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Author Daniel Burnet Ninth and Tenth centuries to Napoleon's Pioneer

Illustrator Brian Bond Corps.

Weapon Focus is a PDF series exploring The Game Of It

weapons from different sources and genres, and
providing a more in-depth look at some of the most
common and popular weapons, providing new The battle axe's first use came about quite
feats, rules variations, and examples of special by accident. A young human named Noon Carha
magical weapons, as well as exploring the origins was returning to his farm with a load of freshly cut
of the weapons from an in-game perspective as wood which would be used to build a new fence to
well as the real world history of the weapon's protect his livestock from nearby goblin raiders.
development and use. When Noon arrived at his farm, he found
that the goblins had already returned and were
The Real Of It helping themselves to his chickens and their eggs.
Noon ran towards the goblins waving his arms in
The first axes made their appearance not as an attempt to scare them away, still holding the
weapons, but as tools used for simple agricultural maul he had used to cut down the wood. When
purposes, such as cutting wood or harvesting one goblin turned towards Noon and charged him,
various crops. While items such as this shared a the maul accidentally connected with the side of
similar design to the battle axe, the edge used was the goblin's head, killing him instantly. The
often bigger and wider than those that would be remaining goblins, easily scared, ran off.
found on axes designed to inflict damage on living Two weeks later, after selling his wares in
animals. the city, Noon described the event to a dwarf he
Battle axes have been discovered as far encountered at a tavern. The dwarf's name is lost
back as 3,000 B.C. In the next few thousand years, to history, but is known that he was inspired by
advancements in working materials would allow Noon's tale and began researching the basics of
better weapons to be created, first out of copper weaponry, and two months later he had created the
and bronze, with iron and steel following later. first battle axe. News of the new weapon and the
Battle axes have been used in some form or recipe for its construction spread quickly, with new
another by nearly every military force that was variations constantly being developed.
aware of their existence, from the Vikings in the
New Feat Benefit: When you use the attack action or the
AXE ASSAULT full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty
You sacrifice accuracy for increased damage with of as much as 5 on your attack roll and add the
an axe. same number (+5 or less) to your Critical Threat
Pre-Requisite: Axe Focus Range. This number may not exceed your base
Benefit: When you use the attack action or the attack bonus. The changes to attack rolls and
full attack action in melee while wielding an axe, Critical Threat Range last until your next action.
you can take a 2 penalty on this attack, but deals
+1 die of damage with a successful hit. -2 to
attack roll, +1 die of damage. New Feat
You wield two axes as a single weapon,
New Feat combining the damage between the two.
AXE FOCUS Benefit: When you use the attack action or the
Your skill with an axe allows you to deal full attack action in melee while wielding two
additional damage. axes, you may fight with the two axes as though
Benefit: Deal an additional point of damage they were a single weapon, adding the damage
when attacking with any type of axe. from the second axe to the damage of the first
axe. While doing so, you take a -2 dodge penalty
New Feat to your Armor Class, and you do not gain extra
AXE FURY benefits from fighting with two weapons.
You may sacrifice dodging ability for accuracy
when wielding an axe. New Magical Item
Pre-Requisite: Weapon Focus or Axe Focus,
Dexterity 13 Spectral Axe: This magical axe appears to
Benefit: When you use the attack action or the simply be a +1 battle axe, but the axe's true power
full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty is unleashed with a command word. When in
of as much as your Dexterity modifier to your battle, when commanded, the axe will fire a
Armor Class and add the same number to your spectral duplicate of itself at a target within 30
attack roll. The changes to Armor Class and feet, dealing normal damage.
attack rolls last until your next action. Faint Necromancy; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms and
Armor, spectral hand; Price 8,000; Cost 4,000
New Feat +800 XP
Pre-Requisite: Dexterity 13
Benefit: When wielding two axes and attacked
and missed in melee, you may make an
immediate Attack of Opportunity against the
attacker. This counts against your maximum
number of Attacks of Opportunity per round.
This does not allow you to make more Attacks of
Opportunity in a round than you normally could.

New Feat
You sacrifice accuracy to increase the chance of
scoring a critical strike.
Pre-Requisite: Power Attack
Brightblade is legacy battle axe made of solid silver. Each edge of the blade is curved, giving it an
especially wicked cut. A small pike protrudes from the end of the handle, allowing the axe to be able to
function as a piercing weapon (1d4+1 damage) should the occasion require it.
Omen: The Brightblade constantly emits light, even when there is no source of illumination nearby.
Non-Legacy Game Statistics: Masterwork/+1 silver battle axe

Brightblade Legacy Statistics

Wielder Save Skill Caster Spell Legacy Abilities
Level Penalty Check Level Slot
Penalty Penalty Loss
5th -1 - - - Blade Barrier 1/week
6th - - - 1st Blade Vision
7th - - -1 - Blade Embrace
8th - -1 - 2nd Disrupting Weapon 1/day
9th - - - - Stand to the Last
10th - - -2 3rd Dispel Magic 1/day
11th -2 - - - Order's Wrath 1/day
12th - - - 4th Disrupting Weapon 2/day
13th - -2 - - -
14th - - - 5th Dispel Magic 2/day
15th - - - - Protection from Evil
16th - -3 - 6th Order's Wrath 2/day
17th - - - - Blade Barrier 2/week
18th -3 - - 7th Slow 3/week
19th - - -3 - -
20th - - - Protection from Chaos

