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Oscar Castillo

Professor Santoy


3 July 2023

Current Issues Project – Gun Control

America is notoriously known for its tragedies related to firearms. Every day, people are

continuously getting hurt by perpetrators' ill-treated use of guns. According to the CDC, "nearly

39,773 people died from gun-related injuries in the United States" (Digest 2019). A background

check for private sales is not required in most states when purchasing a firearm. This issue

alludes to opening the door for anyone to buy a gun, especially those with ill intentions. Making

stricter gun control by issuing intensive background checks when purchasing a firearm through

private sales can reduce the risk of gun violence and illegal gun trafficking and keep our

communities safe.

Background checks are vital to reducing gun violence as they can demonstrate who is

suitable enough to own a gun. Many states require a background check as the NICS (National

Instant Criminal Background Check System) was established in 1993 (Digest 2021). Although

this fact is a requirement for all states, it doesn't apply to private sales, gun shows, or buying

online. While purchasing guns in these ways are legal, it can lead people with a violent or

criminal history to quickly buy a gun with no required background check (Digest 2021). "When

background checks are used, they stop an estimated 170 felons, 50 domestic abusers, and nearly

20 fugitives from buying a gun," says Nancy Pelosi, who is approving implementing a bill where

rigorous background checks will be required for those who will buy firearms online (Digest

2021). This idea would be a great solution to decreasing gun violence, as the only people

responsible with no incriminating record could own a firearm.

Gun trafficking is a massive problem worldwide, which may be decreased with stricter

background checks. Trafficking guns illegally potentially allow criminals to quickly get their

hands on weapons without government knowledge. Situations like these can put our

communities in danger as we don't know what kind of people with what type of background

oversee these firearms. Affecting stricter background checks can help by minimizing offenders

who would most likely participate in gun trafficking activities and tracing back any firearms to

detect if they were used in other crimes. A study shows that guns that are trafficked are "also

more likely to be used in crime" (Koper 2014). Background checks would help identify

perpetrators and their weapons to see if they are connected to gun trafficking. Decreasing the act

of gun trafficking can lead to fewer wrongdoers getting ahold of firearms, which can prevent

fewer gun-inducing tragedies around the country.

Stricter background checks can decrease the danger our communities are constantly in.

According to the CDC, "There was nearly one mass shooting per day in the United States"

(Digest 2021). Many people are paying the consequences of a flawed system supposedly made to

protect people from events like these. It has become easy for criminals and mentally ill people to

obtain a firearm without hesitation (Digest 2021). The Universal Background Check would be

perfect legislation to ingress as it requires a background check on every sale, even the private

ones that tend to sell to those without a background check. "Laws that strengthen background

checks and permit-to-purchase [requirements] seem to decrease firearm rates," states the Chief of

Police, Art Acevedo, of Houston, Texas (Digest 2021). It is crucial for stricter background

checks as it can limit the number of violent acts that surround firearms used by wrongful

committers. Keeping our communities safe should be the priority, as everyone in the country can

be a victim of gun violence.

Expanding stricter background checks is a topic most Americans favor, "with polls

showing support from upward of 80% of voters (Digest 2021). But other people may believe that

doing stricter background checks won't stop bad people from acquiring a firearm. Most school

mass shooters obtain their guns legally, which is going through a usual background check.

"House-passed bills would not have prevented any recent mass shootings because the attackers

obtained their guns legally" (Digest 2019). Opponents believe such laws as the Bipartisan

Background Checks Act, which mandates background checks for all gun sales, including firearm

purchases made privately through gun shows or online," can affect more of the common folk or

law enforcement (Digest 2019). Opponents suppose the emphasis should be focused more on

mental health and giving the authorities the power to stop the violence before it starts (Digest

2019). However, this is why implementing stricter background checks can help evaluate a

person's mental health, criminal records, etc., effectively to prevent any firearms from being

accessed by mentally ill criminals.

Purchasing a firearm requires a background check; however, expanding and making them

stricter is crucial. Opponents may argue that current background checks still result in disasters

like mass shootings. However, implementing more stringent background checks can remove how

easy it is to buy a gun and instead make background checks more intrusive, like checking the

person's mental health history, criminal records, or restraining orders. To have stricter gun

control, inputting more stringent background checks can lessen the amount of gun violence,

decrease illegal gun trafficking, and, most importantly, make our communities safer from gun-

related misfortunes.

Works Cited

“Gun Control: As Gun Deaths Increase, Pressure Grows on Congress to Act.” Congressional

Digest, vol. 100, no. 5, May 2021, p. 2. EBSCOhost,


“Gun Control Policy-Pro & Con: Background Checks and the ‘Gun Show Loophole.’”

Congressional Digest, vol. 98, no. 9, Nov. 2019, p. 2. EBSCOhost,

“The Pros and Expanding Background: Should Congress Expand Background Checks to

Strengthen the Nation’s Gun Laws?” Congressional Digest, vol. 100, no. 5, May 2021,

pp. 18–28. EBSCOhost,


Koper, Christopher. “Crime Gun Risk Factors: Buyer, Seller, Firearm, and Transaction

Characteristics Associated with Gun Trafficking and Criminal Gun Use.” Journal of

Quantitative Criminology, vol. 30, no. 2, June 2014, pp. 285–315. EBSCOhost,

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