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School of Engineering, Design and Technology

MSc Dissertation



Project Report submitted for the Degree of Master of Science by Advanced study

in Automotive Engineering

Supervisor: Dr. Hong Sheng Qi

University of Bradford

September 2013

I understand that all my project work must be my own work. If I make use of material from any

other source I must clearly identify it as such in any interviews, reports or examinations. I

understand that my reports must be written unaided in my own words apart from any quoted

material which I must clearly identify in the correct manner.

I understand that the work which I shall present for assessment must be work carried out by

myself only during the project period which has not been previously prepared. Where any such

previous work is made use of in the project, I shall make this clear in any interviews, report or


I understand that a violation of these conditions may result in mark of zero for the component

or components of assessed work affect.

Print Name: Saurabh Saste Signature

UoB-No: 12019917 Date: 28/11/2013

Course: MSc Automotive Engineering


I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Hong Sheng Qi, my supervisor whose expertise and

counselling, his guidance, understanding and patience. It would not have been possible to

complete my MSc project if it had ’t for the motivation and belief which Dr.Qi had in me. I also

would like to thank my friends Sharath for motivating me time to time and helping me in learning

the solid edge software which I had to use as part of my thesis.

At last I would like to thank the University of Bradford and its staff for providing me the essential

facility and my friends Mariano, Aditya, Manish and Abhishek.


The transmission system is one of the main parts that determines the behaviour, power and fuel

economy of a vehicle. Transmission performance is usually related to gear efficiency, gear noise

and gear shift comfort during gear change. Synchronizer mechanisms allow gear changing in a

smooth way, noiseless and without vibrations, both for the durability of the transmission and the

comfort for the users. As a consequence, it is aimed an improvement of the dynamic shift quality,

by reducing shifting time and effort.

This Master's Thesis project deals with a study of the synchronization processes. A description

of the different types of synchronizers is given, followed by its components and how they interact

with each other in order to complete the gear changing process namely the synchronization

process. Then, quality factors are identified and their effect on the performance and thus

synchronizer efficiency. In this project a model of the baulk ring type synchronizer is developed..

The results show a good qualitative agreement with the literature.

Keywords: Synchronization processes, Synchronizers, DSG, baulk ring type, Analytical design,

ADAMS, Solid Edge ST5.


Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................... 1

1.1.0 PROJECT BACKGROUND ..................................................................................................... 1

1.2.0 DESIGN FEATURES .............................................................................................................. 3
1.3.0 SYNCHRONISATION ............................................................................................................ 5
1.4.0 GEARSHIFT SEQUENCE DURING THE INITIAL STATE ........................................................... 7
1.5.0 AIM AND OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................... 8
1.5.1 AIM ..................................................................................................................................... 8
1.5.2 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 8
1.6.0 STRUCTURE OF THE THESIS ................................................................................................. 9
Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND BASIC THEORY .................................................................... 11

2.1.0 CONSTRUCTION OF DSG GEARBOX .................................................................................. 11

2.2.0 SYNCHRONISATION PRINCIPLE ......................................................................................... 15
2.3.0 SYNCHRONIZER FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................... 16
2.3.1 THE GEAR CHANGING PROCESS ....................................................................................... 16
2.3.2 MAIN FUNCTIONS OF THE SYNCHRONISER ...................................................................... 19
2.3.3 SPEED SYNCHRONIZATION WITH SLIPPING CLUTCH ........................................................ 19
2.3.4 SYNCHRONIZER DIMENSIONS........................................................................................... 21
2.4.0 SYNCHRONISATION PHASES ............................................................................................. 22
2.5.0 DESIGN OF SINGLE CONE SYNCHRONISER ....................................................................... 27
2.6.0 COMPONENTS OF SINGLE CONE–ZF-B TYPE SYNCHRONISER .......................................... 28
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 31

3.1.0 PROBLEM STATEMENT ..................................................................................................... 31

3.2.0 LIMITATIONS ..................................................................................................................... 32
3.3.0 GEAR BOX AND ENGINE DATA .......................................................................................... 33
and Ryborz, 1999) ...................................................................................................................... 34
Chapter 4 ANALIYTICAL DESIGN OF THE SYNCHRONIZER ............................................................. 37

Chapter 5 SOLID EDGE MODEL OF THE SYNCHRONISER ............................................................... 47

5.1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 47

5.2.0 SYNCHRONISER RING........................................................................................................ 48
5.30 GEAR SHIFT SLEEVE ............................................................................................................ 48
5.4.0 SYNCHRONISER HUB ......................................................................................................... 49
5.5.0 STRUTS .............................................................................................................................. 50
5.6.0 COMPRESSION SPRING ..................................................................................................... 50
5.7.0 SPLINED SHAFTS ............................................................................................................... 51
5.8.0 GEAR CONE ....................................................................................................................... 51
5.9.0 MESHING GEARS ............................................................................................................... 52
Chapter 6 KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE SYNCHRONIZER USING ADAMS.................................... 53

6.1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 53

6.2.0 IMPORTING MODEL FROM SOLID EDGE TO ADAMS A-VIEW .......................................... 54
6.3.0 LABELING OF THE BODIES AND COMBINING OF PARTS ................................................... 54
6.4.0 APPLYING JOINTS TO THE MODEL .................................................................................... 55
6.5.0 APPLYING CONTACTS TO THE MODEL .............................................................................. 56
6.6.0 APPLYING FORCES TO THE MODEL ................................................................................... 58
6.7.0 APPLYING MOTION TO THE MODEL ................................................................................. 59
Chapter 7 RESULT AND DISSCUSION ............................................................................................. 60

7.1.0 SIMULATION CONDITIONS ............................................................................................... 60

7.2.0 RESULTS OF SIMULATION ................................................................................................. 60
................................................................................................................................................... 61
Chapter 8 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................ 62

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................................. 64

APPENDICS .................................................................................................................................... 67

APPENDIX A-VALUES FOR TORQUE LOSSES Tv,IS ........................................................................ 67

APPENDIX B-DESIGN DATA FOR PERMISSIBLE SPECIFIC STRESSES ........................................... 67

Figure 1-1 Volkswagen DSG (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) .................................................... 1

Figure 1-2 Power Transmission through DSG(Self-Study Programme 308, 2003).......................... 2

Figure 1-3 Vehicle equipped with a dual clutch transmission (Audi, 2006) ................................... 2

Figure 1-4 Seven speed DSG (Self-Study Programme 390, 1995) ................................................... 4

Figure 1-5 Single fold synchroniser (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ........................................ 6

Figure 1-6 Threefold synchroniser (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ......................................... 6

Figure 2-1 Input Shafts (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ......................................................... 11

Figure 2-2 Input shaft 1(Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ......................................................... 11

Figure 2-3 Input shaft 2 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ........................................................ 12

Figure 2-4 Front and side view of output shaft 1 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ................. 12

Figure 2-5 Front and side view of output shaft 2 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ................. 13

Figure 2-6 Front and side view of the reverse shaft (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003) ............ 14

Figure 2-7 Operating principle of synchroniser ............................................................................ 15

Figure 2-8 ZF Synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) ........................................ 16

Figure 2-9 Gear changing process (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) ............................. 17

Figure 2-10 Angular Velocity during synchronisation (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) 18

Figure 2-11 Forces acting on the synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) .......... 20

Figure 2-12 Synchroniser dimensions (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) ........................ 21

Figure 2-13 Phase 1 and 2 Initial and final position of first free fly (Bedmar) .............................. 22

Figure 2-14 Phase 3 Spline position during the angular velocity synchronisation (Bedmar) ....... 23

Figure 2-15 Phase 4 Final position of turning the synchroniser ring (Bedmar) ............................ 23

Figure 2-16 Phase 5 Second free fly (Bedmar) .............................................................................. 24

Figure 2-17 Phase 6 Spline position during the start of the second bump (Bedmar) .................. 24
Figure 2-18 Phase 7 Final position of turning the gear (Bedmar) ................................................. 25

Figure 2-19 Phase 8 End position of final free fly (Bedmar) ......................................................... 25

Figure 2-20 3D Representation of the synchronisation process (Back, 2013) .............................. 26

Figure 2-21 Single-cone synchroniser–ZF-B blocking (Ina, 2007) ................................................. 27

Figure 2-22 Component of single cone synchroniser (Ina, 2007) ................................................. 28

Figure 2-23 Different types of struts (Ina, 2007) .......................................................................... 29

Figure 4-1 Decomposition of forces at locking tooth (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) 39

Figure 5-1 CAD 3D Model .............................................................................................................. 47

Figure 5-2 Synchroniser Ring ......................................................................................................... 48

Figure 5-3 Gear Shift Sleeve .......................................................................................................... 49

Figure 5-4 Synchroniser Hub ......................................................................................................... 49

Figure 5-5 Strut Key ....................................................................................................................... 50

Figure 5-6 Compression Ring ........................................................................................................ 50

