Developing A Civic Action Plan Worksheet

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My name: Mirella Costa

1. A) The civic issue I The overwhelming amount of homeless people and their encampments.
have chosen for I chose this issue because wherever I go in Hamilton, I see tents popping up. The
amount of them keep increasing with more and more people becoming
this assignment is:
homeless. People deserve to have a place to stay and basic resources.
B) The reason I
chose this issue is:
2. The change I would Homeless people getting a proper place to stay and try and get their lives
like to see is: together.

3. Other points of view Some people in Hamilton may just want the homeless people out but not care
on this issue and what how it happens. My sister said one of her friends volunteered at a shelter in
Burlington and she realized there was only one shelter. After asking about it
some people may want
they said they kick out all of the homeless people and send them to Hamilton.
to see happen is: This shows me that some people may just want them gone, even though it is
not helping the people who actually need help.
Other people believe Hamilton does not offer the support the homeless
population needs.

4. Three possible If houses were more affordable, less people would be homeless. As of now, the
methods that could be housing prices in Hamilton are at an all-time high, probably being one of the
reasons why there are many homeless people and tents set up.
used to take action on
More funding, volunteering and advertising for homeless shelters would help, as
this issue are: people would have a place to stay and not have to live in a tent. It has been
difficult to operate shelters due to the pandemic, but it should be a priority.
Better work opportunities would help to provide homeless people with the
stability of a job and the ability to get back on their feet. Most work places
require addresses or phone numbers which may not be possible, so making
things more accessible for people will help.

5. The one action that I An action I could take to help solve this issue would be helping fund homeless
could take that would shelters. If I were to do this I would volunteer my time and help any way
possible top get shelters running.
work best for me at
this time is:
6. The reason why I I believe this action will create a positive change because help is always needed
think this action will and a small thing like volunteering at a shelter could do a lot of good if many
people did it.
create positive change

7. My main goal in To get more people to help. If many people come together to volunteer or
carrying out this action donate, it will help solve this issue of tents everywhere and homeless people
not having the support they need.
would be:
8. The level of The level of government is both federal and provincial, as we get support from
government and the both. They both have goals to solve the issue of homelessness through Canada
including Hamilton as they provide some funds needed.
representative that I
I believe one of the representatives I should consult with on this issue is Paul
should consult with on Johnson Hamilton’s general manager of emergency and community services.
this issue are:
9. The government’s The government is working towards solving this issue. The have a system in
current position on this place titled, “Coming Together to End Homelessness: Hamilton’s Systems
Planning Framework.” This explains in depth the actions they will take and the
issue is:
goals they have set. The text makes it evident that the city of Hamilton would
like to work towards a better future and are acknowledging this issue.
10. Two stakeholder A group that may support my plans are the organizations involved in providing
groups and/or shelters for the homeless and resources needed is, the Shelter Health Network.
Their goals are to give shelter, healthcare, and education to people living in
individuals that might
Hamilton who need it.
support my plan are: An individual who will support this would be the people living in houses
downtown, as they see the problem every single day and will probably want to
solve it.

11. If I carried out my The community affected would probably be grateful and happy that people care
action plan, I think about solving this growing issue and providing them with a better lifestyle. The
response from the government might be positive because they see this issue as
possible responses
a concerning one as well. If they see people trying to fix it, that would be their
from the community goal reached as well.
affected and the
government might be:
12. Three possible Nothing could change and the issue may just stay the same. The issue could
outcomes as a result continue to get worse at high levels because not enough people will help. The
issue could be solved little by little with everyone’s help and the support of
of the action I have
selected might be: others.
13. After taking this If there were less but preferably no tents in Hamilton. This will only count as my
action, I would know goal being reached if it is done the right way, meaning providing the homeless
people with things needed and not just kicking them out to fend for themselves
that I had achieved my
like some are now.
goals if I saw:

Mitchell, Don. “Hamilton Begins Removal of Homeless Encampments - Hamilton.” Global

News, Global News, 15 Oct. 2020,

Hamilton, City of. “Homelessness Systems Planning.” City of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 19
July 2019,

“Shelter Health Network " What We Do.” Shelter Health Network,

“Helping Hamilton Homeless Organization.” Kits for Cause Charities, 18 Sept. 2020,

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