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Academic Year 2022 - 2023

Semester 2 - Term 4

Theme : My Environment, My Friend Name : ___________________________________

Topic : The changing from Colonial Period in
Indonesia Student’s No : _________
to National Movement and Proclamation of
Indonesia Independence Class : 5A/5B/5C/5D

NOTE 5 Date/day : ___________________________________

A. Gold, Glory and Gospel

Historians use a standard shorthand, “Gold, Glory and Gospel,” to describe

the motives generating the overseas exploration, expansion, and conquests that
allowed various European countries to rise the world power between 1400 and
1. Gold refers to the search for material gain through acquiring
and selling spices, slaves, metal and other resources.
2. Glory means the victory of the competition between
monarchies. Some kings sought to establish their claims to
newly contacted territories so as to strengthen their position in
European politics and increase their power at the expense of
the landowning nobility.
3. Gospel means the missionary traditions of Christianity.

B. Colonial Period in Indonesia

In the past, Indonesia was the centre and the largest producer of herbs and spices
in the world. It is because Indonesia has not only a rich land, but also the strategic location
in the equator line. Many people from the other countries such as Portuguese, Spanish,
Dutch, and British came to Indonesia for trading, especially the herbs and spices.
However, they saw a great opportunity if they could conquer Indonesia and took the herbs
and spices only for their country. Dutch wanted to conquer Malacca and Maluku which
were known as the best herbs and spices producers in Indonesia and controlled herbs and
spices trading in Asia by establishing Dutch East India Company called VOC (Vereenigde
Oostindische Compagnie) in 1603.
In the mid-18th century, there were many popular resistances in various regions in
Indonesia against the colonialists as shown in the illustration below:

1. Maluku War

The people's resistance to the Dutch in Maluku was led by Kapitan Pattimura
(Thomas Matulesi) assisted by Christina Martha Tiahahu.

2. Padri War
The people's resistance to the Dutch
in West Sumatra was led by Tuanku
Imam Bonjol.

3. Diponegoro War

People's resistance in almost all regions of Java

for five consecutive years against the Dutch was
called the Java War. This war was led by
Pangeran Diponegoro and his friends.

4. Aceh War

The resistance of people against the

Dutch in Aceh was led by Teuku Umar
and his wife, namely Cut Nyak Dien.

Apart from the areas mentioned previously,

people's struggles also took place in various
regions in the archipelago, such as: Bali,
Sulawesi, Kalimantan, and in various other areas as shown in the following figures:
C. National Movement Period

The period of the national movement was marked by the establishment of the Budi Utomo
organization and the birth of the Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda) in Indonesia. During this
period, national awareness about the importance of a sense of unity in the hearts of the
Indonesian people was growing. This period is also known as the spearhead of the
struggle for Indonesian independence. The Youth Pledge which is always commemorated
every October 28 illustrates the strong commitment of young people for unity as provisions
for the Indonesian nation's struggle for independence.
D. Proclamation of Indonesia Independence

After going through a very long process, finally Indonesian people are at the peak
point of their struggle. They wanted Indonesia to be unified as a country whose existence
is recognized in the eyes of the world. It is a long process to be an independent nation and
many people have sacrificed their blood and tears.
The preparatory process for independence began with the establishment of
organizations namely BPUPKI (Badan Penyelidik Usaha Kemerdekaan Indonesia) and
PPKI (Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia). This process continued until the
Rengasdengklok Incident happened. The Rengasdengklok Incident began when Soekarno
and Hatta were carried to the Rengasdengklok area, West Java to keep them away from
Japanese influence in order to make an agreement regarding the proclamation of
Indonesian independence which would be announced on August 17, 1945.
The Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was announced on August 17, 1945
on Jalan Pegangsaan Timur number 56, Central Jakarta. The text of the proclamation was
read by Ir Soekarno accompanied by Drs. Mohammad Hatta.
Video-Video Pembelajaran:
1. 16th century, Dutch colonialism →
2. 18th century, popular resistance in Indonesia →
3. Kapten Pattimura →
4. Youth Pledge →
5. Budi Utomo Organization →

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