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School Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac, Province
Balaoang, Paniqui, Tarlac
Grade Level 9
Time Allotment 60 minutes
Teacher Ms. Kristine May R. Wamil
I. Objectives
A. Content Standards
The learner will demonstrate understanding of various movie genres (such as fantasy, historical, horror,
romance, thriller, science fiction, and western), commercial types (including informative, persuasive, and
reminder), and music video classifications (such as performance music video, narrative music video, and
concept-based music video). Furthermore, to analyze whether a certain information presented in the
viewing materials is relevant and truthful.
B. Performance Standards
The learner transfers learning by demonstrating genre identification skills to analyze and categorize movie
based on genres such as fantasy, historical, horror, romance, thriller, science fiction, and western and
utilizing comprehension strategies when engaging with informative and short narrative texts related to
commercials and music videos, and Expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings effectively through various
formats when discussing the relevance and truthfulness of ideas presented in commercial and music video
viewing materials.
C. Learning Competencies/ Code
English Quarter 3 – Module 2: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the
Material Viewed
D. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a) determine themes and supporting details of materials viewed,
b) value texts from materials viewed according to different roles they play in life, and
c) compose their own texts.
MELC: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the Material Viewed
II. Subject Matter
Determining Themes and Details of Materials Viewed
Resources/Learning Materials
Quarter 3 – Module 2: Determine the Relevance and the Truthfulness of Ideas Presented in the
Material Viewed (ENVC-Iva-10) First Edition, 2021
Learning Materials
PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, HDMI, LED TV
III. Learning Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities Greetings
- Good morning, class!
- Before anything else, may I ask
someone from Tuesday cleaners to
lead us in prayer? For guidance and
wisdom from our Lord. But you can
pray in any way you want according to
your beliefs and religion.
- Amen.
- You may now take your seats.

Checking of Attendance
- Class secretary, kindly get this record
of attendance and check who are
presents and absents for today.
- Alright, class, how are you today? How
do you feel?
- Are you alive, alert, awake and
- Good to know.

Classroom Rules

 C heating is a form of corruption, no

one must be a corrupt.
 H old any distractions.
 A lways listen, participate, and observe
silence when someone is talking.
 T ake down notes.
B. Purpose of the

- What can you observe from the illustrations

or pictures presented? - Ma’am, Television.
- Ma’am, Tik Tok.
- Ma’am, Facebook.
- Ma’am, YouTube.
- Good! What these platforms gives you? How
they became parts of our lives? - They show funny movies,
especially on Facebook that
helps me released stress.
- TV lets my father watch news
about latest happenings.
- As a student, whenever we
have an assignment about
watching a video and make
reflection about it, YouTube
really helps.
- Through Tik Tok, I can watch
my favorite social media
- Thank you for sharing, class. Based on what
you have shared, news, movies, and other
viewing material help you in your everyday
lives, for information or entertainment.
Throughout our discussion, you will know how
important materials we viewed in our everyday
lives as we play different roles.
C. Review - Before we move onto our discussion, let us
assess if you can still give me the four viewing
materials that we have discussed last week.
So, what are those? - Ma’am, Television Programs.
- Movies
- Commercials
- Music videos
- What about genres of television programs,
give me 3 and key words that best represent
their distinctions. - Ma’am, Cop Series, story
about police officers.
- Good! What else?
- Variety shows, combination of
many performances.
- Good! Last one?
- Situation Comedy, same
characters in different
- Very good, class! What about movie genres,
kindly give me 3 and give its key words. - Ma’am, Horror, aims to terrify
and sicken.
- Good! What else? - Experimental, it is artistic and
used techniques.
- Good! Last one? - Animation, uses illustrations.

- Very good, class! What about a commercial,

give me its types. - Ma’am, Informative,
Persuasive and Reminder.
- Good job! Lastly, who can give me the three
classifications of a music video? - Ma’am, performance,
narrative, and concept-based
music video.
- Great job, class! I can say that you have
mastered out previous lesson.
D. Motivation (The students will do the “Alive, Alert, Awake,
Enthusiastic Energizer” before moving onto
the motivation activity)

Activity 1: ARRANGE ME!

Instruction of the activity:

 The whole class will work together as a
group. The class must choose only 17
 The teacher will give each
representative a one letter card. All
representatives must stand in front,
holding the letter card assigned to
 The teacher provided 6 hidden words
with 6 visual representations.
 The students who are left in their seats
will help the 17 representatives figure
out what word best describes the
image, poster, or illustration that the
teacher will present.
 The activity commences when the
teacher presents the first image
representation. The class has 30
seconds to form the word that best
describes the presented image.
However, when they failed to form the
word within 30 seconds, they will lose
the chance to get the point.
 When the class successfully form 4
words and more, they will get one
signature each from the teacher.
E. Presenting - Everywhere we go, we can see texts, may it
examples/instances of be inside our houses, school, or in
the new lesson playgrounds. Text can be in various forms:
music video script, TV commercial script,
movie script, etc. But do you even know that
when we know how to determine the theme
and supporting details of the materials we
viewed, we can understand the message they
wish to convey much easier? For today’s
lesson, we will talk about texts and themes,
particularly the non-exhaustive themes
example according to MasterClass.
F. Discussing new
concepts and practicing Determining Themes and Details of
new skill Materials Viewed

