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Common CV Errors CV How to improve Incorrect terminology eg heading: resume, biodata Use UK terminology and in the right place

CV does not sell the person Salo The CV is a sales document-in the UK a CV is about selling you the product You ha You have a max of 2 pages to sell yourself and your skills to the employer The CV is not an autobiographical statement of your life including absolutely everything you have done. CV does not follow UK fashion No information about employment status No English equivalent for qualifications Poor spelling poor use of language CV copied exactly from Internet sample stylised nonpersonal language eg the term Curriculum Vitae no longer appears at the top of a UK CV. Instead you should put your full name in bold with contact details (name address telephone) directly underneath If you have a work permit or are eligible for a scheme, then make nationality and work status obvious e.g. eligible for SEGS scheme Try to give an English equivalent for overseas qualifications eg IB diploma equivalent to A-levels see or speak to a careers adviser for help Proof read CV and ask for expert help. Do not rely on computer spellcheckers or friends. The BI language centre operates one to one proof reading sessions for international students Do not copy a sample CV exactly-UK CVs should be individual and should showcase your own unique skills and experience and should allow your personality to shine through. Sample CVs are for guidance only.

Poor/Inappropriate CVs for the UK market

Read handouts on producing a CV produced by PCC Spicing up your CV Action words Attend workshops on CV preparation See a Careers Adviser for individual advice Keep font to one size and one type clear crisp font is important

Too many different type and size of fonts Too much detailed information :CV too long

Spacing-beware of overcrowding pages with information use 2 pages spread out instead of cluttered and squashed on one page

Too little information: CV too Look out for too many white empty spaces. If necessary put all on one page short too much white space make sure you have made the most of your work experience, interests and 1. voluntary work 2. Date information in wrong 4. Reverse chronological order-. The dates should always go from today chronological order 5. and work back to the past


6. 7.

What employers want to know more about is what happened most recently. The further back you go the less information is necessary

No attention to skills developed 9. Not focussed on job description Lots of reasons for leaving the company

10. Analyse the skills you have to offer, analyse the job and the skills that r are required and try to provide evidence for a match 11. Think about the skills required for the job by looking at the job description and advert and illustrate why you would fit by using examples of your skills obtained at University and through voluntary, part-time and full time employment 12. Reason for leaving a company should not be included in a CV

CV written in a very negative 13. way 14.

Repetition of words eg responsible for Layout too rigid

Positive language-there is no room for negativity or modesty in a UK CV Express achievements in positive terms Equally though you should be careful about overstating your achievements or lying.

Skills and experiences can be written about with the use of Action words to sound more dynamic and varied e.g. initiated, specified, project managed Layout-in the UK the layout is not entirely prescribed as it is in some other countries. Choose the best layout for your individual skills and experience and for the job you are applying for e.g. law, accountancy more formal ,design advertising more creative References-it is not customary to attach references to a UK CV. Only include the names, position and contact details of 2 referees usually one academic and one work related. Make sure you have e-mail addresses for overseas contacts Make sure there are no gaps in the dates that are unaccounted for. If you have travelled abroad on holiday for an extended period, state this on the CV and try to illustrate the skills you may have developed while you are away In the UK it is not customary to include photographs with a CV unless you are expressly asked to do so If you have a non-gender specific name try to include your title or your gender as part of the personal information

Additional pages of photocopied references Gaps in the dates or dates in wrong order Photographs attached or included in text Gender not obvious from name

Where else can you look? Job applications Watch Looking good on paper video at the PCC Read Making wizard applications (GTI publication) Books available at PCC ( listed on web) includes four sample CVs

Calli Amiras May 2006 2

Calli Amiras May 2006 3

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