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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: New products development
Code: 216005

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Phase 2 - Project planning and


1. Activity Description

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the activity: 50 points
The activity starts on: Thursday, The activity ends on: Wednesday, March
February 22, 2024 6, 2024
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning

Determine the technical design and shelf life of the new food product, through the
identification of raw materials, nutritional and technological aspects, which allow the
formulation of innovative products.

The activity consists of:

1. Analyze and propose the development of a new food product containing a functional
compound, a new ingredient or a non-conventional raw material in its nature or in an
added form, linked to the productive potential of the territories and considering the use
of technology in the design of a new product.

2. Based on the collaborative work in Phase 1, they will apply the following two stages
of the design thinking strategy for developing the new product, according to the
indications given in Table 1.

Table 1. Problem definition and new food product development idea stage

1. Stage 2. Definition 3. Activity 4. Input

Define the 1. They must make a 1. Results of the
problem list of the problems or applied surveys
regarding the needs identified. 2. Analysis of the
population 2. They must clearly relationship between
Define under specify the problem the scientific articles
investigation. on which the project consulted and the
will focus. results of the surveys
applied in the empathy
This is the They must make an In addition to problem-
creative stage idea map in which solving, it is important
of design they propose possible to consider that the
thinking. This is solutions that will new food product from
the moment enable the creation or the field of Food
when you think development of an Engineering may
about the innovative product. possess certain
different characteristics:
possibilities of
Ideation or ideas. • The product should
Brainstorming be nutritionally sound
and preferably possess
functional properties.
• It should be linked to
the productive
potential of the region.
• The use of new
technology into the
product design should
be considered.

3. Record for which type of consumer the new food product will be designed. Record
the characteristics of the consumer.

For the development of the activity consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

▪ Check the agenda for the delivery date of the activity.
▪ Review synchronous attention programming
▪ Keep in mind the programming of web conferences.

In the Learning Environment, you must:

▪ Consult bibliographic references arranged to be studied.
▪ Read the activity guide carefully and put it into practice.
▪ Keep in mind the evaluation rubric, in each of its criteria.
▪ Actively participate in the discussion forum giving contributions to the
construction of what is requested in the activity guide.
In the Evaluation Environment, you must:
▪ Attach the results obtained from collaborative work as requested in the activity
guide in PDF format.

Evidences of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

1. Deliver individual contributions, which will be constructive and on the stipulated

date, for the proposed project development at the group level.
2. Make meaningful feedback on the contributions given by the colleagues.

Evidences of collaborative work:

The collaborative evidence to be submitted is:

Written work in PDF format. The document must contain:

a. Cover page
b. Introduction
c. General and specific objectives
d. Products resulting from the development of the collaborative activity.
e. Conclusions
f. Bibliography using the APA seventh edition standard

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences to Submit

For Collaborative evidences, consider the following:

• All members of the group must participate with their contributions in the
development of the activity.

• In each group a single member will be chosen to submit the requested product in
the environment indicated by the teacher.

• Before submitting the requested product, students should check that it meets all
the requirements mentioned in this activity guide.

• Only the members of the group that participated with contributions during the time
assigned for the activity should be included as authors of the submitted product.
Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must comply
with APA style.
In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism. You
can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual campus.

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it includes
citations where there is no match between these and the reference and paragraph f)
To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of research products,
which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13 de diciembre de
2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
The highest score in this activity is 50 points
First evaluation High level: Actively involved in the academic debate within the
criterion: discussion forum, with significant contributions to the
development of the activity.
criteria: If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
Intervention within and 5 points
the discussion forum
Average level: Participates in the academic debate in the
This criterion discussion forum, with moderately significant contributions to
represents 5 the development of the activity.
points of the total
of 50 points of the If your work is at this level, you can get between 2 points
activity. and 3 points

Low level: Does not actively contribute to the academic debate

in the forum or participate in the activity.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 1 point
Second evaluation High level: They clearly define the problem and support it with
criterion: arguments, which express the needs for the development a new
food product.
Content Criteria:
Development of the If your work is at this level, you can get between 18 points
stage to define the and 20 points
strategy Food
Design. Definition of Average level: They define the problem, but the arguments
the problem behind it are weak and do not fully express the needs for the
development a new food product.
This criterion
represents 20 If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
points of the total and 17 points
of 50 points of
the activity.
Low level: They do not present the problem or do not develop
the strategy stage to define the development of the new food

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 3 points
Third evaluation High level: They propose possible solutions in response to the
criterion: problem posed for the development of innovative food product,
considering the characteristics established.
Content Criteria:
Development of the If your work is at this level, you can get between 18 points
ideation stage of the and 20 points
Food Design
Strategy. Average level: They propose possible solutions that provide a
Brainstorming moderate response to the problem posed for the development
of the innovative food product and/or do not consider the
established characteristics.
This criterion If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
represents 20 and 17 points
points of the total
of 50 points of Low level: They do not present the topic or do not develop the
the activity. ideation stage for the development of the innovative food
product strategy.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 3 points
Fourth evaluation
High level: They correctly use the APA 7th edition standard to
present bibliographic citations and bibliography.
Use of APA
If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
standards 7th
and 5 points
edition to present
Average level: There is a lack of greater rigor in the application
bibliography and
of the APA 7th edition standard for the reference of the sources
If your work is at this level, you can get between 2 points
This criterion
and 3 points
represents 5
points of the total

of 50 points of the Low level: The APA 7th edition standard for referencing the
activity. sources consulted is not considered.

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points

and 1 point

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