History Quiz Final

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Correct Answer: Tagalog

History Quiz Four years

Five years
10. Which of the following
Easy Six years groups has the Philippines as its
1. What is the approximate Seven years
number of islands that comprise Correct Answer: Six years NATO
the Philippines? ASEAN
6500 6. Which country had the
Philippines as its colony for more
7500 than 300 years? OAU
8500 Correct Answer: ASEAN
11. What did ancient Filipinos call
9500 Italy the supreme being in which they
Correct Answer: 7500
France believed?

2. When did the Philippines England a. Bathala

become independent? Correct Answer: Spain b. Allah
c. Diwata
04-Jul-76 d. Anito
7. Who of the following
04-Jul-46 explorers arrived in the Philippines
Answer: a. Bathala
14-Aug-47 in 1521?
12. How many ships did Ferdinand
01-Jan-84 Christopher Columbus Magellan use during his voyage
Correct Answer: 04-Jul-46 that eventually found the
Ferdinand Magellan Philippines?
Vasco da Gama a. 10
3. Which country had the b. 5
Philippines as its colony from 1898 James Cook c. 15
to 1946, except for some years Correct Answer: Ferdinand d. 1
during World War II? Magellan
Portugal Answer: b. 5
8. Which is the predominant
USA religion of the Philippines? 13. What place in the Philippines is
also known as the “walled city”
UK Christianity a. Cavite Wall
Belgium Islam b. Kiokong White Rock Wall
Correct Answer: USA c. Sagada coffin
Buddhism d. Intramuros
4. Which country occupied the Judaism
Answer: d. Intramuros
Philppies during World War II? Correct Answer: Christianity
Germany 14. If the seven continents were
9. Which of the following arranged from largest to smallest,
China languages is indigenous to the in which order does Australia fall?
Italy Philippines?
Basque a. 4th
Correct Answer: Japan b. 5th
c. 6th
Galician d. 7th
5. What is the term of the
President of the Philippines? Tagalog
15. The expedition responsible for Hammurabi ruled the Babylonian Egypt with his mother. After
naming the archipelago Filipinas. Empire from 1792-50 B.C.E. As he Cleopatra's her death, he was
conquered more territory, the killed by emperor Augustus.
a. Magellan’s Expedition Mesopotamian king decided a
b. Loarca Expedition system of laws was needed. 7. What is the oldest known story
c. Legaspi Expedition in the world?
d. Villalobos Expedition 4. The Reign of Terror was a
period during which major social a. The Bible
Average and political event? b.
The Histories
The Epic of Gilgamesh
1. Adolf Hitler was the leader of
a. American Revolution d. The Odyssey
which party?
b. Cuban Revolution
c. Haitian Revolution The correct answer is The Epic of
a. Communist Party
Gilgamesh, the oldest parts of
b. Nazi Party d. French Revolution
which are close to four thousand
c. Republican Fascist Party years old.
It is estimated that 17,000 people
d. none of the above.
were tried and executed during
the Reign of Terror, with countless 8. Who was said to be so
Correct Answer!: Hitler beautiful that her face launched a
others dying in prison.
became Chancellor of thousand ships?
Germany in 1933 and was
later elected president in 5. Who was not a member of the a. Cleopatra
1934. It was an Allied Powers during World War b. Helen
c. Nefertiti
unprecedented consolidation II?
d. Salome
of power.
a. United States
The correct answer is Helen of
2. What charter was passed by b. Great Britain
King John of England in 1215? c. Soviet Union
d. Italy 9. Which of these was one of the
a. Mayflower Compact
seven ancient wonders of the
b. Magna Carta Correct Answer!: The Allied world?
c. Stamp Act Powers consisted of the United
d. Quartering Act States, Great Britain and the a. Great Wall of China
Soviet Union, among others. The b. Macchu Picchu
Magna Carta means "Great c. Lighthouse of Alexandria
Axis Powers were Germany, Italy
Charter." It was a list of liberties d. Taj Mahal
and Japan, among others.
given to the English people by King
John, in the wake of a revolt. 6. Cassius and Brutus assassinated The correct answer is the
this Roman dictator. What is his Lighthouse of Alexandria, built
3. "An eye for an eye, and a tooth around 280BC. It was the tallest
for a tooth" is a well-known building in the world for many
phrase from what collection of centuries.
a. Mark Antony
282 laws? b. Hadrian
10. Which artist is known for his
c. Publius Vatinius ‘Blue Period’?
a. The 10 Commandments
d. Julius Caesar
b. English Law
a. Michelangelo
c. The Code of Hammurabi Cleopatra had a son with Julius b. Leonardo da Vinci
d. U.S. Constitution Caesar. The child, Ptolemy Caesar, c. Pablo Picasso
was known as Caesarion, which d. Vincent van Gogh
means little Caesar. He co-ruled
11. Who was the first president to 4. Which was not an international 9. This is the only Portuguese –
appear on a US coin? organization set up after World speaking country in a Hispanic-
War II either to maintain the Latin region.
a. Theodore Roosevelt peace in a world of competing and a. Mexico
b. Franklin Pierce
sovereign states or to stimulate b. Aruba
c. Abraham Lincoln
d. Zachary Taylor growth in the world economy? c. Nicaragua
A. League of Nations d. Brazil
12. What was the first country to B. United Nations
give women the vote in 1893? C. World Bank 10. This literary means "land
D. World Trade Organization without people". This country
a. America became independent in 1990 and
b. Australia 5. By the end of the nineteenth has
c. New Zealand century, an individual's identity
one of the highest sand dunes in
d. Iceland was increasingly becoming defined
by her or his: the world.
A. Occupation a. Angola
The correct answer is generally
held to be New Zealand, although B. Wealth b. Ghana
an argument could also be made C. Biological ancestry c. Namibia
for Sweden in the years 1718-1771 D. Place of Birth d. Senegal

