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GEC WORLD 18. What does ASEAN Stands for?

I. Media Globalization b.) Association of Southeast Asian Nations

1. What is the main role in media in globalization? 19.) Which regional association aim to promote social
a.) To connect people in different places and cultural cooperation?
b.) APSC
2. Which type of media includes books, magazines, and
newspapers? 20. What factor is NOT driving greater integration in the
c.) Print Media Asian region?
d.) Reduction of political dialogue
3. What does “cultural Imperialism” in media
globalization mean? III. The Israel and Palestine conflict
c.) Dominating one culture over others 21. When was Israel officially established?
d.) 1948
4. How does television affect people’s behavior and
beliefs globally? 22. What significant change in global politics followed
a.) It makes people act the same way World War II and contributed to the roots of the Israel-
Palestine conflict?
5. What is a “global monoculture” in media c.) The establishment of the United Nations
b.) A single global culture emerging 23. Which organization has historically represented the
Palestinian people and their national aspiration?
6. With the rise of social media and the internet, what b. PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization)
new problems have approached?
a.) 24. What is the key dispute regarding borders of
Israel – Palestine conflict?
7. Why should people we consume media responsibility c. Disputes over territorial boundaries
when there’s fake news?
c.) To prevent false information from 25. Which neighboring countries have historically been
involved directly or indirectly in the Palestine conflict?
8. What thought about telling reliable media from c.) Egypt, Jordan, and others
unreliable media today?
b.) Fake news is everywhere 28. What is one economic consequences of the Israel-
Palestine conflict?
9. Who talked about media shaping our connected b.) Blockades and sanctions that impact the
livelihoods of people in the region
c.) Harvard
29. What is a non-state challenge that may hinder
10. What’s the “digital activism” as John Tomlinson
regional integration efforts in the Israel-Palestine
b.) Using digital media for social and political changes
b.) Socio – economic disparities and
governance issue
II. Asian Regionalism
11. What is the primary purpose of ASEAN (Association 30. What is the primary reason for the urgency of
of Southeast Asian Nations)? finding a resolution to the Israel-Palestine conflict?
a.) Promoting regional peace and stability c.) The ongoing suffering and instability in the region

12. When was ASEAN founded? IV. Global Cities

c.) August 8, 1967 31. What are global cities also known as?
c.) World cities or alpha cities
13. Which of the following is not of the following
members of ASEAN? 32. What is a distinguishing feature of global cities
c.) Vietnam infrastructure?
c.) Advanced information and transportation
14. How many member countries does ASEAN currently
c.) 10 33. Which financial district is mentioned as a defining
feature of global cities in the notes?
15. What is the main goal of the ASEAN Economic
a.) the city of London
Community (AEC)?
b.) Fostering Economic integration 34.) What is a key role of global cities in the global
16. Which factor is driving greater integration in the
c.) Facilitating the ____ of goods, services, capital
Asian region?
d.) Rapid economic growth across boarders

17. What challenge to regionalism involves territorial 35. What challenge related to socioeconomic inequality
disputes and historical tensions? do global cities face?
a.) Political conflicts d.)
36. What does the term “gentrification” refer to the b.) Economic opportunities, conflict, environmental
context of global cities? changes, or family reunification
c.) The process of renovating and improving urban

37. Why is environmental sustainability a concern for

global cities?
c.) High population, density, energy consumption, and
transportation needs can harm the environment

38. What is the primary role of the global cities in

fostering knowledge exchange and intellectual

39. Why is socio economic inequality a challenge for

global cities, according to the notes?
c.) The rapid economic growth and rising cost of living
can lead to social exclusion and certification

40. Which term is used to describe the process of

ensuring the long-term viability of the global cities by
addressing climate change, promoting renewable
energy, and implementing sustainable urban planning
d.) Sustainability

V. Global Demography
41. What does demography study?
c.) Human population, including their, size, structure,
and development over time

42. What is the projected global population by 2050,

according to notes?
c.) 9.7 billion

43. What are some factors driving population growth?

c. Advancements in technology and agricultures

44. Why is understanding variations in population

growth across regions crucial?

45. What is the definition of migration?

c.) The movement of people from one place to
another, either within a country or across international

46. What consequences can declining fertility rates

a.) Decreased investments in education and healthcare

47. How does gender impact global demography?

c.) Women tend to live longer than man, partly due to
lower rates of smoking and alcohol consumptions

48. Why is addressing challenges related to aging

population important?
c.) The demand for services increases while the
working-age population shrinks

49. What plays a significant role in shaping fertility

rates, according to the notes?
b.) Economic factors such as the cost of raising children

50. What is the primary factor driving international


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