- Always remember, class that a writer begins

creating a text with purpose in mind. A
certain text, before it was created, there was a
reason behind it, to persuade, inform, or
entertain the public. In your case, class, as a
student, why are you watching videos? Do you
prefer videos that can bring entertainment to
you or something that can give information?
- Ma’am, as a student, I am
more inclined to watch videos
that can give educate me,
either academically or morally.
- Thank you for sharing. What about the
others? - Personally, ma’am, since I am
bombarded with both
schoolwork and other duties at
home. I am looking for
something to entertain me, to
release stress, to make me feel
at ease.

- As for me, ma’am, I am into

- Thank you for sharing. Who else wants to
share? something that can give me
information about what is
happening, like news.

- Thank you so much for sharing. Through the

words you have shared, we can really say that
texts from materials we viewed have a lot to
offer. Now, let us define a text. Kindly read the - Text is a cover term for
definition of a text. instance of language use
arranged in logical order and
coded according to established
conventions to perform a
function in some context
(Halliday & Hansan, 1989).

- Based on what is stated, in simplest term, a

text is a language that is functional. Anything
that can give a message. A text is a
combination of words, phrases, and sentences
to create meaning or message. It has a
function depending on the context. A text can
be as smileys. It can be as lengthy as the
seven Harry Potter books. It can be as
relaxing as the song you listen to while in your
bedroom. Another examples of texts are
slogan, TV commercial, music video, TV - No, ma’am. Because you are
broadcast, political debate, etc. What about speaking and the words you
the words from me while speaking right now, say are not written.
are they texts?

- Okay, let us break that misconception. Texts

are not merely about words, phrases, or
sentences in written form. Text can be in
written, spoken, visual (illustrations, films,
and photographs), and gestural (non-verbal
cues) forms of language that people live with
every day.

- These are examples of written, spoken,

visual, and gestural texts. Look around, can
you see texts?

- Yes, ma’am, this poster is a

- Very good! What about the others, kindly visual text. It is an image;
give me texts you can see. however, it talks about the
importance of education.

- This bible verse displayed on

- We can be a producer (creator of texts) or a the wall, ma’am. It talks about
consumer (user of texts) of texts. The nature impossible things that God can
of text consumption or production varies make possible.
depending on your needs and changes
according to the roles you play; being a
student, a child, a friend, a community leader,
or a Filipino citizen. When you are a student,
you are into texts that can educate or give you
additional information. To community leaders,
they are into texts that inform them about
relevant issue around them. To younger and
older ones, they are into something that can
entertain them. To add, text disseminated in
public can have positive and negative effects,
that is why the concept of responsible use
and production of text is important. Is
everything clear, class?

- Great! Thank you. Now, we will move onto a

theme. A theme is an idea instrumental for - Yes, ma’am!
achieving the purpose(s) set by the author.
The theme is sometimes called the storyline,
topic, main idea, or unifying concept. The
theme shapes the selection and organization
of story elements – plot, setting,
characterization, and conflict. There are skills
a visually literate person should enhance and
get better at, including the Identifying the
theme, and checking the relevance of its
supporting details. Supporting details of a
viewing material can be the characters,
setting, and conflict. But how can you say that
a text is relevant?

- If it matches or suits a
- Very good! If the texts do not match your person’s needs as he plays his
needs, they are not relevant, yet intended for in life.
someone else. Since, everything is clear, let
us move onto MasterClass (2020) non-
exhaustive list of common themes.

(The teacher will present the themes)

- Are you familiar with these themes?

- First is love as a theme. it is about love for a - Yes, ma’am.

family, partner, or friends. Second, sacrifice
as a theme is about giving up one’s own
happiness for others’ sake. Third is death, it is
about the end of life. Fourth is justice, it is
about giving what an individual deserves.
Fifth is perseverance, it is about never giving
up in achieving dreams in life. Sixth is coming
of age, it is about a person’s transition from
one stage of life to the next, like from
childhood to adulthood. Seventh is family
drama, it is about struggles or conflict of
interest between family members. Eight is
humanity vs. Technology, it is about a
person using technology in a negative way or
a technology that causes harm to a person.
Ninth is good vs. evil, it is about a conflict or
battle between a good person and antagonist
portraying unpleasant characteristics. Lastly is
reason vs. Faith, it can be about Christianity
or religion, when there is a conflict between a
person’s faith in God and the way he defends
his own intuition. Are these themes clear to
you, class?
- Yes, ma’am!
- Good to know! Can you give me themes you
often encounter when watching videos?
- Jealousy
- Friendship
- These themes are just few of themes - Revenge
in texts that have been produced. However, it
is not easy to recognize the theme of what you
are watching because it is usually implied, so,
we need an active viewing. As tips to help you
figure out what theme is used in the specific
viewing material, you need to answer the
following 5Ws and 1H questions while

 What is happening?
 What type of conflict are the characters
 Who are the characters and how are
they related with each other?
 When and where are the actions taking
 Why do the actors think and act the
way they do?
 How are the actions sequenced?

