Tort Law Questions June 2024

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1. What is the standard of care applied to professionals with a special

skill or expertise?

i. That of the reasonable person with the same skill

or expertise
ii. That of the reasonable person in the same
general profession
iii. That of the reasonable person
iv. That of the reasonable person with the same level of experience in that
skill or expertise (2 marks)

2. In accordance with Caparo Industries v Dickman (1990), which of the

following must be considered by the court to establish whether a duty of
care exists?
i. Reasonable foresight of harm and sufficient proximity of
ii. Any harm, reasonable proximity of relationship and that
it is just, fair and reasonable to impose a duty

iii. Reasonable foresight of harm, reasonable proximity of relationship

and that it is just, fair and reasonable to impose a duty (2 marks)
iv Reasonable foresight of harm, sufficient proximity of relationship and that it is
just, fair and resaonable to impost a duty.

3. Which of the following factors must be present for res ipsa loquitur to be
available to assist a claimant?
i. Reasonable foresight of harm, sufficient proximity of relationship and
that it is just, fair and reasonable to impose a duty
ii. The thing causing the damage is under the control of the defendant or
someone for whose negligence the defendant is responsible
iii. The accident is such as would not normally occur without
iv. The claimant must have suffered
physical injury

4. What does the "eggshell skull"

rule mean?
i. That defendants are not liable if their victims have
head injuries
ii. That defendants must take their victims as they
find them
iii. That defendants are only liable for the injuries that a reasonably fit
person would suffer (1 mark)

5. Which of the following relationships may give rise to vicarious liability?

1. Vehicle owners and
delegated drivers
2. Employer and employee
3. Teachers and pupils in their care during
school hours
i. 1 and 2 only
ii. 1 and 3 only
iii. 2 and 3 only

6. Which TWO statements have the meaning of the defence volenti

non fit injuria?
1. There is a voluntary
assumption of risk
2. There can be no injury to one who consents
3. A person who causes injury must be held
4. Punishment should fit the violence of the
injury caused
I. 1 and 2
II. 1 and 4
III. 2 and 3
IV. 3 and 4 (2 marks)

7. Aaron bought a bottle of a soft drink. He noticed a

jagged piece of glass at the top of the bottle. Aaron
decided to use a glass cutter to remove the jagged
piece of glass and cut himself very badly. Damages
awarded to him may be reduced because of which
of the following?
I. Volenti non fit injuria
II. Res ipsa loquitur
III. Contributory negligence
(2 marks)
8. Which TWO of the following statements regarding the defence of
consent are true?

1. A defence of volenti non fit injuria will fail if the claimant had no choice other than to
consent to the r
2. A person who gets into a car with a drunken or inexperienced driver consents to the risk
of injury during the journey
3. A fireman injured as a result of a broken ladder during a fire rescue will not be viewed as
giving free consent
4. Consent and contributory negligence have so much in common that they are essentially the
same defence and have the same effect if argued successfully by the defendant
I. 1 and 2
II. 1 and 3
III. 2 and 4
IV. 3 and 4
(2 marks)

9. what is the effect of a successful claim of contributory

I. The claimant is found to be responsible for his own injuries so
his claim is dismissed
II. The claimant is partially responsible for his own injuries thus
his level of damages is reduced
III. The defendant is found to be the only cause of the claimant's
injuries and will therefore have to pay compensation
IV. The claimant is found to be responsible for his own injuries and
must therefore compensate the defendant for bringing the action
against him.
(2 marks)

10. In which of the following situations will a defendant be liable for his
I. If the loss would have occurred regardless of the defendant's negligence
II. If but for his negligence the loss or damage would not have occurred
III. If there is novus actus interveniens
(1 mark)

