Reflection of The Sessions Through 'Glow and Grow' Strategy and Also 'What I Know and What I Want To Know'

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Shubhra :Glow and Grow -

crane 3A (20/3)
anishagalhotra + 1
• 6d

Reflection of the sessions through

1. Active Participation: Children
actively participated in the
session for concept 'Waste'. They
'Glow and Grow' strategy and also 'What
were present, participating, and
verbally active throughout the

I know and What I want to know'


Reflection of the sessions through

2. Lesson Introduction:Children
could understand the concept

'Glow and Grow' strategy and also 'What

and how it was related to the
theme ' Sharing the planet'

I know and What I want to know'

3. Application of lessons:They were

Reflection of the sessions through

able to apply the understanding
to what is expected from them.
Message was well delivered and
'Glow and Grow' strategy and also 'What
children received it well, they
were able to provide answers to
I know and What I want to know'
questions and also share their
own anecdotes and experiences.

Reflection of the sessions through

4. Life Skills -Children also got
'Glow and Grow' strategy and also 'What
lessons in life skills by taking a
walk around when they learnt

I know and What I that they needed to walk

towards the left so that they do
not bump into each other.

Grow :
1. Some of the students are
less participative (less

2. Adding a group discussion

/pairing activity to the
session might encourage
them to participate and
engage. (diversified

Shubhra : Glow and Grow -
EYP 2B (20/3)

Glow :

1. Children thoroughly enjoyed the

'Mouse Shapes' Storytelling

2. Learning through Play (Cat and

Mouse) made sure that all
children were engaged and

3. Role play (Teachers were Tom

and children were Jerry) made
sure all children were actively

4. Children were introduced to

storytelling through art. (How to
draw House,wheel, cat, mouse,
Sun, Book, Fish)
5. Conceptual understanding and
writing skills practice was done
through interactive discussion
and games

Grow :

1. Time - Children will be able

to finish the class work
during a block period.

Reflection on Session on IB
Learner Profile(20/3)

1. The session included discussion

about Learner Profiles, how they
differ from each other and their
salient features.

2. Saw examples of prolific learners

belonging to each profile. Learnt
the unique qualities that align
with the specific learner profile.

3. Had an interactive fun quiz

during the session to review my
understanding of all the profiles
and their characteristics.

4. Got a Bonus Tip from Ms.

Maithili on taking short notes.

The tip definitely worked as I got
all answers correct!

5. Overall a fun session which did

not make the information too
hard to remember!

Shubhra: What I know and
what I want to know (20/3)
What I know

1. How learning is planned and

delivered to relate to the theme
(session on Sharing our Planet-

1. How interactive events and

activities are planned to be
connected with children's
Learning Requirements (Save
Water initiative)

2. Lesson planning format and

structure that is followed,
alligned with the theme,
Resources to use to deliver and
plan training.

What I want to know

1.Follow up after sessions to

assess learning completed.

2.Meeting students where they

are to plan further lessons.

What I know and what I want
to know- (21/3)
What I know
1. Practices to encourage
participation of all students and
ensure they socialize among
classmates and with teachers

2. Steps to ensuring healthy habits

are ingrained every step of the
way - resting, keeping ourselves
hydrated, exercising, etc.

share_arrow_outline bell plus_thick search dot_3_horizontal

3. Inclusive education- Children
learn to study and play as part of
the same group- irrespective of

What I want to know:

1. More and multiple

innovative methods to keep
children engaged during
school time.

Shubhra: Glow and Grow
(22/3) EYP 1B

1. Interactive and fun session:

Children had a fun time
interacting by using facial

2. Energizer and Revisit: Children

recited Hindi and English poetry
and songs. Reciting rhymes
helped in improving their verbal
as well as kinesthetic skills as
they performed actions.

3. Finger Painting: Finger painting

helped children to get into the
spirit of Holi as well as to get
ready to greet their parents. This
set the atmosphere for the
upcoming holiday as well as
awareness about our heritage.

4. Sand tracing and pasting

pictures of the letter W helped in
intergrating sensory activities
into word play.


1. Intergrating verbal word

games would help manage
distraction as children will
have to be attentive to what
is being discussed.

2. Pairing and group work will

help the children to learn
sharing, being helpful to
each other and also to make
independent decisions
regarding their assignment.

Shubhra - Glow and Grow :
EYP 1B (21/3)
Glow :

1. Learning through Play: Children

participated in creating houses
and cars with Lego Blocks, while
also learning to share the toys
among classmates. Also learnt
lifeskills by gathering blocks,
putting away them in box for
later and cleaning up the space.

2. Puzzles: A few children engaged

in playing with puzzles to
identify animals. This would
enhance the bonding between
the teacher and students as well
as learn Animal Names.

3. Verbal Skills :All Children

accompanied the teacher in
reciting the Nursery rhyme
'Bing-o'. This activity ensured
participation of all children.

