disciplinary reasons, which is contributing to out of class time for these students. Some parents have a lack of resources;
some have a language barrier and struggle to help students with their homework. Students feel a disconnect from teachers, and feel unwelcome in class while not
getting the support they need. There have been community reports of seeing students at the grocery store with parents or out playing in their yards during school
Identify any possible systemic issues (policies, procedures, school- or districtwide) related to this goal:

Implicit bias has been seen between faculty and students.

Identify school programs/activities currently employed to address this goal:

The school counselors have lessons on self advocacy and study skills
in their rotation of classroom guidance lessons for students. It will be a
priority that all students receive these lessons this school year.

Identify possible school counselor interventions/strategies to address this goal:

It will be a priority for all students to receive classroom guidance lessons on study skills, self
advocacy, and cultural differences. Bias trainings for teachers and workshops for parents with
the goal of relationship building and sharing about the services school counselors offer would be
beneficial. It may also be of benefit to connect with parents and teach them ways to best support
their children at home, such as with homework help, etc.

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