Brightblade History
Brightblade appears to be a silver battle axe and focus to those marching into battle. Those
created by one of the dwarven master weapon who carried Brightblade into battle would often
smiths in a time when dwarves were at constant perish, remaining standing only long enough to
war with the chaotic orcs and rationing supplies so ensure that the work was done, and the forces of
that the militia would be properly armed caused chaos were pushed back once again. It is believed
some villages to receive only a single new weapon by many that the souls of those who fell wielding
with which to defend themselves. Brightblade became a part of it, infusing it with
Brightblade was carried into battle time and again their knowledge and power.
by dwarven clerics and paladins who would lead Centuries after Brightblade was first forged, it was
troops into battle, providing a source of inspiration carried to the Temple of Chaos where it was used
by the dwarven paladin C'than to smite the chaos LESSER LEGACY (Brightblade)
demon Ry'lesh. The power unleashed at the death
of Ry'lesh was enough to bring the Temple of You awaken the basic abilities of the legacy
Chaos down upon them, destroying the portal to weapon Brightblade.
unfathomable hells. Brightblade was later Pre-Requisite: Character level 11th, learn and
retrieved from the ruins of the temple by priests ofperform the Order's Wrath ritual.
C'than's order, who vowed to preserve it until it Benefit: Gain access to Legacy abilities of
would be needed once again. Brightblade. This feat does not grant access to
abilities which require a wielder to be 17th level or
Legacy Rituals higher.
Special: Should the character ever discover that
Guarded Secrets: You must keep the legacy those smote as part of the Order's Wrath ritual
abilities of Brightblade a secret from everyone have resumed their predatory nature, he or she
until all three legacy feats have been gained for must immediately begin questing to seek them out
Brightblade. The secret must be kept for one and once again put a stop to their actions, or lose
month in order for the ritual to be completed. Feat the benefits of this feat until this has been done.
Granted: Least Legacy (Brightblade).
Order's Wrath: You must seek out a group of
chaotic evil creatures which prey on those weaker GREATER LEGACY (Brightblade)
than themselves, and you must smite them so that You awaken the basic abilities of the legacy
they permanently cease all predatory activities. weapon Brightblade.
Feat Granted: Lesser Legacy (Brightblade).
Pre-Requisite: Character level 17th, learn and
Honored Justice: You must uncover a forgotten perform the Honored Justice ritual.
heroic deed that was done in the pursuit of justice Benefit: Gain access to all remaining Legacy
and remind the world of this deed. Feat Granted: abilities of Brightblade.
Greater Legacy (Brightblade). Special: Should the heroic feat ever be once
again forgotten, the Honored Justice ritual must
be performed again, or all benefits of this feat are
Legacy Feats
LEAST LEGACY (Brightblade)
You awaken the basic abilities of the legacy Wielder Requirements
weapon Brightblade. Ability to cast divine spells
Pre-Requisite: Character level 5 , learn and Lawful good alignment
perform the Guarded Secrets ritual.
Benefit: Gain access to Legacy abilities of Knowledge (law) 3 ranks
Brightblade. This feat does not grant access to Speak Language (Dwarven)
abilities which require a wielder to be 11th level or
Legacy Feats
Special: After one month of guarding
Brightblade's secret, this feat is gained. The Item Abilities
benefits of this feat are lost if the possessor ever
reveals Brightblade's secret. This does not apply Blade Barrier (Sp): At 5th level and above, once
to information revealed or discovered by another, per week on command, you can use blade barrier,
and the wielder may freely discuss Brightblade so as per the spell. The save DC is 15, or 14 + your
long as he or she does not purposefully cause any Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. Caster
new information to be revealed. Level 14th. At 17th level and above, you may use
this ability twice per week.
Blade Vision (Su): At 6th level and above, the
wielder gains the Dark Vision ability.

Blade Embrace (Su): At 7th level and above, the

wielder gains DR 3/-.

Disrupting Weapon (Sp): At 8th level and above,

once per day on command, you can use disrupting
weapon, as per the spell. The save DC is 15, or 14
+ your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. At
12th level and above you may use this ability twice
per day.

Stand to the Last (Su): At 9th level and above, the

wielder of Brightblade remains conscious until
reaching -10 hit points, at which point he or she
will succumb to the wounds and die.

Dispel Magic (Sp): At 10th level and above, once

per day on command, you can use dispel magic, as
per the spell. At 14th level and above you may use
this ability twice per day.

Order's Wrath (Sp): At 11th level and above,

once per day on command, you can use order's
wrath, as per the spell. The save DC is 15, or 14 +
your Wisdom modifier, whichever is higher. At
16th level and above you may use this ability twice
per day.

Protection From Evil (Sp): At 15th level and

above the wielder is affected by protection from
evil, as per the spell.

Slow (Sp): At 18th level and above, the wielder

may, three times per week on command, slow a
target creature, as per the spell. The save DC is 15,
or 14 + your Wisdom modifier, whichever is

Protection From Chaos (Sp): At 20th level and

above the wielder is affected by protection from
chaos, as per the spell.
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