PDF June 03 2023

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90% of

villages in 2
W. Visayas
Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023
cleared of 3rd Infantry Division: 49 years of
working for a peaceful Visayas
illegal drugs
By Jennifer P. Rendon
Some 90.25 percent of the
4,051 barangays in Western In 1974, the Philippine Army’s 3rd Infantry Division came into
Visayas have been cleared existence as the Visayas region was grappling with poverty that
of illegal drugs as of May this was partly aggravated by the communist rebellion.
year, data from the Philippine Forty-nine years later, Western and Central Visayas, the re-
Drug Enforcement Agency gions covered by the 3rd ID, have become two of the most com-
(PDEA) Barangay Drug Clear- petitive areas in the country.
ing Program (BDCP) showed Western Visayas now has the fastest-growing economy in
on Friday. the Philippines in 2022 while Central Visayas is the country’s
In Negros Occidental, 67.89 fourth-largest economy.
percent of the 601 barangays “And this is just one of the gains that we had in almost five de-
are considered drug-cleared cades of the 3rd ID existence,” Major General Marion Sison, 3rd ID
while in this capital city, 22.95 commander, said during the unit’s 49th founding anniversary on
percent of the 61 barangays, Wednesday at Camp Macario Peralta in Jamindan, Capiz.
also have gotten rid of illegal He cited the continuous rebels’ waning support from and influ-
drugs. ence on the masses.
Antique, which has 590 “For the record, five provinces were declared insurgency-free
barangays, is 99.66 percent while another five provinces were declared as peaceful and ready
drug-cleared; Iloilo Province, for further development in 2015 and 2021,” Sison said.
1,721 barangays, 98.55 percent; He added that the 3rd ID has strengthened its thrust to deliver
Capiz, 473 barangays, 91.12 committed and relentless services, inherent to its constitutional
percent; and Iloilo City, 180 ba- FINAL SALUTE mandate.
rangays, 54.22 percent. Brigadier Gen. Sidney Villaflor on Friday afternoon led the Reception Ceremony in Honor of the late Police Lt. “Every Spearhead trooper has proved to be highly versatile
Both the 327 barangays of General Edmundo L Larroza, former Philippine National Police officer-in-charge, who passed away on May 22,
and agile, delivering the things that the people expected from
Aklan and the 98 barangays of 2023. His remains will lie in state at the Our Lady of Holy Rosary Chapel inside Camp Martin Teofilo B Delgado
in Iloilo City until 8 a.m. today, June 3, 2023. (RPIO-6 photo) 3rd/p11
Guimaras are 100 percent drug

Iloilo’s gun-for-hire group

“The drug situation in West-
ern Visayas is currently on a
manageable level as evidenced
by our low drug (incident), the
fifth in the country,” accord-

leader nabbed in Makati

ing to the overall assessment
presented by PDEA-Negros
Occidental provincial officer
Jeanette Reyes during the joint
second quarter meeting of the
Provincial Peace and Order
Council and the Provincial By Jennifer P. Rendon The arrest warrant for the first case docketed as years back.
Anti-Drug Abuse Council at Criminal Case No. 2020-9403 was issued on June 8, Police operatives are still checking on the latest ar-
the Capitol Social Hall here on An alleged leader of a gun-for-hire group was arrest- 2020 while the second one for CC No. 2022-10351 was rest warrant issued against Bagatnan.
Friday. ed June 1 in Makati City, Metro Manila. issued on May 12, 2022. Police records showed, though, that in July 2021,
Reyes said the region’s man- Elfren Bagatnan, 31, of Ajuy, Iloilo was collared in Judge Oscar Leo S. Billena of the Regional Trial another member of the Bagatnan Criminal Gang was
ageable drug situation can be his workplace at Barangay Guadalupe Nuevo, Makati Court Branch 66 in Barotac Viejo, Iloilo issued both also arrested for two counts of murder.
attributed to the “successful City. arrest warrants. Richard Villanueva and his co-accused were
collaboration of all sharehold- He worked as a construction worker and assumed No bail was recommended for both charges. charged for killing two men on June 21, 2020 at Ba-
ers, leading to intensified an- a different name. In his first murder charge, Bagatnan was charged rangay Tipacla, Ajuy.
ti-drug operations, high vol- Bagatnan, the topmost wanted person of Western along with Arjun Bigot and Eddie Ancuna. Jovel Castor, 40, and Sonny Articuna, 50, were rid-
ume seizure of illegal drugs, Visayas, is the alleged leader of Bagatnan Gun-for- But Bigot was arrested in April 2021. ing on a motorcycle around 6:10 a.m. when two men
sustainability efforts and in- Hire Criminal Gang. They were accused for the murder of Marconi waylaid them.
crease in the number of drug- Members of the Iloilo Police Provincial Office (IP- Amosin in September 2018 at Barangay Gen. Luna, As this developed, Bagatnan is still under custody
cleared barangays.” PO)-Provincial Drug Enforcement Unit/ Provincial Barotac Viejo. at the Guadalupe Nuevo Sub-Station, Makati City Po-
Negros Occidental Gover- Special Operations Group (PDEU-PSOG), together with It was not immediately known what triggered the lice Station.
nor Eugenio Jose Lacson, how- Guadalupe Nuevo Sub-Station and other IPPO and suspects to kill Amosin. He will be taken to Estancia Municipal Police Sta-
ever, noted a “slow increase” Makati City Police Office operatives, nabbed Bagatnan Reports indicated, though, that Amosin was also a tion for custody and documentation prior to his pre-
90% of /p11 for two murder cases. suspect in shooting to death another person several sentation to the court.

40 alleged rebels neutralized in

Visayas in May 2023, AFP says
By Glazyl Y. Masculino surrender of 23 others.
The casualties included the 10 deaths in a se-
BACOLOD City – The Armed Forces of the Phil- ries of clashes in Negros island, particularly in
ippines (AFP) Visayas Command (Viscom) said the towns of Moises Padilla and Cauayan in Ne-
government forces continue to gain ground as gros Occidental, and Guihulngan City in Negros
40 alleged members of the New People’s Army Oriental on May 20 and 21.
(NPA) were neutralized in the Visayas region Also, 54 firearms were seized during the peri-
last month. od – 38 were recovered in clashes, 7 were discov-
According to Viscom, a total of 15 encounters ered through information provided by former
have been reported in a month, leading to the rebels, and 9 were surrendered.
death of 17 NPA rebels in encounters and the 40 alleged/p11

A TEENAGE girl and her alleged cohort were arrested for possession of P340,000 worth of suspected shabu
after a buy-bust operation in Barangay 10, Bacolod City Friday. (Photo courtesy of Bacolod City Police Office)

Seven nabbed in P489-K ‘shabu’ bust

By Glazyl Y. Masculino Pendon said the teenager, who is from Ba-
rangay Handumanan, is a high value individu-
BACOLOD City - Police arrested seven persons al (HVI), while Eppie is a street level individual
and seized P489,000 worth of suspected shabu (SLI).
in three buy-bust operations here and in Ne- Police conducted the operation after receiv-
gros Occidental on Thursday and Friday. ing information about their alleged engagement
The latest drug haul was reported in Baran- in illegal drugs.
gay 10 yesterday which resulted in the appre- Pendon said they will check if these suspects
hension of a 19-year-old girl and her alleged co- have links with the two men who were also ar-
hort, Anthony Eppie, 43, of Barangay 12. rested in Barangay 10, with 400 grams of sus-
Both suspects allegedly yielded 50 grams pected shabu worth P2.7 million on Wednesday,
of suspected shabu worth P340,000, the P500 May 31.
marked money, lighter, and P981, according to He said they will also check if they have pre-
Police Captain Paul Vincent Pendon, head of Po- vious cases. SOME war materiel recovered by government forces in a clash with NPA rebels in the Visayas region. (Photo
lice Station 2. Seven/p11 courtesy of Viscom via AFP)
NEGROS Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023 3

P4M aid to hog raisers readied as Intensify

NegOcc LGUs start to order bans to curb
By Dolly Yasa

BACOLOD City – Two local

government units in Negros
Occidental have banned the
entry of live hogs and other
related products after African
By Dolly Yasa
Swine Fever (ASF) cases were
detected in Bacolod City and
BACOLOD City – Various
Pulupandan town.
fisheres’ groups here urged
Mayors Renato Gustilo of
the Bureau of Fisheries and
San Carlos City and Ella Ce-
Aquatic Resources (BFAR),
lestina Garcia Yulo of Moises
the Provincial Government
Padilla town issued executive
and coastal Local Government
orders banning the entry of
Units (LGUs) to intensify ef-
live pigs, boar semen, pork and
forts against illegal fishing.
related products from ASF and
In a joint press statement,
hog cholera affected areas.
the Negros Occidental Federa-
The ban also covers prod-
tion of Small Fishers Associa-
ucts that lack the necessary
tions (NOFSFA) and PRRM-Ne-
travel and shipping documents.
gros said efforts should also be
On Friday, Governor Eugen-
undertaken against the contin-
io Jose Lacson said that the pro-
uous taking of berried and ju-
vincial government is readying
venile crabs in the province to
cash assistance to hog raisers
ensure the sustainable breed-
whose hogs were affected by
ing of crabs
hog cholera.
They also called for the lo-
“We are considering to allo-
calization of the Blue Swim-
cate from the Department of
ming Crabs (BSC) National
Social Welfare and Develop-
Management Plan (NMP).
ment through the Assistance
Small fisher leaders from
for Individuals in Crisis Situa- (From left) Negros Occidental Vice Governor Jeffrey Ferrer, Governor Eugenio Jose Lacson, Provincial Administrator Rayfrando Diaz, and Board
Member Benito Alonso at the joint Provincial Peace and Order Council and the Provincial Anti-Drug Abuse Council meeting Friday. various parts of the province
P4M /p10
further declared their continu-
ing opposition to illegal fishing

