Barnachea-Educ 303 Assignment

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Professor Annette L. Gonzales

1. What are observations with the MATATAG, NLC, CATCH Up Fridays? What
resistance did you observe?

In my observation about the MATATAG Curriculum , there isn’t a specific Matatag

Curriculum widely recognized or established in the education domain. However, if we
consider the concept of a curriculum designed to promote resilience and preparedness, it
could be viewed as a valuable initiative. The Philippine government implemented the
MATATAG method or procedure to increase disaster resilience. MATATAG would probably
comprise evaluating how well it strengthens disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.
This could entail assessing stakeholder collaboration, resource distribution, and community
engagement. The MATATAG curriculum will be implemented in the upcoming 2024–2025
academic year.
In my observations on Catch-up Fridays where teachers and students work together to
read together, or what we used to call DEAR (drop everything and read). We must give our
students reading resources that are more enticing and engaging while also maintaining their
interest in reading from the start of the school day to the end. During Catch-Up Friday we
teachers need to provide targeted assistance and guidance to students who require additional
In my observation about NLC is quite beneficial for slow learners since it helps them
catch up on material they may have missed or not understood. National Learning Camp can
be valuable platforms for education, personal development, and community building,
providing participants with memorable and enriching experiences.

We must be open to accepting the dynamic changes in our curricula as part of this period
of time. These three are advantageous to the students since they will enable them to work
with the teacher to discover and develop their skills and abilities. I noticed that the learners'
wellbeing will be the focus of the reforms in the educational system.

2. How will you address this observed resistance?

For me addressing the resistance to these programs like Matatag, catch-up friday and
NLC requires careful consideration and strategic planning. Clearly communicate the purpose,
goals and benefits of the program to all stakeholders, address concerns openly and
transparently, emphasizing the positive impact on student learning and development. Involve
key stakeholders (teachers, parents, students, community members) in the planning and
decision-making process. Offer training and professional development opportunities to
teachers and staff to ensure they feel equipped and confident in implementing the new
curriculum or program effectively.

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