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Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Semester 2 - Term 4

Theme : My Environment My Friend Name : ___________________________________

Sub Theme : Environment Changing
Topic : The changing from Colonial Period in Student’s No : _________
to National Movement and Proclamation of Class : 5A/5B/5C/5D
Indonesia Independence
Date/day : ___________________________________

Daily Test 2

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Choose the correct answer.

1. The period of the national movement in Indonesia was marked by the establishment
a. the Budi Utomo organization and the birth of the Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda).
b. the proclamation of Indonesian Independence Day
c. the restrictions of Indonesian people from all over Indonesia
d. VOC (Vereenigde Oostindische Compagnie)

2. The leader of Budi Utomo was … .

a. Ir Soekarno
b. Drs Mohammad Hatta
c. Dr. Soepomo
d. H. Samanhudi

3. Moslem Trading Union (Syarikat Dagang Islam/ SDI) has changed its name became
Moslem Union (Syarikat Islam/ SI) in 1912 because … .
a. Dutch asked SDI members to change
b. Indonesia wanted to unite all Javaness people
c. to make all people from many different professions united, not only traders
d. SDI members wanted to make SI only for Moslem traders
4.Budi Utomo was pioneered because some students from a certain school gathered
around to think about Indonesia Independence from colonization. That school’s name was
a. School of Doctors (STOVIA)
b. School of Engineer (STE)
c. School of Technique (STT)
d. School of Nurse (STN)

5. The Youth Pledge is always commemorated every….

a. 17th August
b. 20th May
c. 10th November
d. 28th October

6. Two organizations that were prepared for Indonesia Independence Day were….
a. Budi Utomo and Moslem Trading Union (Syarikat Dagang Islam/ SDI)
b. BPUPKI (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Kemerdekaan Indonesia) and PPKI (Panitia
Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia)
c. Youth Congress and Youth Pledge
d. National Movement and Proclamation

7. Rengasdengklok incident in West Java happened because … .

a. to keep the proclaimators away from Japanese influence in order to make an agreement
regarding the proclamation of Indonesian independence
b. to keep Dutch away from Indonesia so Dutch will not colonize Indonesia again
c. to make the first and second Youth Congress became successful
d. to make Budi Utomo and SDI/SI becoming growing organizations

8.The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was announced on … .

a. August 17, 1945
b. October 28,1928
c. May 20, 1908
d. November 10, 1945
9. The text of the proclamation was read by …. .
a. Ir. Soekarno accompanied by Drs. Mohammad Hatta.
b. Wage Rudolf Supratman
c. Drs Soetomo
d. Mohammad Yasin

10. The text of proclamation was read in…

a. Rengasdengklok
b. Jalan Pegangsaan Timur. Central Jakarta
c. Yogyakarta
d. West Sumatra

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