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Welding A a metal joinngproces shere localised

Coalescence is produced elthex by heating the Melal
toa suitoble terperature with withaut he cse o
pþlicaton o peuTe, ith. without the we o
ley metal. The filley matexial has sinilian eomposition
and melting peind Jcmpezate asas that of the base metal
that othe
betyeen the foint suafaces .
Types of Weldinga
Plaste lelding The picee o metal tobe qoined oe
heated to he lastic state and then
fored togatBher by external pTOSVT M0thot
the addiHom a Aler moteri al

Forge welding : he wozk piece aMe placed in a forge o

ahpaofrioate fznace and heated within.
the to bejoihed fo plaste tondition. Then
parts arnl quickly Saperlmkoscd aud wotked into a camplete
tim by hand pawer hammering by pressure togathex
Resistanee welding In Tesiatante weldin, a hcavy electzlc.
CwInent ja pased through the metala to be jeined
limited aMea, coauing hem tobe localy heated te plastic
ond the welding A Qnmfleted y the aaalication

travel Slag Corening
Base Metal


ATc Steom Are ordey

weld metal
EJertzie Arc Welding

Wire Byush
Page No.

Eusicn Wedding: fufusian welding, the metal_paits te

be joined netad melted and then
allowed to salidify presauxe iA not applied and fildex
netals May be wsed feor this Aype of weldng

in which the
Gaa Welding Gas wetdi ng ia a process
Tequired heat to m
melt the Aurface ia
Abplied by a high temhesatuz flame obtained by a miatugt
two gases Ukually the mizfure o axygen and acetlene
i wsed fox welding puhae

EJectric Are welJing

frinciple o ope Yaton Electrie aMe welding ia the

e of eining tuwo parts
by melting tein, edqes by Cn eleatric anc"

Welding Bead ceaning accessories

Chiping Hamme A chitpin hammeg iA chisel-Ahaped

ne and it ia used to emave the a

fam t weld bead.

Wiye Brush: A wire brush made th o atit teel iYe,

embedded in wáod, renOVes Bmall panles o
slag from the weld bead ates the chitbing
face shield olanp

Chieing ham
ha mmei

sieoksop prlntsl bos8 piblal

Flat bit
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Face shield t iA a protective device wsed in anc welding

A face 8hield hand sheisd is held in
the hand othe weldeg andt is tted with a
BUi table filteg len
Helmet ft is wsed for Ahiel ding and prokcting
face and neck o the weldey and
Pitted witth Bvitable fitteg len

wse d to handle the hot metal- welding

Tongs Tonga One. al&o used o
ob tile cleaning y
hold the metal fer hammerng

4oggle is wed to protect te eyes

Goggles Chipbing Alag They ae. Atted
wthile chipþing the to be cleaned
while A plane lass to sce the anea

loves ane sed ta pokct the handa

Hand Giloves, Hand shoch, AMe
radiation and
e lectrical
hot spattea
Single V- Butt Jaint AIN


1to 15

Al dimenios ane in mm



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ALM: To make. a Aingle

V. but yoint lby
welding in welding Ahoh.
MATERIAL'S VSED Two mildsteel talates o
50 mmX 50mm X 5 mm.

Tool's RE QUIRED : Welding powex AHplyFlat fide,

welding Tod, Thitping hamymex, glectrode
holder wine brush, hloves and obron,
Zanthing clamba, face Ahield k goggler.

I u t the tura pieces the yequired enqth foom mila

Bteel Alat with the helb ot hackaaW

Cut the gequied level n Hhe edges of bath pteces to

ferm the Boe "y" hen laced auted.

3. hen by meana fiLling pre bate he rot faces

-keep the taopieces in enense paition ie the rot gah
n the Ao end "y" zoave in inyezted paAitiom belaw.

Tack weld the tuio pieces alng the r0at qa rom bot
end to reasnalble istance
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Lnyext the tack welded_pieces and hlace them in

pat postion to stant welding

1Set pachex cunhent and ay the zoot bead wsing a

3mdiameter mild Ateel flux coated elechrode

2Clen the root bead and check the penekratio.

9Then using á duy coated elecho de and Seting

paojer cUrTent depoait the Cavening bead at
a imifemm sheed

1o Clean the cavening bead ay mean a the Chipping

hamme and ie bush

11 Check yoot fpenetrationdisteztim and

viAbal Aunface defecta , if any.

Wean paepey paatectime Apam, Hand glo
while lelaiug
preher Ahield during aelding
Wwhile cleaning tae qoint ,we qaggle fer prate atiod
a Page No.

4 Shike and maintain propeY throughaut

5 Always Alect and praper current
CoTTect eJectrode

GAlwaya e tongs to hold 4he hat wiork pieces


The given twa pieces Qste 4slned angleVbutt

joint by ne weldAing

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