Figure 5-7 Splined Shaft ................................................................................................................ 51

Figure 5-8 Gear Cone..................................................................................................................... 51

Figure 5-9 Meshing Gears ............................................................................................................. 52

Figure 6-1 Adams Virtual prototype testing process .................................................................... 53

Figure 6-2 Synchroniser Model in Adams ..................................................................................... 54

Figure 7-1 Total axial travel of the shift sleeve ............................................................................. 60

Figure 7-2 Total axial travel of the ring ......................................................................................... 61

Figure C-0-1 Synchroniser Ring ..................................................................................................... 68

Figure C-0-2 Gear Shift Sleeve ....................................................................................................... 69

Figure C-0-3 Synchroniser Hub ...................................................................................................... 70

Figure C-0-4 Strut Key.................................................................................................................... 71

Figure C-0-5 Compression Spring .................................................................................................. 72

Figure C-0-6 Splined Shaft ............................................................................................................. 73

Figure C-0-7 Gear Cone ................................................................................................................. 74

Figure C-0-8 Driving Gear .............................................................................................................. 75

Figure C-0-9 Driven Gear ............................................................................................................... 76


Table 1-1 Specifications of wet clutch six speed (Self-Study Programme 390, 1995) .................... 3

Table 1-2 Specifications of dry clutch (The Dsg Dual-Clutch Gearbox, 2008) ................................. 4

Table 2-1 Functions of the Synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) ................... 19

Table 3-1 Vehicle Parameters (Kulkarni, Shim and Zhang) ........................................................... 33

Table 6-1 Joints Created in Adams ................................................................................................ 56

Table 6-2 Contacts Created in Adams ........................................................................................... 57

Table 6-3 Spring Forces Created in Adams.................................................................................... 58

Table 6-4 Motion applied to bodies .............................................................................................. 59

Table 8-1 Results ........................................................................................................................... 63

Table A-0-1 Torque losses Tv,IS (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) .................................. 67

Table B-0-2 Standard values for friction pairings (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) ...... 67

IS Input Shaft

CS Counter Shaft

OS Output Shaft

DSG Direct Shift Gearbox

K1 Clutch 1

K2 Clutch 2

VW Volkswagen

D Drive gear

P Parking gear

N Neutral gear

CAD Computer Aided Design

Z Gear ratio

a Centre distance between the two shafts


ω IS Angular velocity at Input shaft

ω OS Angular velocity at Output shaft

ωM Angular velocity at Master Clutch

Δ ωi Angular velocity difference

d Effective diameter of the Synchroniser

dO Nominal diameter of the Synchroniser

dC Dog clutch diameter

α Taper angle

µ Coefficient of friction

F Gear shift effort

Fn Normal force

TL Load Moment

TV Torque Losses

TR Friction Torque

TZ Gearing Torque

tR Slipping time

j Friction Surfaces

J red Moment of inertia of masses to be synchronized

S Face Width

W Frictional work

Β Opening angle

µD Coefficient of friction between locking and shifting dogs

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Nowadays, there is a big demand of car fuel economy and passenger comfort. New technologies

become more important in order to achieve these features. Dual clutch transmissions is a key

point in term of comfort and fast shifting. It allows torque transfer from one clutch to another

without interruptions (Galvagno, Velardocchia and Vigliani, 2011).

The DSG basically has two independent transmission units which are similar in construction to a

manual transmission. The only difference between both the manual and DSG is that the DSG

comprises of a dual clutch. These clutches are mainly of two types wet and dry. The wet clutch is

a multiplate clutch which as the name suggests works in oil. The clutches are regulated, opened

and closed by the mechatronics system, depending on the gear to be selected. The odd and

reverse gears are selected with the clutch K1 and the even gears are selected by the clutch K2.

Figure 1-1 Volkswagen DSG (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

The direct shift gearbox comprises in essence of two transmission units that are independent of

each other. The advantage of this transmission unit is that one transmission is always in gear and

the other transmission unit has the next gear preselected but with the clutch still in the open

position. Every gear is allocated with a manual gearbox synchroniser and selector element.
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The figure 1-2 below shows how the power transmission take place through a DSG gearbox.

Figure 1-2 Power Transmission through DSG(Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

A twin multi plate clutch which consists of an electro hydraulic control used to select the

appropriate gears. During gearshift, the clutch 1 engages the first speed while clutch 2 has already

pre-selected the second speed. Same procedure is repeated for next gears. The response is

instantaneous and power flow is theoretically continuous. The result is an advantage in terms of

efficiency and fuel economy. Figure 1-3, shows a vehicle equipped with a dual clutch


Figure 1-3 Vehicle equipped with a dual clutch transmission (Audi, 2006)

The DSG consists of two synchromesh speed change gearboxes connected in parallel. Part 1 (red

colour) has a clutch K1 and Part 2 (green colour) has another clutch K2.
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The Table 1-1 below shows specification of a DSG gearbox based on wet clutches six speed.

Table 1-1 Specifications of wet clutch six speed (Self-Study Programme 390, 1995)

Maximum Torque 350 Nm

Max surface pressure 10 bar

Max. cooling oil flow rate 20l/min

Clutch Wet

Oil Volume 6.5 litres

Weight 93 kg

Friction coefficient 0.02

Efficiency 85%

As seen in Table 1-1, wet clutches require large amount of oil for operation. Heat generated

during shifting has to be dissipated by means of oil so the oil has to be distributed on all plates to

make the systems work properly (Audi, 2006). The advantages of the wet clutches are good

controllability, low wear and high torque.


Two independent dry clutches operate adjacent to each other. Each clutch transfers the torque

into one gear train half. In terms of function, each gear train half is designed as a manual gearbox.

A clutch is assigned to each gear train. Clutch K1 transfers the torque for gears 1, 3, 5 and 7 onto

drive shaft 1. On the contrary, clutch K2 transfers the torque for gears 2, 4, 6 and reverse onto

output shaft 3 (Self-Study Programme 390, 1995).

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Figure 1-4 Seven speed DSG (Self-Study Programme 390, 1995)

Figure 1-4 shows, how the system works and the main features. In 7 speed gearbox, there is an

extra shaft which is used for reverse gear (output shaft 3). Furthermore, technical data are shown

below for seven speed DSG using dry clutch 7 speed.

Table 1-2 Specifications of dry clutch (The Dsg Dual-Clutch Gearbox, 2008)

Maximum Torque 250 Nm

Number of gears 7

Efficiency 91%

Clutch Dry

Oil Volume 1.7 litres

Weight 77 kg

Friction coefficient 0.3

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Referring to Table 1-2, the oil used in the dry clutch is less making the transmission lighter and

increasing the coefficient of friction. However, there is a disadvantage in terms of torque

transmitted due to the fact that 7 speed dry clutch is limited to 250 Nm. This gearbox is used in

small engine either diesel or petrol. (The Dsg Dual-Clutch Gearbox, 2008)


The automotive sector started using the synchroniser during the 1920 when there are was

growing demand for faster shift timings and less shift effort. In addition to these the synchroniser

mechanism reduced the noise and vibration during the gear shift process (Bedmar). Different

technical papers have been published till now on the design and performance of different type

of synchroniser mechanisms. Some paper from (Kulkarni, Shim and Zhang, 2007) (Walker, 2011)

(Galvagno, Velardocchia and Vigliani, 2011) deal with the performance of the synchroniser by

using the equation and creating the model using Simulink. Other authors such as (Walker and

Zhang, 2012) have given more emphasis on the gear cone angle and engagement tooth profile of

the gear. Some companies like (Ina, 2007) and (Back, 2013) Hoerbiger are mainly doing research

in developing different type of synchroniser which will provide faster shift time and will have a

longer life cycle. There are also master thesis written in Chlamers University by (Bedmar) which

deals with the design and development of the synchroniser mechanism for the manual gear box

for trucks. Daniel Häggström and Mikael Nordlander have written a thesis on development of a

program for gear box synchronization at Luleå University of Technology. The algorithm is created

for the Scania vehicles. It is also known that drag torque is of the important parameter during the

engagement process of the synchroniser (Häggström and Nordlander). There also have been lot

of papers published by which deal in the effect of drag torque and how to reduce the drag torque.
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When the clutch is engaged to perform a shift, the gear which is to be mated is still spinning at a

different speed. A synchronizer is used to rotate the gear and the collar at identical speed. The

synchronizer is a frictional material which is added on to the collar which touch the gear first

during a mesh which reduces grinding (Yao, January 2008).

Synchroniser can generally be classified on the number of synchroniser rings. The synchronisation

efficiency depends upon the surface area available for heat dissipation. Large the surface area

greater will be the heat dissipation. In a DSG gearbox the gear 1st, 2nd and 3rd are connected with

a threefold synchronisation as the torque transfer is more and so is the heat dissipated. The

reverse gear uses the twofold synchronisation while the overdrive uses a single fold synchroniser.

