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Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

Week 6 - RIZAL

Unit 2: Jose Rizal’s Travels (Part II)

Topic: First Travel Abroad

Learning Outcomes:
1. To know the plan of Jose Rizal to study abroad;
2. To know the secret mission of Rizal;
3. Identify the reason of Rizal in studying abroad; and
4. To know the voyage of Jose Rizal.

Concept Digest (Discussion)


Jose Rizal was invited to talk in a banquet in behalf of the
Filipino community in Spain after the victory of Filipino
painters named Juan Luna and Felix Resureccion Hidalgo in the
National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid. Luna won first place
for his “Spolarium” while Hidalgo took home the second place for
his “Christian Virgin Exposed to the Populace”.
In his talk, he stated the importance of their achievements
in the Philippines as artists. Their contribution to the
humanities is truly worth emulating, he said that “genius knows
no country, genius is everywhere, and genius is like light, air,
the patrimony of everybody, cosmopolitan like space, like fire,
like God”.
His talk made a remark to his comrades including some
Spaniards who were also present in the banquet. In fact,
deliberately gave a mordant message to the Dominican priests in
the Philippines but some Spaniards did not mind it as they saw
relevance of his thoughts where it is full of nobility, sincerity
and eloquence. A part of his speech is as follows:
Speaking for you, I am not scared by the fear that you may
listen to me with lukewarmness. I come to join your enthusiasm;
ours, the stimulus youth, and you cannot help but be indulgent.
Sympathetic effluvia saturate the atmosphere; fraternal
currents run in all directions, generous souls listen; and
consequently, I do not fear for my humble person, no do I doubt
your benevolence. Men of goodwill, you seek only goodwill, and
from that height where noble sentiments reside, you do not
perceive petty in your hand to one who likes me, desire to join
you in one single thought, in one single aspiration-the glory
of genius, the splendor of the Motherland.
Here is, in fact, the reason why we are gathered. In the
history of nations there are names that by themselves signify
an achievement, that recall passion and greatness, names that,
like magic formula, evoke pleasant and smiling thoughts, names

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

that became a pact, a symbol of peace, a bond of love between

the nations. The names of Luna and Hidalgo belong to these;
their glories illumine the two extremes of the globe-the east
and the west, Spain and the Philippines. In uttering from the
both regions, are going to entwined there above, impelled by
the feeling of common origin, two people that see and space
separate in vain, two people in which the seeds of disunion
that men and their despotism blindly sow do not germinate. Luna
and Hidalgo are Spanish as well as Philippines glories… Luna
and Hidalgo belong as much as to you as to us; you love them
and we see in them generous hopes, precious examples. The
Filipino youth in Europe, ever enthusiastic, and others whose
hearts always remain young for the disinterestedness and
enthusiasm that characterize their actions, offer to Luna as
crown, a modest gift, small indeed for our enthusiasm, but the
most spontaneous and the most voluntary of all the gifts
hitherto presented to him……I drink to the health of our artists
Luna and Hidalgo legitimate and pure glories of two people! I
drink to the health of the persons who have lent them a helping
hand on the dolorous path of art. I drink to the health of the
Filipino youth, sacred hope of my Native land; solicitous and
heedful of the welfare of her provinces implement doon the
performs she has contemplated for a long time. The furrow is
ready and the ground is not sterile! I drink finally from the
happiness of those parents who, deprived of the tenderness of
their children, from those distant regions follow them with
moist eyes and palpitating hearts across seas and space,
sacrificing on the altar of the common welfare the sweet
consolations that are so scarce in the twilight of life,
precious and lonely winter flower that sprout along the snow-
white borders of the grave.

The talk received a standing ovation, truly making the

Filipinos proud showing strong sense of pride, nationalism and

Jose Rizal’s stay in the University was not at all
considered to be joyful, in fact, he once participated in
students’ demonstration in support to Dr. Miguel Morayta, a
history professor whose speech focused on freedom of science and
On November 20-22, 1884, some and other students in other
colleges joined the demonstration where most of them were hurt
and injured. This demonstration was believed to be supported by
the Rector who was replace by Dr. Creus. As a result, Jose Rizal

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

was almost detained by the police authorities if not because he

was able to run away with his friend Valentin Ventura.
On June 21, 1884, Jose Rizal completed his studies with
excellent ratings but was unable to receive the diploma for the
degree of Licentiate in Medicine and diploma for the degree of
Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters at the Universidad Central
de Madrid because he did not present his thesis or paid the
corresponding fees.