Bacolod City sends Masskara dancers

and illegal resource extraction
in coastal areas.
They called on the national

to Korea’s Busan dance fest

and local governments to in-
crease their fisheries budgets
and to establish a separate De-
partment of Fisheries so as to
give more attention and sup-
BACOLOD City – Another group of Masskara Festi- competition, will perform in the three-day festival, colorful festival in New York City for the first time. port to fisheries, small fishers
val dancers from this city will perform in the 2023 which also features performers from France, Canada, On June 4, the 22-member dance group will per- and coastal communities.
Busan International Dance Festival (BIDF) in Busan Taiwan, Kazakhstan, Argentina and Singapore. form during the 125th Philippine Independence An- NOFSFA celebrated Fisher-
Metropolitan City, South Korea from June 2 to 4. Bacolod had also participated in two festivals in niversary Commemoration Parade organized by the folks Day in advance on May
Councilor Em Ang said on Wednesday night that South Korea before the Covid-19 pandemic. Philippine Independence Day Council Inc. together 29 so as to allow its various
Bacolod is participating in the event for the first time In 2018, the MassKara dancers performed during with the Philippine Consulate General in New York. member federations and alli-
by sending a group of dancers from Barangay Sum-ag the Andong Mask Dance Festival in Andong City and Also on June 11, five Masskara dancers will be fea- ances to hold their respective
led by award-winning choreographer and trainer Se- in 2019, they were awarded Best Foreign Group in the tured at the 3rd Masskara Festival to coincide with activities on May 31, which
gundo Jesus Cabalcar. Daegu Colorful Festival in Daegu City. the Philippine Independence Day celebration in Long was established by the nation-
“This is the first time the MassKara Festival danc- Ang, together with Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Beni- Beach, California. al government thru Presiden-
ers have been invited to the BIDF,” she said on a social tez and other city officials, is currently in the United Hosted by the Long Beach Bacolod Association, the tial Proclamation No. 33.
media post. States with the Masskara dance team of Barangay Masskara dancers will perform in the event for the The event bannered the
Ten dancers from Barangay Sum-ag, the runner-up Granada, the champion in the 2022 Masskara Festival second time since 2019. (PNA) theme “Onwards the Strug-
in the 2022 Masskara Festival street and arena dance street and arena dance contest, to showcase Bacolod’s Intensify/p10

Bacolod intensifies
measures to
curb spread of ASF
BACOLOD City – The city government here is strengthening
measures to curb the spread of African swine fever (ASF), which
has been detected in hogs from at least two villages here.
Acting Mayor El Cid Familiaran said on Thursday that four
cases of the highly contagious viral disease -- two each in Baran-
gays Taculing and Tangub -- have been confirmed by the Depart-
ment of Agriculture-Bureau of Animal Industry.
He said the city government will initiate training for barangay
biosecurity officers from all 61 villages as part of the response to
the ASF threat.
“Representatives from the barangays will serve as force mul-
tipliers. They will be trained as paravets to help the City Veteri-
nary Office (CVO). For campaign and prevention, and to educate
our hog raisers on protocols and measures to prevent all illnesses,”
he told reporters.
In Barangay Tangub, a number of piglets have been culled after
12 hog deaths have been reported on Wednesday.
As a containment measure, culling of hogs within the
500-meter radius from an infected swine is required to be im-
On Wednesday afternoon, the City Council passed a resolution
requesting the CVO, through Mayor Alfredo Abelardo Benitez,
who is still on an official trip to the United States, to conduct in-
tensified testing and monitoring of live hogs in Bacolod.
“(This) will help curtail and prevent the spread of ASF within
the city and protect the (local) pork industry,” Councilor Claudio
Jesus Puentevella, who authored the resolution, said.
Also, the City Council approved another resolution for inten- DEAD pigs being buried on Wednesday (May 31, 2023) in Barangay Tangub, Bacolod City. On Thursday, acting Mayor El Cid Familiaran said four
sified border inspection of pork products and live hogs entering cases of the highly contagious viral disease, of which two are in Barangay Tangub, have already been confirmed by the Department of Agriculture-Bu-
Bacolod. (PNA) reau of Animal Industry. (Photo courtesy of Barangay Tangub, Bacolod City)
4 Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023
What’s in a P20
habal habal ride?
abal habal rides have emerged as a vital mode of trans-
portation in remote areas of the Philippines, providing
a much-needed service where public transportation
is scarce or non-existent. While these single motorcycles offer
convenience to commuters, the issue of overpricing has become
a growing concern, particularly for resource-limited passengers
who heavily rely on these rides in their daily lives.
Considering mileage and other operational costs, the reason-
able fare for a habal habal ride typically stands at P10 per person
for a 1 to 2-kilometer journey. However, it is unfortunate that
some drivers have resorted to overpricing, charging P20 or even
P30 per person, effectively doubling, even tripling, the standard
fare. This practice has understandably caused frustration among
passengers, particularly students who operate on limited bud-
Setting aside equally-valid concerns on franchise and taxes, it
is crucial to question whether these drivers should be permitted
to charge such excessive amounts. Are they not subject to scru-
tiny from local officials and the Land Transportation Franchis-
ing and Regulatory Board (LTFRB)? Shouldn’t this be considered
a form of extortion, as passengers are left with no other viable
It is important to recognize that habal habal drivers are not
equally regulated by the LTFRB,
unlike other forms of public trans-
portation. Consequently, we can
say in many cases that most enjoy
the freedom to set their own fares,
leading to discrepancies in pricing.
While some drivers adhere to the
standard fare, others take advan-
tage of their passengers’ transpor-
tation needs and charge unreason-
Herman M. Lagon ably high amounts.
Overpricing in habal habal rides
IMPULSES is not merely an inconvenience; it is
a matter of social justice. This prac-
tice disproportionately affects the Void not due to psychological incapacity
but for lack of marriage license
economically disadvantaged, particularly students who have
limited access to alternative modes of transportation and are
compelled to rely on these rides to reach their educational insti-
tutions or workplaces. Moreover, overpricing fosters a culture of

impunity, wherein drivers feel entitled to charge whatever they arriage can be a boon or a bane. Agnes Padrique Georfo v. Republic of the ity is still fresh and overpowering.
desire, disregarding the impact on their passengers. “Living happily ever after” as Philippines and Joe-Ar Jabian Georfo, G.R. Yet despite this quite liberal stance, the
To tackle this issue, it is crucial for local officials and the LT- most fairy tales would end, may No. 246933. March 6, 2023, essence of psychological
FRB to consider regulating habal habal rides and establishing a happen but not magically. To be political- and Fernando C. Clavecilla, incapacity is not deemed
reasonable and fair standard fare that benefits both drivers and ly correct, a happy ending is not really an represented by Atty. Mar- diluted. In Sue Ann Boun-
passengers. This can be achieved by implementing measures ending but a continuing journey that en- vel C. Clavecilla v. Marivic sit-Torralba v. Joseph B.
such as mandatory registration and permits for drivers, adher- tails a lot of effort that the parties must put V. Clavecilla and the Re- Torralba, G.R. No. 214392,
ence to regulated and fair fares, and the enforcement of penal- in, in their marriage. public of the Philippines, which was handed down
ties for those who engage in overcharging. Furthermore, public Yet when one or both parties have had G.R. No. 228127. March 6, on December 7, 2022, it was
education campaigns should be initiated to inform passengers enough, then they can resort to untying 2023, further explained still held that a spouse who
of their rights and encourage them to report instances of over- the knot. that courts must be “sen- is a “compulsive gambler,
pricing. Additionally, passengers can be empowered to write There are many grounds to declare a sitized” in terms of “power habitual drunkard, wom-
petitions to their local or barangay officials, urging them to take marriage void. The most commonly in- dynamics” in Filipino fam- anizer, illegal substance
necessary actions. voked is the affliction of psychological in- ilies and their structures user, and even a drug traf-
In conclusion, addressing the problem of overpricing in habal capacity by either or both spouses pursu- and sensibilities, in appre- ficker”, cannot be deemed
habal rides requires a comprehensive solution. While these rides ant to Article 36 of the Family Code. ciating evidence proving as psychologically inca-
serve as a valuable transportation service for remote communi- This column had written about the psychological incapacity. pacitated if such cannot
ties and drivers also deserve to earn a living for their families, more realistic stance taken by jurispru- For instance, courts Legal be traced to the afflicted
the issue of overpricing must be confronted to safeguard passen-
gers from exploitation. Through regulation and the promotion of
dence of late in treating petitions for nulli-
ty of marriage on account of psychological
must not dismiss a petition
for nullity just because the
Harbinger spouse’s personal history
that predated the marriage.
fair pricing practices, local officials and the LTFRB can help foster incapacity. psychiatrist was not able to Atty. Eduardo Reyes III This harkens the teach-
social justice by ensuring fair rates and ensuring that everyone Taking their cue from the Tan-Andal interview the psychologi- ing in Tan-Andal which
has access to affordable transportation. case (11 May 2021) which pronounced cally incapacitated spouse states that the psychologi-
that psychological incapacity is a legal, not or because the only witnesses are family cal incapacity must be proven to be “dura-
*** a medical concept, the subsequent cases members of the petitioner. To be sure, the ble” and based on “psychic cause/s”, not just
Dr. Herman Lagon fondly describes himself as a ‘student of of Constancia Javate-Asejo v. Justiniano cooperation of the other spouse cannot be an aberrant or erratic behavior.
and for life’ who, like many others, aspires to a life-giving and Zantua Asejo and Republic of the Philip- expected when he/ she has been estranged But the Sue Ann Bounsit-Torralba case
why-driven world that is grounded in social justice. pines, G.R. No. 247798. January 18, 2023, from the petitioner spouse and the animos- Legal Harbinger/p5


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OPINION Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023 5

Nuggets’ Game 1 assault simply Financial poison

intimidating like ‘Mawar’ T
he Senate hastily passed Senate Bill (SB) No. 2020 this week
creating the Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF). Rush ap-
proval of the measure came after Bongbong Marcos (BMM)
“The one thing that always bothered me Will Erik Spoeltra’s soldiers be blown But only if they bewail the issue with certified the bill as urgent. Congress adjourned sine die last June
when I played in the NBA was I really got away by the same blowtorch in Game 1 in clean hands; meaning, no corrupt DPWH 2 and only BBM’s arm twisting move made SB 2020 hurdle the
irritated when they put a white guy on me.”— the remaining series games? official or contentious contractor will im- deadline.
Larry Bird This is something we will have to watch mediately retort and remind them of past Similar measure was passed by the Lower House on Decem-
with bated breath—although the fear of favors they received from dirty sources, ber 12, 2022 in a speedy manner, just 17 days. To cut the lengthy

