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08/07/2023 Management Accounting FMA

2 hours Long

Pass Mark is 50%

Section A

35 2 marks question


Number entry

Multiple response

Multiple Matching

Section B

3 Multitask Questions 10 Marks each.


Standard Costing Variances

Performance Measurements
Data is raw facts and figure.

Information is any data that has been process.

Reasons for using information.

Managers need the information for Planning, Control, Decision making.

Planning strategic objective

Strategic Planning time frame is 3 to 5 years Higher management

Tactical Planning Time Frame 1 yr or less Middle Or higher Planning

Operational Planning time Fram 1 year or less Middle or lower management


Cost effective – Benefits derived from the use of the information must be greater than the
cost incurred in obtaining the information.

Types of information

Primary Information is information that is close to the sources as possible. ( source

document, eye witness accounts)

Secondary information is information collected for a different person than it is going used

Good information should be.

Cost Beneficial
User Targeted
Easy to use.

Cost effectiveness

Types of Accounting
 Financial Accounting
 Cost Accounting
 Management Accounting

Interlocking accounting 2 set of records for financial one for management accounting it
means that you have information’s for selective reasons so it it talored to that but the
downfaili is that it is timely

Integrated accounts we have one set that record both financial and management

Types of information


Going Concern- The assumption that the business will coutiune into the froseeable future
without the need or interntern of changes it scale of operation

Liquidity- The Ability of the business to pay it debts asset

Types of data

Quantity data is data that can be measures

Qualitative data is data that cannot be measure and is subjective



Categorical data

Numerical data

Sources of data

Machine/sensor data

Transaction data

Human/social data

Internal information

The accounting system

The payroll system

The strategic planning

The production department

Sources that are external information

Government Sources

Business contacts

Trade association and journal deal with the particall industry we deal with and act as
responsive when ppl are in dispute

Financial press business press and general media deal with international

The internet

Other Sources
Sampling is taking a small part of the population and using the answer from that as the
result as the population on a whole.

Methods of probability sample

Random Sampling

Systemic sampling

Strategic random sample

Multistage sampling

Method Nonprobability Sample

Quota sample

Cluster Sample

Presentation of information




The structure of a report


Content Page

Terms of

Sources of



Charts ( Percentage, Multiple Bar, Pie Chart, Scatter Diagrams)
Line Charts is used to show trends time related data
Mapping Charts Presents Information Geographically
Dash boards- provide relevant summary and provided a few drivers that give and over view of a
business area. Each driver can be further analysed by drilling down into the supporting data.

Classification Of Cost

Classification by elements
 Material
 Labour
 Expense

Classification by Nature
Direct Cost is all the
Expense which will equal to prime cost.

Or Indirect

Classification by Function
 Selling or Marketing Cost
 Distribution Cost
 Research and Development Cost
 Financing Cost

1. Expense Direct
2. Expense Indirect
3. Materials Indirect
4. Labour Indirect
5. Materials Indirect
6. Labour Direct
7. Expenses Indirect
a) Indirect
b) Direct
c) Indirect
d) Indirect
e) Indirect
f) Indirect
a) Direct
b) Indirect
c) Indirect
d) Indirect
e) Direct
f) Direct

Responsibility accounting is holding the manager accountable.

1. Production
2. Admin
3. Production
4. Admin
5. Distribution
6. Financing
7. Selling
8. Distribution
9. Finance
10. Selling

Controllable cost is a cost that a manager by decision can affect.

Uncontrollable cost is cost that cannot be changed.

Classification by behaviour

Total Fixed cost is a cost that isn’t affected by your production.



10 20 30 40

Unit Fixed Cost = Total cost/Number of units

1600 Units 10,000/10,000 = $1.00
20,000 Units 10,000/20,000 = 0.50
30,000 Units 10,000/30,000 = 0.33
40,000 Units 10,000/40,000 = 0.25

Unit Fixed Cost

Costs 1.00




10 20 30 40
Units cost falls at a Declining rate as Activity level increase.
Unit Variable Cost
E.g. Direct material per unit of 2.50


10 20 30 40

Total Cost = number of units * cost per unit

At Total costs
10,000units 10,000*250 =25000
20,000 units *2.50 = 50,000
30,000units * 2.50 = 75,000
40,000 units * 2.50 = 100,000

Total Variable Cost

Cost per unit
10 20 30 40
Total Semi Variable Cost/ Mixed Cost
Fixed cost + Variable Cost

Eg Land Line Telephone

Monthly Rental $50.00
Usage Rate $0.10 per min

At Total Cost
0 Minutes 50 + 0 = 50
30 Minutes 50 + (30*1.10) =53
60 Minutes 50 + (60* 0.10) = 56
90 Minutes 50 + (90*0.10) = $59


50 Fixed
30 60 90

Total Stepped Cost

E.g., Supervisor Salary 20,000 per month
Oversee the production 50,000 Units per month



50 100 150 200 1000
Unit Fixed Cost

50 100 150 200

Upper Units of Range at unit Cost

50,00 units $20,000/50,000 =0.40
10,000units $40,000/10,000 = 0.40
150,000 units $60,000/150,000 = 0.40
200,000 units $80,000/200,000 = 0.40

Basic Graph
a) Fixed
b) Fixed
c) Fixed
d) Variable
e) Semi Variable
f) Semi Variable
g) Fixed
h) Stepped
i) Variable

The line that cut the x axis represent fixed cost
a) The line would cross the y axis at the point 1488
b) The gradient of the line is 20
c) The independent variable is x
d) The dependant variable is y

The total cost of production

a) The fixed cost 4800

b) The variable cost 8
c) The total cost of producing 1000 units 5600
Y = 4800+ (8*100)

High Low method

Variable cost Highest cost lowest Cost / Highest activity level – Lowest activity
400 – 200
= 10/unit

At the Highest activity level
9000-(10*400) = 5000

At the Lowest Activity Level

7000 – (10* 200) = $5000

TC = FC + VC
5000+ (10*350) =$8500
Activity Stepped Cost
Activity Level 4000 6000 75000
Total cost 40,800 50000 54800

Exceed 5500 units

VC = 54800 – 50,000
7500 – 6000 = 3.20 /units

FC = 54800 – 7500 *3.20)

= 30800 This includes the 10% increase

FC without the Increase

Before 100

30800/110 * 100 = 28,000

Increase 10
After 110
Total Cost 28000+(3.20*5000) = 44,000

15/07/23 Management Accounting FMA

Have Homework from first handout.