Simple synchronisation comprises of a synchroniser-ring and a friction cone. (Self-Study

Programme 308, 2003)

Figure 1-5 Single fold synchroniser (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Three-fold synchronisation consists of three rings an outer ring and two inner rings as shown in

the figure 1-6 below. These rings are used to grab the cone of the gear wheel.

Figure 1-6 Threefold synchroniser (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

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When the vehicle is started the engine is in idling position and the tra s issio o troller does ’t

k o the i put fro the dri er. The sele tor le er is P or N positio a d for a elerati g the

vehicle the driver has to select D or “ positio a d push the a elerator pedal.

As the input of the driver is not known (forward or reverse) and the 1st and the reverse gear are

mounted on the same shaft both the gears cannot be preselected simultaneously. Hence to

reduce the reaction time during the drive-away period, the reverse gear is preselected on one of

the output shaft and 2nd gear on the other output shaft. When the drive mode is selected the

torque is first transmitted through the 2nd gear and during this time the 1st gear on the other

output shaft is selected. As the torque is transmitted from the 1st gear the 2nd gear is released.

The whole reaction takes place by the time the driver depresses the accelerator and the vehicle

moves away in 1st gear. If the driver shift from the neutral position to drive position and

simultaneously presses the accelerator pedal, the time required for the gearbox to perform the

shift is inadequate. The vehicle will therefore first accelerate in the second gear until the first

gear is selected on the other output shaft (Audi, 2006)

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1.5.1 AIM

To Analytical design a Baulk ring type synchroniser for a DSG gearbox and carryout the Kinematic

analysis using Adams


a) Analytical design of a Baulk ring type synchroniser required for a DSG gearbox using a design


b) Create a model of Baulk ring type synchroniser and the engagement gear using Solid Edge ST5


c) Verify the analytical design by creating a prototype in ADAMS A-view

d) Perform a kinematic analysis of the synchroniser using ADAMS A-view software.

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This report has been divided into the following chapters:


This chapter deals with the background of the DSG gearbox and the design features of 6 and 7

speed gearbox respectively. The chapter also covers the function of the synchroniser in the

gearbox along with the aim and objectives of this thesis.


Chapter 2 presents an overview of the construction of a DSG gearbox. It also includes the

theoretical part of the synchronizers and the synchronization processes along with the different

components of the baulk ring type synchroniser. The chapter also deals with the important

equation and parameter required to design the synchroniser.


The chapter gives a description of the problem statement along with the limitation that were

there when designing the synchroniser. This chapter also consist of with different assumptions

that were made in order to design the synchroniser.


Chapter 4 deals with the design of a baulk ring type synchroniser for the 4th gear with gear ratio

of 1. In this chapter an algorithm is followed to design the synchroniser which is showed in the

P a g e | 10

The design of the synchroniser is mainly focused on the cone angle and the moment of inertia of

the gearbox about the synchroniser. The calculation performed are to determine whether the

synchroniser satisfies the frictional surface stress and the frictional speed.


This chapter covers the designing of the baulk ring type synchroniser along with the input gear

and output gear with its dog clutch. Solid Edge ST5 software was used to create the model. The

model then is imported to Adams A-view where kinematic analysis is performed


This chapter covers the details of how the CAD model was imported into Adams and how various

joints, contacts, forces and motions were applied to create a virtual prototype model to study

the behaviour of the shift sleeve and the synchroniser ring.


Chapter 7 deals with the results obtained by performing the simulation of the synchroniser

system in Adams and comparing them with the analytical design.


Chapter 8 gives the brief synopsis of the objectives which were achieved along with suggestions

for further work

P a g e | 11



Input shafts

A DSG gearbox has two input shafts which are coaxial embedded together. The Input shaft 1

receives power via clutch K1 and input shaft 2 receives power through clutch K2. (Self-Study

Programme 308, 2003)

Figure 2-1 Input Shafts (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Input shaft 1

Figure 2-2 Input shaft 1(Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Input shaft 1 rotates inside input shaft 2, which is hollow. The input shaft has helical gear wheel

for the 5th gear and 3rd gear. It also has common gearwheel for 1st and the reverse gear.
P a g e | 12

The common gear wheel is used to reduce the overall length of the gearbox. All the gears are

splined to the shaft so that they rotate along with the input shaft 1 (Self-Study Programme 308,


Input shaft 2

Input shaft 2 is shown below which is splined to clutch K2.

Figure 2-3 Input shaft 2 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Input shaft 2 is a hollow construction. It has helical gear wheel 2nd and common gear wheel for

6th and 4th splined. In addition to these both the shafts have speed sensors to measure the speed

of the input speed. (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Output shafts – The DSG gearbox has two output shaft which are in line with the two input shafts

Figure 2-4 Front and side view of output shaft 1 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)
P a g e | 13

The figure 2-4 above shows the front and side view of the output shaft 1 which is located on input

shaft 1. The output shaft has a threefold synchroniser for the 1st and the 3rd gear and a single

fold synchroniser for gears 2nd and 4th. The output shaft is located on the extreme right which is

splined to the shaft and meshes with the differential spur gear wheel. All the rest of the gears are

freely rotating. (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

Output shaft 2

Figure 2-5 Front and side view of output shaft 2 (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

The output shaft 2 is located below the input shaft 2 and consists of selector gear for 5 th, 6th and

reverse gear. The output gear is for the output shaft is also located on the extreme right. The

gear wheel 6th and reverse have a common 2 fold synchroniser, while the 5 th gear has a single

fold synchroniser. Both the output gears on the output shafts transmit the torque via the

differential ring gear. (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)

P a g e | 14

Reverse shaft

The reverse shaft consist of two gear wheels one which meshes with the input common gear

wheel located on the input shaft 1. The other gear wheel meshes with the output shaft 2. This is

done to change the direction of rotation of the output shaft 2. As the direction of the output shaft

reverse the torque transmitted to the wheel via the differential is in opposite direction. The figure

2-6 below shows the front and side view of the reverse shaft along with output shaft 2. (Self-

Study Programme 308, 2003)

Figure 2-6 Front and side view of the reverse shaft (Self-Study Programme 308, 2003)
P a g e | 15


The main function of a transmission system is to match the gear ratio and transfer the required

torque to the wheels as desired by the user. Synchronization is process by which to components

rotating at different speed are made to rotate at same speed. This is achieved by reducing the

angular speed difference to zero between the rotating and the respective gear wheel.

Synchroniser is a device that make the gear train rotate at the same speed while they are being

brought into contact, the purpose of this is to have a smooth gear shift. The friction torque

required to rotate the gear wheel and the shaft together at the same speed is generated by the

friction contact between the synchroniser ring and the cone clutch which is engaged through a

positive locking for torque transmission (Marcus, 2012). The figure below show the operating

principle of the synchroniser.

Figure 2-7 Operating principle of synchroniser

P a g e | 16


It very important to synchronise the circumferential speed of two rotating components when

they are require to transfer a high input torque. If the components are not synchronised and

positively locked they cause grating which resulting in damaging the component. A synchronizing

mechanism is therefore required to match the circumferential speeds to the parts to be

connected. In addition to these this has to be done in 0.1 to 0.3 seconds with a minimum force

so as to avoid premature locking. There are different ways to synchronise a transmission system.

These are as follows

• synchronizing mechanism for each individual gear

• Central synchronizer for the whole transmission system

However, if the mass of the gear wheel is small like for motorcycles there is no need for

synchromesh(Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).


Figure 2-8 ZF Synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Components of the ZF Synchroniser block- 1 Idler gear with needle roller bearings; 2 synchronizer hub with selector

teeth and friction cone; 3 synchronizer ring with counter-cone and locking toothing; 4 synchronizer body with

internal toothing for positive locking with the transmission shaft and external dog gearing for the gearshift sleeve; 5

gearshift sleeve with internal dog gearing and ring groove; 6 transmission shaft
P a g e | 17

The figure 2-8 above shows the ZF synchroniser block which using the friction force matches the

speed of the transmission shaft 6 with the idler gear1. When the speeds are synchronised the

elements are positively engaged and the power flow takes place. The Figure 2-9 shows how the

torque transfer takes place from engine to the transmission shaft via the idler gear and the


Figure 2-9 Gear changing process (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Gear changing process- 1, 2, 4, 6 Fixed gears; 3, 5 idler gears; 7 gearshift sleeve with dogs; 8 locking mechanism; 9

selector teeth; 10 friction surfaces (cone and counter cone); 11 synchronizer body; IS input shaft; OS output shaft;

CS countershaft.

During the gear changing process from 2nd gear to 1st gear, when the driver decrease the speed

of the vehicle v in the second gear, the input shaft (IS) is rotati g ith a a gular elo it of ω IS.