FTER watching Game 1 “live” severe maltreatment in the hardcourt has and chide them for acting like a pot calling process in the bicameral committee that usually reconciles the
Thursday night (June 1) in New been there from the very beginning, what the kettle black. Senate and House versions of a measure, Congress simply adopted
York, we now have an inkling this with some experts ruthlessly foretelling a So expect more Johnny-Come-Late-lies the Senate version the day after SB 2020 was approved. With the
early which team will win this 4-0 drubbing. to also denounce the potential infrastruc- House accepting the Senate version, only the signature of BBM is
year’s NBA Finals. What else we can say but ture project-turned-mega scam. They’re needed to make MIF a reality.
Even if it could afford to let’s tighten our belts for the on the right side of history actually. MIF is the country’s first sovereign
throw away a 20-point lead in Game 2, 3, 4 and 5 and 6, if nec- fund. Chief proponents of the fund
are BBM’s son, his Speaker cousin,
the last six minutes, there was essary. -o0o- and the Speaker’s wife. Obviously,
no stopping the Denver Nuggets A BOOK author from Negros Occiden- the creation of MIF is a Marcos family
from drawing the first blood—as -o0o- tal was correct when she refused to install project. As brainchild of the Marcoses,
expected—in the best-of-seven No Iloilo politician is stupid Amazon’s Alexa voice assistant and Ring
series against the Miami Heat, MIF is highly suspicious.
enough to declare he won’t sup- doorbell cameras in her residence saying Proponents of the MIF trumpet-
104-93, at the Ball Arena in Den- port any congressional inqui- they would violate their privacy.
ver, Colorado. ed the supposed benefits of having
ry in relation to the disgraced Her misgivings about this mind-bog- a sovereign fund. The fund will be a
Jamal Murray and Nikola Jo-
kic were simply spectacular and Alex Vidal P680-million Iloilo flyover proj-
ect otherwise known as UFO or
gling technology were correct.
Amazon agreed to pay more than $30
long-term source of income for the
Artchil Fernandez government thus easing the burden
intimidating. Consistent and
ABOVE Ungka flyover in Ungka, Pavia. million to settle privacy complaints over

ruthless, their powerhouse as- on the national budget they claimed.
No one will distance himself its Alexa voice assistant and Ring doorbell
saults were like the recent super
typhoon “Mawar.”
THE BELT from the limelight especially if cameras on May 31. HOT Monetary yield from the fund will be
used to finance priority projects of the
it will benefit him. The settlements with the Federal Trade government and will provide addi-
With their performance in As long as the politicians are Commission highlight claims that the compa-
Game 1, there was no question why the mentally honest and didn’t dip their fin- tional money for social services.
ny retained Ring videos and Alexa voice re- To assuage the fear of the critics of MIF, the Senate version ex-
Nuggets had waylaid the Los Angeles Lak- gers in the controversial project’s cookie cordings—including that of children—for years.
ers by a sweep in the Western Conference jars, they are always delighted to discuss plicitly prohibits the Social Security System (SSS), Government
The FTC also alleges Amazon held on to Service Insurance System (GSIS), Philippine Health Insurance
playoffs that surprised an Ilonggo anchor- the matter openly in any fora. voice recordings and geolocation in some cases
man who adored LeBron James like his Corp., Home Development Mutual Fund, Overseas Workers
As much as possible, since this is a pop- without users’ consent and despite requests by Welfare Administration, and Philippine Veterans Affairs Office
own twin. ular issue among the middle class and the consumers for the data to be deleted.
No wonder Nuggets is being touted hoi polloi, many politicians would wish to from investing in the fund. In the original bill, these financial in-
The company in a statement disagreed stitutions are the chief sources of MIF fund. In the final version,
amazingly by oddsmakers and NBA an- be interviewed by reporters in order to with the claims and denied violating the law.
alysts as the next big thing in the NBA express their sentiments publicly, every funding for MIF will come from Land Bank of the Philippines,
However, as part of the agreement, Amazon the Development Bank of the Philippines, privatization proceeds,
championship. With due respect, Heat ap- now and then, on this controversial sub- said it will send consumers notices about the
peared unperturbed as it ran roughshod ject matter. the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation, and Bangko
FTC settlement as well as implement a more Sentral ng Pilipinas dividends.
amid the hometown hostility. The more they lash at this decaying robust privacy program as reported by CNN.
Heat was simply outgunned, out- project, the more their chances of being re- Despite the sweetener provided by the amendments, the cre-
(The author, who is now based in New ation of MIF is fundamentally wrong. MIF is a sovereign wealth
slugged, outmaneuvered in all the four membered by the voters in the next elec- York City, used to be the editor of two daily
quarters by the well-rested Nuggets. fund (SWF). SWF is usually established when there is surplus of
tion will increase. newspapers in Iloilo.—Ed) fund or abundant excess of fund or huge income from in-demand
commodities. Norway has the largest sovereign wealth fund in
world and set up the Norwegian Government Pension Fund from

What Trinity Sunday reminds us of

oil and gas revenues.
The basis of establishing a sovereign wealth fund is absent in
the case of the Philippines. There is no surplus of fund, no abun-
dant excess of fund, no huge income from in-demand commodi-

ties. Instead of surplus, Philippines has deficit. The current debt
ES, what it reminds us and the God the Holy Spirit in might have eternal life,” the We have to be properly
of the country is 13.91 trillion pesos as of April, 2023. The average
of is that we need to the way Christ is linked with gospel says. “For God did not known the way God the Son,
annual fiscal deficit of the country is 652.7 billion pesos data from
reflect and channel the these two other send his Son the pattern of our humanity, is
Senate Economic Planning Office reveal. Instead of surplus, Phil-
very Trinitarian life of God in persons in the into the world known perfectly by the Father.
ippines is in dire need of fund.
our own life. That means that Trinitarian God. to condemn In other words, our knowledge
“With no surplus from oil discovery or trade activities and no
just as in God there are three If we truly the world, but of God and everybody else
windfall profit of any kind, the Philippines has no justifiable rea-
persons who are perpetually follow Christ’s that the world should go as faithfully as possi-
son to form and enter into the world of sovereign wealth funds
engaged in perfect knowing commandment, might be saved ble as the knowledge God has of
and investment funds,” Senate Minority Leader Aquilino “Koko”
and loving, we too should try then we would through him.” himself and of everybody and
Pimentel III decried. “I have come to the conclusion that the over-
our best to know and love God have the same We as per- everything else—a knowledge
all risk is too great that it outweighs whatever the potential bene-
and everybody else all our life sentiment that sons are pat- that is personified in the Son.
fits of the measure are, if there [are] any at all” he objected. He also
the way God knows and loves God in his Trin- terned after And we have to love God
exposed the duplicity of the MIF in relation to the pension funds.
himself and all his creation, es- itarian life has the Trinitarian and everybody else the way
Pimentel cited the “clever maneuver” of those pushing the bill
pecially us. towards us. Or persons of God. God loves himself and every-
“when they took out the provision requiring the pension institutions
Obviously, in our case, this said in anoth- Like God, we body and everything else, as
from the original bill but inserted a substitute provision allowing
perpetual process of knowing er way, we can Fr. Roy Cimagala have to know personified in the Holy Spirit.
voluntary investment.” In short the money of pensioners is not safe
and loving will have a begin-
ning, but it is supposed to end
com- REFLECTIONS God and every-
body else, as far
This is what Trinity Sunday in
the end reminds us of.
since the boards of SSS and GSIS can still opt to invest in MIF. “It’s
a decision of the board, that’s why there are boards, right?” Finance
up by being carried up in the mandment if we as we can, the In the above-cited gospel,
Secretary Benjamin Diokno wryly justified the duplicitous changes.
perpetual knowing and loving have the same way God the we are told that only when we
It is plainly clear the funding for MIF will come from the gov-
of God in heaven. Here on earth, sentiment God in his Trinitar- Father knows himself and ev- believe in Christ, “the way, the
ernment and its financial institutions. This makes MIF a financial
we should just try our best to ian life has towards us. erybody else. truth and the life” for us, can
poison. Creation of MIF is foolish and financially suicidal.
live that process as far as we can. And what is that divine We should try that our we avoid condemnation. (cfr.
The establishment of MIF is similar to the situation of a starv-
And the way to do that is to sentiment? We are clearly told knowledge of God and of ev- Jn 3,18) And believing in Christ
ing person short of money to buy food. Instead of using the mea-
follow what Christ himself told about it in the gospel of this So- erybody and everything else precisely involves the process
ger money to buy food, the starving person invests the food bud-
us as the new commandment lemnity of the Most Holy Trini- should be as perfect as God of knowing and loving God the
get hoping it will yield good dividend. What happens when the
we need to live, and that is to ty that this year falls on June 4. knows himself and everybody way Christ knows and loves
investment goes awry?
love one another as he himself (cfr. Jn 3,16-18) else. This perfect divine knowl- God and everybody else. Only
It is not surprising the standard practice in creating a SWF is
has loved us. Following that “God so loved the world that edge is personified in God the then can we reflect and channel
the use of surplus or excess fund not the principal budget of the
new commandment of Christ he gave his only-begotten Son, Son, who as God who became God’s Trinitarian life in our life.
country. In case of investment loss, the main budget is unaffect-
would necessarily link us in a so that everyone who believes man offers us the “way, the Email: roycimagala@gmail.
ed. But to put the current budget of the country which is already
living way to God the Father in him might not perish but truth and the life.” com
insufficient in risky invests is not only risky but crazy and insane.
Investments involve risk and not every investment gives plen-
tiful and handsome return. Last year, Norway’s sovereign wealth
Legal Harbinger... from p.4
fund lost a staggering $174 billion while Temasek of Singapore
had to write off $275 million when its investment in FTX, the
has a twist. and worse, they did not submit any affi- marriage may be joined in one (1) peti- world’s third-largest cryptocurrency exchange flopped.
It turned out that apart from al- davit of cohabitation which is required tion. Proponents of MIF are only talking of its rosy aspects, the
leged psychological incapacity un- by law. Thus the many variables that must be promised financial yields and returns but deliberately obscure
dergirding the petition for nullity of This convinced the Supreme Court considered in filing a petition for nullity of and ignore the risks and dangers of such venture. They only
marriage, the petitioner further an- to declare the marriage as void, not on marriage. Just like the marriage itself, that speak about the paradise of sovereign wealth fund, but gloss over
chored the petition on lack of mar- account of psychological incapacity, there are so many moving parts that the its downside, the hell it might bring when investments flop.
riage license based on Article 35 of but because of absence of a marriage parties must reckon to keep the marriage It must not be forgotten that what the current administration
the Family Code. license. from falling apart, undoing the marriage will use is not excess or surplus fund but the current inadequate
Evidence revealed that the marriage Indeed, Sue Ann Bounsit-Torralba illu- can be as complicated as it can get, as well. budget of the government in the investment scheme. If the in-
was celebrated without a marriage li- mines that a marriage cannot be deemed (The author is the senior partner of ET vestment crash, the Filipino people especially the poor will suffer
cense as the parties had supposedly lived void on one ground but can be a nullity Reyes III & Associates- a law firm based in since budget that should go to health, education, and social ser-
together for a period of five (5) years pri- based on another ground. Iloilo City. He is a litigation attorney, a law vices will be greatly affected.
or to the solemnization. This turned out Too, this affirms the assertion that professor and a law book author. His website The Maharlika Investment Fund is a financial poison, a finan-
to be false as they did not in fact cohabit two (2) or more grounds for nullity of is etriiilaw.com). cial time bomb.
Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023