Materials can be classified as direct or indirect materials

Direct Materials are materials that can be directly attributed to a unit of production.
Indirect Materials are any other materials used in the production process that cannot be
directly attributed to a unit of production.

Proper documentation of inventory movement is important because it will help the

organisation ensure that it has sufficient inventory, that the inventory of the required
quality and that there is no duplication of orders.


A bin card is used by stores detailing the description of the goods, bin number, re-order level,
reorder quantity, receipts and issues of the item, balance in hand, maximum and
minimum inventory levels and any relevant remarks.

Stores Ledger
Perpetual inventory is recording the receipts, issues and the resulting balances of the
individual items in quantity or quantity and value as they occur. This is done by
updating the stores ledger card which shows the number and value of the items received,
issued and its current balance, as well as, the bin card.

Materials Returned Note

It may become necessary for a user department to return goods to Stores because they
no longer require the items. The user department will complete a materials returned
note which will specify the user department, the goods being retuned and the job it
was requested for.

Materials Transfer Note

The material transfer note is used to record inventory that is transferred from one
department to another. The note is completed by the department making the
transfer detailing the inventory being transferred and to whom. Once completed it is
sent to Stores for confirmation.

When a company is considering purchasing inventory it must take into account the
1. Maintaining an adequate supply of materials to ensure that the company
does not
suffer from inventory shortages.
2. Minimising its investment in inventory thus minimising costs associated with
storage of
3. Obtaining the most economic price which ensures that costs are kept to a
4. Minimising losses arising from perishable and obsolete items.
5. Maintenance of adequate records.
6. Determining the quantity required. To determine how much should be purchased the
company can consider its projections of sales in the forthcoming period, the
level of inventory it presently has and how much it wishes to retain in the future.

Less Opening
inventory Add Closing
inventory Quantity



If a company operates a Just in Time system it is easy to value the issues of raw
materials. This is so since a Just in Time system means that materials will be ordered so that the
delivery of the items will coincide with the time when they are required for production.
As such, no inventory is held by the company. The values of issues are the prices
paid for the raw materials. However, this is not normally the case since most companies
will retain some inventory.

Inventory is retained by companies because there may

> Fluctuations in the demand for the finished goods and therefore production may not
remain constant each period. Any increases in production will require increases
in raw material inputs which can be meet by the inventory held.
➤ Fluctuations in the supply of raw material. If supply is not constant it will be
necessary to hold inventory so that they are available during periods of shortages. ➤
Delays in delivery. If goods are not held and delivery is not as promised the
company may experience production delays and possibly lost sales if no finished
products are available.
The company may take advantage of bulk purchase discounts. These
discounts result from purchasing a specified amount or more of the item. This
amount may exceed the actual requirements for the period so there is
surplus that has to be stored.

Therefore, a business must determine how to value its inventory and its issues of materials to
production. The main methods of valuation include first in first out, last in first out,
continuous weighted average and periodic weighted average.

Production Department

JST Required
High Quality Since poor quality will reduce throughout ad
dependability of supplies
Speed to ensure customers order are met through production
(Not inventory)
Reliability of production no hold up
Flexibility no responds no customer orders (production in
small batches)
Lowe cost can result from high quality production. Faster
throughout and the elimination of errors.


Date Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost
May 1 100 200
3 200 2.10
5 (100) (200)
50 2.10 (105)
10 (150) 2.10 (305)
10 300 2.20
12 150 2.10
24 (200) 2.20
26 (100) 2.20
( 100) 2.30

Last in First out Method

Date Quantity
Unit Cost Total Cost
1 100 200
3 200 2.10
5 (150) 2.10 (315)
10 300 2.20
12 (300) 2.20 (660)
24 300 2.30
26 (200) 2.30 (460)

Dwring Periods of Inflation

FIFO Result in
Lower Valuation for Issues since older prices are the lower prices
Best Estimate for closing Inventory ( closest reflection of current
prices ) since they are valued at newest prices
Best estimated for closing inventory (Closet reflection of current
prices) Since They are valued at newest prices which are close to
current marilet price s
Overstatement of gross profit since cost of sales is under stated

Lifo Result in
Highest Valuation of issues since newest prices are the highest prices.
Low estimate of closing Inventory since they are valued at the oldest
princes which are the prices
Overstatement of cost of sales and therefore understatement of profit
Continuous Cumulative Weighed Average
Date Oty Unit Total Cost
Date Oty Unit Cost Total Cost
1 100 200
3 200 2.10 420
300 2.07 620
(150) 2.07 (310)
10 300 2.20 660
450 2.16 970
12 (350) 2.16 (754)
100 2.16 970
24 300 2.30 690
400 966/400 = 906
26 (200) 2.265 (453)
200 2.265 453
Periodic Weighted Average
100 200
3 200 2.10 420
10 300 2.20 660
24 300 2.30 690
900 1970
Average Cost 1970/900 =
Per Unit = 2.19
5 150 2.19 328
12 350 2.19 766
26 200 2.19 438
760 1532
900 – 700 =200 200 2.19 = 438

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