As the clutch is fully engaged the clutch M is also rotating at the same angular velocity as the

input shaft i.e. ω IS =ω M. At this time it is required that the gear shift from the 2 nd gear to 1st

should take place so that sufficient amount of torque can be provided to the wheels but for the

shift to take pla e the a gular elo it ω M has to reduce from the ω M, Max in the first gear. For

the ease of calculation the angular velocity of the output shaft is kept constant.
P a g e | 18

The moment of inertia of the output shaft J 2 is significantly more than the moment of inertia of

the masses (J red) which are to be synchronised. The gear shift process starts at t0 as shown in

figure 2-10 below.

Figure 2-10 Angular Velocity during synchronisation (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Angular velocity curve during synchronization- ω increases or decreases depending on the gearshift effort and

coefficient of friction curve according to a particular law. Ideal ω curve: a degressive; b linear; c progressive table

In the figure 2-9 the gearshift 7 along with the synchroniser hub rotates with the output shaft

with an angular velocity of ω OS. While the idler gear 5 which is to be synchronised rotates with

an angular speed of ω5,0. The response take place after a delay of t1-t0. After this the idler gear 5

and the gear cone are accelerated as down shifting is required. This increase the angular velocity

of the idler gear ω5,0 to ω OS. When ω5,0 = ω OS the gear shift sleeve and the idler gear is

synchronised. The slipping time is defined as the time difference between the time the

synchroniser action responds t1 and the actual gear shift take place t2. It is denoted by tR. The

time is defined as slipping time as the friction surfaces 10 slips at a relative angular velocity ω rel,

which is given by ω rel = ω OS – ω5. However when an upshift is required the angular velocity of

the idler gear in that case is reduced. When the velocities are synchronised the gearshift sleeve

locks positively to the idler gear (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).
P a g e | 19


Table 2-1 shows the main functions and its effect on the synchronisers, along with how it can be


Table 2-1 Functions of the Synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Function Effect Mechanical solution

1) Adapt speed, accelerate Low slipping time tR Internal energy transfer, using the
or decelerate masses energy accumulator J2, power
flow through friction clutch
2)Measure speed difference Reliable functioning under Speed comparison using friction,
and determine synchronous all operating conditions as a function of relative speed
3)Locking the positive Forcing the gear before Friction lock mechanism with
engagement until speeds are speeds are synchronized differential speed dependent
synchronized should be difficult or effect
4) Establish positive i) Shift stroke s as short as Change in angle of chamfer of the
engagement and power flow possible gear cone
ii) Ensure positive locking,
prevent gear dropout


In a synchroniser the friction surfaces used can be flat, conical or cylindrical in design. The cone

shape friction has more friction effective area and can efficiently amplify the gear shift effort

which is transmitted by the shifting fork and the gear sleeve. So the most of the synchroniser

system use cone shape design. There are different types of cone shape design which are used

depending upon the amount of torque to be transmitted. They are as follows

− Internal cone synchronizers

− Single-cone synchronizers

− Multi-cone synchronisers

− External cone synchronisers

P a g e | 20

The figure 2-11 shows how the gear shift effort acting on the synchroniser and the number of

friction surfaces and the cone angles for different type of cone shaped synchronisers.

Figure 2-11 Forces acting on the synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

The normal force Fn acting on the friction surfaces due to the gearshift effort F is given by

Fn = F X Equation 1

The friction torque TR produced due to gearshift effort along with the dynamic coefficient of

friction μ is

d μ
TR = j F X X Equation 2

Where j is the number of friction surfaces and the effective radius.

The condition for the cone angle α is Tan α > μ Equation 3

This condition is provided so that self-locking of the cone does not occur. Equation 2 show that

the number of friction surfaces is directly proportional friction torque and inversely proportional

to the gear shift effort. This indicates that a multi-cone synchroniser can transmit higher amount

of torque than a single cone synchroniser and also the gear shift effort required is comparatively

less. As the number of surfaces increase the overall length of the synchroniser also increases

(Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).

P a g e | 21


Figure 2-12 shows the dimensions of a synchroniser.

Figure 2-12 Synchroniser dimensions (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Dimensions- b0 -Overall pack length; d0 -nominal diameter; dC -clutch diameter; ΔS -wear path; ΔSperm -permissible

wear path including clearance; s -shift stroke at the gearshift sleeve; ΔV -wear at the synchronizer ring; α -cone


The a ial tra el s of the gearshift sleeve is assumed to be between 7.5-13 mm depending upon

the type of synchroniser. The permissible wear Δ“ perm is taken to be in between 1 to 1.5 mm. The

wear factor determines the service life of the synchroniser. The maximum wear ΔV max is 0.15 mm

per friction pairing for cone type synchroniser (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).
P a g e | 22


The working principle for each and every type of synchroniser is same but the number of phases

involved in the whole synchronisation process depends upon the type of synchroniser. The baulk

ring type synchroniser has total eight phases after which the torque transfer take places.

1. First free fly:

The shift sleeve is moved axially by the shifting fork. During this phase the sleeve makes detent

face to come in contact with the synchroniser ring face. The mechanical resistance applied is

negligible and the axial force required is low. However as there is no mechanical resistance the

axial velocity is significantly high. Figure 2-13 shows the initial and final position of the first free

fly phase.

Figure 2-13 Phase 1 and 2 Initial and final position of first free fly (Bedmar)

2. Start of angular velocity synchronization:

The synchroniser ring rotates within the recesses of the synchroniser hub due to the frictional

torque which is created by the detent force (Sandooja, 2012). As the oil film recedes the contact

area and coefficient of friction increases between the spline chamfers of the synchroniser ring

and the sleeve. Figure 2-13 show the synchroniser ring in this phase.
P a g e | 23

3. Angular velocity synchronization:

The phase is completed when the high coefficient of friction cause the synchroniser ring the gear

shift sleeve and the idler gear to rotate at the same angular velocity. The tangential and axial

forces acting on the spline chamfers restrict the gear changing process and try to remove the

synchroniser from the gear cone this effect is known as interdiction which can be seen in


Figure 2-14 Phase 3 Spline position during the angular velocity synchronisation (Bedmar)

4. Turning the synchroniser ring:

The synchroniser ring dissipates heat released due to the friction energy. Due to the taper of the

male cone the female cone shape of the synchroniser rings gets fixed. The movement of the gear

shift sleeve turns the synchroniser ring and the cone clutch while the chamfers remain in contact

as seen in figure 2-15.

Figure 2-15 Phase 4 Final position of turning the synchroniser ring (Bedmar)
P a g e | 24

5. Second free fly:

The gear shift movement takes place until it approaches the spline chamfers of the clutch gear.

Figure 2-16 below shows the second free fly phase.

Figure 2-16 Phase 5 Second free fly (Bedmar)

6. Start of the second bump:

To increase the coefficient of friction between the chamfer surfaces it is necessary that the oil

film should be broken. To do this the axial force is required which can also maintain the axial

velocity of the gearshift sleeve. When the oil film breaks, the axial force increases rapidly this

increase the tangential force component on the chamfers which is sufficient enough to turn the

synchroniser ring which was previously fixed to the gear cone. Figure 2-17 show this phase.

Figure 2-17 Phase 6 Spline position during the start of the second bump (Bedmar)
P a g e | 25

7. Turning the gear:

The axial force needed to turn the gear cone clutch depends on the relative position of the gear

shift sleeve splines and the gear splines. Figure 2-18 shows the turning gear phase.

Figure 2-18 Phase 7 Final position of turning the gear (Bedmar)

8. Final free fly:

The gear wheel is engaged as seen in Figure 2-19.

Figure 2-19 Phase 8 End position of final free fly (Bedmar)

The synchronisation phases for upshift and downshift both are same although, during the upshift

the angular velocity of the idler gear is decreased and the power losses reduce the gear shift time.

For the downshift the angular velocity of the idler gear is increased, since there are power losses

the time required to accelerate the idler gear is more compared to slowing down it during the

upshift. Hence the gear shift time is higher when downshifting (Lovas et al., 2005).
P a g e | 26

The 3D figures 2-20 below gives a better idea of the synchronisation process

Neutral Presynchronisation

Synchronisation Blocking release

Engagement Gear shifted

Figure 2-20 3D Representation of the synchronisation process (Back, 2013)

P a g e | 27


Figure 2-21 Single-cone synchroniser–ZF-B blocking (Ina, 2007)

The figure2-21 above show a ZF-B type single cone synchroniser. Synchronisation is achieved

using a friction cone clutch which is fixed to the constant meshing gear and the synchroniser ring.

The friction force is created between cone clutch and the synchroniser ring also called as blocker

ring. The clutching process starts when the shifting fork axially move the shift sleeve. The slee e’s

spline teeth and the teeth on the clutch mesh and the synchroniser ring mesh together. This

process is known as blocking. The most important factor for the blocking process is the shift

behaviour and the coefficient of friction. This type of synchroniser requires a high coefficient of

friction. If the coefficient of friction is not sufficient then the synchroniser ring get released from

the clutch, this cause the engagement of the gear and the synchroniser before their angular

velocities are synchronised. This premature engagement cause an undesirable noise called as

scratching. It also may damage the synchroniser ring and the splined teeth of the shift sleeve.

