MTB Mle Lesson Naomie

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Davao City, Philippines

4A’s Lesson Plan

Subject: MTB-MLE
Date: February 12, 2024

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to;
a. demonstrate the understanding of subtraction of whole number including money;
b. apply subtraction of whole numbers including money in mathematical problems and in real
life situations;
c. share the ability to create problems involving subtraction of whole numbers including money.

II. Subject Matter: Grade

2 Topic: Counting
References: Elem. In Math Book Grade 2 page 89.
Materials: Cartolina and Pentel Pen

III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
2. Greetings
3. Checking attendance

B. Developmental Activities (3 minutes)

● Ask students to look at the picture on the board and share to the class what they see.
● Ask students to answer the question.
C. Motivation (2 minutes)
Ask a question to the class
● How much money do you have in your pocket?
● How much is your fare going here in school?

D. Activity

● Let the students answer the problem on the board.

1= 1 peso
5= 5 pesos
10= 10 pesos
20= 20 pesos

E. Analysis
1. How did it go? Was that hard?
2. Who can tell me how much is left if I subtract a one peso coin from another one
peso coin?

F. Abstraction (5 minutes)
1. What are numbers?
2. What are whole numbers?
3. What do we call our money here in the philippines?
4. How do we subtract money?

G. Application

Direction: The students will be grouped in two groups , every group will be given 1 question. The group that will get
the correct answer will be given a price. Write it on a sheet of paper.


Yana went to a store. The store sells a ribbon that costs 20 pesos. Yana have 20 pesos inside her wallet. If
Yana buys the ribbon, how much money does she have left?


Teacher Mary saw an ice cream shop. One Ice cream costs 10 pesos. Teacher Maryhas 20 pesos inside her
wallet. If she buys one ice cream, how much is her change?

H. Generalization
● Did you enjoy solving the problems with your groups?
● Do you now know how to pay the correct amount when you buy something?

IV. Evaluation
Direction: Write your answer on ½ sheet of paper.

Demonstrate how you came up with your answer during the activity.
V. Assignment

Direction: Solve the following . Write the answers on ½ sheet of paper.

1) 5 + 5 - 5 =

2) 5 - 2 + 2 =

3) 1 + 1 + 10 =

4) 10 - 5 + 5 =

5) 5 - 2 + 3 =

Prepared by:

Naomie Gonzon

Approved by:

Ellah Fernandez

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