- These guide questions are helpful because

when we focus on the characters feelings,
emotions, and experiences, we can easily
recognize or determine the theme that will
help us understand the message a certain
viewing material wished to convey. Is
everything about texts and themes, class?
- Yes, ma’am!
- Great Job, class, and thank you for your
attentive ears and minds, and participation
throughout the discussion.
G. Developing Mastery Now, let us have a short activity, yet will help
you develop your knowledge about our lesson.

Activity 2:

Instruction of the Activity:

 The teacher will provide and present
variety of music videos, news, and
short clips. The students need to guess
what the theme or the main idea is
presented in each viewing material.
 The students must limit their answers
from the list of themes according to
 To answer, students should raise their
hands, whoever student got the theme
right, will obtain one signature from the
teacher. When no one raises hand, the
teacher will use their index cards to
decide who will answer.

- Are you all ready? - Yes, ma’am!

- For the Viewing Material 1: - Perseverance

- Very good! For the Viewing Material 2: - Coming of Age

- Very good! For the Viewing Material 3:

Sacrifice or Family Drama - Sacrifice or Family Drama

- Great Job, class! Now, I can say that you are

all ready to apply all the knowledge and
learnings you have gained from our lesson.
H. Finding Practical - It is now time to apply the knowledge you
Application of Concepts have gained. We will have an activity where
and Skills you will create your own piece.


Instruction: In a short bond paper, write your

own slogan of not more than 15 words to
present the main idea conveyed by the visual
text provided below. Choose your main
purpose: to inform, to persuade, to educate.
Once you finish your piece, below the slogan,
explain it in not less than 3 sentences and not
more than 5 sentences. The message of your
slogan must be to persuade the public.

I. Making generalization - Class, to help you not retain the information

we have discussed, let us have a
recapitulation. First, it is a cover term for
instance of language use arranged in logical
order to perform a function in some context. - A text, ma’am.

- Very good! Can someone give me the four

forms of a text? - Written, spoken, visual and
gestural forms, ma’am.

- Very good! It is the main idea, what is it? - A theme, ma’am.

- Very good! It is a theme according to

MasterClass that talks about the transition of a
person’s life. - Coming of age.
- Good! It is a theme about conflicts and
battles between family members. - Family drama.
- Good! Lastly, what is a theme that talks
about never giving up to dreams in life? - Perseverance.

- Good! Now, what are the two skills a visually

literate person should enhance and get better
at? - Identifying the theme and
checking the relevance of its
supporting details.
- Great! Lastly, can you give me two examples
of supporting details? - Characters and setting,
- Well done, class! I can see that you are
ready for your quiz. Have yourself a ¼ sheet
of paper quietly.
Direction: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences. Write your answers in all capital letters.
Failed to follow the instruction will affect your score.
_________1. Also called as the main idea, subject, or unifying concept.
_________2. It is anything that you can see around you. There is a certain reason behind it.
_________3. I have watched a movie about a young boy who experiences different battles in every phase
of his life.
_________4. An example of these theme is when there is a conflict between a person’s faith in God and
the way he defends his own intuition.
_________5. Sonny have watched a short video from YouTube about a person who used technology in a
negative way and how a technology can harm a person. What theme is presented?
_________6. What theme is presented when text is about a boy who used to spend his 2 hours walking
just to attend school. He is persistent in achieving his goals in life despite the hardships.
_________7. Non-verbal cues are what form of a text?
_________8. What are to inform, to persuade, to entertain, and to educate?
_________9. It is a form of text that uses non-verbal cues.
_________10. It is a form of text that can be heard directly from the person who is speaking.
_________11. It can be as smileys. It can be as lengthy as the seven Harry Potter books. It can be as
illusionary as the portrait of Mona Lisa.
_________12. We can be both producers and consumers of this.
_________13. Examples of these are characters, setting, and conflict.
_________14-15. These are the two skills a visually literate person should enhance and get better at.



Instruction: In a ¼ Illustration board, create a poster about the topic “WORDS ARE POWERFUL”. The goal
of your poster should be limited into two:

1. inform and persuade everyone that even a single kind word can change someone’s entire day or,
2. inform and persuade everyone that words can be harmful to anyone, that is why it is important to
think twice before saying any word.


The poster represents the topic very
well. The artwork presents the two 30
expected purposes.
The poster represents the topic well.
The artwork presents the two expected 25
The poster represents the topic well.
The artwork presents the only one 20
from the two expected purposes.
The poster represents the topic well.
The artwork does not present any of 15
the two expected purposes.

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