11. This is the least developed and

Difficult 6. Which individual was most poorest country in Central
responsible for mobilizing a mass America. This country’s name
1. Which was the last imperial anti-colonist movement in British- originated from Spanish word for
dynasty of China? controlled India? "depths". This is also known as the
A. Qing A. Mahatma Buddha "Banana Republic".
B. Ming B. Mohandas K. Gandhi
C. Song a. Honduras
C. Mother Teresa
D. Tang D. Jawaharlal Nehru b. Guatemala
c. Nicaragua
2. Advocates of maternal feminism d. El Salvador�
based their claims for equal rights 7. The Prime Meridian passes
for women on the distinctive role through Clincher
of women as ______. a. London
A. wives b. Rome`
B. factory workers c. Samoa
1. This literally means "Opposite
C. mothers d. Warsaw the Arctic". This is the 5th largest
D. teachers landmass and the least
8. This country is known as the a. Africa
3. Which of the following "world’s melting pot" and "land of b. North Pole
countries was an arena for a hot refugees" for having history of c. South Pacific
war between Soviet-based successive migration. d. Antarctica
communist forces and U.S-backed a. Canada
resistance forces? b. Australia 2. In 1989, it became the very first
A. Cuba c. United States country to sanction homosexual
B. Iraq d. Great Britain marriage and to give
C. Iran homosexuals most of the legal
D. Afghanistan rights accorded to heterosexuals.
a. Germany
b. Finland
c. Netherland 8. This is the second most
d. Denmark populated country in the world.
This nation still practices caste
3. Why is Africa often called "Dark determination, child bride, dowry
Continent" until the 19th century? system and girl-child infanticide
a. It is a land of mystery and especially in the rural areas.
paradox a. China
b. Its peoples are all black and b. India
dark c. Canada
c. Its forest are impenetrable d. Pakistan
d. Its notorious for diseases
9. This is often called as the
4. What happened to the "eternal city" for having been the
German territory in China after seat of power during ancient and
World War I ended? modern period.
a. Paris
A. It was sold to the highest b. Milan
bidder. c. Brussels
B. It was acquired by Britain. d. Rome
C. It became a mandate.
D. It was returned to China. 10. The earliest civilization of India
was located in the valley what
5. What happened to the river?
German sphere of influence in a. Ganges River
China after World War I ended? b. Indus river
________ claimed it. c. Brahmaputra river
d. Godavari River
A. China
11. Where are the great forests of
B. America
C. Britain Russia found?
D. Japan a. Tundra
b. Taiga
6. Where did the Great c. Steppe�
Depression began? d. Desert
12. Most of the land of the Middle
A. France East is
B. America
a. Jungle
C. Britain
D. France b. Steppe
c. Desert
7. Only 15% of the land of the d. Savanna
Middle East is suitable for farming. 13.Saigon is located to the east of
85% is unsuitable for what what country?
reason? a. Hanoi
a. It is too dry b. Rangoon
b. It is too hilly c. Manila
c. There are too many factories d. Djakarta
d. None of these

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