SEC renews membership offering

BSP begins

in ASEAN Taxonomy Board BSP bills


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) reaf- from Non-Bank Financial Services Authority (NBF- set targets for stakeholder consultation, and refine The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipi-
firmed its commitment to sustainability initiatives in SA) of Cambodia, Ministry of Economy and Finance considerations in classifying sustainable projects and nas (BSP) will start offering 56-
the ASEAN region as it renewed its membership in Cambodia, Financial Services Authority of Indonesia, activities, among other things. day BSP Bills on 30 June 2023
the ASEAN Taxonomy Board (ATB) until 2025. Bank of the Lao PDR, Bank Negara Malaysia, Securi- Before the renewal of its ATB membership this as part of its ongoing initia-
The ATB is a dedicated body formed under the ties Commission Malaysia, Ministry of Planning and year, the SEC has been a consistent leader in promot- tives to enhance its monetary
auspices of the ASEAN Finance Ministry and Cen- Finance of Myanmar, Bank of Thailand, Office of In- ing sustainability in the region. In 2018, the Commis- operations under the Interest
tral Bank Governor’s Meeting, which aims to devel- surance Commission of Thailand, and State Securities sion adopted the ASEAN Green Bonds Standards, Rate Corridor (IRC) frame-
op, maintain, and promote the ASEAN Taxonomy for Commission of Viet Nam. which provides guidelines in tapping green finance to work.
Sustainable Finance (ASEAN Taxonomy). The ATB is Apart from its membership in the ATB, the SEC is support sustainable regional growth and meet inves- The 56-day BSP Bill, which
currently chaired by the Brunei Darussalam Central also an active member of the ATB’s Working Group on tor interest for green investments. is an additional tenor under
Bank (BDCB), with the Monetary Authority of Singa- Market Facing and Resourcing (WG3). The SEC subsequently adopted the ASEAN Social the BSP Securities Facility, will
pore (MAS) as vice chair.’ The ATB published the first version of the ASEAN Bond Standards and the ASEAN Sustainability Bond be offered alongside the 28-day
The ASEAN Taxonomy is a multi-tiered overarch- Taxonomy in November 2021 , which laid out a broad Standards in 2019, which intend to enhance transpar- BSP Bill.
ing guide and common language used to identify and framework for the living document. On March 27 this ency, consistency, and uniformity of ASEAN Social Similar to the 28-day BSP
classify sustainable projects and economic activities in year, the ATB published the ASEAN Taxonomy Ver- Bonds. Bills, the 56-day BSP Bill will
the ASEAN. It is envisioned to attract investments and sion 2, which includes more guidance on the two main Recently, the Commission adopted the ASEAN Sus- be offered via auction to eli-
financial flows into sustainable projects and activities methodologies that may be used to determine wheth- tainable and Responsible Fund Standards, which es- gible counterparties, with the
in the region. er or not an activity is green - the Foundation Frame- tablished new guidelines that will allow both local and volume initially set in small
SEC Commissioner Kelvin Lester K. Lee is the work and the Plus Standards. ASEAN-member investment companies and collec- amounts before being grad-
principal member representing the Philippines on the The second version also acknowledges coal phase- tive investment scheme operators to offer sustainable ually scaled up as market li-
ATB, with Ms. Krizia Pauline Felice S. Ferrer of the SEC out efforts, or the transition efforts from coal energy to and responsible funds locally and across the region. quidity conditions allow. The
Markets and Securities Regulation Department as al- attract local and international investments. As the SEC continues its membership in the ATB, initial offer volume for the
ternate. The ATB continues to conduct socialization initia- so will it endeavor to improve on sustainability prac- 56-day BSP Bill will be an-
Other board members include representatives tives to promote awareness on the ASEAN Taxonomy, tices and regional cooperation. nounced two days before the
inaugural auction on 30 June
2023 consistent with current

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GCNP, Private Sector

Champions support MSME
sustainability adoption
Company participants of the UN Global Compact, through the
local network Global Network Philippines, are doubling down
on the transition to a circular economy through sustainability
adoption and programs for micro, small, and medium enterprises
The United Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO) defines the circular economy as an ecosystem that uses
resources more efficiently by using them more than once. Imple-
menting recycling, reusing, and repairing practices create a closed-
loop system that extends the lifespan of materials and products,
reducing the need for new resource production and minimizing
waste generation that contributes to pollution and landfill build-
Recently, the Private Sector Champion’s (PSC) Planet Pillar of
the GCNP organized a webinar with the theme “Enabling the Cir-
Finance Usec. for Fiscal Policy and Monitoring Maria Cielo D. Magno in a huddle with Philippine Air Force personnel. cular Economy,” reflecting its dedication to promoting sustainable
livelihood and environmental stewardship. It intends to encour-

Economic team meets with PHL

age MSMEs and other businesses to participate in environmental
protection and climate action to foster inclusive economic growth
and create green jobs.

Air Force on MUP pension reform

During the first session of the webinar, Rondell Torres, Sus-
tainability Lead of Unilever Philippines and a member of the PSC
Planet Pillar, shared four top tips to become a waste-free individ-
-Think before you buy.
The economic team met with members welfare of our uniformed personnel, hon- The economic team, led by Department -Separate your dry and wet waste.
of the Philippine Air Force (PAF) to dis- oring their service and the valuable contri- of Finance (DOF) Undersecretary for Fiscal -Know and follow the waste collection schedule.
cuss the proposed reforms to balance the butions they have rendered to our nation. Policy and Monitoring Maria Cielo D. Mag- -Maging wais sa waste by finding ways to exchange, resell, or
creation of a fair military and uniformed At the same time, we must continue to give no, along with representatives from the process plastic waste.
personnel (MUP) pension system while ample opportunities for our future genera- Department of Budget and Management In the second session, Engr. Ceidge Razon of Basic Environmen-
preserving the country’s overall fiscal tion of soldiers,” Colonel Sheillah Grace E. (DBM) and the office of Senator Jinggoy Es- tal Systems and Technologies, Inc. (BEST), talked about how BEST
health during a dialogue held at the Colo- Vicente said in her remarks. trada attended the dialogue. is enabling the shift from a linear economy to a circular economy
nel Jesus Villamor Air Base in Pasay City Several PAF members came forward “Our collective aim is to support the through their Trash to Cashback program. The program focuses
on May 26, 2023. to seek clarifications on the proposed re- wellbeing of our military personnel while on rewarding partners who regularly exchange their recyclables
“As we continue to deliberate this pro- forms. Around 200 PAF members attended also considering the financial health of our to drive behavioral change within their households and the com-
posal, our primary focus is the morale and the event, while 600 participated virtually. Economic/p11 GCNP/p7
GCNP /p7
BUSINESS Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023 7

RCEP enters into force in PH

The Regional Comprehensive Eco- pand our trade with our partners in SMEs to be integrated in the global ticularly aired by players in the agri- only 105 agricultural tariff lines in
nomic Partnership (RCEP) has finally RCEP,” Trade Secretary Alfredo Pas- value chain, and trade with 14 other culture sector. the pipeline that will have adjust-
entered into force in the Philippines cual told the Philippine News Agency countries at lower or zero tariff rates, Earlier, Pascual emphasized that ments in tariff rates, but only after
on Friday, over two years since par- (PNA) on the sidelines of a forum in he said. RCEP would not lead to an influx of 20 years since the RCEP was imple-
ticipating countries concluded the Taguig City Thursday. RCEP took effect in the country 60 imported agricultural products. mented.
free trade deal in November 2020. Pascual said his office would be ac- days since the Philippine government The Executive Order (EO) imple- RCEP is composed of the 10 ASEAN
The Department of Trade and In- tive in promoting to Philippine-based deposited the instrument of ratifica- menting the RCEP commitments has countries, including the Philippines,
dustry (DTI), the country’s lead agency enterprises, particularly the small and tion with the ASEAN Secretary-Gen- maintained preferential tariffs of 98.1 and its FTA partners such as China,
during the RCEP negotiations, urged medium enterprises (SMEs), the bene- eral last April 3. percent of the 1,718 agricultural tariff Japan, South Korea, Australia and
Philippine enterprises to make the fits available to them under RCEP. This, as the Senate concurred with lines. New Zealand.
most of the new free trade agreement “I enjoin, I encourage, I ask our Phil- RCEP ratification last Feb. 21. On the other hand, 82.7 percent of The region accounts for one-third
(FTA) of the country. ippines businesses to make full use of The Philippines is the last country the 8,102 industrial tariff lines do not of the world’s population and econo-
“RCEP has a big promise to the the potential gains in RCEP,” he added. among 15 RCEP members that imple- have any changes. my. RCEP is currently the largest free
country in terms of being able to ex- RCEP would also allow Filipino mented the FTA amid concerns par- The EO also noted that there are trade deal in the world. (PNA)

