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Journal of Information Processing

How to Typeset Your Papers in MS-Word

(Version 3.5)

Received: September 18, 2023, Accepted: September 18, 2023

Abstract: This manuscript is a guide to produce a draft to be submitted to IPSJ Journal and Transactions and the final
camera-ready manuscript of a paper to appear in the Journal/Transactions, using MS-Word template file (.dot). Since the
manuscript itself is produced with the MS-Word template file, it will help you to refer it.

Keywords: IPSJ Journal, MS-Word, Style files, “Dos and Don’ts” list

generalized (entirely-focused on a problem in XX

1. Introduction University, etc.) or if the paper reports some deliverables
The Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) is only and does not describe the problem itself.
publishing Journal of Information Processing (JIP) as its flagship ⚫ Rethink the paper if its conclusion is not clearly described,
international journal. Thus far, JIP adopted the landscape A4 it does not adequately point out its applicability, limits, and
format for publishing papers, but it has changed its format into a controversial points, or its conclusion does not follow the
portrait A4 format because of many requests from the authors. contents.
Corresponding to the format change, JIP also adopts the portrait ⚫ Expressions which are inappropriate for scientific papers
A4 format for submitting a paper. and which are hard to understand should be reconsidered.
Following with the change, we, prepare a new template file of ⚫ Second thought is necessary if sentences are in colloquial
JIP for MS-Word [1]. In this manuscript, we describe usage of the style.
template file. ⚫ Check the structure of chapters and sections, and the
organization of the paper.
2. Configuration of Page Layout ⚫ Do not make the paper difficult to grasp the meaning
2.1 Margins without a guess from the context.
Top: 22mm, Bottom: 25mm, Left: 17mm, Right: 17mm ⚫ Confirm if explanation of hypotheses is enough and without
2.2 Columns
⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript including some
Presets: 2
redundant and/or too brief descriptions.
2.3 Number of characters per line and lines per page ⚫ The authors should eliminate undefined terminologies.
Number of characters per line: --
3.2 Show novelty and usefulness definitely
Number of lines per page: 56
⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript which does not
2.4 Font clarify the motivation and the goal of their study, and the
Style: Normal relationship to other existing studies.
Font type: Times New Roman ⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript which does not
Font size: 9 pt clarify what technologies are well/publicly known and what
idea they are newly/originally proposing.
3. Check List of “Dos and Don’ts” ⚫ The authors should provide sufficient references in their
3.1 The basics of way of writing manuscript to insist the originality of their study.
⚫ Describe a paper so that readers understand the novelty, ⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript in which the
availability, and reliability of the research. readers cannot understand their proposal (or cannot feel any
⚫ Try to make a paper be easy to read (discontinuity of the originality in it) because it consists entirely of abstractive
story, and obscure backgrounds or themes are burden to and/or conceptual descriptions.
readers). ⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript which lacks
⚫ Revisit the paper if the problem to be solved is not discussions on the effectiveness of their proposal.

3.3 Concrete attention about the way of writing

1 Hitachi Ltd., Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan ⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript whose
2 Kyoto University, Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan Japanese title does not match its content correctly.
3 Nara Institute of Science and Technology,
Chiyoda, Tokyo 101-0062, Japan ⚫ The authors should not submit a manuscript whose English
a) wordtemp@ipsj.or.jp

ⓒ2023 Information Processing Society of Japan 1

Journal of Information Processing

title does not match its content correctly or which uses wordtemp@ipsj.or.jp.
some wrong English.
⚫ The paper should be revised when its abstract does not Reference
show its purpose or written in inadequate English. [1] Microsoft : Microsoft Support (online), available from
⚫ The paper should be revised when symbols and 〈https://support.office.com/en-us/〉 ,(accessed 2023-09-18).
abbreviations are not popular, wordings are not adequate, or
the explanations on its pictures and tables are not adequate. Acknowledgments This manuscript is based on the LaTeX style
⚫ The paper should be revised when some special wordings, file for A4 landscape type papers. Thanks for the members effort
which are popular only in an individual or a local group or to prepare the previous and LaTeX version.
a small company, are used without any explanations.
⚫ The paper should be revised when its pictures or tables are Masato Terada was …
not semantically clear, or they have some mistakes.
⚫ The paper should be revised when its pictures or tables are
not visually clear.
⚫ The paper should be revised when the size or the scale of its
pictures or tables are not adequate.
Toshiaki Nishida was …
3.4 About references
⚫ The number of references should be more than 10 (Some
opinions say more 20 or 30 in some area).
⚫ The sufficient number of references are required to show
the paper's novelty.
⚫ The paper should be revised when it has the insufficient Shunsuke Umemura was …
number of references.
⚫ Referring appropriate papers written by Japanese authors
contributes to the further progression of the Japanese
research community.
⚫ Do not include self-citations too much.

3.5 Double submission

⚫ Double submission of the original paper is prohibited.
⚫ However, it is permitted to submit a paper accepted at an
international conference and free from copyright issues.
⚫ Do not use the same figures or charts already included in
other original papers, except citations in appropriate way.
⚫ Be careful not to have overlap between the paper and other
published articles.

3.6 Check by other researchers

⚫ Proofreading by experienced persons with many accepted
papers is strongly recommended.
⚫ Take care about avoiding leap of logic from the viewpoint
of the readers.

3.7 Miscellaneous
⚫ After the first review round, do not modify the paper except
the stated conditions for acceptance without the reviewers'
⚫ Since IPSJ uses double-blind review system, in which both
author(s) and reviewers remain anonymous, the authors
cannot select reviewers.
⚫ Fill the self-check sheet carefully before submitting the

4. Concluding Remarks
We don’t dream that the template files are perfect but wish to
improve them with your cooperation and hope you let us know
your compliment, comments and suggestions by e-mail to

ⓒ2023 Information Processing Society of Japan 2

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