Upon completion of his studies, Jose Rizal went to Paris and
Germany to specialize in ophthalmology because he knew that his
mother was suffering from eye problem and he wanted to treat it.
While in travel, he befriended to some famous scientists,
they were Dr. Feodor Jagor, Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr. Hans Meyer, and
Dr. Rudolf Virchow.
In November 1885 until February 1886, Jose Rizal served as
an assistant of Dr. Louis de Wecker, a leading French
ophthalmologist. This experience helped him a lot in developing
his expertise in ophthalmology.
After Paris, he went to Germany where he worked at the
University Eye Hospital as an assistant of Dr. Otto Becker, a
German ophthalmologist.
Rizal was also introduced to another famous scientist Dr.
Rudolf Virchow, a professor in “Descriptive Anatomy.” Dr. Virchow
recognized Rizal as genius and invented him to give a lecture
before Ethnographic Society of Berlin.
In Berlin, he worked as an assistant in the clinic of Dr.
Schweigger, a German Ophthalmologist. According to him, his stay
in Germany will help him improved his knowledge on ophthalmology,
to study further about science and languages, observes their
economic and political conditions, to be with the great German
scientists and finally publish his first novel, the “Noli Me
While in Germany, he noticed how the German women differ
from other women he met, as they were “serious, diligent,
educated, and friendly.” They were not “gossipy, frivolous, and
quarrelsome like the Spanish women.” They were simple, and not
very particular with beautiful dresses and expensive jewelry.
This observation was resonated with the Filipino women who were
well-mannered, devoted, and hospitable but unsophisticated. He
said that they will gain respect equal to men, if only they could
develop and educate themselves.


In March 21, 1887, the Noli Me Tangere which means “Touch Me
Not” was taken from holy bible, was published despite his

Juan dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

physical condition, this was the time when Jose Rizal had no
money and his health was failing. The publication of his first
novel was realized because of his friend Maximo Viola who arrived
in Berlin just in time of his desperation and loaned him a
certain amount of money for the publication of his novel.
After the publication, Jose Rizal sent copies to his
comrades, they were Ferdinand Blumentritt, Antonio Maria Regidor,
Graciano Lopez Jaena, Mariano Ponce, and Felix Hidalgo. He also
gave a copy to Maximo Viola on March 29 as a sign of gratitude
during the time he needed money for the publication of his novel.
The novel was inspired by his reading of Harriet Beecher
Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. The novel was supposed to be written
by some of his friends who were present during the proposal, they
were the Paternos (Pedro, Maximo, and Antonio) Graciano Lopez
Jaena, Evaristo Aguirre, Eduardo de Lete, Julio Llorente, Melecio
Figueroa, and Valentin Ventura. However, during the writing,
these people did not do anything.
Despite of that, Jose Rizal continued writing the novel and
finished few chapters more in Germany and the remaining chapters
in Wilhelmsfeld on April to June 1886.
After Christmas season with Viola, he made some finishing
touches deleting some pages in the manuscript, including the
chapter on “Elias and Salome”. After a thorough canvassing for
the printing of the novel, they found Berliner Buchcdrukrei
Action Gesselchaft printing house where they were charged the
lowest rate of 300 for 2,000 copies.
While the novel was being printed, the Chief of Police in
Berlin visited him in his boarding house and requested him to
present his passport. Jose Rizal was unable to present his
passport, he was told to secure within four days or else he would
be deported. Jose Rizal who has no passport at all, presented to
the German Police authorities to explain that he was a Filipino
physician and visit to the village and towns in rural areas. But
he reiterated to them that aside from a physician, he was an
ethnologist whose interest is to observe the customs and
lifestyles of the people. His apologetic gesture and made the
police authorities believed and allowed him to stay freely in

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