DTI chief: Offshore wind Study shows

Filipinos’ cashless
projects drive FDIs in PH payments increasing
Filipinos are becoming less reliant on cash amid the growth of
Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) offshore wind energy projects in the first Meanwhile, several players in the en-
Secretary Alfredo Pascual expects off- quarter of the year. ergy sector in China are in the Philippines cashless payments in the country, latest Visa’s Consumer Pay-
shore wind energy projects to drive These investments came from three off- to look into opportunities in offshore wind ment Attitudes Study in the Philippines indicated.
foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the shore wind projects with a total capacity of energy. In a media briefing in Makati City Thursday, Visa Country
country in the coming years. 1,300 megawatts. With all the reforms of the Marcos ad- Manager for the Philippines and Guam Jeffrey Navarro said 50
On the sidelines of the Energy China Energy Undersecretary Rowena Cris- ministration to attract FDIs, Pascual urged percent of consumers carried less cash in 2022 as more of them
Offshore Wind Forum 2023 in Taguig tina Guevara said in the same forum that Chinese firms to invest in the country. use cashless payments such as cards, mobile wallets and quick re-
City Thursday, Pascual said as the gov- as of the end of May, the government “We need over 52,800 MW of addi- sponse (QR) payment.
ernment liberalizes investments in re- awarded 65 offshore wind energy service tional renewable energy capacity to reach According to the Visa study, 6.4 out of 10 purchases were made
newable energy by allowing 100 percent contracts with a potential capacity of 51.23 our renewable energy target by 2040. through cash payment last year, which was lower than the 7.8 out
ownership for these projects, many for- gigawatts. In Beijing early this year, our President of 10 purchases in 2021.
eign investors have expressed their in- To facilitate and fast-track these proj- Ferdinand Marcos Jr. highlighted the im- “Those carrying less cash said it’s because of the availability of
terest to put up offshore wind projects in ects, Guevara said the Department of mense opportunities for investment in our cashless payments in the market. They’ve already embraced it.
the country. Energy (DOE) would issue the policy and renewable energy sector. We, therefore, The second point is in the area of safety and security so they can-
In his speech during the forum, Pascual administrative framework for the acceler- welcome Chinese and other foreign in- not be robbed. They feel safer that they are not using actual cash,
said the Board of Investments (BOI) has al- ated offshore wind development on June vestment in renewable energy projects in but in digital form,” Navarro said.
ready approved PHP390 billion worth of 18. the Philippines,” he said. (PNA) He said 82 percent of Filipino consumers attempted to go cash-
less in 2022.
About 22 percent of the respondents succeeded to go cashless
EC Pay exceeds digital merchant partnership target, for a day in 2022, while 40 percent went cashless for a few days.
These numbers were higher compared to 2021, he said.
boasts general trade retail base of over 450K “The preference and usage of cash is still very strong, but what
we are seeing over the years, cashless-behavior payment is really
on the rise and it’s gaining momentum,” he added.
Electronic Commerce Pay- bile apps catering to eMoney, of digital payments. The re- has established an expanding However, other Southeast Asian countries have embraced
ments, Inc. (ECPay) , the banking, lending, payment markable expansion of its dig- network of physical payment cashless payments faster than the Philippines.
multi-payment platform of vending machines and sari-sa- ital merchant partnerships also centers across the Philippines In terms of QR usage, Cambodia is leading the region, followed
Globe, posted a significant ri stores. Globe Group President unequivocally demonstrates by Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.
for convenience and flexibility.
increase in digital merchant and CEO Ernest Cu said this how Filipinos embrace digital Singapore is leading in cardless payment, followed by Malay-
As incidents of cybercrime
sia, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines.
partners as more Filipinos achievement underlines the financial transactions,” said Cu. rise due to the pervasiveness of The Philippines is one of the leading countries in the region in
transitioned to digital chan- increasing trend of Filipinos ECPay’s platform provides the internet, ECPay maintains terms of mobile wallet usage, only behind Indonesia.
nels. Surpassing its target of embracing digitalization. seamless accessibility through an unwavering commitment Meanwhile, among the challenges of Filipinos on going cash-
449,000, ECPay now boasts “We take immense pride in its user-friendly mobile app to ensuring utmost security less include internet connectivity, acceptance of cashless pay-
a general trade retail base of the accomplishments of ECPay and website, catering to the dy- and reliability for its users. By ments in the point of sales and fraud. (PNA)
450,590. as it continues to lead the way namic lifestyles of individuals. implementing stringent mea-

This milestone signifies an in this shift. This shows ECPay’s Additionally, recognizing the sures, it prioritizes the protec-
expanded reach to a larger dedication to optimizing the preferences of those who favor from p.6
tion of personal and financial
customer base through mo- convenience and accessibility in-person transactions, ECPay information, guaranteeing munities they participate in. Globe Group Chief Sustainabil-
peace of mind for all. The PSC Planet Pillar works ity and Corporate Communi-
with environmental cham- cations Officer Yoly Crisanto
With its ongoing expansion,
pions across different indus- underscored the importance
ECPay is on track to establish
tries. GCNP formally launched for MSMEs to build their
itself as a prominent force in the PSC initiative in 2022 by knowledge and capabilities on
the realm of financial technol- utilizing its network of par- sustainability, given that they
ogy in the Philippines. ticipant-companies to help comprise over 99% of com-
“We have a strong con- support MSME recovery and mercial establishments in the
viction that digital financial resiliency through enabling country. Crisanto said there is a
transactions will be a driv- and enhancing their sustain- need to rethink the way prod-
ing force in shaping the fu- ability practices. ucts are consumed and waste is
ture of the Philippine econo- Planet Pillar Lead and PLDT managed from the workplace
my. In our relentless pursuit Group Chief Sustainability Of- to households.
to provide Filipinos with the ficer Melissa Vergel De Dios “Always remember the 3 Rs.
best payment services possi- said the group is pushing for Reduce plastic consumption
the efficient use of the planet’s by refusing single-use plas-
ble, we will continue invest-
limited resources by promot- tic. Reuse or repurpose plastic
ing in our technology, infra-
ing circularity in operations. containers whenever possible.
structure, and workforce,” They aim to enable MSMEs to And last, recycle plastic by
added Cu. green their operations from segregating them at home and
ECPay’s outstanding perfor- production and distribution to bringing them to plastic waste
mance has positioned it as the waste management. recyclers. Our call to action is
primary contributor to Globe’s “GCNP wants to rally the to have a collective effort for
first-quarter top line, account- private sector to facilitate us to address the issue of plastic
ing for 1.5% of gross service post-pandemic business re- waste and enable the transi-
revenues. The platform’s open covery for MSMEs through tion to a circular economy,” she
nature, primarily dedicated to capacity building, anchoring said.
bills payments and prepaid load partnerships and driving ad- Aside from Globe, PLDT and
vocacy campaigns for the envi- Smart, other members of Plan-
distribution for all three mo-
ronment. We want to increase et Pillar are Bayo Manila, Inter-
bile operators in the country,
awareness of the circular econ- national Container Terminal
has been instrumental in this omy and help scale up waste Services, Inc. (ICTSI), Metro Pa-
achievement. management solutions with cific Investments Corp. (MPIC),
For more details about the use of digital technology,” Manila Electric Company
ECPay and its range of services, she said. (Meralco), Nestlé Philippines,
please visit www.ecpay.com. As the webinar conclud- The PTC Group, and Unilever
ph. ed, Planet Pillar Co-Lead and Philippines.
8 Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023
Director and lead stars offer a fresh perspective
Director Steven Caple Jr. (Creed II) was 19 so to hand this movie over to somebody struggling to support his mother and his
years old when Michael Bay’s first Trans- like him, who’s younger and has a fresh ailing younger brother, the filmmakers
formers film premiered, and like millions perspective, was a way for us to make sure knew they needed an actor charismatic
of viewers around the world, he became the film felt different from all the others in enough to stand toe-to-steel-toe with his
an instant fan of the series. the series, particularly in terms of the emo- towering robotic co-stars. After getting an
Watch the Transformers: Rise of the tional quality of the story.” advance look at the award-winning 2021
Beasts “Filming in Peru” featurette: https:// Caple recalls how much he loved the musical In the Heights, the clear choice,
youtu.be/Ox7mRRQJYVA original Beast Wars: Transformers animat- says producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura,
“Steven basically grew up on Michael’s ed series as a child and as a special treat for was Anthony Ramos.
movies, and we’ve never had somebody fellow fans Caple purposefully included Portraying Noah in Transformers: Rise
like that step into the director role before several fun Easter eggs and sly visual nods of the Beasts was the culmination of a
now,” says Mark Vahradian, one of the throughout the movie. “I dropped them in boyhood dream for Ramos, who grew up
producers of Transformers: Rise of the specifically for true Beast Wars fans, and watching the Beast Wars animated TV se-
Beasts, in cinemas June 7. “He had a very I think they’ll be very happy with what ries in his Brooklyn home.
different view of the Transformers char- we’ve come up with,” he says. Describing the film as an ensemble
acters and what was special about them, To play Noah, the former Army private Director/p10

