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Republic of the Philippines


The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2822
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design

• Mangubat, Angelene
• Domingo, Jennifer D.
• Maspat, Ranniele
• Malubag, Roxelle
• Manosca, Ma. Micaela M.
• Apdua, Kristine Emerald

A. Group members have triad exchange. Write down the

differences between INFATUATION and LOVE then put in a Venn
diagram. Use long bond paper.

1. Both emotions often 1. Love grows with distance but

begin with a strong Infatuation fades out with it.
physical attraction.
2. Love is deep, infatuation is
2. Both love and infatuation superficial.
can involve intense Love and infatuation share
similarities but have depth 3. Infatuation is primarily based
emotions, creating a on physical attraction while
distinction to each other.
strong attraction and love involves deep emotional
Infatuation begins with an
desire for closeness. intense physical attraction connection
3. Certain behaviors, such as that can be compared to a 4. Infatuation is intense and
wanting to impress the other sudden spark. It is made from short-lived, while love can
person, initiating contact, and idealization and fantasy which last a lifetime.
expressing affection, can be turns into a short-lived
5. Infatuation invokes high
observed in both love and intensity marked by lust.
While love comes from
levels of jealousy and
infatuation. impatience in a person,
deeper connection to
4. Both love and infatuation can someone and transcends while love is forgiving,
create a sense of excitement, physical attraction. It’s about extremely tolerant, and
euphoria, and heightened emotional connection, shared patients
emotional states. experiences, and genuine 6. Infatuation is often
5. Love and infatuation can lead understanding. focused on ourselves,
to physical reactions such as own needs and desires
butterflies in the stomach, while love involves a focus on
nervousness, and a racing heart. the other person.


Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation

Republic of the Philippines
The National Engineering University
Alangilan Campus
Golden Country Homes, Alangilan Batangas City, Batangas, Philippines 4200
Tel Nos.: (+63 43) 425-0139 local 2822
E-mail Address: | Website Address:

College of Architecture, Fine Arts and Design


1. Differences between INFATUATION and LOVE

• Infatuation is primarily based on physical attraction while love
involves deep emotional connection.
• Infatuation is intense and short-lived, while love can last a lifetime.
• Infatuation invokes high levels of jealousy and induces impatience in
a person, while love is forgiving, extremely tolerant, and patient.
• Infatuation is often focused on ourselves and our own needs and
desires while love involves a focus on the other person.
• Infatuation is often one-sided, with one person having strong feelings
for another person who may not feel the same way while love is
mutual, with both people having strong feelings for each other.
• Love grows with distance but Infatuation fades out with it.
• Love is deep, infatuation is superficial.
• One is gradual, but the other happens suddenly.

2. Similarities between INFATUATION and LOVE

• Both love and infatuation can involve intense emotions, creating a
strong attraction and desire for closeness.
• Both emotions often begin with a strong physical attraction.
• Certain behaviors, such as wanting to impress the other person,
initiating contact, and expressing affection, can be observed in
both love and infatuation.
• Both love and infatuation can create a sense of excitement,
euphoria, and heightened emotional states.
• Love and infatuation can lead to physical reactions such as
butterflies in the stomach, nervousness, and a racing heart.

3. Realizations
• Love and infatuation share similarities but have depth distinction to
each other. Infatuation begins with an intense physical attraction
that can be compared to a sudden spark. It is made from idealization
and fantasy which turns into a short-lived intensity marked by lust.
While love comes from deeper connection to someone and
transcends physical attraction. It’s about emotional connection,
shared experiences, and genuine understanding.

Leading Innovations, Transforming Lives, Building the Nation


Host: “Welcome dear listeners, to our podcast— ‘Unraveling the Boatman’s Love
Song.’ I’m your beautiful host, Micah together with my friends (Angge, Rain,
Roxelle, Jenn, and Kristine), today, we embark on a lyrical journey through the
heart of Thailand.”


(No. 1 Question)

Host: The depth of affection from the boatman is quite profound, wouldn't you
agree? That's my perspective, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the
boatman and his feelings.

Angge: As I read the lyrics of the song the Boatman’s Love Song, Boatman
genuinely shows admiration towards his beloved. He was on cloud nine while
describing the physical aspect of another persona. He is praising the beauty of
his beloved and describes from head to toe, appreciating every detail, even
her imperfections. Boatman’ s feeling clearly shows love, and affection towards
his beloved. He portrays a passionate and unyielding love, celebrated through
vivid imagery and heartfelt admiration.

Rain: "His feelings are crystal clear: Love and affection flow through his verses.
He portrays a passionate, unwavering love."

Jenn: Well, I think the feelings of the boatman in the song are deeply emotional
and heartfelt. He expresses longing, devotion, and a sense of yearning for his
beloved. The lyrics paint a vivid picture of his love and dedication, as he
navigates the river, and serenades his beloved with his song.

Kristine: You know guys, for me, I guess, while the boatman's emotions may
initially appear deep and intense, some might argue that they resemble more
of a fleeting infatuation rather than true love. Despite his professed affection, his
fixation on the bride's physical appearance suggests a superficial connection
rather than genuine love enduring beyond superficial beauty.


(NO.2 Question)

Host: I am also curious guys, what's your take on the chorus? How do you think it
resonates with the poet's outlook on love, and why do you think that's the case?

Kristine: The chorus encapsulates the boatman’s passionate and all-

encompassing love. He sees beauty in every part of his beloved, even her
imperfections. It reflects the idea that true love is profound, unyielding, and
extends from head to toe.

Host: Try to feel the chorus in your heart while going deeper in knowing the
meaning of chorus lines.

Rain: “Begin with the head and end with the toes”:

The boatman intends to praise every aspect of his beloved, from her head down
to her toes. This line symbolizes thoroughness and completeness. He doesn’t want
to miss any detail.

