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Difference of Individual/Dual Sports vs Team Sports

In, “the main and most

Obvious difference between

These three kinds of sports is

The communication work. If

You play an Individual sport,

You only have yourself to

Listen to and don’t have to

Cope with other’s ideas.

Then, if you play with

Someone else, it makes it a

Little more complicated and

You have to open to their

Ideas too, since they’re the

Other half of your team and have just as much thought as you do. Team sports are
The hardest of all. You must have a lot of patience and be very open-minded

Because everyone might have different ideas. Everyone in a team needs to be

Considerate and work with each other. This is where the word “teamwork” would

Come from. The exact definition of teamwork is: “work done by several associates

With each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of

The whole”. This can be viewed as the negative side of teamwork to those who are a

Little biased. Those are the people who would rather do Individual sports. Then

Again, the positive side about dual or teamwork is that there are others to rely on, so

When in need, they can help and “save the ball”.”

In general, Individual sport relies on the individual while team sports rely on

Teammates. In playing any type of sports, it is important to have focus, clear

Understanding of the game, and work ethics in mastering the skills.

Individual/Dual/Team Sports Basic Skills

In playing any kind of sport, it is important to know the basic skills needed in
The sport. Here are the following examples of the basics in playing different

Individual, dual and team sports.

According to Ben Larcombe (2012), here are

Some of the basics in playing table tennis:

Table Tennis

1. Grip- It’s very important that you master this

Early on as it is a slow and painful process

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