Mayhem unleashed as trailer

for ‘Teenage Mutant Ninja
Turtles: Mutant Mayhem’ debuts
Cowabunga! Teenage Mutant Ninja Tur- tant Mayhem, after years of being shel- cah Abbey, Shamon Brown Jr, Hannibal
tles: Mutant Mayhem, with a star-studded tered from the human world, the Turtle Buress, Rose Byrne, Nicolas Cantu, John
voice cast that includes Seth Rogen, Paul brothers set out to win the hearts of New Cena, Jackie Chan, Ice Cube, Natasia
Rudd, Maya Rudolph, Rose Byrne, Jackie Yorkers and be accepted as normal teenag- Demetriou, Ayo Edebiri, Giancarlo Esposi-
Chan, John Cena and Post Malone, opens ers through heroic acts. Their new friend to, Post Malone, Brady Noon, Seth Rogen,
across Philippine cinemas August 23. April O’Neil helps them take on a mysteri- Paul Rudd and Maya Rudolph.
Watch the trailer here: ous crime syndicate, but they soon get in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant
YouTube: https://youtu.be/BvsPAPb_ over their heads when an army of mutants Mayhem is distributed in the Philippines
cPc is unleashed upon them. by Paramount Pictures through Columbia
Facebook: https://www.face- Directed by Jeff Rowe, the film is pro- Pictures. Connect with #MutantMayhem
b o o k . c o m /p a r a m o u n t p i c s p h / v i d - duced by Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg and #TMNTMovie and tag paramountpicsph.
eos/600043092104874 James Weaver. (Photos and Videos: Paramount Pictures
In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mu- The ensemble voice cast includes Mi- International)
CLASSIFIED ADS Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023 9
Jokic... from p.12
10 Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023
Jokic hunted Aaron Gordon’s mismatch down the post and
kept on feeding him once he got the switch on the smaller Gabe
Vincent or Caleb Martin.
His unselfishness then rewarded Gordon with 12 quick points
Director... from p.8

piece about characters from different portray a young Brooklyn-born anthropolo- just love the robots and they don’t care
in just one quarter and became the momentum booster that pro-
worlds who learn to rely on each other, gist with a taste for adventure. Their search led about the human characters as much, so I
vided the spark for the Nuggets for the next three quarters.
Ramos says he believes the movie’s un- them to award-winning actress Dominique told Steven that I wanted to prove why the
The Nuggets also capitalized on Miami’s bad shooting night af- derlying message will resonate strongly Fishback. humans are important,” she says. “Because
ter only converting 13 of their 39 total attempts from the rainbow with viewers from all walks of life. “The Caple says he responded to Fishback’s in- the way I see it, this is really a movie about
country. connection Noah develops with these nate sense of strength, stability and poise in humanity. It’s about heart and feelings.”
Aside from their dismal three-point shooting, Miami also set massive robots is what makes this film nearly every situation. “Dominique brings a Returning to the action and spectacle
an NBA Finals record for the least attempted free throws in a interesting, and it’s an important message level of groundedness to whatever she does, that have captured moviegoers around
championship game with only two. for the whole world. It says, whoever you and when you’re creating a world filled with the world, Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Despite the long lay-off after sweeping the Lakers during the are, and wherever you’re from, there’s a imaginary robots and aliens, you need some- will take audiences on a ’90s globetrotting
Western Conference finals, the Nuggets never showed rust and common ground between everyone, and I body to help ground things in reality, and adventure with the Autobots and intro-
ran their high-octane sets to perfection. think there’s something beautiful in that.” Dominique does that completely.” duce a whole new breed of Transformer –
Jamal Murray was also electric in his first-ever NBA Finals When casting the role of Elena Wallace, the One of Fishback’s goals in Transform- the Maximals – to join them as allies in the
dedicated museum researcher whose curiosi- ers: Rise of the Beasts was to show the existing battle for earth. Directed by Ste-
game and contributed 26 markers built from 11/22 shooting from
ty leads her to discover an alien secret hidden audience, once and for all, that the series ven Caple Jr. and starring Anthony Ramos
the field while also recording 10 assists and six rebounds.
within a winged statuette, the filmmakers set is every bit as much about people as it is and Dominique Fishback, the film arrives
The Heat showed some signs of life at the start of the fourth out to find someone who could convincingly about Autobots and Maximals. “Some fans in theaters June 7.
quarter when they trimmed Denver’s 17-point lead to just nine

Intensify... P4M...
after a trey from Miami’s Haywood Highsmith.
Just when Miami thought they could pull their strings togeth- from p.3 from p.3
er like what they did against Boston in the first two games on the
gle of Small Fishers and Fish cidental governor Eugenio tion an amount of P2,000 per San Enrique Mayor Jilson
road, Denver showed they were built differently after halting
Workers for Ecosystem Ap- Lacson hailed the celebration household or a total of P4 mil- Tubillara said that the munic-
their run when Jokic took over in the clutch.
proach to Fisheries Manage- of National Fisherfolks Day lion pesos,” Lacson said. ipal government will extend
Jokic scored three huge buckets in the last 3:25 of the game
ment (EAFM), 10-Point Agen- and extended his support and “We will have to reassess P3,000 to P5,000 financial as-
including the fade-away dagger from the left baseline to extend
da and Blue Swimming Crabs solidarity to the small fishers and determine kon sin o ang sistance to each hog raisers in
their lead back to 14 points, 104-90.
(BSC)-National Management especially on their efforts for angay tagaan with that bud- San Enrique, where 2,253 of its
Despite a double-double performance of 26 points and 13 re-
Plan (NMP) Localization to- sustainable livelihoods. get. I am afraid indi tanan 2,692 hog population, which
bounds from star center Bam Adebayo, the Heat still couldn’t
wards Democratic and Sustain- Coscolluela, meanwhile, matagaan.» is equivalent to 83.69 percent,
keep up with the Nuggets offensively and got outscored for three-
able Fisheries.” urged the small fishers to be- Lacson made the state- died from hog cholera and oth-
straight quarters.
More than 100 small fisher come vocal voices for good ment after the second quar- er diseases, based on the report
Jimmy Butler only chipped in 13 points, seven rebounds, and
leaders from various coastal governance and advocates for terly meeting of the Provin- of the Provincial Veterinary
seven assists while the duo of Max Struss and Martin combined
towns and cities, public offi- responsible citizenship. cial Peace and Order Council Office.
for a disappointing 1/17 shooting from the field.
cials and civil society members Aside from the solidarity and the Provincial Anti-Drug Tubillara, however, main-
Miami will look to steal a game on the road and equalize the
in the province participated in messages, a major highlight of Abuse Council. tained that San Enrique re-
series on June 5, 2023, before heading back to their home floor for
the event held at the Negros the event was the signing by He said LGUS can also give mains ASF-free, as 27 of the
Game 3 on June 8, 2023.
Residences Hotel, near the Pro- the guests and participants to out assistance adding that blood samples taken from hogs

