Socsci032-T1 Reaction Paper

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Kyla G.

Gozum SOCSCI_032-T1 2/08/2024


Way back before our society became advanced, we, humans were living in harmony with nature.
We were perfectly fine with huts, tepees, stones, sticks, etc. However, it is in our human nature to always
seek for a better life. Because of this, society has progressed more and more throughout time until we
reached remarkable levels of development and globalization.

I believe that life is more convenient in the contemporary world. It is exciting to think that food is
tastier, beds are more comfortable, trading is more accessible, communication requires no sweat, and so
forth. This might sound too good to be true because it probably is.

We cannot deny the fact that we are all victims of consumerism. Advertisements frequently show
a hopeless and uncontrollable world in which their product is necessary. Large companies usually take
advantage of our anxieties and fears to increase sales. Each day immeasurable amounts of products are
being exchanged throughout the world because of overconsumption and mass production.

Now we are at a time when the Earth is backfiring from the damaging effects of man-made
activities, who are the most vulnerable groups in this global crisis? It’s us, consumers, average people, and
the marginalized sectors. If you think about it, people with lower status don’t have the luxury to practice an
absolute sustainable lifestyle. With this, it is disheartening to say that those who are at the top are the only
ones who can TRULY benefit from the system that they set up.

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