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Procedure for Resetting Out of Service LED & Alarm LED for

MiCOM Px30 Relays


Procedure for Clearing Alarm LED:

For Resetting the Alarm LED  Go to Operation menu  Control &Testing 

MT_RC then press Down Key in the Facia, it will display Reset Record USER value 1
or some Value if there is any Defective or it will show 0 (Zero) if there is no Defective or
Relay healthy. Then press Enter in the Facia, it will display Eight Stars( ********-
Password control) then follow LEFT, RIGHT,UP, DOWN & ENTER KEYS it will
display as Don’t Execute by pressing Down Key make it Execute & press Enter Key, it
will start Rebooting and Alarm LED gets reset. If the value does not changes to Zero then
move to Operation menu  Operating Data recording  MT_RC  Mon. Signal
record and press Down key to find out the nature of defects in the Relay.


Control &Testing


Reset Record USER


[Password Control]
◄►▲▼ (Enter) [Using Navigation Keys]
Don’t Execute


The Relay will start rebooting & Alarm LED will disappear.
To find the Nature of Defect or Relay faulty:
If Alarm LED still persists then follow the below shown path and to check the Nature of


Operating Data recording


Mon. Signal record

Defects (Kindly hold the Down Button for few secs)

Note: Facia- Front HMI Keys

Procedure for Resetting Out of Service LED:
For Clearing Out of Service LED, Go to Parameter menu Function Parameter 
Global  MAIN  under Protection Enabled parameter =NO (= OFF) press
Enter in the Facia it will display Eight Stars( ********- Password control) follow
with LEFT, RIGHT,UP, DOWN & ENTER keys then it will display Don’t Execute by
pressing Down Key make it Execute & press Enter Key . It denotes Protection is
Enabled or in service, Protection Enabled = Yes (= ON)


Function Parameter



Protection Enabled= NO (= OFF)


[Password Control]
◄►▲▼ (Enter) [Using Navigation Keys]

Protection Enabled =YES (= ON)

(Enter) Then Out of Service LED will disappear.


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