vincial Capitol. a banner signifying their com- what the province is giving is in the town yielded negative
from p.12 A short march around the mitment and support to NOFS- just like an augmentation. results.
venue with small fishers bear- FA’s Democratic and Reform Lacson also pointed out that The giving of cash aid to
her work under the sun to- Smashers continue their
ing their organizational ban- 10-Point Agenda. even without declaration of affected hog raisers, especial-
gether with her partner Sisi successful postseason run
ners and advocacy placards Noticeably absent from the the ASF case in Pulupandan ly those raising swine in their
Rondina. in the PVL.
reeled off the indoor rally. gathering were the invited town “we are already follow- backyards estimated at 600,
The tandem became the With Pons now in the line-
Among the event speakers representatives of the Bureau ing DA BAI (Department of was decided during a meeting
permanent team A of the Phil- up, head coach Sherwin Mene-
were Office of the Provincial of Fisheries and Aquatic Re- Agriculture-Bureau of Animal with members of the Munic-
ippines in several national and ses will have a deeper offensive
Agriculturist (OPA) head Dr. sources (BFAR), and from the Industry) protocols.” ipal Disaster Risk Reduction
international beach volleyball rotation together with Jema
Francis Causing representing Sangguniang Panlalawigan “We have not declared any- and Management Council.
tournaments and exceeded the Galanza, Ced Domingo, Valdez,
Gov. Eugenio Jose Lacson, for- (SP) or Provincial Board Com- thing yet, in Pulupandan you Mayor Nicholas Yulo also
expectations of the majority Carlos, and Gumabao.
mer Party-list Cong. Pete Pico, mittee on Agriculture and must remember there were said that the Bago City govern-
when they were able to pull off The Cool Smashers are com-
former Gov. Rafael Coscolluela, Fisheries. only four samples only 1 is pos- ment will also extend financial
convincing results in the last ing off a hard-earned All-Filipi-
former Provincial Board Mem- NOFSFA has more than itive.” assistance to hog raisers, with
two to three years. no Conference championship
ber and Kabankalan City Vice 4,000 members based in more Lacson also said that Pu- amount ranging from P1,000
However, it is now time title several months ago and
Mayor Raul Rivera, NOFSFA than 80 people’s organizations lupandan Mayor Miguel Peña to P2,000 per dead swine.
for Pons to redirect her fo- will have the chance to win
chair Eduardo Espinosa, PR- (POs) spread in various local has already ordered the cull- A total of 1,178 hogs also
cus to the country’s only two-straight golden trophies if
RM-Negros Area Manager Ed- federations and alliances in 13 ing of the hogs within the 500 died in Bago City, which is 5.58
professional volleyball they clinch the upcoming PVL
win Balajadia, Manapla Crab coastal towns and cities of the meter radius of the site where percent of its 20,836 swine pop-
league and help the Cool Invitational Conference.
fisher leader Gerry Bedoya, province. Assisting it is the the suspected ASF cases were ulation, PVO records further
and North Iloilo small fisher Negros Office of the Philippine located. showed.
Republic of the Philippines
leader Franz Laurio from Con- Rural Reconstruction Move- “So we are following the The first two ASF cases was
6th Judicial Region cepcion, Iloilo ment (PRRM), the oldest NGO protocols and we really are try- detected Friday last week in
OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF COURT & EX-OFFICIO SHERIFF In his message, Negros Oc- in the country. ing to slow down the hog mor- Brgy. Taculing, Bacolod City,
Chief Justice Ramon Q. Avanceña Hall of Justice tality,” he added. followed by the discovery of
Bonifacio Drive, Iloilo City
Republic of the Philippines Meanwhile, the local gov- another ASF infection in Brgy.
REGIONAL TRIAL COURT ernment units of Bago City and Mabini, Pulupandan.
6TH Judicial Region San Enrique, in Negros Occi- Pig deaths in 14 localities
Mortgagee, dental, are extending cash as- in the province totaled 8,849
-versus- Iloilo City
Email: rtc1ilo37@judiciary.gov.ph sistance to hog raisers affected with the accumulated losses
Phone Number: (033) 337-4098 by swine diseases. amounting to P102,546,775.
x------------------------------------------x PATRICK GEORGE WARD IN MARRIAGE is currently looking for:
Upon extra-judicial petition for sale under Act 3135 as Amended by REPRESENTED BY MR. PATRICK GEORGE WARD.
stitution duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the
- versus -
Philippines with principal office address at Union Bank Plaza Building, Mer- • MALE or FEMALE
alco Avenue corner Onyx and Sapphire Roads, Ortigas Center, Pasig City,
Metro Manila, Philippines as mortgagee, against Ian D. Villaranda and Cyril THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL REGISTRAR OF STA. • ATLEAST 21 YEARS OLD
D. Villaranda of Block 2, Lot 57, Glen F. Savannah Subdivision, Brgy. Abilay BARBARA AND THE PHILIPPINE STATISTICS OFFICE, • FLUENT IN BOTH KOREAN AND ENGLISH
Norte, Oton, Iloilo, Philippines, as Mortgagors/Debtors, to satisfy the indebt- Defendants,
(1,368,628.50) inclusive of accrued as of March 31, 2023, the Ex-Officio Pro- ORDER ED COURSE
vincial Sheriff of Iloilo or his duly authorized deputy will SELL AT PUBLIC In a verified Petition filed on March 8, 2023, petitioner through
AUCTION on June 22, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. at the Office of the Clerk of Court, counsel prayed to this Honorable Court to grant the correction of the • WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE
Regional Trial Court, Ramon Q. Avanceña Hall of Justice, Bonifacio Drive, citizenship entry of Mr. Patrick George Ward from Filipino to American • SALARY- 30,000.00
Iloilo City, to the Highest Bidder for Cash and in Philippine Currency, the in his Marriage Certificate No. 2022-182 and that the Municipal Civil
mortgaged property, together with all improvements thereon, particularly Registrar of Santa Barbara and Philippine Statistics Authority Region VI
described hereunder as follows: be ordered to reflect such changes. QUALIFIED AND INTERESTED APPLICANTS
Finding the Petition to be sufficient in form and substance, the MAY SUBMIT THEIR RESUME AND A COPY
same is hereby set for hearing on June 28, 2023 at 8:30 in the morning, OF TRANSCRIPT OF RECORD AT:
before Branch 37, this Court, Chief Justice Ramon Q. Avanceña Hall of
Justice, Bonifacio Drive, Iloilo City, so that any person having objection
to the petition may personally appear or file his/her written opposition IN KOREAN RESTAURANT – 1ST FLR, K
thereto on or before the afore-mentioned date of hearing. BUILDING, ZONE V, BALABAG, MALAY, AK-
Let this Order be forthwith published at the expense of the
petitioner, in a newspaper of general circulation, in the City and LAN or send a resume at abanillaronald@gmail.
All sealed bids must be submitted to the undersigned on the above-stat- Province of Iloilo at least once a week for three (3) successive weeks. com
ed time and date. In the event that the sale and Public Auction should not Let a copy of this Order and the Petition be furnished the Office of
take place on the said date, it shall be held on July 6, 2023, at the same time the Solicitor General at 134 Amorsolo St., Legaspi Village, Makati City;
and place without further notice and publication. the Local Civil Registrar of Santa Barbara, Iloilo and the Philippine DEED OF ADJUDICATION WITH
Prospective buyers and/or bidders may investigate for themselves the ti- Statistics Authority. WAIVER OF RIGHTS AND INTEREST
tle of the above-described property and the encumbrances existing thereon, Notice is hereby given that the property of the late Teresita D.
if any there be. SO ORDERED. Gonzales known as parcel of land with Transfer Certificate of Title
No. T-102942, Lot 110, situated in the Municipality of Dingle, Iloilo,
Iloilo City, April 27, 2023. Iloilo City, April 11, 2023. containing an area of Eight Hundred Thirty Five (835) Square meters,
more or less; is subject of DEED OF ADJUDICATION WITH WAIVER OF
RIGHTS; to her surviving heirs; Rose D. Gonzales and Rex D. Gonzales,
of legal ages, Filipinos, both single and residents of Dingle, Iloilo; do
hereby waive, relinquish and renounce her rights and interests on the
said parcel of land in favor of REX D. GONZALES. As per Doc. No. 139;
Page No. 28; Book No. LXII; Series of 2023; under Notary Public Atty.
Ernesto H. Mediodia.
WV may... from p.1
according to a PIDS press state-
We also asked the Energy Reg-
ulatory Commission to include
She added that PIPPA has
also repeatedly emphasized
Sat.-Sun., June 3-4, 2023 11
Between February and the reliability standards for all the need to address transmis-
April 2023, Western Visayas interruptions in our efforts to sion lines issues. from p.1
suffered power blackouts that improve their service further,” “Our main highways (of In a press conference held Under the new policy, a connections, among others.
lasted for an aggregate of 12 to he said. electricity) first need to im- Wednesday morning, Diaz P10,000 fine and an additional The cooperative will give
25 hours. Department of Energy prove, so when they traverse said that the new policy defin- 25% surcharge on the “current bill” incentives to informants while
If the PIDS estimate is used, (DOE) Undersecretary Rowe- our local grids, energy deliv- ing the parameters of the pen- will be the lowest penalty apart their identity will remain con-
the region may have lost be- na Cristina Guevara, who also ery also improves. From Lu- alties will be based on Republic from perpetual disconnection. fidential.
tween P1 to 2.7 trillion in eco- served as a webinar discussant, zon to Visayas and vice versa, Act 7832 (Anti-electricity and The highest penalty is Last year, 110 individ-
nomic opportunities. added that insufficient power is the lines are utterly congested. Electric Transmission Lines/ P30,000 and an additional 100% uals were caught stealing
Anne Estorco Monteliba- a “confluence of several things”, Undersecretary Guevara has Material Pilferage Act of 1994). surcharge on the “current bill” power which was valued at
no, president of the Philippine such as supply and system is- said (before) that without the The higher fines are embod- plus perpetual disconnection. P4,555,842.59 in total.
Independent Power Producers sues and barriers preventing congestion of the transmission ied in Resolution No. 101 series Among the violations cit- From January to May this
Association, Inc. (PIPPA) and entry of private companies or lines, we may see a vast im- of 2023 which was passed and ed in the resolution are illegal year, 32 persons were caught
a webinar discussant, said the potential generators. provement and a decrease in approved by Capelco’s Board of tapping or jumper connections, with a total assessment of
economic consequences of a To mitigate the losses, Mon- power interruptions,” Monteli- Directors on May 5, 2023. meter tampering, and flying P1,571,440.24.
power interruption is mea- telibano shared that the ener- bano recalled.
sured by the value of lost load gy sector can determine the Guevara revealed that the
(VoLL) or “the monetary indi-
cator expressing the costs of in-
acceptable number of hours of
power interruption, known as
DOE is pursuing renewable
energy sources to help increase
Toxic... from p.1
“Colored smoke may be a public,” he added. the EcoWaste Coalition quick-
terruption of electricity supply loss of load expectation (LOLE). the power supply. “For offshore
source of harm if it contains The group’s call to regulate ly ordered a couple of products
on a macro level”. The Philippines’ LOLE is 10 wind energy, we have 63 ap-
chemicals of concern and if it the manufacture, importation, from an online dealer.
“In 2020, the country’s days a year, significantly high- proved service contracts. This
is improperly used,” said Atty. distribution, sale and use of col- According to the product
VoLL was at PHP 20.65 per er than Singapore’s one hour in amounts to 170 percent of the
John Menguito, Member of ored smokes came on the heels label, “Creative Color Smoke”
kilowatt hour (kWh). To put 10 years. current capacity in the coun-
the Board of Trustees from the of a highly publicized incident is “made in China.” While it
this into perspective, for every “If we aim for a LOLE of try,” she said.
Visayas, EcoWaste Coalition. in Bacolod City. provides a warning and some
five hours of no electricity, our one day in a year, then our The department is also
“Regulating colored smokes Last Monday, 20 students usage instructions, the label
country loses about 500 mega- required capacity addition considering the development
will help in avoiding smoke and two security personnel lacks manufacturer’s markings
watts, which equates to PHP must be at least 1,164 MW of of nuclear energy, a move
inhalation and chemical ex- fell ill after inhaling colored and ingredients’ list, the group
556 million in economic losses. energy to serve 250 hours in a supported by the Duterte and
posure incidents, which can smoke used during a Physical noted.
It’s a hefty amount to lose for year. Will generators agree to Marcos administrations.
be dangerous, especially for Education class performance “It is essential that chemicals
a developing country,” she ex- supply, build, and operate that “DOE is technology-agnos-
children and youth, the elderly in Bacolod City College (BCC), used to produce colored smoke
plained. capacity? The short answer is tic to potential generators, and
and people with asthma and an educational institution op- are non-toxic and are clear-
Fellow discussant and Na- no because we need to address nuclear is considered in the en-
chemical sensitivities.” erated by the city government. ly identified on the label. The
tional Electrification Admin- several factors.” ergy mix of the future… [But] at
“While paputok (firecrack- One group of students used public have the right to know
istration (NEA) Engineering One of these, she specified, the end of the day, we need to
ers) and pailaw (pyrotechnic a colored smoke purchased the chemical composition of a
Department Manager Federico is how generators cannot re- listen to our people and address
devices) are regulated and online as props for their per- product, as well as the hazards
Villar Jr. pointed out that the cover the cost from the Whole- their concerns about nuclear
controlled under Republic formance inside BCC’s activity they pose to health and the
power interruptions reported sale Electricity Spot Market power,” Guevara assured the
Act No. 7183 and Executive center. environment, including their
by electric cooperatives are (WESM) alone with the sec- participants.
Order No. 28, series of 2017, it Emergency responders from by-products, if any,” the EcoW-
classified into four: scheduled ondary price cap at PHP 6,245/ Montelibano stressed the
is not clear if pausok (smoke- the PRC, City Disaster Risk aste Coalition emphasized.
(maintenance and improve- kWh. need for “a strong energy reg-
producing devices) are covered Reduction and Management Interestingly, the product in-
ment work), major storms, Generators designated as ulatory and policy framework”
by the law,” commented Office, Amity Volunteer Fire sert, which provides additional
power provider (generation “Must Run Units”—those re- to construct and operate nu-
Menguito who is also the Brigade, and the Mountain Ti- cautionary information, describes
and transmission problems), quired to provide additional clear plants. “We must not lose
managing trustee of the Cebu- gers Search and Rescue rushed the China-made “Creative Color
and unscheduled (equipment energy for the power system’s sight of the potential of other
based Philippine Earth Justice to the BCC and gave immediate Smoke” as “pyrotechnics,” fur-
and system failures, human er- security and stability—and technologies to achieve ener-
Center (PEJC). assistance to the victims, some ther warning “it may emit sparks
ror, fallen trees, and unknown “Constrained-in Units”—those gy stability and security,” she
“As we are clueless about of whom were brought to med- while producing smoke.”
causes). with limitations that affect reminded. (With reports from
the toxicity of colored smokes, ical facilities for treatment. R.A. No. 7183 explicitly pro-
“We monitor the unsched- its ability to produce electric- https://pids.gov.ph/details/
we request concerned agen- Taking its cue from the re- hibits the importation of fire-
uled interruptions to measure ity—are forced to agree to the news/press-releases/ph-los-
cies or academic institutions to ported online purchase of the crackers and fireworks as fin-
the electric cooperatives’ an- market price even if they are es-php-556m-per-5-hr-power-
conduct the necessary product colored smoke used by the stu- ished products, the EcoWaste
nual reliability performance. operating at a loss. outage-green-energy-sought)
tests and to make the results dents for their performance, Coalition pointed out.

