Lesson Note 11

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DATE- 03/03/2023. LESSON NOTE.





CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR- As a consumer, you may experience

marketing transactions every day. Consumers make different kinds of
decisions while interacting with marketing stimuli in various situations.
Consumer behavior does not only include the use of consumer services,
activities and experiences such as getting a haircut etc.

DEFINITION OF CONSUMER BEHAVIOR- Consumer behavior is defined

as the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and the process
they use to select, secure, use and dispose of products, services,
experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these
process have on the consumer society.

Consumer behavior is also the study of how consumers makes decisions

about what they buy, want, need, or act in regards to a product, service
or company.


There are various factors that influence consumer behavior. These are:-

1. CULTURAL FACTORS- Culture is defined as the patterns of

behavior and social relations that characterize a society and
separate it from others.
Culture conveys values, ideas, experience, attitude, beliefs and
behaviors learned by a member of the society from the family and
other important institutions. Cultural shift can create new
2. SOCIAL FACTORS- The social factors include:
i. GROUP- A group is two or more people who want to
accomplish individual or mutual goals. Membership of group
influences their members because they belong there.
Some primary groups are family, friends, neighbors and co-
workers. Some secondary groups are religious groups,
professional association and trade unions.
ii. FAMILY- A family has strong influence on a consumers
buying behavior. A wife, husband or children can influence
the purchase of a product.
iii. ROLES AND STATUES- A role is what somebody is supported
to do depending on the people around him. For instance, a
man can be a husband, a father, a manager in a company, a
club member etc.
3. PERSONAL FACORS-Consumer behavior deals with why and why
not an individual purchases particular products and services.
Some of the personal factors that influence consumer behavior
i. OCCUPATION- Our occupation and the nature of our jobs
influence our buying behavior. The buying and dressing manner
of senior personnel in a big firm will surely be different from
that of a road side trader.
ii. AGE AND LIFE CYCLE STAGE- Age affects our tastes in the
purchase of such things as; food, cloths, household property
etc. the stage of the life cycle is equally important. For
instance, the purchase pattern of married people is different
from those of singles.
iii. ECONOMIC SITUATION- Our earning power influences our
buying and consumption behaviors. People in the high
income group can afford luxurious goods but low income
group go for necessaries.
iv. PERSONALITY- An individual’s personality also affects his
buying behavior. Every individual has his/her own
characteristics personality.

4. PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTOR-traits which reflect in his/her buying

behavior. For example, A lover of entertainment will like to spend
time and money on musical concerts. Night clubs, CDs, DVDs , etc.

Our buying behavior is also influence by certain psychological

factors like:

i. MOTIVATION- A motive or drive is a need that is pressing

enough as to make a person to seek its satisfaction.

ii. PERCEPTION- This is the process by which an individual selects,

organizes interprets information to form an opinion.

iv. LEARNING- this is change in behavior as a result of

experience or acquisition of information.
v. BELIEF- This is metal acceptance of a thing, event or activity
to be true.
vi. ATTITUDE- This is a person’s consistent, evaluations,
disposition etc about a person’s idea, event etc. it could be
negative or positive.
In looking at how consumers make buying decisions. It is
evident that buying decision process involves five stages;
1. PROBLEM RECOGNITION- This is the first stage of buyer
decision process. It can be called awareness of need.
Need is the most important factor which leads to buying
of products and services.
2. INFORMATION SEARCH- This is the second stage of the
buyer decision process. If the product is not readily
available, the consumer will go into active information
search of the need for the product is strong.
consumers start cutting down the possible options by
comparing it with their criteria and what they want from
the product or service. Consumers evaluate the various
alternatives available in the market.
4. PURCHASE DECISION- The buyer decides which brand to
purchase. At this stage, consumers made up their minds
about what they want to spend and where to spend it.
5. POST PURCHASE DECISION- At this stage, the consumer
had already bought the product. But takes further actions
after the purchase based on satisfaction or
1. What are the characteristics of consumer buying
2. State five (5) importance of consumer buying

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