4. Visual Art: With step by step

guidance children created a
Flower Vase with popsicle sticks
and color paper. All children
followed step by step directions
to achieve the final result. It was
visually appealing as well as
helped the children to
understand the importance of
following step by step

5. Story telling session on ' Eat

Healthy, Stay Healthy' gave a
message to students to not eat
junk food. Children were inspired
to eat salad in the cafeteria and
at home with acknowledgement
for children who have been
eating vegetables already.

6. Dance session: Children had a

physical workout during the
dance practice. It acted as an
energizer and refresher for
children before breaking for


1. Dividing the children in two

groups instead of one,
during the dance session
would help both facilitators
to manage distraction
among students.

Shubhra : Glow and Grow -
EYP 2C (22/3)
Glow :

1. Hand Printing through multiple

colours: Children got ready for
Holi by making colorfil
handprinted greeting cards for
their parents, visually appealing
and joyful activity for all

2. Shadow tracing in Sunlight :

Children learnt to be resourceful
by utilizing multiple animal toys
to trace shadow outlines. All
children were participative. For
children with special needs,
teachers helped them on a one-
on-one basis by instructing them
personally on how they could
finish the task as well as support
them where needed. This will
help children to learn by
watching their teachers be an
3. Children participated in activity "
What makes me happy " by
describing their thoughts and
drawing on paper. This activity
will help children reflect about
their experiences and verbalize
what gives them happiness.
Since every child had a unique
perspective, this activity
encouraged children to be
thoughtful and empathetic.

4. Story Circle : Children were

given life skills lessons by sharing
a story.

5. Save Water initiative: Teachers

and children participated in a
walk around to spread awareness
about saving water in a fun,
interactive speech and question
answer session. Children and
teachers both cotributed to the
event showing the importance of
collaboration and being child-


1. Children were engaged in

storytelling. In pairs, this
activity would be more
interesting and would add
more value if children read
the story books in pairs by
acting out characters.

Shubhra : Glow and Grow -
EYP 3C( 22/3)
Glow :

1. Participation: Children
participated in hand washing
demonstration which will
encourage children to use tap
water appropriately and reduce
water wastage.

2. Verbal Skills : Children narrated

their experiences with water
scarcity and what measures were
taken to reduce water wastage.

3. Thinking skills : Children were

encouraged to share all the
different ways we could save
water. They were encouraged to
be responsible citizens by
educating the less aware
members of society and also to
take initiative by avoiding water
wastage during Holi.

4. Demonstrate and verbalize:

Children were asked to depict
the various ways in which they
could contribute to saving water
by drawing posters with their
suggestions and how they would
do it at an individual level.
Children were encouraged to
add more ideas to the ones
already discussed to be shared
with the school community.


1. A planned follow up session

after Holi would encourage
children to be accountable
for their actions.
What I know and what I want
to know (22/3)
What I know

1. How lessons can be integrated

into activities and events to be
more interactive.

2. How lessons can be made more

fun by introducing more
elements into the lesson plan e.
g. Reading activities instead of
only writing and hands on
activities instead of only drawing

What I want to know :

1. Setting higher goals for

children who are able to get
work done faster.

Shubhra :Week 2 -What I
know and what I need to
know (03/26/2024) Class EYP
What I know:

1.Linguistics: Developing verbal and

listening skills via Kokoro activity.

2. Life Skills: How children need to be

taught essential life skills such as
socializing with peers, classmates,
teachers and other community
members, having a sense of respect
and humour, good habits such as
allowing others to finish speaking,
waiting for their turn, maintaining a
good body posture, inculcating good

3.Sense of Respect and Integrity :

Integrating lesson plans in
conversations with children and
handling adverse behaviour

4. Communicating in-person with

people, starting respectful
conversations,acknowledging the
contribution of different people from
our community and expressing

5.Encouraging good behaviour:

Setting an example for children by
teaching them good manners and
respecting personal boundaries.

6.Instill the love of exercise and of

food by encouraging healthy
behaviours and promoting healthy
food habits. Encouraging time spent
in nature and alternating learning
with play.

7. Reminding children of the need to

respect others not just in principle
but in action by sticking to rules.

8. Enforcing positive and negative

reinforcement strategies for
aggressive behavior.

What I need to know:

1. Diverse strategies for social

interaction among children.

2. Individualized and innovative

methods for addressing challenging
behaviours in the classroom and
outside,effectively and consistently.

3. Inclusive/ Individualized remedial

practices for children with special
needs and/or on the autism
spectrum/children who might be
displaying hyperactivity or having
conduct issues at class or among

Area of concern : Oppositional and

defiant behaviour by Rohan. Bullying
and aggressive. Overstepped
boundaries and provoked when
things did not go his way. In my
opinion,he needs more one on one
time to discourage bullying people,
respecting authority, and regulating
temper issues.

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