AOC Script

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Anchor (Kate): Good morning everyone! Looking for ways to escape the summer heat?

Chasing waterfalls might be the perfect solution! Today, we're featuring Ammococan Falls, a
refreshing destination in Nueva Vizcaya. Leona, tell us more about this hidden gem.

Field reporter (Leona): Thanks, Kate! Ammococan Falls is a great summer escape for families
and friends. Imagine relaxing under the cool air, taking a dip in the pristine clear waters – it's
pure bliss! And picnicking by the falls would be an unforgettable experience.

Anchor (Kate): Sounds amazing, Leona! Now, how far is Ammococan Falls and how do we get

Field reporter (Leona): Let's find out! (Leona approaches an interviewee) Excuse me, Ma'am?
Can you tell us how far Ammococan Falls is and how to get there?

Interviewer (Jam): For first-timers, it can be a bit tiring. The falls are nestled in the mountains,
so vehicles can't reach the area directly. It's a trek, with a somewhat crowded path going uphill.
But trust me, the moment you reach Ammococan Falls, all that tiredness will melt away!

Field reporter (Leona): Absolutely! What makes Ammococan Falls so special for you?

Interviewer (Jam): The true beauty of Ammococan Falls lies in its ability to wash away stress,
leaving you feeling refreshed and happy. It's a truly memorable experience.

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