Hence it important to design a synchroniser with a lower co-efficient of friction (Ina, 2007).
P a g e | 28


Figure 2-22 Component of single cone synchroniser (Ina, 2007)

1-Transmission shaft 2-Needle roller bearing 3-Gear teeth profile

4-Constant mesh gear 5-Gear cone body 6-Clutching teeth

7-Chamfer facing the synchroniser ring 8- synchroniser ring 9-synchroniser ring teeth

10-Chamfer facing the shift sleeve 11-Friction cone 12- Chamfer angle

13-Shift sleeve 14- Notch for strut spring 15-Circumferential groove

16-Spline teeth 17-Internal teeth 18-Synchroniser hub

19-Strut slot 20-Three notches for the struts

P a g e | 29

Synchronizer hub

The synchronizer hub is the centre most component of the synchroniser and is positively locked

with the transmission shaft. It has internal as well as external splines the external spline help

guide the shift sleeve. There are three equidistant slots on the circumference which

accommodate the struts which govern the movement of the shift sleeve. The struts do ’t allo

the baulk ring to rotate with the hub and the baulk ring restricts the engagement of the gear and

the synchroniser until they are synchronised (Ina, 2007).


There are three struts in a single cone synchroniser which are placed in the slot of the

synchroniser hub there movement is controlled with the help of a two ring type springs. They

play a major role in presynchronisation. Figure 2-23 shows different type of struts that are used

in synchronisers. Figure A shows a sheet steel outward preloaded strut which is hold by ring type

springs. Spring-loaded balls and ball pin type struts which are actuated by compression spring is

shown in figure B and C respectively. Figure D and E show spring guided struts while figure F

shows a cylindrical roller used as a strut with an attached spring (Ina, 2007).

Figure 2-23 Different types of struts (Ina, 2007)

P a g e | 30

Baulk ring

Also known as synchroniser ring and blocker ring it forged by using a special brass alloy. It is a

female cone which mates with the male cone of the meshing gear. The friction cone also has

grooves for oil dissipation on its inside diameter to increase the coefficient of friction. The ring

consists of external teeth and also has slots for the strut keys.(Ina, 2007)

Gear cone body

It is a male friction cone with clutching teeth which can mesh with the sleeve along with a roof-

shaped chamfers which face the synchroniser ring. The gear cone body is generally made from

steel (Ina, 2007).

Constant mesh gear

The constant mesh gear is supported with the help of needle roller bearing and its function is to

transmit the torque from the engine to the output shaft. The meshing gear are helical in profile

(Ina, 2007).
P a g e | 31



The purpose of this dissertation is to study the behaviour of baulk ring type synchroniser in a Dual

clutch transmission system. The aim of this dissertation being to analytical design a Baulk ring

type synchroniser and carryout the Kinematic analysis using Adams. The kinematic analysis will

help to identify the frictional power and speed along with the specific stress which can then be

compared with analytical design.

The CAD model required to carry out the kinematic analysis is created using a solid edge ST5

software which is later exported to Adams A-view software. The Adams model is used to analyse

the upshift and downshift timing of the single cone synchroniser. For learning of the solid edge

software the book by (Hansen, 2008) was used. To get familiar to the Adams A-view software

several exercise examples from (Adams) were solved In addition to this for learning of the Adams

software and knowing the various tool the help option(Adams) and the webinar by (Fan, 2013)

on model gear trains was used.

P a g e | 32


The design of automotive components is generally a proprietary information hence the design of

the components vary from manufacturer to manufacturer, in addition to these the exact

dimension and the material properties are not disclosed by the manufacturers. Due to this fact

during the analytical designing and designing the CAD model several assumptions have been

made. Also the Baulk ring type synchroniser on which the kinematic analysis have been

performed is generally used in manual transmission systems rather than in Dual clutch

transmission systems. This is mainly due to shortage and unavailability of the data from the

reference books and journals. The assumption for the gear box and engine data are according to

the literature review. Hence the numerical values obtained from the kinematic analysis and the

analytical design might not hold relevant in real life situation although they can give a rough idea

of the behaviour of the synchroniser along with the up-shift and downshift timings in the 4th gear.
P a g e | 33


Table 3-1 Vehicle Parameters (Kulkarni, Shim and Zhang)

Parameter Value

Engine size 3.0 L V6

Vehicle mass 3000 kg

Tire radius 0.312 m

Effective tire rolling radius 0.308 m

Differential gear’s o e t of i ertia 0.0047 kg m2

Final drive gear ratio 3.07

Fi al dri e gear’s o e t of i ertia 0.0002 kg m2

Transmission gear ratios First-3.14, second- 1.98, third-1.37,fourth-1.00,

fifth-0.76, sixth-0.6, Rev-4.04

Odd gear’s o e t of i ertia 0.0023 kg m2

E e gear’s o e t of i ertia 0.0009 kg m2

Moment of inertia of clutch 0.0975 kg m2

Intermediate shaft moment of inertia 0.008 kg m2

Engine moment of inertia 2.7 kg m2

Input shaft moment of inertia 0.004 kg m2

Solid shaft moment of inertia 0.002 kg m2

Hollow shaft moment of inertia 0.001 kg m2

P a g e | 34



1 Y
START New Friction 2

-Oil temperature 80 C
-For the slipping time tR let:
F= const., µ= const.
Maximum use of
TR=const. Tv= const
radial space 3
Maximum engine
speed nM,max
Gear ratios iG,n
Force ratio: F/FH
-shift into gear n
-Idler gear i to be Number of N
shifted friction
-Requirement pairings j
Manual force FH,perm Multi-plate
Slipping time tR,perm synchroniser?

Select another
Preceded by synchroniser system
System? Start
Single-cone Of friction
synchroniser pairings
j =1
P a g e | 35

Select the synchroniser with largest
possible do from the range available. The Produce a synchroniser with do
e tre dista e a deter i e do outside the standard production
Re-define cone angle ∝ if necessary for range
steel/molybdenum and steel/sinter
Technically and
Tan ∝ > � ? economically viable?

Effective radius d/2

In-line gearbox?

Reduce the masses on the axis of Reduce the masses of the input shaft on
rotation of the idler gear I the axis of rotation of the idler gear I
Jred,i=Ji +∑ = Jk 1/ik2 Jred,i = Jred,IS in2

Upshift ∆�� < , Downshift ∆�� >

Determine Tv: measurements, empirical values table

Friction torque TR= -Jred,i - Tv
�� ∝
Shifting force F=

ǀF ǀ
Manual force FH =
� � ɳL ag

FH < FH,Perm 1
P a g e | 36

Calculate the specific stress and compare with the table

Determine the gross friction surface AR (With no deductions for grooving) AR=∑ = AR,i

Frictional work per shift W=1/2 (-Jred,i Δωi2- Tv Δωi tR)

ǀ ǀ
Specific frictional work Table WA =

WA< WA, perm 1

Average frictional power Pm =

ǀP ǀ
Specific frictional power Table. PA =

PA < PA,perm 1

Friction speed v= ∆��

V < Vperm 1

Contact pressure Table PR,i =
��, �

PR,i < PR,perm 1


The synchroniser selected satisfies the requirements

P a g e | 37


To carry out the analytical design of the synchroniser certain assumption as mentioned in the

previous chapter have been made. The synchroniser to be designed, is a single cone synchroniser

for the 4th gear which has a gear ratio of 1:1. The design calculation have been performed using

a flowchart from (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999). The flowchart has been attached in

the appendices. As per the flowchart it assumed that the gear shift effort F, the friction torque

TR, the torque losses TV and the coefficient of friction µ are assumed to be constant along with

this assumptions the oil temperature is assumed to be at 80oC. The centre distance a is taken

to 100mm (Chan, 2011-12). The friction surface of the synchroniser is a combination of steel and

sprinkle sinter or steel and molybdenum. Assuming that the friction surface is made of steel and

sprinkle sinter so the coefficient of friction is in between the range of 0.08 to 0.12 (Lechner,

Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).Hence assuming coefficient of friction µ= 0.12

The maximum engine speed nM, max = 7200 rpm (Volkswagen engine data)

The maximum power is obtained at 6300 rpm (Volkswagen engine data)

The data used is with reference to Volkswagen 3.0 litre V6 30v AVK Engine

Assuming that the engine speed increase uniformly for the respective gears the engine speed for

different gears are as follows

1st Gear – 1050 rpm

2nd Gear – 2100 rpm

3rd Gear – 3150 rpm

4th Gear – 4200 rpm

5th Gear – 5250 rpm

6th Gear – 6300 rpm

P a g e | 38

The gear ratio for the fourth gear from the table 3-1 is iG, 4= 1

The maximum permissible shifting force FH, perm is between 80 N to 120 N, so the maximum

permissible shifting force FH, perm is taken as 120 N. The permissible shifting time tR, perm is between

0.15 to 0.25 seconds. Hence assuming the permissible shifting time tR, perm as 0.25 second. The

design is not preceded by a synchroniser system it is assumed it is a single taper synchroniser so

the number of surface j = 1. The o e a gle α for a si gle taper s hro iser is et ee o-

7o.He e it is assu ed α = o (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999). The largest nominal

diameter do available for the gear box with centre distance a as is 55.8 mm.

