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Bolongaita, Experiment 1 ie: Pettomind: Mark Kenneth | Water / Moisture November 2, Periafie| Determination 2021 Bscé- 4 tae Submitted: | Rating: Vemboer 252021 T- Objectives To determine water | moisture content of | Soil. TL. Discussion: ‘Why t & important to determing water/ moisture content oF soi) | | TL. Opparotus | Equipments Used: Sand (ey VS te 3 = Moist Scale oven 4 W. Procedure!s 1) Measure the weight of the tin container. 3) Toke all the fins thto the oven at \os°c for Whours 4) Measure the weight of the tn with dey Sand - 5) Use the given Formula for woter content V. Dota and Computations Trials OF wet soit Weight oF Weign oF dry soil Oak con ineyomel Coningyons — ondoon in ayers Dota | £ 134.609 6-309 140.000, \44.-800) G09 134.709 3 \S4 306 4.009 \at.209 Formula ws Mass uctsoil lileon = mags oF dry soil ul omy 100% moss oF dry sal- moss of tn com with com container Trral 4 134-60 - 130.20 2 ¥ 100% = 2.181466 559234 8" Bo 40- 6.80 io a. 2.98% 2) Measure the weight of the tin container with morst sone. : 2 ; Ye Trtal (44.20 - 139-40 3.9453"FA93A2IZor QGaostioe ee eee Trial 3 30 - 148.2 wg $880 18920 5 ro00, VAe-20 - 7.40 _ A.BAFEB 608696 %o oF 4.25% whew Wa) 2AB*F.BBEABS Ss 2 g.q3cuator 3-A% average ‘ moisture | woter conten WObvseration 1) Whot is natural woter content of soils in engincening point of view? = The the ratio of Weight of worter to the weight Of solids im a given moss oF sorl. 2) Why do we need to know the natural water content or moisture content in sol? = Because water content & an important criteria th determining Soil Mntegrity. Bia 3) Whot engincering property fs affected by the natural woter content of soil? How docs worer content aFFect this 7 strength property’ Cohesion, The greater woter content Cohesion decreases causing greater separation ancl Siippoge of clay porticles. VW 4) Define and Differentiote a dey) partially saturated and sokurated soil condition. Show a diagram for €och condition Day Sell Rantially A ‘Saturated uly sturatel ant on | | WW. Concluston Th ts an important tosk te determine Geen] macietune: content o€ Soils becouse tt relis us (tf the soil ts fit to be used For Yhe purpose we intended - deerme the intcority of sol ond if it fs structurally weal - a

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