40 alleged... from p.2

Moreover, a total of 562 NPA
supporters withdrew their
tablished by the group in areas
of Samar and Northern Samar,
substantially weakened.”
The NPA has incurred devas-
Book... from p.6

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90% of... from p.2 Economic... from p.6

in the number of drug-cleared that,” he added. rate with the partner-agencies, nation. Your participation and so that we will have something also being conducted to help
barangays in the province. Reyes said the PDEA-Ne- particularly the local govern- input have brought us one step ready upon retirement. the economic team craft a bal-
“From 65 percent to 67 per- gros Occidental Provincial ment units, to better serve the closer to achieving this goal,” She also explained the danger anced proposal.
cent. We have to strengthen Office will continue to collabo- Negrenses. (PNA) Colonel Vicente said in appre- behind the current pension sys- The economic team is com-
ciation for the dialogue. tem which solely relies on the mitted to engage in dialogue with
3rd... from p.2
During her presentation,
Undersecretary Magno ex-
national budget. An economic
crisis, budget problems, and a
affected MUP stakeholders to en-
sure that the policy directives of
their soldiers,” Sison said. Also, 149 rebels surrendered tled.
plained the rationale behind ballooning deficit may affect President Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr.
For this year’s anniversary, and 13 were arrested. Sison also considered as
the proposals and stressed the the pension to be given to retir- are built on consensus and partici-
the 3rd ID adopted the theme, The military also seized another milestone their oper-
importance of having vested ees if there are no vested rights patory policymaking.
“Strong, United and Reliable 60 high-powered and 145 ations following the so-called
rights for a secure and predict- assigned to the retirement fund. The team has scheduled a
Spearhead Troopers at 49.” low-powered firearms. Negros Massacre that led to the
able pension system. “We support this move of lineup of consultations with
Sison said that it is aligned Sison also bared six major deaths of Governor Roel Dega-
“Huwag po natin siyang the government to have a se- the Armed Forces of the Phil-
with the Philippine Army’s engagements that transpired mo and nine others in Negros
isipin na as parang tax na kinu- cure pension system that will ippines (AFP)’s Presidential
thrust. and led to the deaths of al- Oriental.
hanan na hindi na babalik sa protect us once we bow out of Security Group (PSG), Health
“Ang tatag, disiplina at pag- leged high-ranking rebel lead- “Together with other law
atin. Ito po ay parang forced the service…I’m hoping––we Service Command, Philippine
kakaisa na ating ipinamalas ay ers such as Rogelio Posadas, enforcement agencies, we
savings, kasi pera po natin ito are hoping that we will meet Navy (PN), Philippine Army
bahagi ng repleksyon kung ano secretary of NPA’s Komiteng managed to apprehend all per-
na pinepwersa lang tayo na halfway for the betterment of (PA), Visayas Command, East-
ang ating Hukbong Katihan Rehiyon Negros, Cebu, Bohol, petrators and helped restore
mag-save para…meron tayo our government and also for ern Mindanao Command,
ngayon,” he said. Siquijor (KR NCBS); Juanito the culture of peace in the
mahuhugot kapagka nag-retire the betterment of the morale Western Mindanao Command,
Sison said that every Spear- Magbanua, ROC Commander province,” he said.
tayo,” she said, clarifying mis- and welfare of our entire mem- Western Command, Philip-
head trooper contributed to of KR-NCBS; and Ericson Acos- Despite these achievements,
conceptions about the fund. bers of the Armed Forces of pine Military Academy (PMA),
the successes of the 3rd ID last ta, secretary of the dismantled Sison enthused the 3rd soldiers
Let us not think of this as tax the Philippines,” Chief Sergeant Northern Luzon Command,
year. North Negros Front. to work harder to finally put an
that won’t be returned. This is Major John I. Roxas said. and Southern Luzon Com-
The scores of encounters re- In June 2022, the Bohol Par- end to the insurgency problem
like forced savings on our part An AFP-wide survey is mand.
sulted in the death of 49 rebels. ty Committee was also disman- in the Visayas.
Jokic’s triple-double too much for Heat,
powers Denver to 1-0 NBA Finals lead
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña Eastern Conference champions and tallied you know, the first five, six minutes, he
27 points, 14 assists, 10 rebounds, one steal, probably didn’t even take a shot.”
Serbian superstar Nikola Jokic continued and a block. What the former Los Angeles Lakers
his stellar postseason run after notching From the words of NBA legend superstar said was in full display after
another triple-double and helped the Shaquille O’Neal: “Very impressive pass- Jokic set the tone in the opening quarter
Denver Nuggets clinch the Game 1 vic- ing, scoring, leadership, and he’s a true with his ability to pass the ball and active-
tory over the Miami Heat, 104-93, in the definition of letting the game come to you. ly sought the mismatches that favored his
ongoing NBA Finals last June 2, 2023. Charles (Barkley) and myself, and Grant teammates.
Jokic just powered his way against the (Hill), sometimes, we would go get it. But, Jokic/p10
ALEXANDER Zverev will be advancing to the third round of the French
Open (eurosport.co.uk)

Alexander Zverev sweeps

Slovak foe to reach the third
round of the French Open
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña

Alexander Zverev continued his dominant run in the ongoing

French Open after sweeping Slovak Alex Molcan- 6.4, 6.2, 6.1- to
advance to the third round of the Grand Slam tournament last
June 2, 2023.
After a straight-set win against Lloyd Harris during his open-
ing campaign, the former world no. 2 male tennis player showed
consistency and had a better baseline defense game against Mol-
Despite a 3-0 win over Harris, Zverev was taken to the brink of
elimination in the first two sets but was able to weather the storm
after a close 7-6, 7-6 clash.
The German tennis ace then made sure no slow starts will be
seen against the Slovak and immediately went off to the races af-
ter scoring consecutive forehand bombs.
Zverev then took care of his service possessions and failed to
give up a single break point midway through their clash.
With Zverev getting it going in all departments, Molcan could
only watch the former champion operate and dictate the pace that
he wanted.
The Slovak showed different ways to score at the beginning
of the third set after wowing the crowd with a series of point-to-
point ball saves but Zverev spoiled his momentum after clinching
back-to-back down-the-line winners.
Molcan unleashed one last run midway through the third set
after deciding to fight fire with fire against Zverev but the German
star wrapped things up with his powerful groundstrokes to score
his second-straight 3-0 victory in the French Open.
Zverev led the service ace section by a wide margin, tallying
six service winners built from a 77%-win rate in all of his first
Up next for the current world no. 22 male tennis player is a fel-
low young star Frances Tiafoe in the third round of the tourney. NIKOLA Jokic was unstoppable against the Heat (Isaiah J. Downing-USA Today Sports via reuters.com)

PHL Boxing: Mark Magsayo moves

up to super featherweight division
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña Magsayo lost his WBC belt to Rey Vargas last
year despite scoring a knockdown in the fight
Filipino boxing sensation Mark Magsayo will and also failed to bounce back against Brandon
be embarking on a new journey after announc- Figueroa for the no.1 contender slot.
ing that he will be moving up to the super If Magsayo was able to bring home the deci-
featherweight division. sion during his fight against Figueroa, he would
It was Manny Pacquiao (MP) Promotions have got the chance to reclaim his lost belt
president Sean Gibbons who first confirmed the against Vargas as announced by the WBC.
development and added that the hard-hitting Gibbons revealed that the MP Promotions
Magsayo might be back inside the boxing ring and Magsayo’s camp are now planning for a big
this September or October 2023. fight against one of the top dogs in the super
Gibbons announced that Magsayo had diffi- featherweight division.
culty in making the desired cut-off weight when Magsayo will have the chance to go after
he was still fighting in the featherweight divi- the current super featherweight champions
sion. in O’Shaquie Foster, Hector Luis Garcia, Joseph
Despite dethroning longtime featherweight Cordina, and Emanuel Navarrete.
king Gary Russell Jr. for the World Boxing The 27-year-old star also expressed his excite-
Council (WBC) crown, Magsayo failed to sustain ment on his official Twitter account and posted
his momentum and is currently on a two-match that he is ready to fight in the 130-lbs weight di-
losing streak. vision.

BERNADETH Pons is the newest member of the Creamline Cool Smashers (Philippine Superliga/philstar.com)

Bernadeth Pons confirms return to indoor

volleyball after signing with Creamline
By Leobert Julian A. de la Peña Present during the Cool Smashers’ activity
were team captain Alyssa Valdez and the veter-
The Creamline Cool Smashers wasted no time an duo of Tots Carlos and Michele Gumabao.
picking up more talent and firepower for their Despite playing the past years in a beach vol-
upcoming Premier Volleyball League (PVL) leyball setup, Pons started her career indoors
conference campaign after acquiring the ser- and was a member of the strong Petron team
vices of beach volleyball superstar Bernadeth that contended for multiple titles in the last con-
Pons. ferences of the Philippine Superliga (PSL).
Creamline’s latest roster addition was con- Four years ago, Pons decided to skip joining
firmed last June 2, 2023, after the Cool Smashers the indoor volleyball scene after putting all of
hosted a welcome lunch for Pons. Bernadeth/p10 MARK Magsayo will now fight as a super featherweight (premierboxingchampions.com)

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