Now tan α= .

So tan α > µ hence self-locking is avoided.

For the gear cone the nominal diameter as seen in figure 2-11 do is 55.8 mm and the base

diameter di is 53.71 mm so the effective diameter d is given by

+ . + .
d= = = 54.755 mm Equation 4

Hence the effective radius is 27.38 mm.

The effective width of cone l is calculated as follows

− . − .
l= = = 8.5 mm
tan α .

Designing of Locking Tooth for the synchroniser ring

The friction torque TR acts to lock the synchronizer, and is opposed by an opening torque TZ

resulting from the decomposition of forces at bevelled surfaces. As long as there is a speed

difference, the locking friction torque is greater than the opening torque. The gearing torque TZ

arising at the dog bevels acts as an opening torque and is calculated from the friction coefficient

µD between the locking and shifting dogs (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).
P a g e | 39

β β β
F c −μ F c −μ a
2 2 2
Tz = β β = β (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)
+μ μ + a
2 2 2

Equation 5

For the friction coefficient µD: μD ≈ 0.09. The opening torque is simplified by ignoring the

coefficient of friction μD, as

F c
Tz = Equation 6

In designing the locking toothing it is assumed that the entire gearshift effort acts on the locking

teeth, so that no excess force is conducted to the synchronizer ring via the thrust pieces. The

gearshift sleeve is prevented from engaging for as long as the locking condition (Lechner,

Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).

TZ < T R Equation 7


TR = j F Equation 8

Substituting from Equations 6 and 8 in equation 7 we get

F c F μ
< Equation 9

Figure 4-1 Decomposition of forces at locking tooth (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)
P a g e | 40

This results in the following design equation for the bevel angle or opening angle β of the locking


Cot < with 105o < β < o (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999) Equation 10

S is the factor of safety is assumed so that locking effect occurs smoothly. If the opening angle

fall below 105o then self-lo ki g or grati g o urs, if the alue of β i reases e o d o then

the gear shift effort increases and hence the shifting comfort (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz,


Assu i g β = o now

Cot <

Cot < X1.5

0.7 < 1.2308

> 1.2308/0.7

> 1.758

dc > 1.758 X d

Now as the centre distance is 100mm and the effective diameter is 54.755 mm hence the clutch

diameter dc as seen in figure 2-11 should be greater than or equal to 96.25 mm which is

acceptable as the centre distance is 100mm and the gear ratio for the 4th gear is 1:1 the diameter

of the driver and driven gear is 100mm.

The reduction of moment of inertia J red for the ith gear is given as

J red, i =J i +∑ = Jk Equation 11
P a g e | 41

When the gear shift is performed the clutch is disengaged so the moment of inertia of the clutch

should not be considered

Hence for the 4th gear the reduction of moment of inertia J red, 4 is as follows

J red, 4 = J 4 i/p + [J hollow] X (1/ i4)2 + [J 4 + J 2 ] X (1/i4)2 + [J o/p shaft 1 + J o/p shaft 2 +J 2o/p X.(1/i2)2 + J6 (1/i6)2

+2 X [J o/p gear (1/io/p)2]] X (1/i4)2 Equation 12


J 4 i/p = 0.0009 kg m2 J hollow = 0.001 kg m2 J o/p shaft = 0.002kg m2

J 4 o/p = 0.0009 kg m2 J o/p shaft gear = 0.0002 kg m2 J 2 o/p = 0.0009 kg m2

J 6 gear = 0.0009 kg m2 i 4= 1 i 6 = 0.6

i 2 = 4.04 i o/p gear = 3.07

J red, 4 = 0.0009 + [0.001] X (1/1)2 + [0.0009 + 0.0009] X (1/1)2 + [0.002 + 0.002 + 0.0009 X (1/1.98)2

+ 0.0009 X (1/0.6)2+ 2 X [0.0002 X (1/3.07)2]] X (1/1)2

J red, 4 = 0.01047200918 kg m2 Equation 13

The torque losses at the input shaft Tv, IS is 2 Nm hence torque losses for the fourth gear are

Tv = Tv, IS X i 4 = 2 X 1= 2 Nm Equation 14

Now assuming the and upshift is to be performed

Δ ωi < 0 Equation 15

Δ ωi is the relative velocity between the output shaft and the idler gear which is to be

In this case Δ ωi is the relative velocity between output 4th gear and output shaft 2. In a DSG

gearbox the next gear is preselected to reduce the shift timing. The 4 th gear is preselected when

the power is being transferred via the clutch K1 to the 3 rd gear to the output shaft. Hence while

al ulati g Δ ωi the output shaft is rotating at an angular velocity equal to the angular velocity of

the 3rd output gear.

P a g e | 42

The output 4th gear will have an angular velocity equal to the angular velocity of the input shaft

during the 3rd gear. The input shaft at this instant will be rotating with the speed equal to the

output shaft into the gear ratio for the 2nd gear. This is because the clutch will be disengaged and

the input shaft will be rotating due to the 2 nd output gear via the 2nd input gear. As the 2nd input

gear and 4th input gear are splined to the same shaft and the gear ratio for the 4th gear being 1,

the angular velocity of both the 4th gears will be same.


ω4 = ω input shaft 2 during 3rd gear

ω input shaft2 = ω o/p 2 X i2

The engine speed during the third gear is

N3 = 3150 rpm

ω engine during 3rd gear = π N2 / 60

ω engine during 3rd gear = 329.867 rad/sec


ω output shaft during 3rd gear = 1.37 X 329.867

Therefore ω output shaft = 451.918 rad/sec

Now, ω o/p 4 = 1.98 X ω output shaft during 3rd gear

ω o/p 3 = 1.98 X 451.918

Therefore ω o/p 3 = 894.798 rad/sec

Δ ωi = ω output shaft2 - ω4

Δ ωi = 451.918 - 894.798

Δ ωi = -442.880 rad/sec
P a g e | 43

Negative sign indicates that the angular velocity of the idler gear is more than that of the output

shaft given as per equation 8

The friction torque TR is given as

TR = -Jred,i X Δωi/tR,perm) - Tv Equation 16

TR = [-0.01047200918 X (-442.880/0.25)] - 2

TR = 16.551 Nm

The gear shift effort F is given by

F = (2 TR si α / j µ d Equation 17

F= (2 X16.551 X sin7o) / (1 X 0.12 X 54.755 X 10-3)

F= 613.965 N

The force ratio or the transmission ratio is generally between 7:1 to 12:1 (Lechner, Naunheimer

and Ryborz, 1999) so assuming the force ratio of 12:1. The linkage efficiency ɳ Linkage is always less

than or equal to 70 %, so assuming the linkage efficiency of 70 %.

Applied force FH is given by

FH = X Equation 18
F a ɳLi kage

ǀ . ǀ
FH = X

FH = 73.091 N

Hence FH < FH, perm

The specific stresses for synchroniser are calculated with respect to the gross friction area A R

While calculating the gross friction surface area AR. The grooves and slots in the synchroniser ring

are ignored (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).

P a g e | 44

AR= π D + d √ D − d +h Equation 19


D-Female cone base diameter

d- Female cone top diameter

h- Contact surface height

AR = π . + 54.63) X √[ . − . ] + 8.

AR = 2939.937 mm2

Calculating the specific stress and comparing with the permissible specific stress values from

table no.B-2.

Frictional work per shift W is given by

W = X (- J red, 4 Δ ωi2 – Tv Δ ωi tR perm) Equation 20

W= X (- J red, 4 Δ ωi2 – Tv Δ ωi tR perm)

W= X [-0.01047200918 X (-442.880)2 – 2 X (-442.88) X 0.25]

W= -916.284 J

Specific frictional work WA is

ǀ ǀ
WA = Equation 21

ǀ . ǀ
WA =

WA = 0.312 J/mm2

The permissible frictional work WA, perm for steel sprinkle sinter friction surface as per table no.

