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A. Read the questions in Column A and match it with the answers in Column B.

Write the
correct answer on the space before each item.

Column A Column B

_____ 1. How does “The Zoo Story” A. People interact only to where they belong

Relate to Karl Marx? because one’s worth depends on

____ 2. What is the conflict between the his status as in Jerry’s death

two social classes in the text? B. Peter and Jerry fight over the ownership

______3. What human value is presented of the bench

in the text? C. Befriending someone requires a brutal


______4. What is the technique used by

the author to show the difference D. The part of the story that Jerry found out

between Peter and Jerry’s social that it was hard to befriend people

class. because of social status matched to

the proponent of Marxism had experienced .

______5. How does the text address a

Societal issue at the end of the E. The author used Jerry’s death as symbol

Text? of battle cry among poor that their

worth be recognized and this served

as eye opener on how the rich treat

the poor.

F. Peter and Jerry’s social status was

shown in the text through descriptions.

B. Read the following statements and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the correct
answer on the space before each item.

_____ 1. He is the proponent of Marxism.

A. Edgar Allan Poe

B. Edward Albee

C. Karl Marx D. Guy de Maupassant

_____ 2. Which among the following statements is a relying principle in Marxism?

A. Behavior must be fair and just.

B. Class struggle is the basic pattern in history.

C. Sexual violence must end and sexual freedom must start.

D. Consider the time period from which literature sprang.

_____ 3. Which among the following points is not used in a Marxist literary criticism?

A. Moral judgement rather than formal principles.

B. Technique of the author in using the social conflicts.

C. Social classes that constitute the setting of the story.

D. Author’s idea about the prevailing social issue like oppression.

_____ 4. Which among the following scenarios in the play The Zoo Story shows


A. Peter asked Jerry about his stories.

B. Peter sitting on the bench while reading a book.

C. Jerry started telling unusual stories of befriending to Peter.

D. Jerry accepted his death and wiped Peter’s fingerprints on the knife.

_____ 5. This is one of the prevailing issues that is usually present in Marxist literary

A. Class struggle

B. Gender inequality

C. Racial discrimination

D. Substance abuse

C. .In 5 sentence paragraph write your understanding of the following:

1. Moralist Approach - 5 sentence

2. Marxism Approach - 5 sentence

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