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The Athena Numerology Report Ior

Mohandas Gandhi
October 2, 1869

Phone: 720.326.3612
Fax: 303.282.4964


Your SOUL NUMBER reveals your inner, private selI, the underlying motivations that
inIluence your decisions and actions, your subconscious desires and most deeply ingrained
attitudes. (It is determined by adding the values Ior the vowels in your Iull birth name.)

You PERSONALITY NUMBER shows how you express yourselI outwardly, your
appearance and the image you present, how others see you, your power oI attraction and the
surroundings you enjoy most. (It is determined by adding together the values Ior the consonants
in your Iull birth name.)

Your DESTINY NUMBER represents your overall aims and the path you will Iollow in
order to accomplish your liIe's purpose. (It is determined by adding together the values Ior all the
letters in your Iull birth name.)

Your CAREER NUMBER shows your talents and giIts and what types oI careers or
vocations you are most suited Ior. (It is determined by adding together the digits Ior your birth

Your MISSING NUMBER (or numbers) show your areas oI weakness and what is
underdeveloped in your nature. They are determined by whatever number values are not
represented in your Iull birth name.)

The FIRST INITIAL in your name indicates the most signiIicant quality oI your personality
and the traits which make you unique in the eyes oI other people.

The FIRST VOWEL oI your name reveals your instinctive reaction to people and situations.

Your Numerology report is based on the Iollowing calculations:

Total Ior each letter:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A=3 B=0 C=0 D=2 E=0 F=0 G=1 H=2 I=1
J=0 K=0 L=0 M=1 N=2 J=1 P=0 Q=0 R=0
S=1 T=0 U=0 V=0 W=0 X=0 Y=0 Z=0

Consonant Total: 1 (46)
Vowel Total: 9 (18)
Grand Total: 1 (64)
Date Total: 9 (9)
Missing Number(s) are: 2 3
First letter is M
First vowel is O

Your Soul Number is NINE.

You are a very loving person whose compassion and concern is not limited only to your
own Iamily and personal circle. Kind and generous in your sympathies, you are motivated to a
large degree by humanitarian ideals, altruism, and a desire to make the world a better place.

Translating your charitable impulses into some deIinite, concrete expression is one oI your
greatest challenges. You are sensitive, gentle, and impressionable (especially in early years), and
you may lack the drive to bring your dreams down to earth. However, aggressive ambition is not
your path to success. II you learn to have conIidence in yourselI and maintain a positive attitude,
you will do much good and enjoy true success.

You have a strong desire to travel widely. Broad and tolerant in your viewpoints, you
dislike narrow thinking and prejudice, and you get along well with many diIIerent types oI

Love is very important to you. You have a romantic heart and are idealistic about people.
Because you are so loving you will attract love into your liIe, but you will also discover that not
everyone loves as Ireely as you do. You don't want to be possessed. You are an artistic, intuitive
person with a giIt Ior working with color and abstract ideas.

Your Personality Number is ONE.

You seem strong, selI-assured, and conIident, and you appear to know what you want. You
are not aIraid to speak up, to appear diIIerent, to take a stand. People expect you take charge, to
be a leader, and to get things done in an eIIicient, direct, no-nonsense manner.

You can be abrupt, domineering, and bossy. When you want something, you will brook no
interIerence. Try to be more considerate oI others' Ieelings; otherwise it will appear that you are
"only out Ior Number One".

You have a striking appearance and strong personal magnetism. You like to dress in a way
that will set you apart Irom others, developing a distinctive personal style, or wearing only
exclusive high quality clothing, or being outrageous and unconventional in your styles in order to
get attention.

An atmosphere that enables you to express yourselI Ireely pleases you the most, and you
don't mind spending time by yourselI.

Your Destiny Number is ONE.

You are creative, inventive, and innovative, and it is your desire to make some unique
contribution to the world. Following in others' Iootsteps is not Ior you. Independence, selI-
reliance, and originality are your keywords. You achieve success through your own initiative and
eIIorts, and it is best Ior you to work alone or be at the head oI things. You are not a team player,
and do not cooperate very well with others. SacriIicing your own belieIs or desires in order to
"Iit in" just doesn't work Ior you. You rarely listen to advice or ask Ior outside help either. You
need to be a Iree agent, to decide Ior yourselI, experiment, and make your own mistakes.

You can be very selI-centered without even realizing it, oblivious to the concerns oI others.
Your own interests and projects take precedence over everything else.

You want to be "Number One". Just be certain you don't trample over others on your way to
your goal or you will alienate them and become the "odd man out".

Your Career Number is NINE.

You are suited Ior activities which beneIit people in need or which bring people with
diverse backgrounds and perspectives together: philanthropic or altruistic work, selIless service,
social welIare, the arts.

Careers and Vocations: Ministry, public service, doctor, nurse, or other helping
proIessional, veterinarian, educator, artist, musician, counselor, Ioreign service, ambassador, any
work involving long-range communications, publishing, broadcasting.

Your Missing Number(s) are:

TWO: You are Irequently inconsiderate oI others and lack the ability to truly cooperate,
compromise, and appreciate the other person's point oI view. You need to develop a sensitive
awareness oI others' needs and concerns. You give only what you want to give and relate only on
your own terms. Try to be more Ilexible.

THREE: You oIten lack a sense oI humor and joy in living. You need to allow yourselI to
play, be spontaneous, and express yourselI more Ireely and creatively. Try to adopt a more
generous, cheerIul attitude.

You are also uneasy and unsure oI yourselI in social situations and must learn to overcome
your tendency to withhold your thoughts and emotions. Singing would be an excellent way Ior
you to Iree up your resistance to open communication.

Your First Vowel is O.

Your instinctive response to any situation is to HOLD FIRM. You will not be coerced into
anything and are generally unwilling to change the status quo unless given a very appealing
reason to do so. You need security and do not impulsively take risks or venture into untried
waters. Though not lacking in courage, you absolutely must have a sense oI control, oI going at
your own pace. Custom and tradition have a signiIicant place in your liIe and you have strong
attachments to your Iamily and place oI origin. Stubborn and oIten extremely opinionated, no
one should attempt to inIluence you by purely intellectual reasoning or arguments. You won't
budge. You are much more easily swayed by emotional appeals and by aIIection, Ior you have a
soIt heart. You are capable oI much persistence and IaithIulness to a purpose or person.

Your First Initial is M.

You are a loyal, conscientious, and giving person, who takes your work and personal
responsibilities seriously. Others depend upon you, oIten heavily, and you are willing to take on
the troubles and burdens oI other people. You have very strong Iamily ties which may require
emotional or Iinancial sacriIices on your part, and you are oIten the one to whom others turn in
times oI need. You may experience many emotional or physical diIIiculties, or help others to
overcome such problems. You are compassionate and comIorting to people in distress, but must
be wary oI becoming immersed and overwhelmed by others' sorrows. Avoid becoming a martyr.
Marriage is very important to you and the love and security oI a stable home and Iamily are
among your most cherished desires.

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