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Exercise Manual for Course 481T

ScrumMaster Workshop


by Alan O’Callaghan
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Exercise Manual Contents

Legend for Course Icons ......................................................................................................ii

Activity 3.2: Navigating Conflict ........................................................................................... 3
Activity 3.3: Collaboration Game ......................................................................................... 5
Solutions.............................................................................................................................. 9
Solution to Activity 3.3: Collaboration Game ..................................................................... 11

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Legend for Course Icons

Standard icons are used in the hands-on exercises to illustrate various

phases of each exercise.

Major step Warning

1.  Action Hint

Checkpoint Stop

Question Congratulations

Information Bonus

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Activity 3.2:
Navigating Conflict


This is a group exercise with a maximum of six people in a group. If

there is a remote attendee in any group, the digital whiteboard in the
AnyWare breakout room can be used.

The purpose of this exercise is to explore responses an Agile Coach might

make to a complaint in different scenarios. One group member should be
selected as Facilitator and one group member as Scribe. These roles should
be occupied by different people from those who played the roles in the
previous exercise.


Access a set of conflict cards at One

person will be chosen by the Facilitator to shuffle the deck of cards. The
group will then take each card in turn and address the scenario by listing
options that the Agile Coach might have available, then choosing a response.


The group will choose another scenario only when it has completed its
deliberations from the previous one. There is no requirement to deal with
every scenario within the activity’s timebox. Thorough discussion and the
group’s confidence in any solution it offers is more important.

Select a group member to present your discussion and its outcomes to the
rest of the class.

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Activity 3.2:
Navigating Conflict

In your discussions, consider the following for each scenario:

 What is the essence and the severity of the conflict?
 Where does the responsibility of the Agile Coach begin and end in this
 If an intervention is required, when should it take place—now or later?
 What are the likely consequences of any chosen intervention?

Make notes on sticky notes (virtual ones if you are using the digital

Congratulations! You have developed strategies that an

Agile Coach might need in the face of a variety of complaints
from individual team members.

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Activity 3.3:
Collaboration Game


This is a group exercise with a maximum of six people in a group. If

there is a remote attendee in any group, the whiteboard template in the
AnyWare breakout room should be used.

Collective problem-solving is an essential skill for any team that wants to

describe itself as self-managing. In this exercise, team members need to
work together and resolve differences to solve a problem. Communication,
discussion, and debate are crucial to a successful outcome.


One team member should be selected as the Facilitator. The Facilitator can
participate fully in the discussion. The first part of the Facilitator’s job is to
ensure that the rules for discussion are enforced. The second part of that job
is to help the team come to the best solution that is satisfactory to all team
members. At the end of the game, the Facilitator will lead a structured debrief
of the exercise. The group should also elect a Scribe to capture its decisions
in writing.


 The Facilitator should read out loud the Moon Survival problem statement.
 Each member of the team should rank the 15 items of resource 1 to 15
(No. 1 being the highest priority) in order of importance for the crew’s
survival. The team is the crew. It is allowed five minutes to make its
rankings. No one is allowed to talk or communicate in any way with any
other team member during this period.

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Activity 3.3:
Collaboration Game

 At the end of the five-minute period, the Facilitator opens the discussion.
The team must try to come to a consensus on the rankings. As the
stranded crew, they will only be able to carry the items of resource they
have all agreed on. For an item to be taken with them on their survival
– Items must be agreed on, starting with the highest priority (No. 1).
– Everyone in the team must agree with any choice, including its
position in the rank order.
– Lower-ordered items in the carry list cannot be agreed on before
higher-ordered ones. Only items on which there is full agreement can
be carried.
– No voting or mechanistic compromising is allowed.
– The final decision must be acceptable to everyone and must be
reached within 20 minutes.

At the end of the game, the instructor will provide a solution agreed by
NASA experts.

The Moon Survival Problem

You are a space crew originally scheduled to rendezvous with the Space Ship
ScrumWizard on the lighted side of the moon (i.e., not the dark side). Due to
a technical hitch with your SpaceNav software, you have landed at a spot
more than 180 miles (300 km) from the rendezvous, in mountainous terrain,
which caused you to crash-land, damaging your onboard equipment and
supplies. Survival depends on reaching the ScrumWizard.

Only 15 items are left undamaged by your landing, and it is unlikely you will
be able to carry them all on your trek to rescue. It is essential that the crew
agree on the relative priority of the 15 items, and that they determine which
resources are the most likely to be useful in getting them to safety. Making
the wrong choices or failing to agree will lead to certain death. The 15
resources are listed on the next page. Use the form provided to make your

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Activity 3.3:
Collaboration Game

Individual Group NASA

ranking consensus rankings
Box of matches

Food concentrate

22 yards (20m) of nylon rope

Parachute silk

Portable heating unit

Two .45-caliber pistols

One case dehydrated milk

Two 132-gallon (500-liter) tanks of
Stellar map of the moon’s
Life raft (self-inflating, with CO2
Magnetic compass

Signal flares

First aid kit and injection needles

Solar-powered FM receiver
5.3 gallons (20 liters) of water

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Activity 3.3:
Collaboration Game

Congratulations! You have participated in a collaboration

game that explores team communication and problem-solving
strategies. Hopefully, you also saved yourself and your
teammates from being stranded on the moon.

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Solution to Activity 3.3:
Collaboration Game

Rank Resource Reasoning

1 Two tanks of oxygen Most pressing survival need

2 Water Tremendous fluid loss on light side of moon

3 Stellar map Primary means of navigation

4 Food concentrate Efficient means of supplying energy requirements

Solar-powered FM
5 Requires line-of-sight transmission and short ranges
6 Nylon rope For scaling cliffs, tying injured together

7 First aid kit Fits aperture in space suit

8 Parachute silk Protection from sun’s rays

9 Life raft CO2 bottle may be used for propulsion

10 Signal flares Distress signal when the ScrumWizard is sighted

11 Two pistols Possible means of self-propulsion

12 Dehydrated milk Bulkier duplication of food concentrate

13 Portable heating unit Useless on the light side of the moon

14 Magnetic compass Useless: the moon’s magnetic field not polarized

15 Box of matches Useless: no oxygen on the moon to sustain flame

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