Student Designed Lab Report Rubric F23 - Tagged

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Grading Rubric

Student Designed Lab Report

Section Description Points
Title Accurate and descriptive 2
Include the following information:
 First background topic
 Second background topic
Introduction 15
 Third background topic
 Purpose/objective of experiment (why would anyone care about this topic?)
 Hypothesis
Materials and Using paragraph format, describe the procedure of the experiment in enough detail that a
Methods peer could complete the experiment and get the same results.
Present a summary of your data.
 Include at least one table or graph. More than one figure may be included.
Results 13
 Show any formulas used, and how they were derived.
 Titles, units, captions, etc. are needed.
Describe the results in paragraph form.
Discussion  Summarize the results and tell what the results mean. 15
 Identify sources of error and how they could be eliminated in future experiments.
Draw conclusions from your data.
 Accept or reject your hypothesis and support that decision with data.
 Put the results of the experiment in the context of Physiology—how does this relate to
Conclusion actual living things. 15
 Who should care about your results and why?
 Describe in detail future experiments that would further expand on the work you did
Cite at least three sources, including at least one primary source and one secondary source,
References 5
correctly. Use in-text citations correctly throughout the lab report.
Total 75

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