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School Obrero Elementary School Subject Science

Lesson Plan Teacher Gwyneth Queen F. Galvadores & Quarter 3rd Quarter
in Teaching Shamel Geraldino
Science Grade Level Grade 5- Acacia Date & October 27, 2023
& Section Time
I. OBJECTIVE At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
A. Content Standards identify the relationship between electricity and magnetism in electromagnets;
B. Performance Standards effectively communicate their experimental findings, conclusions, and insights through
clear and organized written or verbal presentations; and
C. Learning Competencies design an experiment to determine the factors that affect the strength of the
Code S5FE IIIi-j-9
Topic Factors Affecting the Strength of an Electromagnet
Materials Nails, Batteries, copper/electrical wires, safety pins, coils.
References 1. BEAM 5, Unit 5.12 Electromagnets. Learning Guides. Powered Attraction.
January 2009.
2. Science and Technology IV: Physics Textbook for Fourth Year by Lilia M.
Rabago, Ph.D.
Strategy Used Inquiry-based learning method
Integration Innovation and experiment
Valuing Cooperation
III. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities 1. Prayer
May I request Ade to lead the prayer? Classmates, please stand up, bow
down your heads, and close your eyes.
Heavenly father….

2. Greetings

Good morning my dear pupils! Good morning, teacher!

How are you today? We’re fine teacher!

Wow, it’s good to hear that you are all

doing good.

3. Setting of Standards

Now before we start, let us set our

classroom rules first. What should our
first rule be? We should listen when the teacher is
Yes, Neunna? talking in front.

You are right, what else?

Yes, lynzee? Raise our right hand when we want to
answer, teacher.

Yes, so why do we need to raise our

hand when we want to answer? To give the entire class an opportunity
Yes, Ruby? to answer, teacher.

Very good! How about the last rule?

Yes, Mary? Keep our surroundings clean, teacher!
Correct! Everyone should follow these
rules so that we will have a
harmonious class. Am I understood? Yes, you are!

4. Review

Who among you here can recall our

previous lesson?
Yes, Almarie? We discussed about the magnets,

Very good! What is a magnet?

Yes, Reycel? a magnet is a material that can attract
metalic objects, teacher!
Impressive! What are some examples
of metallic objects?
Yes, Genroh? Screws and bolts, teacher!

That's correct!

5. Motivation

Now, let’s have a game. Who’s

excited? Me, teacher!

This game is called “Magnet Match”

I'm going to show you a series of
pictures on the board, and your task
is to tell me if each picture shows
something that is attracted or
repelled by a magnet. It's like a
magnet challenge! Are you ready? Yes, we are!

(teacher shows the first picture)

Paperclips, teacher!
What is this?

Yes, you are right. Now, are paperclips

attracted or repelled?
Yes, Jessica? Attracted, teacher!

Correct! How about this,

Yes, Daryl?

Repelled, teacher!
Very good! How about this one?

Yes, Angela?

Attracted, teacher!
Well done class! And with that let’s
give yourselves a wow clap!
(Does wow clap)
B. Developmental
1. Activity Alright, now I will group the class into
3. I will give each group a box that
contains objects.

Now what you will do is follow the

instructions that are written on paper
inside the box.

Then you will answer the guide

questions that are written on a
separate paper that is inside the box.

Whoever finishes first with the

correct output will be declared the
winner and will have a prize. Are you Yes, we are!

Don’t open the boxes until I say so,

alright? Yes, teacher!

(Teacher hands out materials)

Alright! You may now open the box

and begin! (Group 2 finishes first)
Wow! Group 2 has already finished!
Let’s wait for the other groups to

Alright, now I want each group to

have a representative and show their
output in front.

Now, group 1, will you please read

question number one and your (Group 1 representative)
answer? Question number 1: What was the first
thing you did with the objects? Our
answer is ‘we twisted the copper wire
five times around the nail’
Very good! Group two, how about the
next question? (Group 2 representative)
Question number 2: What did you do
after winding the copper wire around
the nail? Our answer is “We connected
both ends of wire of the
electromagnet to the dry cell”
Amazing, now how about the last
question, group 3? (Group 3 representative)
Question number 3: What did you do
after connecting both ends of the wire
to the dry cell? Our answer is “We
tested the electromagnet by placing
some thumbtacks near the nail to see
if they would get attracted.

Well done! Now did the nail attract

the thumbtacks? Yes, teacher!

Excellent work everyone!

2. Analysis Now what have you observed from

your activity? The thumbtacks were attracted to the
Yes, Faith? nail, teacher!

You are correct! But how did the nail

attract the thumbtacks? Because the nail is wrapped around
Yes, JB? with a wire, teacher.

Good! Now how did the wire help the The wire is connected to the power
nail attract the thumbtacks? source teacher, and it carries electric
Yes, Neunna? current.

Well done!