11. Michael visited the Seaview Marine Centre. While looking at the sea-lions' pool, he
saw a little girl drop her teddy bear over the barrier and into the water. Michael crossed
the barrier, ignored a warning sign and reached into the water to rescue the bear but was
badly bitten on his arm by two sea-lions. He wishes to claim damages. What is the legal
A. The Marine Centre will have no liability to Michael as there was no immediate danger
and he was under no legal or moral pressure to rescue the bear
B. The Marine Centre will be liable to pay damages to Michael as he was not adequately
warned of the danger of the sea-lions
C. The Marine Centre will be liable to pay damages to Michael as he was compelled to
rescue the bear
D. The Marine Centre will have no liability to Michael as the incident was an inevitable
(2 marks)

12. What forms the basis of the existence of a legal duty of care in negligence for
misstatements resulting in economic loss to the plaintiff?
1. Proximity between the parties
2. Reasonable foreseeability of damage

A. 1 only 2 only
B. Neither 1 nor 2
C. Both 1 and 2
(2 marks)

13. Gerry drove his car negligently and mounted the pavement causing injury to Tom, a
pedestrian. Although Tom's injuries were not serious, they resulted in his being off work
for six months because he suffered from a genetic blood disorder. Tom was a high-
flying merchant banker and claims for loss of earnings of £350,000. Gerry disputes this
claim as excessive.

In relation to the law of negligence, what is Gerry's liability?

A. Gerry is only liable for normal damages; Tom’s disease is a novus actus interveniens and could
not be foreseen
B. Gerry is liable for the full damages since he must take his victim as he finds him
C. Gerry will not be liable for the full damage; under the "eggshell skull rule" the presence of the
serious blood disease could not have been foreseen
D. Gerry will only be liable for the damage which could have been foreseen; Tom's loss of
earnings were special damages
(2 marks)
16. While taking driving lessons John drove negligently and injured his
What is John's duty of care in this case?
A. The same as that owed by every driver
B. That of any unqualified learner driver
C. That which might reasonably be expected of a
similarly inexperienced driver
(1 mark)

17. In relation to the law of contract, to whom does an auditor appointed under the
provisions of the Companies Act 2006 owe a duty?
A. The company only
B. The company and the directors
C. The company and the shareholders

18. What does a claimant need to show to establish liability in a negligence

1. That they have suffered loss or injury
2. That they were owed a duty of care by the defendant
3. That the defendant caused them loss or injury

A. 1 and 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. All of the above
(2 marks)

19. Which of the following is NOT a type of loss usually recoverable under the tort of
A. Injury
B. Damage to property
C. Pure economic loss
(1 mark)

20. What is pure economic

A. Financial loss that is
caused by physical injury
B. Financial loss that is not
associated with physical
injury or property damage
C. Financial loss that is
caused by damage to
(1 mark)
21. Which of the following correctly describes contributory
A. It is a partial defence
B. It is a complete defence
C. It is not a defence at all
(1 Mark)

22. Which of the following is NOT a situation where the courts have established that a
duty of care exists?
A. Motorists owe a duty of care to pedestrians
B. Manufacturers of products owe a duty of care to the ultimate users of those products
C. An auditor of a company's accounts owes a duty of care to anyone who might read his
report based on those accounts
(2 mark)

23. Which of the following does NOT need to be shown by the claimant in order to
succeed in an action for negligence?

A. That the defendant owed him a duty of care

B. That the defendant was in breach of a duty of care
C. That the claimant suffered injury, damage or loss as a result of a breach of a duty of
D. That the damage was not too remote
(1 Mark)

24. Which of the following is NOT considered in determining whether a duty of care
A. Whether it is fair that the law should impose a duty on the defendant
B. Whether the defendant intended to cause injury to the claimant
C. Whether it was reasonably foreseeable that the claimant might suffer damage as a
result of the defendant's actions Whether there is sufficient proximity between the
(2 marks)

25. In negligence, to prove that damage arose from a breach of duty which of the following
must be shown in addition to showing that the breach caused the damage?
A. The type of injury was reasonably foreseeable
B. The extent of injury was reasonably foreseeable
C. The particular injury was reasonably foreseeable
D. Both the extent and type of injury was reasonably
(2 marks)

