Sportsfest Script

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Kate: Good Morning everyone! We are gathered here for the monthlong
celebration of strength, power, and camaraderie in this Sportsfest.
WITH THE THEME: Fostering Camaraderie

Dan: Before we begin the program, let us first welcome the different teams
from each section together with their magnificent escort and muse and their
dazzling advisers!

Kinder 1:
We begin with Kinder 1 Pupils with their elegant adviser! Let us all welcome!
Please give them a big hand!
Kinder 2
: Next on the line are the pupils from Kinder 2 with their stunning adviser!
Let’s give it
up for Kinder 2 St. Cecilia and St. Lucy! Let us give them a round of

Coming up next are the lively

grade 1 pupils! Let’s give it up for Grade 1 St. Agnes with
fabulous adviser. Let’s give them a round of applause!
And of course let us put our hands together for grade 1 St. Catherine with
their beautiful
adviser but since their adviser is busy right now let’s just forget about the
word beautiful.

Let us also welcome the “

hindi magpapatalo
” grade 2 pupils! Let us all welcome the Grade
2 ST. Bernadette with their spectacular adviser! Let us give them a round of
Let’s give it up for grade 2 St. Agatha with their stunning adviser! Let us also
give them a
round of Applause!3.

Next on the line are the “

” grade three pupils. Let’s welcome the Grade three St.
e together with their gorgeous adviser! Let’s give them a round of applause!
And of course let us put our hands together for Grade 3 St. Elizabeth!
Together with theirappealing adviser.4.
Let us also welcome the energetic grade four students. Let’s begin w
ith grade four St.Genevieve together with their lovely adviser! Let us give
them a round of applause!
Let’s put our hands together for
grade four St. Gertrude with their exquisite adviser!
Let’s us also welcome the Grade four St. Margaret with their ver
y attractive adviser!5.

And the last but not the least, the “

hindi magpapahuli
” grade 5 students! Let’s clap our
hands for grade 5 St. Rose with their ever beautiful adviser!And of course let
us welcome the grade 5 St. Monica with their ever dearest adviser! Letus all
give them a round of applause!Once again a pleasant morning our dear
parents, visitors, teachers, administrators,students and to all you who are
here with us today. May I request everybody to be insilence? To formally
start the program, let us all stand up for the doxology from the LowerSchool
Junior Dance Versity and please remain standing for the singing of the
PhilippineNational Anthem and LCCT Hymn.
~Prayer & Nat’l Anthem~

Thank you very much LS Junior Dance Versity. Everybody Please be seated.
At this juncture, let us all welcome the Little Mr. and Ms. LCCT Intramurals
for their specialpresentation. Please give them a round of applause!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have here our Volleyball varsity player from
Grade 5 St. Rose.
Let’s give a big round of applause for
Ms. Sabella Cueva for the Oath of Sportsmanship.
~Oath of Sportsmanship~
Thank you Sabella.
Now that the participants have had their Oath, let’s now call on
Mrs. MyleneMagpantay-Lower School Vice-Principal to give us inspirational
message. Let usgive her big hand please.
~Inspirational Message~
Thank you Mrs. Magpantay to that very motivating messageAt this point in
time we will witness the production number of our spectacular escortsand
muses. Let us put our hands together for the little Mr. and Ms.
LCCTIntramurals!Thank you for that magnificent production number students!
At this moment, we will now light the symbolic Torch. May we call on the
handsomeBasketball varsity player from Grade 5-St. Rose Thomas Sieltiel
Solomon for thelighting of the torch. A round of applause please.
~Lighting of the Torch~
Thank you very much Thomas. There you have it folks the torch has been
Let’s give it a big hand!
And now may we call upon our COSA Mr. Rodel Pamplona for the
Declaration of the Openingof Holympics 2019! Let us give him a round of
Thank you so much Mr. Pamplona!At this moment, may we call on our
dearest principal Mrs. Carina V. Marave for the TOSSING OFCEREMONIAL
BALL. Let us give her a big hand.
Hanna: One of the most awaited school events is the intramural meet.
Johannes: Yes, every student is excited to showcase his or her talents and
skills in different sports competition..
Hanna: Aside from that, they are also excited to display
t h e i r talents in cheer dance completion.
Johannes: Yes. I know that each team had prepared a lot for thischeer dance
Hanna: And speakin of preparation, candidates for !s. Instramsalso made their
preparation for win the title and the crown and toive pride to their team.Johannes:
"hus, without further ado#..Johannes $ Hanna: %riends, ladies and entlemen,
&'()O!'"O the !akapuyat *ational Hih +chool Intramural !eet -/0-
1.Hanna: I am HannaJohannes: I am JohannesHanna$ Johannes: And we are
your host for today2s
intramuralevent.H a n n a : " o f o r m a l l y s t a r t t h e p r o  r a m , e v e r y o n e i s
r e 3 u e s t t o stand for the sinin of the *ational AnthemJohannes: "his shall 4e
followed 4y a prayer to 4e led 4y Hillary!.
5ena.66666666666666666666666666666 66666666666666666H a n n a : I c a n s e e
m a n y f a c e s f r o m h e r e , e x c i t e d , e a  e r , a n d ready to watch and
compete in the different competitions today and on the followin day.

