Unit 39 (15.02 Al 18.02)

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 Neither of us: ninguno de nosotros

 Either of us: cualquiera de nosotros
 either one: cualquiera de los dos
 Both of us: Nosotros dos
 Each of us: Cada uno de nosotros
 All of us: Todos nosotros
 Every: cada
 None of them: Ninguno de ellos
 For you: When there is a "purpose/reason" (I made this cake for you).
 To you: when it affect the object in positive or negative way, Or when there is
movement involved (I did it to you! I lied to you)
 Anymore: ya no más
 I never go anymore: No voy más.
 Should: Debería
 Used to: solía … (siempre es correcta).
 Would + verbo en infinitivo: solo es correcta si la acción descrita es una acción
repetida durante un período de tiempo (As a child, I would walk to school every
morning. De niña, solía ir al colegio andando todas las mañanas).
 CON USED TO: ¿Qué solías hacer? = what did you use to do?
 CON WOULD: ¿Qué hacías? = what would you do?
 What are you laughing at?
 Who are you talking aboout?
 What are you pointing at?
 What are you smiling about?
 Who are you cooking for?
 that was nice of him= eso fue amable de su parte
 look after= cuidar


 To hand in: entregar

 Majored: se especializó
 Purchases: compras
 At the top of his class: es el mejor de su clase
 Appliances= accesorios
 Manufacture: produce
 Employ= emplea
 Feel, hear, taste, think, etc.
 Downtown: centro de la ciudad.
 Fed up: harto (Im fed up with…)
 Assets= activos (generamente, financieros)
 Co owner= copropietario
 Manufacturer= fabricante
 Flood= inundación
 Cleanliness= limpieza/ aseo.
 Branch: rama/ sucursal.
 Drop in= acércate/ ven.
Carta ejemplo:

“Dear producer. Congratulations, you di dan incredible job with the show. It was an honor to
work with you on it. I want to thank you for the opportunity to play the dead guy. I know you
have moved to Canada and there is no role for me there, but I hope that you will consider me
for any future roles you have on new shows. I look forward to discussing the possibilities of my
new role and to get in many works together”

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