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Family Dynamic

- Filial Piety and loyalty are valued by most - It is not uncommon for
Chinese families. grandparents to live with the
- Chinese people respect hierarchy and family.
appreciate proper social relations. - Chinese students typically
- In most families, both parents work full time spend a great amount of time on
and generally have one child. school work.
Language and Communication Styles

China has 55 different ethnic However, 70% of people In Chinese people tend to have an
groups, each with its own China speak Mandarin. indirect communication style,
language or dialect. as they tend to avoid conflict to
maintain harmony.
Food in China

- Chinese meals usually consist - “Tea culture” has also become

of vegetables, rice, noodles, immensely popular in China.
and a meat dish.

- Any religion aside from Buddhism,

Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and
Protestantism are illegal.
The arts

- Chinese art is greatly Everyone joins in on - Many instruments are - China is the birth place
influenced by the the integral to Chinese Culture, of kung fu and Eastern-
country’s rich spiritual different celebrations. including the flute-like xun style martial arts were
and mystical history. and the guqin. also developed in China.
Customs and celebrations

- The largest festival — also called the Spring Festival — marks the beginning of the Lunar New Year.
One-Party System: State Control: Nationalism: Urbanization:
China has experienced rapid
China operates under a one-party The government The CCP promotes
urbanization, with millions of people
system with the Chinese maintains strict control nationalism and
moving from rural areas to cities in
Communist Party (CCP) as the over media, internet emphasizes China's
search of better economic
historical greatness and opportunities. This has led to
ruling party. The CCP exercises access, and civil society
territorial integrity, which is significant social and economic
tight control over the organizations to suppress
often reflected in its foreign changes, including challenges
government, military, and key dissent and maintain policy and domestic related to infrastructure, housing,
institutions. social stability. propaganda. and social welfare.
China is the (world's most populous
country,) with over 1.4 billion people.
Implemented in 1979 and relaxed in recent years, the ONE CHILD-POLICY significantly impacted
family structures and demographics in China.

Rapid URBANIZATION has transformed China, with over 60% of the population now living in

Traditional CONFUCIAN VALUES like filial piety, respect for authority, and social harmony still
influence Chinese society.

Despite the country's great progress, GENDER INEQUALITY persists in areas like employment
opportunities, wage gaps, and societal expectations.

China places a high value on EDUCATION with a competitive examination system and a strong
emphasis on academic achievement.

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