Founding Anniversary: Opening Program ScriptNJ:
Good morning everyone today marks our 16
founding anniversarycelebration and it will be highlighted with a town parade. This is the order ofthe
parade:*Refer to the program
Neil John
: Introduction:
“Intramurals or sports competition is essential to the
well-being of the students. Sports instil how to win, how to accept defeat, howto interact with other
people and how to mold them to have desirable charactertraits that are vital in ach
ieving success in the future.”

Mary Claire:
To our school president Dr. Romeo E. Delgado, to his better-halfat the same time our vice president for
administrations as well as our schooltreasurer Madamme Loida B. Delgado, our high school principal
Mrs. ConchitaB. Bernido, to our chief of records Mrs. Alona N. Andajao, to our assistant tothe principal,
Mr Abdul Balayong, our guest speaker for todays event, to ourschool dentist, Mrs Christlen Delgado
Gasatan, together with Mrs. RhodaPrinsipe our school dermatologist, to the members of faculty and staff
fromdifferent schools, to our students, friends, visitors..
Ladies and gentlemen, good morning!Welcome to Southern Peninsula College 16
Founding AnniversaryCelebrations & Intramurals Meet 2018 in joint celebrations with Coronado
BayAcademy and Riverside Community School with the theme:
“Upholding Unity
and Amity through Academics and Sports

Neil John:
To start with, let us all stand for the invocation to be led to us bythe Sr. Pastor of Labason Alliance
Church, Pastor Peter Paul O. Abaya andplease do remain standing for the singing of Philippine National
Anthem to beled to us by the S.Pen.C BandBe seated.
Mary Claire:
To formally start this remarkable event, help us welcome our highschool principal, Mrs. Conchita B.
for her welcome address. Let’s give
her a round of applause!
Neil John:
Thank you
so much ma’am.
Intramurals are the perfect opportunity to highlight camaraderie,sportsmanship, and talent.At this
moment, let us witness the lighting of the torch to be lighted by Mr.Eduard King Cadungog a grade 11
student of SpenC.
Mary Claire:
To officially declare the opening of thi
s year’s Intramurals Meet
2018, may we call on Mr. Joepeter S.
Flores our school’s athlete coordi
Ladies and gentlemen our Intramurals Meet has been finally declared!
Neil John:
And now may we call on the team captains coming from thedifferent participating schools for the
hoisting of banners.
Mary Claire:
Congratulations to the winners.At this point in time, may we request the athletes to please be here in
front ofthe stage as we call on Mr. Gamelzar O. Antiporta for Oath of Amateurism.
Neil John:
Thank you athletes!And now the most awaited part of the program the zumba and cheer

But before that, allow us to introduce first our panel of judges.Our first judge, (Reading of the judges
Mary Claire:
To hold again the thrill, may we request the chairman of theboard of judges to read to us the criteria and
mechanics for judging. Thank you,
ma’am /sir.

Again, those were the criteria that will be used for judging our today’s
competition.So now ladies and gentlemen, without so much further ado le
t’s start the
Zumba Dance competiton with the Grade 8,Grade 9, Grade 11, Grade 7, Grade10, Grade 12.
Neil John:
Wow, that was indeed a very fascinating battle round partner.
Mary Claire:
Yes y
ou’re right partner. Well for us to take a
deep breath withsuch extraordinary performances and before proceeding to the next presentorfrom our
sister schools RCS and CBA , may we call on our school president Dr.
Romeo E. Delgado for his Message and to introduce to us our occasion’s guest
speaker. Around of applause everyone.
Neil John:
Thank you so m
uch for your heartfelt words ma’am
. And with alldue respect we would like to request again the presence of our dearest schoolPresident, Dr.
Romeo E. Delgado to present this Plaque of Appreciation to theguest speaker. (scoria will read the
citation of the plaque)
Mary Claire:
And now are you ready for the next set of presenters? ...
I can’t
hear you, are you all ready?Great! Now without so much dilly-
dally let’s
call on the RCS students to befollowed by the CBA students in their zumba dancecompetition. A big
Neil John:
wow! That was amazingly done by our sister schools from RCS andCBA partner!
Mary Claire:
without a doubt partner!

and now let us give the spotlight to thecollege department for their cheer dance competition! Starting with
the BSBA,followed by the BSED and lastly the BEED department. A thundering applauseeveryone!
Thank you so much students for that breath- taking round. For sure our judges will find it hard to score
each of your performances.
Neil John:
I’m pretty s
ure of that p
artner. And we’ll
find out the winners of thiscompetition during the awarding ceremony. Now to ease the tension of
everybody, and to excite the audience with our tonight’s competition of brains
and beauty, let us call our lovely candidates for the search of Ms. Peninsulaand Ms. Intramurals 2018 for
their surprise number.A round of applause everyone.
Mary Claire:
Thank you beautiful ladies for making our day more colourful.

To finally close the curtain of today’s event help us welcome

the Principalof our sister school Riverside Community School, Mrs. Melanie C. Velasco forher closing
Thank you so much ma’am.

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