26. In relation to establishing a claim of negligence, which one of the following is NOT

A. There must be sufficient proximity between the wrongdoer and the injured party.
B. The standard of care required is that expected by the reasonable person.
C. The same level of care is owed both to adults and children.
D. The level of care to be shown varies with the level of seriousness of the likely
consequences of breach of duty.
(2 marks)

27. Which of the following statements in relation to professional negligence is correct?

A. A professional adviser can be liable to both the client who employs them and
any other parties who they know will rely on information provided.
B. professional adviser can be liable to anyone who relies on information they
C. A professional adviser will be liable in negligence but not contract for any
negligent advice provided.
D. A professional adviser cannot be liable where the only form of damage resulting
from negligent advice given is financial loss.
(2 marks)

30. When determining whether a breach of duty has taken place, the courts will take into
account a number of

Which of the following is NOT a relevant factor?

A. The seriousness of the injury
B. The ease with which the damage
sustained can be financially
C. The likelihood of injury
D. The cost of precautions
(2 marks)

31. Trina, a trainee accountant, was approached by John, the husband of Trina's colleague,
Julie, at an office party. John asked her for some professional advice and flattered that he had
asked her, Trina gave some advice. It later turned out her advice was flawed.
Is Trina liable of the resulting loss suffered by John?
A. Yes because she knows him and is responsible for
the advice which she gives
B. Yes because she owes him a duty of care for
which the standard is that of reasonable qualified
C. No because she is only a trainee
D. No because the advice was not given in a
professional context
(2 marks)

32. Which of the following statement/s are true in relation to the defense of contributory
1. The defendant must show that the claimant's conduct contributed to the incident that
caused the damage he suffered.
2. The defendant must show that the claimant's conduct contributed to the damage which
he suffered.
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. Both (1) and (2)
D. Neither (1) or (2)
(2 marks)

33. Which of the following is the consequence when a patient signs a medical consent
form before an operation?

A. The patient gives up any right if action for any injury suffered
B. Any action for any injury suffered during the operation is limited to negligence
C. The level of any potential payment for any injury suffered is reduced
(1 mark)

34. Which of the following are owed a duty of care by auditors when preparing a company's
audit report?

A. A potential investor with no current holding

B. An existing shareholder looking to increase their holding
C. A company looking to make a takeover bid for the company
D. The company and the existing shareholders in the company as a
(2 marks)

35. In relation to defences of the tort of negligence, which of the following is the
consequence of a finding of volenti non fit injuria?

A. It removes the requirement to pay damages

B. It reverses the burden of proof as to who can claim damages
C. It increases the level of damages
D. It decreases the level of damages

36.What is pure economic loss?

A. Financial loss that is caused
by physical injury
B. Financial loss that is not
associated with physical
injury or property damage
C. Financial loss that is caused
by damage to property
(1 mark)


Oliver was selling his inn, the Cromwell Arms, and Charles was considering buying it.
Charles wrote to Oliver's accountant, Richard, and requested information about the annual
turnover of the inn. The accountant wrote to Charles informing him that the inn's annual sales
were 'in the region of £200,000', adding that the information was given without any
responsibility on his part.
Charles purchased the inn and subsequently found that although several years previously
turnover had once approached £200,000, generally it was about £150,000 a year.

Task 1
Which of the following TWO statements are correct?
 There is no need to show a loss has been made to
make a claim for negligence
 There must have been a loss made to make a claim in negligence
 There must be a causal link to make a claim for negligence
 There is no need to show a causal link to make a claim for negligence

Task 2

Which of the following types of loss is normally not recoverable in a negligence action?
 Loss as a result of personal injury
 Damage to property
 Financial loss directly connected to personal injury
 Pure financial loss

Task 3

Which of the following TWO statements are correct?

 The accountant owes a duty of care to Charles
 The accountant does not owe a duty of care to Charles
 The accountant will be liable for the losses which Charles has suffered
 The accountant will not be liable for the losses which Charles has suffered
(2 marks)

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