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Wither’s Solo Expert Strategy

Strat made by Wither Star

Video Link: Video
Doc made by UpdatedPotato on discord

Expected player level: 45

Towers required:
Farm 2,200 unlock cost
Laser Gunner 5,500 unlock cost & lvl 35
EDJ 3,200 unlock cost
Missile Trooper 2,000 unlock cost
Sniper 2,000 unlock cost & lvl 15
Juggernaut 13,250 unlock cost
Map: Blox Out
Map difficulty: Easy
What you need to know
● No health lost (not guaranteed).
● Takes a long time to get used to.
● If you mess up the placement of the first LG, you might as well start over.
● Farming is the most confusing thing in the doc 11-16 no joke
( I will try to make it simple ).
● Make sure to follow the order that the tower is upgraded if it is listed.
● A lot to do and the doc is so long it’s crazy ( Best if you memorized some of this )
● Wave 1
○ Place a 0-0 Laser Gunner
● Wave 2
○ Place down a Farm 0-0
○ Upgrade Farm to 1-0 immediately when possible
● Wave 3
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 1-0 immediately when possible
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 1-1
○ Upgrade Farm to 2-0
● Wave 4
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 1-2
● Wave 5
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 2-2
● Wave 6
○ Upgrade Farm to 2-1
○ Place down 2 Farms 0-0 and upgrade them both to 1-0
○ Upgrade both farms to 2-0 (May overlap into wave 7)
● Wave 7
○ Immediately place down Laser Gunner 0-0 next to the
● Wave 8
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 1-1
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 2-1
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 2-2
● Wave 9
○ Place down another Laser Gunner 0-0
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 0-2
○ Upgrade Laser to 1-2
● Wave 10
○ Upgrade Laser Gunner to 2-2
○ Immediately place down Missile Trooper 0-0
○ Upgrade the two Farms into 2-1
○ Place down two more Farms
○ Upgrade one Farm to 2-0 and the other to 1-0
■ Five farms in total
■ Three Lasers in total
■ One Missile Trooper in total
● Wave 11
○ Upgrade the 2-0 Farm to a 2-1 Farm
○ Upgrade the 1-0 Farm to a 2-1 Farm
○ Place down a 2-1 Farm
○ Place down a 2-0 Farm
● Wave 12
○ Upgrade the 2-0 Farm to a 2-1 Farm
○ Place down three more 2-1 Farms
● Wave 13
○ Place down a 2-2 Farm
○ Upgrade one Farm to 2-2
● Wave 14
○ Upgrade another Farm to 2-2
○ Upgrade two Farm 2-2 to 2-3
○ Upgrade A Farm to 2-2
■ (Two 2-2 Farms, Two 2-3 Farms, six 2-1 Farms)
● Wave 15
○ Upgrade A 2-1 Farm to 2-2
○ Upgrade A 2-2 Farm to 2-3
○ Upgrade 3 2-1 Farms to 2-2
■ If possible, upgrade another Farm to 2-2
● Wave 16
○ Upgrade a 2-1 Farm to 2-2
○ Place down a Juggernaut 0-0
○ Upgrade the rest of the Farms to 2-2
■ I think there would be one 2-1 to level up
■ Might want to memorize this next waves steps
● Wave 17
○ Upgrade a Farm to 2-3
○ Set all three Laser Gunners to Last (targeting) to kill
the grenadier zombie
○ Switch all three back to First (targeting) ASAP
■ While switching, upgrade the second Laser Gunner
ever placed to 2-3
○ Upgrade three 2-2 Farms to 2-3
● Wave 18
○ Place down a EDJ 0-0
○ Upgrade the remaining farms to 2-3
○ Upgrade EDJ to 2-2
○ Upgrade the first Laser Gunner ever placed to 2-3
○ Upgrade Juggernaut to 0-1
■ If there is a leak, place a Sniper 0-0 in the back.
● Wave 19
○ Upgrade EDJ to 3-2 and use ability ASAP
○ Set the two 2-3 Laser Gunners to Last (targeting) to
kill the Stealth Elite Grenadier
■ At the same time, upgrade the first Laser Gunner
ever placed to 2-4
○ Once Stealth Grenadier is dead, switch both of the
Laser Gunners to First (Targeting).
○ Upgrade one of the 2-3 Farms to a 2-4
■ Sell the Sniper if you had the leak back during
wave 19.
● Wave 20

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