In the next line of the chorus: “My praise shall be strong as the tide that flows”:

The comparison to the tide emphasizes the intensity and unstoppable nature of
his love. Just as the tide flows relentlessly, his admiration and affection for her are

Roxelle: The chorus of the Boatman's Love Song speaks of the boatman's undying
love and his willingness to wait for his beloved, even if it takes a lifetime. It reflects
the poet's view on love as enduring and unwavering, despite the challenges and
obstacles that may arise. The chorus reinforces the idea that true love is patient
and steadfast.


(NO.3 Question)

Host: Now, umm let’s move on to your favorite part or parts of the song, which
part do you guys think grab ahold of you/ captivated you? And why?

Rain: The part of the song that appealed me the most is the verse-

Thy frame is as light as the forest stag and as strong and firm as a rocky crag; Thy
feet and toes (the more good luck) As pretty and broad as the web-footed duck

This verse celebrates the beloved’s harmonious blend of grace, strength, and
practicality. She is both delicate and unyielding, like the elements of nature
invoked in the comparisons.

The forest stag is a graceful and agile creature, moving swiftly through the
woods. By comparing the beloved’s frame to that of a stag, the poet
emphasizes her lightness, elegance, and freedom. It suggests that she glides
through life with a natural grace, just as the stag navigates the forest

In the line “Thy feet and toes (the more good luck) As pretty and broad as the
web-footed duck”:

The web-footed duck has broad, webbed feet that aid in swimming and
balance. The poet praises the beloved’s feet as both pretty and broad. The
mention of good luck implies that her feet bring fortune, perhaps guiding the
boatman’s journey.

Roxelle: Personally, I find the verse where the boatman compares his love to the
river to be the most appealing. It's a beautiful metaphor that captures the
timeless and unending nature of his affection. The imagery of the river flowing
endlessly mirrors the depth and constancy of his love for his beloved.


Host: As we go deeper in the song: "His feelings are crystal clear: "The boatman’s
love is intense: What do you guys think the mood of the song is? Does it also affect
your mood? Because personally it does affect mine. In what way?

Rain: The mood of the song evokes a sense of love and admiration. It shows his
passion, admiration, and yearning. The song shows the intense admiration of the
boatman in the description of the beauty of his beloved. And through the chorus
it arouses yearning and

longing. His longing from the beloved is as unstoppable as the river’s tide and
continuing expression of his love to her. It also affects my mood while reading the
lyrics of the song, because through the words used in the lyrics you can see how
deeply in love the boatman is.

Jenn: Well, for me, the mood of the Boatman's Love Song is both melancholic and
hopeful. There's a sense of longing and yearning, but also a glimmer of optimism
and devotion. The melody and lyrics evoke a range of emotions, from sadness to
joy, and it definitely affects my mood when I listen to it. It's a reminder of the power
of love to transcend time and distance.


(NO.5 Question)

Host: Is it just me or do you guys also feel like us "Filipinos share similar sentiments—
expressing love through poetry, music, and gestures.

Angge: The boatman’s love is intense, unwavering, and unstoppable. Just like the
Filipinos, they infuse love with warmth, depth and richness. Their expressions of
affection are both romantic and enduring. Filipinos express deep emotions
through harana or serenading loved ones. And same with boatman, most Filipinos
express their love and feelings towards someone by sweet gestures, love letters
and serenades.

Roxelle: The feelings of the boatman in the song resonate deeply with Filipinos, as
love and devotion are highly valued in our culture. Like the boatman, Filipinos are
known for their unwavering dedication to their loved ones, even in the face of
adversity. The song captures the universal experience of love and longing, which
transcends cultural boundaries.



Host: As we wrap up our podcast discussion, I'd like to pose one final question:
How do you envision expressing romantic love in ways that are deeper and

Angge: I think when it comes to expressing romantic love, my way of showing it is

by expressing love through actions. By creating meaningful surprises and writing
letters to show my deeper and enduring love to someone and genuinely showing
interest in someone's thoughts and feelings. Attentively communicates care and
emotional connection.

Roxelle: Expressing romantic love in deeper and enduring ways requires genuine
sincerity, understanding, and commitment. It's about being present for your
partner, listening to their needs, and showing them unconditional love and
support. Whether it's through acts of service, words of affirmation, or simply
spending quality time together, it's important to continuously nurture and
strengthen the bond between you and your loved one.

Jenn: As for me, I think I will express romantic love more deeply and enduringly by
prioritizing open and honest communication, sharing my thoughts and feelings
with transparency. Actively listening to my partner's needs and fostering empathy
allows us to understand each other on a profound level. Also spending quality
time together and supporting mutual growth to strengthen our bond.

Kristine: In my opinion, one of the many ways we can show love in deeper and
enduring ways is through an unrequited love. An unrequited love is one of the
angstiest phases of love. Having an unrequited love means loving someone
despite having zero chances of having that love given back to you. You will keep
loving that person to the point that their happiness is also your happiness; you will
do everything in your power to make them happy even if it costs you your

Rain: In finality, I believe, finding love brings a sense of completeness as it feels like
discovering the missing piece of your heart and soul. Embracing love means
embracing imperfections, understanding, and accepting every aspect of your
partner. While millennials often simplify romantic expressions to "I love you" and "I
miss you," true romantic love entails deeper understanding, acceptance,
forgiveness, and unwavering commitment to making your partner happy, even
amidst challenges and pain.

Host: Expressing deep love requires both words and actions.

Love is not just about grand gestures; it’s the consistent, everyday expressions that
build lasting connections.


Host: “Thank you for joining us on this poetic voyage. Feel the boatman’s melody
in your heart. Remember, love is unstoppable, passionate, and enduring.” Until
next time.


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