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2D Group 1

1. Agdeppa, Iverson Kim
2. Agpalo, Jeric
3. Anor, Lyka
4. Aviles, Llyod
5. Barbado, Yzel Princess
6. Barrantes, Alexander
7. Bongolan, Guiann

1. What substance in the blood reacts with the reagents and the role of hydrogen peroxide in the
 The substance found in the blood reacts with the reagents is the red blood cell or
the hemoglobin. The role of hydrogen peroxide is it creates a deep blue green
color, where in the hemoglobin divides the oxygen from hydrogen peroxide and
causes the reaction to form a deep blue green color as soon as 20 seconds.


Dabas, P. (n.d.). Preliminary tests for Blood. Retrieved from Scientist Who Draws forensic-serology/blood-preliminary-tests

Group, F. A. (n.d). Red Blood Cell Agglutination for Blood Typing Within Passive Microfluidic

Biochips. Retrieved from Forensic

2. What are the importance of microscopic examination of test from criminalistic standpoint?

 Microscopic examination plays an essential part in criminal investigation,

specialized criminal investigation in particular. The microscopic
examination makes the identification of an offender easier or in solving
cases. Microscopic examination can be used to identify evidences such as
bloods, hairs, fibers, fingerprints. Including the body tissues for
identification of the causes of death using scanning electron microscope.


Moore, Sarah. (2020, March 18). Uses of Microscopy in Forensics. AZoLifeSciences.

Retrieved on March 16, 2024 from


3. What are the microcrystalline tests for blood? Explain the principles of each test.

 The microcrystalline tests for blood are teichmann test and takayama test.
The teichmann test or also knows as hemin or hematin test relies on the
reaction of the heme element of blood with salt and glacial acetic acid
which formed a brown-colored rhombic crystal. While the takayama test is
the formation of different haemochromogen when tended by pyridine. And
widely used for identifying the presence of blood.


R Author Group. (n.d.). Teichmann Test (Hematin) For Blood: Principle, Reagent,
Procedure, Pros and Cons. Forensic Reader. Retrieved from Forensic Reader:

Bell, S. (2013). A Dictionary of Forensic Science. Retrieved from Oxford Reference:
4. How to differentiate human from animal blood in forensic science?
 Spectroscopy and statistics method can differentiate human and animal
blood when this methods are combine. Where in if these are applied the
chemical fingerprint of proteins , nucleic acids and carbohydrates of
human and animal blood are completely different.


Pinho, B. (2020, December 11). Rapid test can tell human from animal blood at crime

scenes. Chemistry World.




5. What causes the agglutination of red cells in blood typing?

 When antibodies bond to an antigen found on multiple carriers it cause
them to clump together and it causes the agglutination


Brisse, M. (2023, November 21). Agglutination.




6. Answer the following.

Fill the table with (+) or (-) corresponding their blood types.
Blood type Anti-A Anti-B
A + -

B - +

AB + +

O - -


L,D. (2005). Blood Groups and Red Cell Antigen. National Center for Biotechnology


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