B-1 is
P a g e | 45

WA, perm = 1.0 J/mm2

Hence WA < WA, perm

The average frictional power Pm is

Pm = Equation 22

− .
Pm =

Pm = -3665.136 W

The specific frictional power PA is given by

|P |
PA = Equation 23

| . |
PA =

PA = 1.246 W/mm2

The permissible frictional power PA, perm for steel sprinkle sinter surface as per table no.B-1. Is

PA, perm = 1.5 W/mm2

Hence PA < PA, perm

Frictional speed v is given by

V = Δ ωi X Equation 24

V = -442.88X

V= 11.89 m/s

The permissible frictional power V perm for steel sprinkle sinter surface as per table no. B-1 is

V perm = 12 m/s

Hence V < V perm

P a g e | 46

The friction contact pressure PR, i is given by

PR, i = Equation 25
� AR,i

PR, i =
� AR,i

PR, i =

PR,i = 1.713606 N/mm2

The permissible frictional contact pressure PR, perm for steel sprinkle sinter friction surface as per

table no. B-1 is

PR, perm = 7 N/mm2

Hence PR, i < PR, perm

As the synchroniser satisfies all the parameters of the design flow chart. The designed

synchroniser is suitable for the gearshift application of the 4 th gear. After designing of the

synchroniser system a virtual prototype model was created to see if the designed synchroniser

system can work in a realistic environment. For this a 3D CAD model was created in solid edge

which was then exported to Adams to verify the analytical design.

P a g e | 47



The CAD model is created using the solid edge ST5 software which is later exported to Adams

A-view to perform the kinematic analysis. The detailed ISO drafts for all the components created

have been attached in the appendices section D which give a clear and concise idea of the model.

The 3D ISO assembly drawings of the synchroniser and the driven and driving gears illustrates the

location of the synchroniser in the gearbox. The figure 5-1 below shows the 3D view of the

complete CAD assembly created

As the exact dimension of all the components was not available some of the dimension have been

borrowed from a CAD model of manual transmission (Grabcad). The 2D drafts of all the

components can be viewed in appendix C. The description of each of the components created in

the part file is as follows.

Figure 5-1 CAD 3D Model

P a g e | 48


The synchroniser ring is a female cone which engages with the male cone of the idler gear which

is to be synchronised. The figure 5-2 below shows the 3D view of the synchroniser ring. The inner

diameter of the ring is 54.63 mm and the outer diameter is 55.8 mm. The cone height is 5.4 mm

and the taper angle is 7o. The ring is also provided with three slots for the three strut key. Internal

grooves are created so that the female cone can disperse the oil film on the gear cone and engage

easily. Figure C-01 in appendix C show the 2D view of the synchroniser ring.

Figure 5-2 Synchroniser Ring


The gear shift sleeve as the name suggest is responsible for causing the gear shift. The sleeve

created as shown in figure 5-3 has internal spline which meshes with the roof shaped chamfers

of the synchroniser ring and the gear cone. The outside diameter of the sleeve is 110 mm and an

internal diameter of 72.5 mm. The force is applied through the shifting forks which causes the

synchroniser ring to move in an axial direction. Figure C-02 in appendix C shows the 2D view of

the gear shift sleeve.

P a g e | 49

Figure 5-3 Gear Shift Sleeve


The synchroniser Hub as seen in figure 5-4 is the centre most part of the synchroniser. The

synchroniser hub has internal spline of diameter 32.7 mm which meshes with the output shaft.

The external splines of hub mesh with the gear shift sleeve. The hub outer edge has three slot of

6.49 mm each at 120o apart to accommodate the strut keys. The hub also has groove where the

pressure spring is placed. Figure C-03 in appendix C shows the 2D view of the synchroniser hub.

Figure 5-4 Synchroniser Hub

P a g e | 50

5.5.0 STRUTS

Three identical strut of 23 mm by 6.79mm have been created one of which can be seen in figure

5-5. The struts are required to transfer the force during the pre-synchronisation process. The

struts are held in the position with the help of pressure spring. Figure C-04 in appendix C shows

the strut in 2D view.

Figure 5-5 Strut Key


The compression spring is the ring shaped spring of inner diameter 60.94 mm and thickness of

1.36 mm as seen in figure 5-6. The spring is placed in groove of the synchroniser hub and helps

the strut keys in maintaining the pressure against shift sleeve. Sheet C-05 in appendix C shows

the 2D view of the pressure spring

Figure 5-6 Compression Ring

P a g e | 51


Two identical splined shaft of diameter 32.75 mm have been created. One is shaft used as the

input shaft on which the input gear is mounted, while the other is mounted on the synchroniser

hub. The centre distance between the shafts is 100mm. The figure 5-7 below shows the 3D view

of the shaft, while figure C-06 in appendix C shows the splined shaft in 2D view.

Figure 5-7 Splined Shaft


The gear cone is the male cone which has a cone angle of 7o. The inner diameter of the cone is

52.54 mm and the outer diameter of the cone is 54.63 mm. The total length of the cone created

is 12.5 mm with 4mm of clearance volume between the synchroniser ring roof-shaped chamfered

teeth and teeth of the gear cone. The figure 5-8 below shows the 3D view of the gear cone and

figure C-07 in appendix C show the 2D view of the gear cone body.

Figure 5-8 Gear Cone

P a g e | 52


As the required gear ration is 1:1 both the gear are identical. The model assembly created is to

be exported in Adams A-view to calculate the specific stress between the gear-cone and the

synchroniser ring. It assumed that the gears are having no backlash and two cylindrical gears of

100mm diameter have been created. The figure 5-9 below shows the 3D view of the gears along

with input and output shaft. The 2D drawing of the gear can be seen in sheet 8 in appendix D.

Figure 5-9 Meshing Gears

P a g e | 53



MSc Adams is a simulation software which is used in building virtual prototypes. The software is

used to perform analysis and study the motion behaviour of complex mechanical systems. The

software also lets you to import CAD model and also allow to implement Matlab Simulink control

strategy. The figure 6-1 below show the virtual prototyping process. The CAD model assembly

created using solid edge is imported to Adams to perform the kinematic analysis to verify the

analytical analysis conducted in chapter 4 using the design flowchart. The main aim of performing

the kinematic analysis is to test the designed synchroniser as a virtual prototype to get an idea of

the performance of the synchronisers in a realistic environment.

Figure 6-1 Adams Virtual prototype testing process

P a g e | 54


The CAD model assembly created in Solid edge was converted from asm format to parasolid

(.x_t file) .The model is converted from asm format to parasolid format as this format file when

imported in Adams automatically creates bodies required to carry out the kinematic analysis.

Once the file was imported in two Adams, the bodies which were created multiply were deleted.

The figure 6-2below give an idea how the model looks in a 3D view when imported to Adams.

Figure 6-2 Synchroniser Model in Adams


After deleting the multiple bodies the remaining bodies were named as follows.

1) Output_Shaft 2) Input_Shaft 3) Driven_Gear

4) Driving_Gear 5) Synchroniser_Ring_1 6) Synchroniser_Ring_2

7) Synchroniser_Hub 8) Strut_Key_2 9) Strut_Key_1

10) Strut_Key_3 11) Pressure_Spring_2 12) Shift_Sleeve

13) Gearcone 14)ground

P a g e | 55

To reduce the number of joints and constraints the driven gear and the gear cone were united to

form a single body. The unit two solids Boolean was used to form solid CSG_16. The mass of all

the bodies were defined with geometry and material type. The synchroniser rings were defined

by brass while the rest of the bodies were defined by steel.


All the bodies have relative motion in model. Joints are applied to describe the degrees of

freedom available for a body. First two revolute joints were applied to input and output shaft

with respect to ground. These two joints represent the real world connection that the shafts will

have with the gearbox housing.

The driving gear and the synchroniser hub were applied a fixed joint with respect to the input

shaft and output shaft respectively. This joints represent that the driving gear and the

synchroniser hub are splined to the respective shafts and rotate with the same angular velocity.

The driven gear is applied a revolute joint with respect to output shaft to demonstrate the bearing

action between the driven gear and output shaft.

The gear shift sleeve has been joined to the synchroniser hub with the help of a cylindrical joint.

This joint allows the shift sleeve to rotate along with the synchroniser hub as well as to travel

axial in the direction of the gear cone. A similar joint is also applied to the synchroniser ring and

the gear cone. All the three strut keys are each joined to the hub with the help of revolute joint

which demonstrate the rotating action of the strut keys along with the synchroniser hub. The

table 6-1 below shows the list of joints and types of joint created in Adams
P a g e | 56

Table 6-1 Joints Created in Adams


Hub_ring2 Synchroniser_Ring2 Synchroniser_Hub Revolute

Gear_ring1 Driven_Gear Synchroniser_Ring_1 Cylindrical

Hub_key2 Synchroniser_Hub Strut_Key_2 Revolute

Hub_Sleeve Synchroniser_Hub Shift_Sleeve Cylindrical

Hub_key3 Synchroniser_Hub Strut_Key_3 Revolute

Hub_key1 Synchroniser_Hub Strut_Key_1 Revolute

Drivinggear_Inputshaft Driving_Gear Input_Shaft Fixed

Hub_Outputshaft Synchroniser_Hub Output_Shaft Fixed

Drivengear_Outputshaft Driven_Gear Output_Shaft Revolute

Outputshaft_Ground Output_Shaft ground Revolute

Inputshaft_Ground Input_Shaft ground Revolute


Whenever two bodies encounter during the simulation there relationship with each other has to

be specified this is done by applying a contact on bodies. Applying the contact demonstrates the

contact force acting on the two geometries. The nature of contact depend upon the geometry of

body. The contacts created in the model are all solid to solid. The normal force for the solid is

defined as restitution-based. When the normal force is defined with the help of restitution Adams

solver automatically develop an appropriate function to determine. When a contact force is

defined with restitution the values of coefficient of restitution and penalty have to be specified.