3. Abstraction What do you think is our topic for I think our topic for today is about
today? Does anyone have any idea? electromagnet, teacher.
Yes, Gerome?

Good! Now who can tell me their idea An electromagnet is a kind of magnet
about electromagnet? Yes, Love? that only works when you use
electricity, teacher.

Very good! Would anyone like to add I agree with Love teacher, It can pick
up? Yes, Joshylle? up metal things when it's turned on,
but it stops when you turn it off.

Yes! You are correct. Our topic for

today is all about electromagnetic

An electromagnet is a type of magnet

in which an electric current produces
a magnetic field.

Electromagnets usually consist of wire

wounds into a coil. It refers to the
ability of a wire to carry an electric
current to produce a magnetic

Now I have here a picture of the

similar output you had a while ago
(teacher shows the picture)

How many parts does this

electromagnetic has?
Yes, Caryl?

Yes, you are correct. We have here

the Iron core or the Iron nail, the
Wire, and the power source or the
dry cell. Each of these have their own

The iron core's purpose is to

concentrate the magnetic flux
produced by the current in the area
outside the wires. The wire or
insulated wire serves as the passage
of the electric current creating a
magnetic field. Then the power
source serves as the source of
electricity to create the magnetic
Am I understood? Yes, you are!

Did you know class, that we can make

an electromagnet stronger?

An electromagnet can be made

stronger in three ways:

a. by having more coils of wire on the

iron nail or core;
b. by increasing the amount of
current supplied; and
c. by using soft iron as the core.

This makes the electromagnet

stronger because the more coils the
iron nail has, the stronger the
electromagnet is.

4. Application Before we proceed to our next

exciting activity. I want everyone to
raise their hands above and shake

Now, with the same group, you are

going to make an electromagnet. The
game before was just how the
electromagnet works, right?
But now, you will make a stronger

But first I want you all to observe me

because I will do it first before you all

When I’m done, you can then start to

make your electromagnet. And then
from your own observations, you will
generate at least 5 questions
regarding your work. Am I
understood? Yes, you are!

Alright then.
(Teacher demonstrates how to make
an electromagnet using a battery,
copper wire, and safety pins)

You may now start your own work.


Well done everyone! Your works are

successful, and I assume you all had Yes, teacher!
fun creating an electromagnet, right?
What is again an electromagnet? An electromagnet is a type of magnet
Yes, Neunna? in which an electric current produces a
magnetic field.

Very good, how many main parts are

there in the electromagnet?
Yes, Gladys? 3 main parts teacher

Yes, you are correct. What do you Its purpose is to concentrate the
think is the purpose of the iron core? magnetic flux produced by the current
Yes, Ruby? in the area outside the wire, teacher.

Correct! How about the wire? The wire serves as a passage of the
Yes, Keziah? electric current, teacher.

What happens if the flow of the

current is off?
Yes, Hannah? The property of magnetism stops,

Well done everyone! I can see you all

understood our lesson. With that, (Does durian clap)
let’s give ourselves three durian claps.

Now going back to what you created,

Now what have you noticed when
you added more coils of wire or
increased the current? Yes, Sam? The electromagnet got stronger

Very good! Now, while creating your

work, what question sparked your
Yes, Eveline? The question that I had in my mind
while doing the work was, what if we
used a bigger battery?

Alright, what else? I am curious teacher while creating

Yes, Just? electromagnetic, what other materials
can we use as a core instead of iron or

Amazing! By doing or creating the

electromagnet, you managed to
formulate questions by yourselves.

5. Evaluation / Everyone, please get your

Assessment intermediate pad and answer the
Name: __________________
A. Directions: Fill in the blanks.
1. An electromagnet is a type of
magnet that only works when
you use ____________.
2. The iron core in an
electromagnet is essential to
concentrate the
____________ produced by
the current.
3. The wire in an electromagnet
serves as a ____________ for
the electric current, creating a
magnetic field.
4. To make an electromagnet
stronger, you can increase the
number of ____________ on
the iron core.
5. Electromagnets usually consist
of wire wound into a
6. A simple way to make an
electromagnet stronger is by
increasing the amount of
____________ supplied.
7. Soft iron is often used as the
core in an electromagnet
because it can make the
electromagnet ____________.
8. The property of magnetism in
an electromagnet stops when
you turn ____________ the
electric current.
9. Electromagnets are widely
used in everyday items, such
as ____________ and
refrigerator doors.
10. Electromagnets work by
converting electrical energy
into ____________ energy.

B. While creating your group’s

work, what questions did you
formulate? And what could
be the possible answers?

Alright, for your assignment. Get your

assignment notebook and copy this.
6. Assignment Read the Directions carefully.

Directions: Research and present a
short report on a notable invention
that uses electromagnets. Include its
impact on daily life.

Prepared by:
Galvadores, Gwyneth Queen F.

Submitted to:
Dr. Julie S. Berame

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