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Q1) Write a program to implement the double ended

Header Files:
• stdio.h: This standard library header provides input/output
functions like printf and scanf for user interaction.
• conio.h: This non-standard header (not recommended for
modern C development) offers console input functions like
getch. It's generally better practice to use getchar() from
stdio.h for portability.
Deque Representation:
• An integer array deque of size MAX (defined as 10) stores the
deque elements.
• Two integer variables left and right act as indices to track the
front and rear of the deque, respectively.
• Initially, both left and right are set to -1, indicating an empty
Deque Operations:
• The program implements five functions for deque operations:
o insert_right(void): Inserts an element at the right end
(rear) of the deque.
o insert_left(void): Inserts an element at the left end (front)
of the deque.
o delete_right(void): Deletes and returns the element from
the right end.
o delete_left(void): Deletes and returns the element from
the left end.
o display(void): Prints the elements present in the deque.
Menu-Driven Interface:
• The main function is the program's entry point.
• It presents a menu to the user with options for insertion,
deletion, and displaying the deque elements.
• Based on the user's choice, it calls the corresponding deque
operation function.
Error Handling:
• The code checks for overflow and underflow conditions during
insertion and deletion operations, respectively.
o Overflow occurs when the deque is full and cannot
accommodate more elements.
o Underflow occurs when the deque is empty and there are
no elements to delete.
• If an error condition is detected, an appropriate message is
Explanation of Functions:
1. insert_right()
o Prompts the user to enter a value to be added.
o Checks for overflow condition:
▪ If left is 0 and right is MAX-1 (end of the array), or
▪ If left is just one position ahead of right (circular
o If the deque is empty (left == -1), initializes both left and
right to 0.
o Otherwise, increments right considering circular behavior
(if it reaches the end of the array, it wraps around to the
o Inserts the new element at deque[right].
2. insert_left()
o Similar to insert_right(), it prompts for a value and checks
for overflow.
o If empty (left == -1), initializes left and right to 0.
o Otherwise, decrements left considering circular behavior
(if it reaches the beginning of the array, it wraps around to
the end).
o Inserts the new element at deque[left].
3. delete_right()
o Checks for underflow condition (empty deque).
o Prints the element to be deleted from deque[right].
o If the deque becomes empty after deletion (left == right),
resets both left and right to -1.
o Otherwise, updates right considering circular behavior (if
it's 0, it becomes MAX-1).
4. delete_left()
o Similar to delete_right(), it checks for underflow and
prints the element to be deleted from deque[left].
o If the deque becomes empty, resets left and right to -1.
o Otherwise, updates left considering circular behavior (if
it's MAX-1, it becomes 0).
5. display()
o Handles the empty deque case by printing a message.
o Defines front and rear variables to represent the starting
and ending indices for iteration.
o If front is less than or equal to rear (typical case), iterates
through the elements from front to rear and prints them.
o If front is greater than rear (circular deque), it handles
printing in two segments:
▪ Prints elements from front to the end of the array
▪ Resets front to 0 and continues printing elements

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