It is assume that during the contact there is no loss of energy. So the coefficient of restitution is
P a g e | 57

assumed to be one. The penalty value for the contact is specified as 100 for contacts Ring1_cone,

Sleeve_Cone and Sleeve_Ring1 while for rest of contact the penalty value is considered to be

1000.The table 6-2 below show the list of contacts created.

Table 6-2 Contacts Created in Adams


Ring1_Cone SOLID9 CSG_16

Sleeve_Cone SOLID1 CSG_16

Sleeve_Ring1 SOLID1 SOLID9

Ring2_key3 SOLID4 SOLID8

Ring2_key2 SOLID6 SOLID8

Ring2_key1 SOLID5 SOLID8

Ring1_key3 SOLID4 SOLID9

Ring1_key2 SOLID6 SOLID9

Ring1_key1 SOLID5 SOLID9

Sleeve_key1 SOLID1 SOLID5

Sleeve_hub SOLID1 SOLID7

Sleeve_key3 SOLID1 SOLID4

Sleeve_key2 SOLID1 SOLID6

P a g e | 58


The movement of the strut key is restricted with the help of two compression spring. So to

implement the realistic force in the prototype model a spring force is applied between each strut

key and two springs. The strut keys act as the action body while the pressure springs act as the

reaction body. The spring force created is based on the stiffness of spring which is assumed to be

8 N/mm2.The value assumed is based on the mathematical model created by (Bedmar)

When a gear shift is performed the shifting forks apply the force on the gear shift sleeve which

then travels in an axial direction after which the shift is performed to demonstrate this force a

force on a moving body of 120 N is applied. The applied force is the maximum allowable gear

shift force as per((Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999).The table 6-3 below show the springs

force created

Table 6-3 Spring Forces Created in Adams


Key2_Spring1 Strut_Key_2 Pressure_Spring_1

Key2_Spring2 Strut_key_2 Pressure_Spring_2

Key3_Spring2 Strut_Key_3 Pressure_Spring_2

Key3_Spring1 Strut_Key_3 Pressure_Spring_1

Key1_Spring1 Strut_Key_1 Pressure_Spring_1

Key1_Spring2 Strut_Key_1 Pressure_Spring_2

P a g e | 59


During the analytical analysis it was demonstrated that the 4th gear rotates at almost double the

velocity of output shaft during an upshift. So to demonstrate a similar motion and to keep the

model simple to study the behaviour of the shift sleeve following motion have been applied to

various bodies.

Table 6-4 Motion applied to bodies

Name Joint Function (time)

Gearpair Drivengear_Outputshaft 60.0d * time

Inputshaft Inputshaft_Ground 60.0d * time

Outputshaft Outputshaft_Ground 30.0d * time

P a g e | 60



The simulation is mainly focussed on the axial displacement of the sleeve. The shift force applied

to the sleeve is 120 N which is the permissible allowable gearshift effort. The model is simulated

first for 0.2 sec which is the expected time required for the gear shift. The angular velocity of idler

gear is kept double as that of the output shaft. As the hub is fixed to output shaft it will be rotating

with the same speed of output shaft.


The model is first simulation for a set time of 0.2 seconds. It is found that in a duration of 0.2

se o d the total tra el of shift slee e does ’t take pla e. He e the odel is si ulated agai for

a time period of 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 seconds. It is found that the gear shift takes place at 0.5 seconds

Accordingly the following result have been plotted for a simulation time period of 0.5 seconds.


Contact with clutch gear

Start of synchronisation Mesh with gear splines

End of synchronisation

Figure 7-1 Total axial travel of the shift sleeve

As seen in the figure 7-1 the synchronisation being at 0.1 seconds until this time the shift sleeve

has the same velocity as that of hub as the strut keys pushes the synchroniser ring in the axial

direction of the cone. After this at 0.1 second the shift sleeve starts moving in the axial direction.
P a g e | 61

During the point of contact of the spline of the shift sleeve with the chamfers of the clutch gear

it can be seen that the sleeve is offered resistance which after increase in the force causes the

mesh shift sleeve and the gear cone. Before the synchronization, the reaction force of the sleeve

is equivalent to the detent force. During the synchronization, the reaction force becomes the



Contact with gear cone

Start of synchronisation

End of synchronisation

Figure 7-2 Total axial travel of the ring

The figure 7-2 above shows the axial movement of the synchroniser ring 1 with respect to gear

cone. It can be clearly seen that the time required for the ring to have the contact with gear cone

is less than the shift sleeve. While the reaction force duration is also for a lower time.
P a g e | 62


The gear shifting process which is very difficult to study experimentally but it could be tested in

Adams with a prototype model. The model created was in Adams is however basic and cannot

be used to analyse the friction forces and reaction forces effectively. The model however can be

improved by using a FORTRAN subroutine function which then can be used to study the meshing

of the shift sleeve and the gear cone and synchroniser ring.

It has been found that although the synchroniser was analytical designed to have a permissible

shift time of 0.25 seconds when simulated in Adams in a realistic environment the shift time

increases to 0.5 seconds

The table 8-1 give a brief summary of the objective kept in mind before starting the MSc project

and the objectives that were achieved

P a g e | 63

Table 8-1 Results


Analytical design of a Baulk ring type Carried out a detailed analytical design for the

synchroniser required for a DSG gearbox using a single cone synchroniser for the fourth gear of

design flowchart a DSG gear box. The friction material used was

steel and sprinkle sinter. The gear shift effort

force required to perform the gear was

calculated as 73.091 N.

Create a model of Baulk ring type synchroniser A detailed CAD model was created using the

and the engagement gear using Solid Edge ST5 dimension from the analytical design and from

software the manual transmission system.

Perform a kinematic analysis of the synchroniser The simulation was performed to analyisis the

using ADAMS A-view software movement of the gear shift sleeve and the

synchroniser ring. However it was not possible

in the given time frame to develop a FORTRAN

subroutine function to analyse the meshing of

the sleeve and the gear cone.

P a g e | 64


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Bedmar, A.P. 'Synchronization processes and synchronizer mechanisms in manual

transmissions', pp.

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Hoshino, H. (1999) 'Analysis on Synchronization Mechanism of Transmission', vol SAE

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P a g e | 65

Marcus, S. (2012) Improved synchronization in vehicle transmissions. Available at:

Spreckels_e_lo_einzl.pdf (Accessed: 18th August).

Sandooja, A. (2012) 'Double Indexing Synchronizer - To Amplify the Synchronizer Capacity', vol

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Walker, P.D. (2011) 'Synchroniser Analysis and Shift Dynamics of Powertrains Equipped with

Dual Clutch Transmissions', pp.

Yao, C.-H. (January 2008) 'Automotive Transmissions: Efficiently Transferring Power from

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P a g e | 67



Table A-0-1 Torque losses Tv,IS (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Empirical values Passenger car Commercial vehicle Commercial vehicle

with range unit
Torque losses at the 2 Nm 4-8 Nm 10-14 Nm
input shaft Tv,IS
 I -li e gear o es : TV = Tv,IS in
 For any gearboxes : determine Tv at the idler gear selected with the values given above from
the input shaft


Table B-0-2 Standard values for friction pairings (Lechner, Naunheimer and Ryborz, 1999)

Friction Reference values

Combination Coefficient Permissible Specific Specific Contact
of friction friction frictional frictional pressure
speed work power PR,i= Fn/AR,i
µ V=Δωi d/2 WA = ǀWǀ/AR PA= ǀPmǀ/AR

Vperm WA,perm PA,perm PR,perm

Steel (m/s) (J/mm2) (W/mm2) (N/mm2)

/special brass 0.08-0.12 5 0.09 0.45 3

/molybdenum 0.08-0.12 7 0.53 0.84 6

/sprinkle sinter 0.08-0.12 12 10 1.5 7

P a g e | 68


Figure C-0-1 Synchroniser Ring

P a g e | 69

Figure C-0-2 Gear Shift Sleeve

P a g e | 70

Figure C-0-3 Synchroniser Hub

P a g e | 71

Figure C-0-4 Strut Key

P a g e | 72

Figure C-0-5 Compression Spring

P a g e | 73

Figure C-0-6 Splined Shaft

P a g e | 74

Figure C-0-7 Gear Cone

P a g e | 75

Figure C-0-8 Driving Gear

P a g e | 76

Figure C-0-9 Driven Gear

P a g e | 77


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